1929-08-20 SP executed between Joseph Ricketts and John H.Graney,leasing the quarry for highway work,as to the form and amount. Sn regard tb the appointing a truant Officer for th town of queensbury on motion the Board took several informal ballots of which on the first informal ballot, Henry Larose recived one vote and Frank Bull.ard .recived five votes, on the second informal ballot , :~Tenery Larose recived two votes and Frank Bullard received three votes, and on the informal ballot, Henery Larose received one vote and Frank Bullard received fourv 'voted, 'on motion board took a formal ballot, and the result was Mari unanimous vote for Frank Bullard,and the following resolution was adopted. Resolution #27 Introduced by Justice Hicks and seconded by Justice Taylor,all present voting in the affrimativa,it was resolved that Frank Bullard be and hereby is recommended for appointnent as Town Attendance officer for schools of Jueensbury outside of District #2 to be appointed by District Supertendant Gunn, at an annual salary of 0200. to be paid monthy9120.per month,for ten months, and supervisor is hereby authorized to pay same prior to , audit on the presentation of property verified bills. in the matter of changing the line of District #3and 3 was laid on table on account of county attoring recormandation On motion meeting adjourned Bert D. Turner Clerk. Special 1".eeti.ng -August 20th,1929. At a special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of yueensbury called to designate polling places in the Town of Jueensbury, and such other business may come before the bo rd at this time the following members were present: Jerry B'..Mea.d Sup e ry i s o r J.F.Hicks Justice of Puce: yilo P. Gifford Ross F.Taylor it Bert D.Turner Town 'lerk In'rtgard to the designation of Polling places the following resolution was adopted l7esolution .P,,8 Tntroduced by Justice Hicks,and seconded by Juctice Taylor all present voting in the affirmative. a It was resolved that the following places are designated as polling places for the ensuing year, Election District #1 school house on Highland Ave,at 1Tonty Bridge Election ?)ictrict,12 1Tohiean GrangeHall at Oneida, Election nistrict ;-3 Towb of ')„ueensbury Store House,Avia,tion Rd, Election District 44 T'_Ta.rchshop 'Test Glens S a.11s,at a yearly rental of �30'. out side of District ,',43 including retaining and 1i htin Resolution 28 Intooduced by Justice taylor seconed by ' justice hicks all presanj� voting in the affirmative it was resol- ved that the supervisor be and hereby is authorized to pay C.N. h Cool agent the premium on the following policys Policy; 383522 Globe indemnity Co Liability and property Damage on aviation 7I,70 truck policy 883521 alobe .indemnity co Liability & property Damage on liberty 'truck 7I.70 Total $143.40 and he is also authorized to pay sane prior to audit on motion meeting adjurned oven Clerk of j ueensbury