1931-05-02 36 seconded by Justice Gifford, allpr.esent voting in the affirmative It was resolved that the Town Board hereby fixes� its - ! hours for regular meeting for the ensuing five months at-1 F.Mrstd, r time on 7ourth Tuesday of each month. In regard to certain cemeter•*es in the Town of 1jueensbury the following resolution was adopted. - Resolution X11 Introduced by Justice Garrant, seconded by Justice Ellsworth, all present voting in the affirmative, It was resolved that the Glens Palls, Grange be and is hereby authorized to removed grass ,weeds,brush and care for and conseive cemeteries. in the Town of Queensburyas follows, Lake Sunny,, side cemetery,and cemetery known as Jenkins cemetery on Bay road, near Rardford Thornton' s .farm 7uther resolved the sum of 50.00 bea.nd hereby is appropieted for each of the above !tecribed cerel-er,+es , It is further resolved that the supervis,)r of the Town of jueensbury be -and hereby autorized to pay from the general fun# to the said Glens rakls Grange, the sum of `,50.00 for each of the above described cemeteries , upon the presentation of properly verified bill, certified by the secertary,of the said Glens falls Grange,a.nd it further resolved that in said cemeteries shall be eomnitted by the lst,day of Sent, 1931, In regard to flags for veterans ;raves the following. resolution was adopted , Resolution X12 Introduced by Clerk Turner, seconded by fudge . Gifford all present voting in the affirmative, it was resolved that lhhe Town Roardhereby authorizeds Fred Pe Mlarsh, the commander of E.M,Wing Post,R.A.R. to purchase flags for decoration of the veterans graves in the Town of I.ueensburysthe sum of which not exceed $15.00 and it further resolved that the supervisor is hereby autheri7ed to pay such sum prior to audit.on the presentation of propty verified bill for same, [. Jud?e Garrant, brau-ht up the matter of nurch"-sing , dditioal School sin s for several schools in the To7m but no action f taken by the board, The Poard general-; discussedthe rmatter of building a new Store House in -ola,ce of y fhe that burnt, 11r Surrenant called on bon rd and. nuo ted rri ces on Booths for the Tol^.m, on motion the bo-rd ad jurned to 1.1ay 2nd-1931 at 1 P.1', standard tine at clerk office, j r Town ^terc Ad.Jurned 1reet�.ng 'Tay ? T931 held by the town town of queensbury at this tine and place 7.1e following 17embers 1,vere Presant Jerry R 1.1ead Supervisor 1?ilo P Giffnrd. Justice of Peace Floyd Ellm",*orth S Xeo-e Garrant " Rert n Turner Town Clerk Arthur TT Stone Town Supt Vf ,'1'ighwa.vs also Presant The Town ='oa.rd genera.ly -discussed with Toi7n Suet of H17hways the need of the to-,-+n in construction of storehouse for the storage and repair for of town Kn.chiner.y. and the following resolution was adolbted Resolution #I3 ;ntorduced by Justi e G S ` e ffford eakn ed By Clerk Turner all present voting in toe affirmative it was resolved theft the Town Board of the Town of quensbury hereby authorizes and directs Arthur B Stone the Town Supt of '-ii W&ye to +amstruot one cement Bloat Bu#iding 32Wide 60 * bong: sppr adefate bight 13 1/2 feeton the the .front Wi th Wi tai 9 OO U root�to roar o f building, with four setts of double. folding door v't shall . not exceed $3000,_. to be. paid from M Furhter resolTed that said?bvt d4-htg.+t:k ,construettftiby clay abaS .=.nd the Town $tl3t, is alAto authflrized to abaiin - sry ' bbirtM& j)hrehase necessazy'ntarial for construction "of �"Id Fiore house-sexcept that the :W(n _-Supt# fear e�f�;her a>o$ sat for laying and pue^eh ng of the _aemet hlookn*And t)ie roof or aonstruck same by day labor, further resolved that the superrimex id hereby authOBIZed to Pair for the necessoXy barpol-nd ma.tex& F and mdterial for- the construction of said building,in a sum not exceeding $300 00to be paid from the mescellanous fund,on order from the Town suet, of highways. omn Motion the meeting adjourned ra r own -Clerk Regular Meeting May26th,1931 At a regular meeting of the Town Board Town of queensbury held at above date at 1 P.M.Stdq at Town Clerk Offi ce,the following members were present. J.erry B•Mead supervisor M.P;Gifford Justice Ploy; Ellsworth of Peace Bert D. Turner- Town Clerk minuted held- of spril 28th and May- 2nd 19 31 read and approved aver- of New Fork -Power & Light Corporation called on the board to and presented- contracts for the lighting system now in the town and requested the members of the board to sign said contract - matter-was defered` untill nex meeting in- regard- to Insurance on "'oiler in the quarry the following resolution was vidopted Resolution #14 intorAuced by Justice Ellsworth seeoned by clerk turner i-t= - . mv&nt voting In- the affirmative -f it was resolved that the supervisor be and is hereby authorized to discontinue all insurance on two steam boilers in the quarry on bay roads along as said boilers se not used at the_ expireation at presant policy year in regard to the quarry the following resolution was adopted Revolution, #15 Intord ed by Judge Gifford seeoned by Judge Ellsworth allt presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that the town Board hereby authorises .Arthur H Stone to Discontinue the lease of the quarry_on *0ay Road at the expiration of presant leasePertod In regard to voting Booths the following resolution was adopted Resolution ,MI6 Intorduced by judge Ellsworth and- seconed by Judge Gifford all presant voting in the affirmative it was resolved that the town- board Hereby Purchases From P Pum Surprenant 12 Voting -Booths at a prise of 286.-20 subject- to to 3 percent Discount for cash delivered at town Storehouse at completion of storehouse further resolved that P Rae superenant is authori"d to deliver same as above speeified subjected to 3 percent beduction for cash further that the supervisor is authorized to pay for, same on the prestation of properly verified bi11s for to audit the clerk reported that he had received a petition signed by voters requesting the alteration of boundaries in election District #2 and #3 and so -the following resolution was adopted #I9 intordused by Justice Ellsworth and Seconed by Clerk Turner alls- presant Voting in the affix• rmative W Whereas the duly qualified voters of election dist No3 have Petitioned this board for change and alteration of the boundries of election district No 2 for the convenience of a portion of the voters of said, Resolved, that Wbondattes of election district #2 and 5 of the { _-- town of queensbury be and hereby are changed in accordance with the provisioaeaeof the Election Law, to take affect on the Ist Day of October 3931 , and the Boundaries of said election District are hereby altred and changed and on and after October Ist I93I, said boundaries of said district sall be as foll.owss Blection Dist 1 i ALL that portion of the town -lying northely and easterly of a line running through said Town and described ass followsr- Beginning at the south -easterl.yr cornier of the Town "'f Caldwell and running thence north emeterl.,y in a• straight line to a point in the center of the i bay read Ite the south-westerly corner of the white School House$ tust north of - Zdward Breen ftrmt- thentse south weste'rlay along he Men northeasterly *,side of what it known as cross roads and Continuing Along Ox Bow Hill road and past the property of John H nneet �� a