1930-10-28 29 Ad,jurned meeting September 30 I930 At a adFjurned meeting of the Town Board Town of queensbury adjurned to the time and place the following members were presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor Ross F Taylor Justice of Peace M.P.Gifford " George Garrant " Floyd Ellsworth" Bert D Turner Town Clerk Beecher Clothier County Attorne$ and Mr Brant of the new york Light and power Corporation, were also presant the board generaly Discussed the proposed Lighting District, A Letter from Supt, Gunn was read to the board in regard to the truant officer Officers conferences in Albany and requested the board to make necessary appropiations to send local truant Officers Resolution #55 Intorduced by Justic Taylor Seconed By Clerk Turner all presant voting in the afformative it was resolved that Frank Bullard town attendant officer be and is hereby authorised to attend the truant �Ifficers Conference at Albany N.Y. further resolved that $5.00 Salajry for one day and ac-tual Necessary expences be allowed for attending said conference, Further resolved the supervisor be and is hereby authorized to pay Frank Bullard Town attendant Officer on the presentation of properly verified bills the said sum of Five Dollars Pluss actual and necessary expenced for attehting said conferance. Resolution 55 was adopted Regular Meeting October 28th I930 at a regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of jueensbury held on the above date at 2.P.M. At clerks office the following members wera presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor M.P. Gifford Justice of Peac Ross F Taylor " George Garrant" Floyd Ellsworth" Bert D Turner Town Clerk A Committee of Tax Payers from v erious sections of Queeensbury in the proposed Lighting District called on the board in opposition to the creation of said District, the board informed them that as no petition had ben given the board for conceideration no action could be taken by the board, that if said petition was handed to board, their would be a public hearing on the matter. Mr Whiteside called on board in regard to new A[rader, nenewed offered th have a man come from factory, to demonstraite Grader, as he warrentedit due at the time he sold it to the Town, also offered to give demonstration on snow removal equipment. The committee on the Seelye matter reported that they had not been able to see Clothier but they had conferred with Co.Supt. of High- ways and that it was his opinion thatit was a Public Highway as far as the Bay should be widened. In regard to Seelye matter the committee found that the road was raised some in front of the house of Mrs. "Fayette Jenkins, and that they were of the opinionthat a small ditch would take care of the matter. Collins of Collins and Fox called on Board to see if Board was going to buy Truck, for highway work. In regard to signs the following resolution was adopted. RESOLUTION f569 introduced by Clerk Turner, seconded by Justice Taylor, all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that Supt. Stone be and is hereby authorized and directed to purchase two-three-Traffic stopsigns from Duers Electric Corp. 30 at a purchase price of $32. 50 F.O.B. Glens Falls, N. Y. And he is further authorized and directed to erect said signs on cross road near Fred Richardson Store in ''hest Glens Falls. As no other business coming up meeting is adjourned. Town Clerk. ANNUAL TM TING November 6th, 1930. At the Annual TJTebting held on the above date by th Town Board of the Town of �ueensbury the Following members were present: i Jerry B. TTead Supervisor j IT. P. Gifford Justice Ross F. Taylor of George Garrant Floyd Ellsworth Peace Bert D. Turner Town Clerk TAr Collins from Collins and Fox Co was also present. RMOLUTION #579 Introduced by Justice Garrant and seconded by Justice Gifford, all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that the following amounts be raised by taxation for the Year of 1931 for Highway work for general Town ?Fund $199000. 00 for m chinery fund -$109000.00; for Tiiscellaneous fund ' 99000. Total X389000.00. RESOLUTION '�58, introduced by Justice Taylor, seconded by Justice Garrant,all present voting in the affirm=ative, it was resolved that Clerk Turner be and is hereby authorized to advertise for sealed proposals for the 'following described Truck 1 heavy duty truck not less than 3' ton, not more than 5 ton capacity fully equipt with dtinpl-bdAy. ?Ve also consider the equipment for the Snow removal for the above described truck It is further resolved that the said proposal to be delivered at t'ne Town Clerks office on or before 15th of November, 1930 at 1- noon. It is further resolved the above described truck at the prices quoted shall include the delivery of said truck at the jueensbury Town Store- house. It is further resolved that the advertis=ment for the prnposal shall be inserted in the Post Stag and in the Glens falls Times once. j The 7th, 10th, Ac 13th of Ilovember 1930. _ On motion meeting adjourned, Town Clerk SPECIAL I:77TING Yovember 18th, 1930 At a special of the Town Poard of the Town of jueensbury held on, the above date, the following members were present: Jerry B. )Read Supervisor M. P. Gifford Justice Ross Taylot of George Garrant Floyd Ellsworth Peace Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Town• Superintendent of Highways $toms was also present. The following proposals were submitted to the Tci7n Ioard of the Town of U.", jueensbury for their consideration: International PTotor Truck Co Stanley S Beals a ent, 1 heavy duty truck, 160 wheel base, four wheel brakes capacity 32 ton normal rating 64, maxium rating body 3 - capacity all steel with under body Hydrawlie hoist cab, 3 ran enclosed type. Mires optional, equipment either of the following sizes 38)69 heavy duty dual rear (cap. 4500 )er• tire 10. 50-20 Balloon type dual rear(cap.470C -L- r tire Equipt as folloa-c: P.assler �3rakes, sell starter, speed motor, electric head and tail :r . dash light and radiator gaatd, automatic windshield wiper, 2omplete_-"se-tof tools. The above equipment of the sum of "*5,628. 00 One good road snow plow V type mounted on the above truck ?650. Colling & Fos submitted the following bids truck and stow removal equipment: 1-T D commercial Utility 3a ton capacity Truck actual u orse