1932-03-10 SP 48 f Special Meeting March 18th,1932, At aspecial meeting' of the Town Bo4rd ' of the Town of Queensberrypheld on above date,at 2 P.ii.atClerk' s Office the following members were present, Jerry B.Mead Supervisor George Garrant Justice Floyd Ellsworth of ::. Henry Stevenson Peace, Charles Nobles Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. Arthur H.Stone also present. In regard to releasring the Highway money the following resoltztivr was adopted. Resolution;fl3, Introduced by Justice Stevensonseeconded by Justice Nobles,all present voting in the affirmative, It was resolved that the Town Board,Town of Iueensberry signed rye determinations and agreement with Arthur H.Stone Supt,of Highways and further resolved ther shall be expended on Hlg ay of the Town of Jueensberry for general highway repairs, kn average sum of 0184 per milefor 98 and 55/100 miles patotaF'l`' , *x;33.20 and there shall be the sum of $6,187.78 placed in the reserved fund as provided by law. On motion Meeting adjourned, Town Clerk, Regular meeting March 2291932. At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Iueensberry,held on above date at 2P.1r.at Clerk' s Office the following members were present, Jerry $.Mead Supervisor, George Ga.rrant Justice • Floyd Ellsworth of Henry Stevenson Peact Charles Nobles Bert D.'Turner Clerk. Minutes of meeting held on February 23rd.and March 10th.read and approved. In regard to Town Physician, the following resolution was adopted, Resolution #14 Introduced- by Clerk Turne ,seconded by Justice Ellsworth,all present voting in the affirmatives ' It was resolved that Dr.AnnaE.H0.11 be it'hereby appointed Town Physician- for the next two years camuencix� off. lst.day of January 1932 and ending onthe 31st of Dee ember Inregard to the peti.ttan of the Adirond ee Inc. for consent to operate buss in the Town` of qurlem `.,Neely appeared for the petitioneb and Beecher Clothier apptare4� for the Town Board and the folllwinc, resolutin. vaas adopted f, er; dui deliberation, Resolutin #15 Introduced by -Yustice Ellsworth seconded by � Justice Stevenson all present voting in the aff rmti"TV, Whereas Adirondack' Stages Inc. ;of 241 West _4 .'Zt&CityjCounty and State of New Y'ork,he'retofore and on 3rd. 'day` vf. tuber 1931 filed with the Town` Board of the Town of jueenpberry Warren Co,N.Y. by filing same in the Office of Bert T%rnzr*C er of -said Town its petition in writting only verified,where1n_ 4f. d y for the evn�aent of the local authorities comprising of Towle Board of lueensberrytWarren Co, N.Y.to operate a bugs line for the Transportation of passengers and property. for hire upon and along certain streets and highways within The Town of lueensberry,Fassing° throb; the Town of ;4ueensberry.,:Warreh Coin the State of N,Y. ,and whioU petition is now on file in the Office of the Clerk of the said Tgwn Qf 4ueensberry,and