1931-04-28 35 March 24th,1931 At a , regular Town Board Ireeting of the Town of yueensbury held on the above date the following me*lb*rS9 were present Jerry B.Mead Supervisor V. P. .1rifford Justice George Garrant of Floyd K.Ellsworth Ross F. Taylor Peace Bert D. Turner Town Clerk . Arthur H. Stone Town Supt of highways also present. Minutes of Meeting of February 24th.1931 read and approved Resolution 04 6 Interducel by Justice Garrant, and seconded by Clerk Turner,all present voting inthe affirmative,it was resolvied that supervisor Mead be and. is hereby authorized to pay the r,c'vvndack Underwriters & Really Corp, the sum of $88.20 for the renewal of Pulic Liability & .Property DamagenIns,onthe International Truck Policy ,#24381 Consolidated Indemnity Ins,CO,and he is also authorized to paj; same proir to audit. Resolution #7 Intrrduced by Clerk Turner,seconded by .Justice Taylor, iy was resolved that there shall by spent on the highway of 2ueensbury9for general Highways repair an average sum of $183. per mile for 100.73/ Miles a total of $18,433.59 and that their shall be the sum of 7031.31 placed in the reserved Fund aw permited by law Judge Ellsworth,brought up the matter of changing the election district ,Clerk reported that Mr Clother,was away and and sosoon ache was able to get in touch with him,he would dndsthe necassery, papers drawn. Mrs Reynolds,presented a petition of 147 names,petitioning, the Town Board to lift yhe ban on Carbiva;ls,and Lester Brownell spoke in behalf of said petition,Mr Bronell also requested the board tp purchase revolvers and handcuffs for constable use, the petition was received and place-1 on filer' and matter laid on table. On Motion Meeting adjourner d�9��Ld":Z4 Town Clerk i v Regular Meeting April 28th,1931 At a regregular meeting of the Town Board of the Town Board Town Of queensbury,held on the above date,at 2 P.M.at Clerk Office the following members were present. Jerry B. Mead Supervisor M;p.Gifford Justice Floyd Ellsworth of George Garrant Pease Bert D. Turner Arthur H. Stome ,Town Superintendent of Highways also present. Minutes of Meeting,held on March 24th,1931 read and approved. Three members of Loyal Order of Mosse called on the board and and requested the Board as to what action was taken on petition in regard to Catrivals and asked as to whether the board was going to issuue licenses for cairnvials for the 1931. In regard to the above the following resolution wa adopted, Resolution ,# 8 Introduced by ustice Ellsworth, seconded by Clerk Turner, all present votti g in the affirmative. Theres, a petition of residence of Boulavard section has been presented to thts:"Board petitioning , this board not to issue license to hold carbivall in thre Town of queensbury. And whereas - this board has duly considered said, petition and all petitiono, here to fore present ed, to this board, j therefore it is. �-- Resolved that no licenses or permits to hold carnival in the Town of queensbury,shall be issued. In regard to the renewal of the Tnsurence on the Chevrolet Truck, the following resolution was adapted. Resolutin #9 Inteoduced by Justice Garrant, seconded by Clerk Turner, all present voting in the 'affirmative, It was resolved that the supervisor. ?,jTead be and is hereby authorized to pay Cool In.surence agency; Tne,Policy # 141145 Globe TndemnityCo, the sum of $50, 90,thc�, -renewal of the Property damage & publics Liability, Ins ,on chevrol'et Truck, and he is further authorized to pay same prior to audit. In regard to changing time for Board Meeting the following resolution was adopted, Resolution #10 Intrrduced by Clerk Turner, i L 3 seconded by Justice Gifford, allpr.esent voting in the affirmative It was resolved that the Town Board hereby fixes� its - hours for regular meeting for the ensuing five months at -1 P.M std, time on Fourth Tuewday of each month. In regard to certain cemeteries in the Town of queensbury the following resolution was adopted. - Resolution ifll Introduced by Justice Garrant, seconded by Justice Ellsworth, all present voting in the affirmative, It was resolved that the Glens Halls, Grange be and is hereby authorized to removed grass ,weedspbrush and care for and conseive cemeteries. in the Town of Queensburyas follows, Lake Sunny,,, side cemetery,a.nd cemetery known as Jenkins cemetery on gay road, near Bardford Thornton' s .farm ?uther resolved the sum of x450.00 beand hereby is appropieted for each of the above -leecribed cere-erles , It is further resolved that the supervisor of the Town of jueensbury be and hereby autorized to pay from the general fun# to the said Glens Pakls Grange, the sum of $50.00 for each of the above described cemeteries , upon the presentation of properly verified bill, certified by the secertary,of the said Glens Falls Grange,and it _further resolved that in acid cemeteries shall be completed by the lst,day of Sept, 1931, In regard to flags for veterans graves the following resolution was adopted , Resolution #12 Introduced by Clerk Turner, seconded by Jud;;e . . . . _: _' Gifford all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that Tdhe Town Roardhereby authorizeds 14'red De Marsh,the commander of E.V,Wing Post,R.A.R. to purchase flags for decoration of the veterans graves in the Town of ueensburypthe sum of which not exceed $15.00 and it further resolved that the supervisor is hereby autherized to pay such sum prior to audit.on the presentation of propty verified bill for aame, Judge Garrant, brau7ht up the matter of nurch,sing �.dditioal School sign s for several ` chools in the Town but no action taken by the board, The Poard general; d.iscuasedthe matter of building a. new Store 17ouse in place of the that burnt, Mr Sunrenan.t called on bo^rd a.nd quoted prices on Root for the Tot^m, on motion the board ad,jurned to 11-hy 2nd-1931 at 1 P.1% standard tine at clerk office, Town (71er Ad,jurned Yeeting :Tay '? I93I held by the town toTm of queensbury at this time and place The following 1embers were Presant Jerry B Yea.d Supervisor Yilo P Giff,ird. Justice of Peace Floyd Flls-!�rorth J Geo-e Garrant " Bert ') Turner Town Clerk Arthur T7 Stone Town Supt `0f ,'TighwayS also Presant The Town yoard generaly -Discussed with morn Supt of Hi~hways the need of the tn,,rn in construction of storehouse for the storage and re*nair for al town llpchinery and the following resolution was adoltted Resolution #I3 ;ntorduced by Justice Gifford Seabned -By Clerk urner all Presant voting in the affirmative it -was resolved th*it the Town Board of the Town of Ouensbury hereby authorizes and directs Arthur S Stone the Town Supt of HighvmWo to trust Daze dement Block k 1:ditrg 32 Wide 80 ong a AMIate `hight 13 1/2 feeten the the ..front wi th wi th fl �� roo t47 rear o f building, with four sets of double folds dtftt -, Ott sha .1 not exceed. $3000..- tv be. paid from flit"� Furhter resod that eaid bd . TOn6truc t ' ' y clay labor and the Town su-pt, is also authomrfzed to aba s . , y Mpor!te ch ase necessary material- for construct hOu8*iV=ept that the--Town Supts, y 101 1m em, t for laying and pueehing- cf the cemet bloe=i d the roof..o! donatruak same by day laborl, f rUer resolved that the euperriao id hereby I authos sed to pay for the necessary bor." mate-