1930-02-06 SP 1711
Pursuant to section #45 of the High 'Vay Law the salary of the Town
Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Jueensofr`�1be and is herebandfixed
at the sum of 17.00 per day and the
hereby is fixed for the actual and necersayy expence incured for the use
of automobile for transportation to gether with gas and oil to be furnished
by said Town from the pumps at the storehouse.
As no other business comeing before the, Town Board, Board Adjourned as
Town Board and gent into Session as Town. Board health as recommendation
By Dr. G. A. CHAPTAN as "-Health Officer for the Town of '�Lueensbury for the
issuing of Special Licenses for Boarding House for children to Rena hicks#
the following resolution was adopted.
Resolution No 1 introduce by Justice Taylor and seconded by Justice Ellsworth. !
All present voting in the affirmitive, it was resolve. that Town Board Health
hereby authorized Dr G A Chapman to issue Special License for Boarding
House to Rena E. Hicks of Queensbury for Two Childre under Provissions of
Section #442 of the Penal Law and Chapter #8 of the Sanitary Code
On motion meeting adjourned#
Special Ireeting Fe bruary 61kh, 1930.
At a Special Town Board Meeting Town of Queensbury held on the above date
at 1 p m s the following members were present#
Jerry B. Mead Supervisor
M.P. Gifford Justice of Peace
Ross F. Taylor
Floyd K. Ellsworth
George H. Garrent
Bert D. Turner Town Clerk
Town Superintendant of Highways Arthur H. Stone also present.
Resolution No 9 by Bert "D Turner Clerks Seconded by Justice Taylor all
present voting in the affirmitive.
Whereas on November 26th, 1929 the Town Board fo the Town fo Queensbury
passed Resolutions #43 which Resolutin the Town Superintendant of Highways
j to draw an order on the Supervisors for thw Sum of $446.00 and
'-- whereas said town Superintendant neglected to draw said order.
Resolved that the Town Superintendant of Highways Arthur H. Stone be and
hereby is authorized and directed to draw an -order on the Supervisors payable
to Joseph Ricketts in the sum of #246.00 for servi ce performed and expences
as Town Superintendant of Highways for the Months of November and December .
1929. Said semi being in full payment for service and expences rendered by the
Town Superintendant during said months of November and December 1928.
And further resolved that Resolution #43 duly adopted on the 26th Day November
1929 be and is hereby Recorded.
On motion Justice Ellswoth was authorized to open Bids that were received,
Bids were read to Board by Chairman and pgaced on file in Clerks Office,
Resolution No 109 introduced by Bert D. TUrners Clerk Seconded by Justice
Taylors. All present voting im the affirmitive.
Whereas Joseph Rickettsy Town Superintendant of Highways presented a bill
for service and expences during the Months of November and December 1929
amounting to #168.00.
Resolved that the present Town Superintendant VE Highways be and hereby is
authorised dnd,4 directed• to draw an order on the Supervisors payable to
Joseph Ricketts in the Sum of $168.00 for service performed and expenees 'as
Town Superintendant of Highways for the Town of Opeensbury for the Months of
November and December 1929 Said sum being in full payment for service and
expences rendered by said Town Superiatendant during said months of November
and December 1929
Resolution No llL introduced by Justice Taylor and Seconded by Clerk Turner
all present voting as followssAye
Ayes Justice Ellswo*th9 Justice Taylor, Justice Gifford and Clerk Turner
Noes Supervisor Mead, Arthur H. Stones it was- resolved that the Town Board
hereby authorized Town Superintendant of Highways Arthur H. Stone to purchase
a Brockway Ttuck with three Ford Dump Body at a perchase price $5300.00
and he also directed to draw an order for same on the machinery Fund# and it
further resolved that the Supervisor is authorise to pay the same prior to