1930-08-19 SP Turner, all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to continue as committee of 1 to con- fer with Co. Supt. of Highways Murray in regard to a survey of at least 40rt. along the proposed Highway along what is known as Lafayette Ave. RESOLUTION #44, introduced by Justice Garrant, seconded by Justice Gifford, all present voting in the affirmative) it was resolved that Frank Bullard be and is hereby appointed as 'Town Attendance Office subjected to the approval of Distriet:: Supt. Gunn for 'Schools of Town of Queensbury outside of Dist. #2 at an annual salary of $200.00, to be paid monthly $20.00 per month for 10 months and the Supervisor is hereby authorized to pay same prior to audit on the presentation of properly verified bills. A Petition was read to the Board approving the Board of Issuing License for holding Public Amusement on what is known as League Park, located between Glens Falls and Hudson "Falls. .After some discussion by the Board, the following resolution was adopted; r RESOLUTION #45, introduced by Justice Ellsworth, seconded by Justice Gifford, all present voting ern the affirmative; it was resolved that the Town Board hereby res6tddsrresih&dt1on;1#34 adopted at a regular meeting held on April 22, 1930 and further resolved no license as permits to hold Carnivals in the Town of que`nsbury shall be issued. RESOLUTION # 46, introduced by Justice Taylor, seconded by Justice Ellsworth, all present voting in the affirmatives it was resolved that Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue license to James Stewart to opprite a Dance Hall as to according with section f 222 of the Town Law; further Resolved that the said lieenne is subject to the formal written application for same. On motion meeting adjourned. Town Cleric Special Meeting August 19, 1930 At a special meeting of . the Town Board of the Town of ,ueensbury held on the above date. The following members were -� present: Jerry B. Mead Supervisor M. P. Gifford Justice u Ross F. Taylor Of George Garrant Floyd Ellsworth Peace Bert D. Turner Town clerk Mr. Brant also present. RESOLUTION -747, introduced by Clerk Turner, seconded by Justice Garrant, it was resolved that the following places are designated as polling places for insuing year Dist.l School House on Hyland Ave. at Montys Bridge, Dist. 2 Grange Ha11 at Oneida , Election Dist. 3 Town of queensbury Storehouse Aviation Field Rd. Dist. 4 Marches "Shop Test Glens Fa.,lis at a yearly rent- al of X30600 per year outside of fist. 3' ns1ddfn g lighting and retaining. A RESOLUTION #489 introduced :by Justice Garrant, second- ed by Justice Gifford, all present voting in the affirmative,it was resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to pay the following verified bills for the erd6ting of Traffic signs To Fred Lauter painting 46. 00 To Griffin Lumber Co, materials 11.28 Alfred Gardner laberor 5.60 and he is also authorized to pay same prior to audit. RESOLUTION �49, introduced by Justice Taylor, second- ed by Justice rllsworth, all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to pay Cool Insurance Agency Inc. the sum of '183.60 on policy;# 420864 for the renewal insurance on Public Liability on properity damage on the heavy Aviation Truck and he is also authorized to pay the same prior to audit. A 27 , Resolution 1 50 Intorduced by Justice Taylor Seconed by Clerk Turner all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that that inspectors and Clerks salary fixed at 10. 00 pr day for ease primary and recistraration and election day tahat said inspectors and clerke service as such as inspectors and clers, In Potion ''`eeting adjurned. 0Q, Town Ulerk Town of -Iueensbury August 26fI930 Regular meeting of the town Board Town of queensbury held on the above date the following members were presant Jerry 13 Mead Supervisor a M.P. Gifford Justice of Peace Roos F Taylor " George Garrant" I Floyd Ellsworth" , Pert D Turner Town Clerk R' of Jul 22 I93C and special Meetin. of August I9-IV30 r.�zrutes Read and approved_ Arthur hT Stone and 1�red E Ricketts�Presant Fred E Ricketts called upon the board as a comr_^ittee of the V1011 .cm ' grange in regard to the instalation of a traffic Light at the onida four eorna,rs after some discussion the following resolution was adopted, Resolution 151 Intorduced by Justice taylor Seconed by Justice ga.rrant al presant voting in tha affirmative it was 'Resolved that alerk turner be and is hereby authorized to o=,unicate with Distr- ict Engineer Trwn_'P Pi.sby in regard to the instalation of a tra.fic light aw oni�ida four corners, justice taylor reported to the bo-rd that John good was having gas pumps installed in front of his place and that thepumps was j installed in the side walk, a letter wap read to the board from school district Oupt, Gunn directed to the Town Board Town "f queensbury asking for inc- reas in salary of town attendant officer after some discussion the matter was laid on - t'^.e table, the matter in regard to the removal of the fence on the pro- erety of Patrick Sullivan located on the county line road was discussed and no action taken on the matter at the presant time, Meeting ad,jurned Town Clerk }own f , ueensbury Special Meeting September 9th 1930 at a special town board meeting held on the above date the following members were presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor M.P.Gifford Justice of Peace Ross F `Taylor " George garrant" Bert B Turner Town. Clerk Resolution ;752 Intorduced by Clerk Turner Seconed by Justice Taylor all presant voting in the affir^?�.tl r° Whereas School in district ,'I has ben found to be not av&ilable for poling it is hereby resolved that Cole & 'Sullivan Plur!bing CoInc at Junction at lower warren