1931-01-27 33 Regular Yeeting December 23r0, 91930 At P�regular :recting of the ''owr Board of the Town of Jueenk', sbury,held onthe ?rove date,at 2 P.Ti.at Cler'csOffice, the following nerbers present. Jey„ryr 7.11ead Supervisor 1T.P.Tifford Justice of I e sarrant Peace Pert D. "urner To;m "lerk Yinutes of Yeetinz; held on 1roverber 25th,1930 read and approved, The following resolutions were adopted Resolution E65 Introduced by Justice Garrant seconded by Justice Gifford,a,ll present voting in the affirrative, it Liras that 5uper,ri sor - T:'ead,rF end is hereby authorized to parr C.R.Duers, Mect'rical Corp, the sum of N9. 50 for -10-School si7ns and post. �—� and 12 further autherized to pay sarr prior to audit. Resaltition ;P6 Introduced by Clerk Turner seconded by Justice Tarrant, all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolvve that supervisor T: ead be and is hereby autherized to pay J.R.Lyon Co , the sun of 110. 00 for cash book and ledger and he is further authorized to pay for same prior to audit. ?esulution,t"67 Introduced by Justice (-,arrant, seconded by Justice Gifford,all present voting in the affirrative, it was resolived that the Town Clerk,be and is hereby autherIzed and directed to have printed 300 copys 6 schedule of Town afidit for- the year 10.30 for ditribution, Resolution ;1,k68 Introduced by Justice Garrant, seconded by Clerk Turner, -All present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved 711_141- Rutter be and is herby appoint don enumerator for the Town ; of". Iueehsbury -for the year of 1931. The 6.pp.lca.tion of Antonio Caivano,fot• a dance hall was read by the Clerk.Td`r Caivano also present in regard to same.after some deliberation the matterivas laid over'�.to the next meeting. The Board adjourned as Town Board, rind went to session as torn board of health, town of Jueensbury, ..Ln re7^rd to th.e a.nnlication of 7idney ?.nd Chas. -91inds, Lena and Elmer ?1tarrin7ton for license for boardinm house for children .rnd on recommend^tion of D14"'. IT.A. Cliaroran the f011077in7 resolution zTas adonted. '?1✓ ()T. jrrII)TT44 ,, Introduced .by Justice 'arrant, seconded Merl-,- erk "burner, all present voting in the affirmatives It was resolvedtha+ th.e Town Roa.rd of 7ealth hereby authorizes Dr. G.A. Chapmanto issuelicenses for boa.rdin7 houses for Children nursua.nt to Sec 482 of the venal law and. sec 305 of the state Charities and Chapter Vlll of the Sanitary code to the following; Bidney a:n . Charles Hinds for 4 Children; Lena and Elmer Farrington for 3 children. On Motion meeting adjourned. Clerk REGULAR IMET ING JANUARY 2 7�h 1931 At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of q. ueenebury, held on the above date, at Clerk' s office, at 2P.M. the following menbers were present; T r Jerry B. Mead , Supervisor j V.P. Gifford Justice ! Floyd Ellsworth of �l George Garrant Peace Bert D. Turner Clerk Arthur H. Stone, Town Superintendant of Highways also present. Yintztes of meeting held on December `]3rd 1930 read and ?pproved Joseph Nassivera. called on the board in regard to widing the County line road, stating th-e fence lead been placed 'in the right of way and renuested the board to have the fence placed out of the right of way. The board generally discussed the proposition in regard to same and no further action taken by the board. Yrs. Antino Ceava.no call ed on the board in re7�ird to a dance 34 3-i-cerce and PrPsenterl P, net-.ition of 37 nar.es i n favor of dance 1-,all.and so resolution 1`1 T duly adopted. 7Ur-CT r, =301ITTIONT 71 'rIntro�uce,' Tl-.- tice s 7 arrrint All present votin�r -,,.s 'folio -cs: 17r e, J, 1,To E's: 1 71 r T- "one. I 1� lls,,7rorth a nd 31,Sr. ),rrf nt. f orq, 1 . . F Tt ,•!as resolved that the annljc�,,.tion of Antonio -,-,iivano for de.,nor- 11(-.111 licrnse be 1-Ad on the table. 77-' OTITT^TO'I 40 Introduced b e jy T A. flee y TIICti(, -Tp.rrant, Fr�,�7onded, 'Tiffore , all present voting; in t-1-ie affirmative; itu resolved. tli t su-nervisor jl."Pr,.d be and is hereby aiitilorized to Pay a.`"'. Cool Tr suring ,'tcr rnc7,- Tnc. , the sur of ?5'1�?,9. r-8 for t'�)e ren e-:,al of the 11 i C-�7- 11 �zA45-95- 7i,;,elit.-.,, ��nO Cns,inity '-!o compensation insurance Pol - . ,- 7 — .: L �, �, Cod and he is father- authorized to s,-tre prior to audit, '?EZOTJTTICYI 13 Introduced by Justice Ells-orth, seconded by 41 Justice Irarrant, all Present voting in ti-,,e affirmative; ten-T ar Ic by T,'rskine C. lo-ers, Justice of the order .!!as made supre, coutt, a t a, s-oecial term held a.t t'-.e supreme Court 'i-larberE in the Village of Hudson 7,?llsg _TT.`t.cn the 2/Itlh- day of 'Decenbcr 1930, which order was duly entered in the ','barren County Clerk' s office on December 26th1230, )nr3 r, '.(--tified I'ony, tln er of --errfFI on the Zuner7risoriv.nd 'T'orn i'llerk,a cony -,rTiich is filed in the To'.,!n office, Torn of ;ueenshilry,?-.Thich order directed tI-e To-n of �,)uecnsbur..7, N.Y. to na-y 1511,e disbursement arountin� to, 0252. 50 of rroceedin-s instituter under t'-i.e Tax law, -Per reduction of assessment. _-Tes6lifigd-Ithat the Supervisor be rnd hereby is autorized to pay said sun from General 7'und , to JareS T:r - .0phillipSp attorney for the Hudson Transportation Co, Inc , Pnd he is further authorized to pay sane prior to audit. -Ilot6an declard carried. A application for 'a dance Hall licenses of T, .J.Stewert was read by Clerk to the board. and Vie following resolution was adopted, I Resolution 4 Tndroduced by Justice Ellsorth, seconde-, by Clerk Turner, all present voting, in the affirr-rativepit was resolved that 'Clerk Turner be and is hereby authorized to issue license !,0 ,Tames Stewartto anerate a dance hall pursuant to section 2222 of the Town law. Tae Suprenant call on the board in re,rrard to the Town purching safes and filinc, cabinentsno action taken by board. on Yotion —eeting adgerned Town Cler February 24tht1931 Regular Town Board Yeetirim, of the Town of ueensbury held at the above date the follonrinrf members were present i' Jerry B. Mead Supervisor IT.P.Gifford Justice Floyd K.Ellsworth of George Garrant Ross F.Taylor peace Bert T).Turner Town 14rrk Vinutes of Meeting held January 24th91931 read and approved, Resolution #5 Interduced by Clerk Turner # and seconded by Justice Ellsworthpall present voting, in the affirmation# it was resolved that supervisor be and hereby is authorized to pay C,7.CoolInsurence Agency Inc, the sun of X135. 56 on Policy #6386138 F.&C, compensation eazn6d premium for 1930,he is also ,authorized to pay sane prior to audit. T'esolution declared carried, the board gen*rally discussed other Town business and on motion meeting adtturned. To-Mn Clerk