1932-07-26 In the torn of 7ueensbury9as follows Lake Sunnyside cemetery and Cernetery known as Jenkins cemetery, on`Bay road, near Bradford Thornton' s farml further resolved that thet the sum of $0.00 be and hereby is appropiated for each of the above described cemeteries further resolved thet the above sum will be paid fee by the supervisor when audited by the town board of auditors upon the presantation of�a propely verified Bills certified by the secretary of Glens Falls Grange, it is f#rther resolved that the work on each of the above described ce Cemeteries slall be completed by the first day of September I932 i Resolution #23 Intorduced by clerk Turner Seconed bye Garrant all presant voting in theaffirmative it was resol��'(c' be and' is hereby appointed sanitary Inspector for the Town foaueensbury for the yeaf commencing on the 27th day of april 2§32 and ending on the �- 27th day of april I933, to serve without compensation from the Town "If queensbury { GThe Board Adjurned as Town Board and went as town Board of Health Mr Sampson called on the board in regard th the dump which is maintained on the mellow Run Brook road the board adopted the following Resolution Resolution No 2 intorduced by> justice Garrant and seconed by Justice Stevenson all presant notion in the affirmative it was resolved that the Town Board of Health Hereby request Senitary Inspector Harry E Smith to take what ever steps that are necesary to stop dumping on the mellow run Brook 'road in the Fit$Geralds property and it is further resolved that Clerk is riirected to forward a coppy of this resolution to Mr Smith and Dr G.A. Chapman Health Officer Can Motion Meeting adjurned Town Clerk I Regular 'eeting June 28th 1932 at a regular Meeting of the Town Board Town wf aueensbury held on the above date &t 7.PcWVA t clerks office the following members were presant.Jerry B Bead Supervisor George Garrant Justice of Peace Floyd Ellsworth " Henry Stevenson " Charles Nobles " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Minutes of meetin# held on may 24th I932 read and approved mr eollins called on board in regard to, sell&ng Town Crushing Equipment requesting board to fix the price on said machinery but no action waa takin the board generly Discussed other tdwn Business and as no other business comming before the board On %lotion Ad,jurned Town Clerk Regular Meeting July 26th 1932 ` at arregular meeting of the Town board of the town of queensbury E held on the -bove date at 7 P.M.N at Clerks office the following members were presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor George Garrant Justice of Peace Floyd Ellsworth " Henry Stevenson " 'Charles Nobles " Bert D Turner Town Clerk Minutes of meetion held on_ June 28th 1932 Read and approved Mr Suprenant Callen on Board and submitted prices on voting booths � of $I7.39 Per Booth total 208.68 F.O.B. town Storehouse 52 r Town of queensbury N.Y. Further Resolved that said Booths to bedDelivered on or before Septheber Ist I9329 Resolution 25 Intorduced by Clerk turner Seconed By Justice Ellsworth it was resolved that the 'Mohhiean 'Grange be and hereby is authorized to remove grass weeds brush and care for and concerve the ,john Harris Cemeterie further Resolved that the sum of $50.00 be . and hereby is approptiated for said cemeterie Further the above will be paid by the supervisor when audited by the Town Board of auditors upon the proparly Verified Bills +fortified by secretary of said grange, further resolved that the work on said cemeterie shell be completed by september Ist I932, Resolution #26 Intorduced by Clerk Turner Seconer By Justice Stevenson all presant Voting in the affirmative it was resolved that Homer Hewitt be and is hereby appo`i,jted toaw attendant ---' officer for schools for year I932 and I933 for schools for the town of Queensbury outside of Diettitt No 2 subject to the approval of dkstrict Supt of Schools at an anual salary of $200 per rear to be paid as follows ?'onthaly 20,00 per month for ten months and the supervisor is authorized to pay same prior to audit on the properly verified bills for same On motion ad,jurned Town Clerk Special Meeting august I6th 1932 at a special Meeting of the town Board of the Town vf. Iueensbury held on the above date the following' Members were presant Jerry B lead Supwervisor Floyd Ellsworth Justice of Peace Henry Stevenson " George Garrant " Charles Nobles " Bert D Turner Town Clerk at a special "eeting the follow poling placed were designated Resolution #27 Intorduced by Justice Garrant Seconed by Justice stevenson all voting i,j the affirmative it was resolved that the following Poling -'laced are designated for the .poling plat-ed for the ensuing year of 1932 and 3933 Dist No I Cole sullivan Plumbing Shopat lower warren Boulevard Junction District #2 grange Hall at One Oneida District #3 Town of queensbury Storehouse District #4 marches Shop at west dens l'a.11s at a yearly rental at $30.00 outside of District No e. On Lotion Meetin AdJurned Y ,.e Y Town Clerk Regular Meeting august 23 1932 at a regular Meeting of the Town Board Town of �- ueensbury Held on the above date the Following McAbers waer Presant Jerry B Mead Supervisor Flowy Zllsworth Justice of Peace Henry Stevenson " George Garrant " Charles Nobles Bert D Turner Town Clerk Regular Meeting Af July 26th Ind special "`feting of August I6th I932 iRead and approved General Town Matterd Discussed no other business co=ming before the board Meeting Adtjurned e f