APA P2019-0198-Permit-FinalTHIS IS A TWO-SIDED DOCUMENT P.O. Box 99, 1133 NYS Route 86 Ray Brook, New York 12977 Tel: (518) 891-4050 www.apa.ny.gov APA Permit 2019-0198 Date Issued: April 8, 2020 In the Matter of the Application of JOHN W. AUST TAMMY T. AUST Permittees for a permit pursuant to § 809 of the Adirondack Park Agency Act and 9 NYCRR Part 578 To the County Clerk: Please index this permit in the grantor index under the following names: 1. John W. Aust 2. Tammy T. Aust SUMMARY AND AUTHORIZATION This permit authorizes the construction of an on-site wastewater treatment system in an area classified Rural Use on the Adirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan Map in the Towns of Queensbury , Warren County and Fort Ann, Washington County . This authorization shall expire unless recorded in the Warren and Washington County Clerk's offices within 60 days of issuance of a signed and notarized permit. The signed and notarized permit shall be recorded in the names of all persons listed above and in the names of all owners of record of any portion of the project site on the recordation date. The project shall not be undertaken or continued unless the project authorized herein is in existence within four years from the date the permit is recorded. The Agency will consider the project in existence when the on-site wastewater treatment system has been constructed. The project shall be undertaken in compliance with all conditions stated herein. Failure to comply with this permit is a violation and may subject the permittee, successors, and assigns to civil penalties and other legal proceedings. This permit does not convey any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to undertake the authorized project, nor does it authorize the impairment of any easement, right, title or interest in real or personal property. Nothing contained in this permit shall be construed to satisfy any legal obligations of the permittee to comply with all applicable laws and regulations or to obtain any governmental approval or permit from any entity other than the Agency, whether federal, State, regional, or local. Agency Permit 2019-0198 Page 2 of 4 PROJECT SITE The project site consists of four parcels of land totaling 4.19± acres located on Ridge Road in the Towns of Queensbury, Warren County and Fort Ann, Washington County , in an area classified Rural Use on the Adirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan Map. The site is identified as the following Tax Map Numbers: • Section 240.6, Block 1, Parcel 37, described in a deed from Frank G. Wendling and Patricia G. M. Wendling to John W. Aust and Tammy T. Aust, dated March 30, 1993, and recorded April 1, 1993 in the Warren County Clerk's Office at Book 879, Page 323. • Section 240.6, Block 1, Parcel 39, described in a deed from Harold J. Halliday and Lyn Halliday to John W. Aust and Tammy T. Aust, dated March 5, 2018, and recorded March 6, 2018 in the Warren County Clerk's Office under Instrument Number 2018-1415. • Section 91, Block 1, Parcel 22.2, described in a deed from Robert L. and Judith A. Schulz to John W. and Tammy T. Aust, dated August 30, 2006, and recorded August 31, 2006 in the Washington County Clerk's Office under Instrument Number 2006-29462. • Section 91, Block 1, Parcel 21, described in a deed from Harold J. Halliday and Lyn Halliday to John W. Aust and Tammy T. Aust, dated March 5, 2018, and recorded March 6, 2018 in the Washington County Clerk's Office under Instrument Number 2018-118646. The project site contains a broad-leaved deciduous forested wetland with a value rating of “2.” Additional wetlands not described herein or depicted on the Site Plan may be located on or adjacent to the project site. The project site is improved by a single-family dwelling, garage, and on-site wastewater treatment system. The on-site wastewater treatment system serving this existing single- family dwelling is being replaced by the new on-site wastewater treatment system authorized herein. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project as conditionally approved herein involves the construction of a new replacement on-site wastewater treatment system to serve the existing single-family dwelling. The project will replace the existing wastewater treatment system with a new septic tank that will be in the location of the septic tank (on tax lot 240.6-1-37) and utilizing a absorption area located on adjoining tax lot 240.6-1-37. The new absorption area will be 81 feet, 8 inches from the nearest wetlands at the closest point. The project is shown on the following maps, plans, and reports: “Wastewater System Plan,” prepared by Hutchins Engineering, and dated August 7, 2019, revised February 12, 2020 (Site Plan) and “Wastewater System Details,” prepared by Hutchins Engineering, and dated August 7, 2019, revised February 12, 2020 (Septic Details). A reduced-scale copy of the Site Plan for the project, is attached as a part of this permit for easy reference. The original, full-scale maps and plans described in this paragraph are the official plans for the project, with copies available upon request from Adirondack Park Agency headquarters in Ray Brook, New York. Agency Permit 2019-0198 Page 3 of 4 AGENCY JURISDICTION Pursuant to Adirondack Park Agency regulations at 9 NYCRR § 578.2, a permit is required from the Adirondack Park Agency prior to the establishment of the absorption field of any on-site wastewater treatment system within 100 feet of any wetland in the Adirondack Park. CONDITIONS THE PROJECT IS APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. This permit is binding on the permittee, all present and future owners or lessees of the project site, and all persons undertaking all or a portion of the project, for as long as the onsite wastewater treatment system remains on the site. Copies of this permit and the Site Plan shall be furnished by the permittee to all subsequent owners or lessees of the project site prior to sale or lease, and by the permittee and/or any subsequent owner or lessee to all persons undertaking any development activities authorized herein. 2. In addition to complying with all terms and conditions of this permit, all future activities on the project site shall be undertaken in compliance with the requirements of New York State’s Adirondack Park Agency Act, Freshwater Wetlands Act, and the Adirondack Park Agency’s implementing regulations [9 NYCRR §§ 570-588]. 3. All deeds conveying all or a portion of the lands subject to this permit shall contain references to this permit as follows: “The lands conveyed are subject to Adirondack Park Agency Permit 2019-0198, issued April 8, 2020, the conditions of which are binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the grantors and all subsequent grantees.” 4. The on-site wastewater treatment system authorized herein shall be constructed in conformance with the location and design shown on the Site Plan and S eptic Details. Construction of the system shall be supervised by a design professional (licensed engineer or registered architect). Within 30 days of complete system installation and prior to its utilization, the design professional shall provide written certification to the Agency that the system was built in compliance with the approved plans. Any change to the location, dimensions, or other aspect of the authorized system shall require prior written Agency authorization. The undertaking of any activity involving wetlands shall require a new or amended permit. 5. When brought from off -site, all equipment, including but not limited to trucks, excavators, tractors, etc., and hand excavation tools such as shovels, rakes, and picks, to be used on the project site shall be clean and free of soil, mud, or other similar material. If washed on the project site, equipment shall be washed in one location to prevent the distribution of propagules among different wash sites. Agency Permit 2019-0198 Page 4 of 4 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Agency has considered all statutory and regulatory criteria for project approval set forth in the Freshwater Wetlands Act and 9 NYCRR Part 578. The Agency hereby finds that the project authorized as conditioned herein: a. will secure the natural benefits of wetlands associated with the project, consistent with the general welfare and beneficial economic, social, and agricultural development of the state; and b. will be compatible with preservation of the entire wetland and will not result in degradation or loss of any part of the wetland or its associated values. PERMIT issued this 8th day of April, 2020. ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY BY:____/s/ Robert J. Lore_______________ Robert J. Lore Deputy Director, Regulatory Programs STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ESSEX On the 8th day of April in the year 2020, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert J. Lore, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. __/s/ Stephanie L. Petith______________ Notary Public