1932-04-26 f Regular Meeting April 26th;1932, At aregular Board IfeetimT of the Town Board of the Town df ueensbury, Held on the above date at 7 P.M. at Clerk Office.,.the following members were present. Jerry B Mead :supervisor George Garrant Fusti,ce I Floyd Ellsworth of Henery Stevenson Charles Nobles Peace Bert De Turner flown Clerk Vinutes. ,of Meeting held on March 29,nd,1932 read and approved. i Inteiie$tter of Insuring the Town property. Resolution #18 Introduce by Clerk Turner seconded by Justice Nobler all present voting in the affirmative. I It was resolved that Supervisor dead the and is hereby authorized to renew the necessary insurence on Town Property as the same ex�ires '­� Resolution # 19 Intrrduce by Supervisor Yead,seconded by Justice Garrant, all present voting in the affirmative, It was resolved that Clerk Turner,be and is hereby authorized to have preparid by the County Attorney, the necessary papers eto.in laying out a publtc road described as follows along gallery Ave,from Sherman Ave, to and across Nathan Street, thence along Nathan Street from the Westerly side of said Maallery Avep to the Easterly side of Holden Avenue from the Westerly side of Nathan Street to Luzerne road, as described by a map of 'Sunset park addition, dated March. 7th,1916 ,and filed in Warren County Clerk Office. Claims of Vary Isaac,ana.rd HGunning, 74rancis DeRosia,and Desmond Lapoint, against the Town of queenebury,and placed on fi.led.a.nd the following resolution -was adopted. 71`111.R-eSa tttion #20 Introduced by Clerk `turner, seconded by Justice Ellsworth, all present voting in the affirmative. It was resolved that supervisor Dead, be and Is hereby appointed vcommettee. of one to take op the matter of claims of Mary Isaac, Leonard H.Guinning,Francis DeRosia, Desmond Lapoint,against the Town of lueensbury, also the aband.ment of the road in the Town of jueensbury, westerly side of the rail road track.on Lower ,arren atop with the County Attorney,F Rae Suprenant call on t)$, regard to town purchastr3g voting Booth. no action taken b3311 board. on motion meeting adjourfied er 'regular Yee ting May 24 th,1932 At a regulat meeting of the town board of the town of queensbury, held on the above date at 7 P.l1. at clerk office. the following members .were present. Jerry B. 1?ead Supervisor George Garrant Justice 7loyd $llsworth of 'Lenry Stevenson Peace Bert D Turner. Town Clerk Yinutes of TTeeting held on April 26th*1932 read and approved. Mr Year reported that he had confered with the County Attorney, in regard to claims of Mary Isaac,Leonard fi' Gunningo Francis DeRosia, and -Desmond Mapoint ,against the town of ')ueensbury and. that County Attorney, advised that no action was deemed necessary at the present time. Clerk Turner, th^t he had taken the matter of right of «a.* throught sunset park.up with the County <="ttorney, and he drew net deed on the excution of deed the papers would be ;n orde* the following resulatioh was adopted, ,Y~ .71.._ ,:Resolution #21 Introduced by Justice Ellsworth, seconded. by Justice Stevenson, all present voting in the affirmative. it wasresolved that hte town board hereby request town, suet, of Highrmays to move the stone crashing equipment frog Graney qugiry. on Bay Road. to torn store'^.ous6e and to clean thV quarry and it is furthe* resolvei that the clerk is directed to forward a copy of this resolution* to suet Stone. in regard to mairtatne of cemeteries ,the following resolution was adopted. "TZesalution rf22 Introduce by Justice Garrant seconded by Juatiee Ellsworth, all present voting in the affirmative* it was resolved that the Glens F<<lls Grange #1175 be and hereby authorize to remove graosSiweeds, brush, and care for and conserve cemees