1930-08-26 Y 27
Resolution n 50 Intorduced by Justice Taylor Seconed by Clerk
Turner all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that
that inspectors and Clerks salary fixed at I0. 00 pr day for ease
prirary and recistraration and election day tahat said. inspectors
and clerk�e service as such as inspectors and clers,
In IvTotion 'eeting a.d,jurned.
Town Ulerk Town cf -jueensbury
August 2699930
Regular meeting of the toen Board Town of queensbury
held on the above date the following rembers were presant
Jerry B Mead Supervisor
V.P. Gifford Justice of Peace
Roos F Taylor "
George Garrant"
Floyd Ellsworth"
Pert B Turner Town Clerk
Yinutes of July 22 I930 and special Meeting of August I9-I930
Read and approved- :Arthur 1T Stone and -Fred E Ricketts Presant
17red E Ricketts called upon the board as a committee of the Yolilcm
grange in regard to the instalation of a trafic Light at the
onida four corna.rs after some discussion the following resolution
was adopted,
Resolution i�5I Intorduced by Justice taylor Seconed by Justice
garrant al presant voting in tha affirmative ,it was 'Resolved that
vlerk turner be and is hereby authorized to communicate with Distr-
ict Engineer ra 'r Ri.sby in reward to the instalation of a
tra.fic light at oneida four cornerso
justice taylor reported to the boy-�rd that John wood was having
gas pumps installed in front of his place and that thepumps was
installed in the side walk,
a letter wap read to the board from school district Supt, Gunn
directed to the Town Board Town "f 4ueensbury asking for inc-
reas in salary of town attendant officer after some discussion
the matter was laid on " t'-1.e table,
the matter in regard to the removal of the fence on the pro-
erety of Patrice Sullivan located on the county line road
was discussed and no action taken on the matter at the presant
Meeting adjurned
Town �%erk 'TO_11mf ue ensbury
Special Meeting september 9th I930
at a special town board meeting held on the above date the
following members were presant
Jerry B Mead Supervisor
M.P.Gifford Justice of Peace
Ross F Taylor "
George garrant"
Bert B Turner Town. Clerk
Resolution ;752 Intorduced by Clerk Turner Seconed by Justice
Taylor all presant voting in the affirr:,,.t ire Whereas School
in district ;�I has ben found to be not available for poling
it is hereby resolved that Cole -Sullivan Plumbing Co Inc
at junction at lower warren