1938-06-28 Regular Meeting ' June 28th, 1938 Ai a Regular Meeting of the Town ,Roard of the Town of Oueensbury,held on the above date at 7 O' Clock P-M.at the Town Clerk' s Office.the fllowing members were present. ° D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Rhlph T. Been Justive of Peace Charles Nobles " n Curtis Lampoon Meredith Bentley " +� Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Town Superintendent of Highway Arthur Stone also present, Minutes of regular meeting held. on May24th and of special meetings held on June: 8th, June 15thV and June 17th, read and approved. A 'Delegation composed of Mfr Bennett and eight Taxpayers called upon the Town noard inregard to a hard surface road upon _sipper Shermah .Ave. Mr Fitzgerald also called upon the Town Board inregard to building a road to Glen Lake. A Deleg#tion, composing of Mr & Mrs Stearna, Mr Burnett, and Mr Lockhart, also called upon the Town Board inregard to improving the Top of the .ion[ World Farm Road, The Trustee of the Mountain Free Library called upon the Town Board for Financial Assistance in maintaining and Equiping said Library. The following Resolution was adopted:- RESOLUTION No. 39; Introduced by Mr Bentley, seconded by Mr Lampson; It was resolved, that the sum of $100.00 be and hereby is appropriated fo the use of the Tru*tees of the Mountainsid* Free Library in Maintaining and Xquip ng the said Mountainside Free Library. Duly adopted by the following rotes:- Ayes- Mr Been, Mr Nobles, Xr Lampson, Asir Bentley, and Mr Fowler, Noes None. Applications were received from the John J. Harris Yerorial Chapel,Glens Fat 'xrange No. 1175 and the Mohican Grange No. #1300 applying for authority to clean u certain Cemeteril$ in the Town of 2ueensbury, The following Resolutions were introduced, Y � T � �''jt�''�t✓fit � �UN;ivi oC� ' MWOLLaTION NO. 40 Introduced by Vr Noblea seconded by Mr Lampson, It was resolved the The Mohican Grange #1300 be and is hereby authorised to remove Grass, Teeds, Brush and care for conserve The Jenkins Cemetery near Dradfa Thornton Farm, Further Resolved, That the 3rush,Weeds, and Grass be removed at least three times a year by the Said Mohican Grange #1300, Further Resolved, That Sum of $50.00 be and is hereby appropriated for Said Cemetery, Further Resolved, Tl�at the work be completed by October lat, 1938 Duly .Adopted by the following votes:- Mr Been, 11r Nobles, Mr Lampson, Mr Bentley, and Mr Fowler, Noes- None. RESOLUTION NO. 41 Introduced by Mr Been Seconded by Mx Nobles IT WAS RESOLVED, TUT, The Glens Falls Grange #1175 be and is hereby authori. to remove Grass, 'Needs, Brush and care for and conserve the Sunnyside Cemetery. FURTHER RESOLVED, That Brush, Weeds and Grass be removed at least three tim a year by the Said Glens -Falls Grange #1173, FURTHER RESDLVED, That Sum of . ►00.00 be and is hereby appropriated for Said Cemetery, FURTHER RESOLVED, That the work be completed by October lst, 1938. Ayes- Mr Been, Mr Noble's, Mr Lampson, Mr Bentley, and Mr Fowler Noes- None RESOLUTION NO. 42 Introduced by Mr Lampson, : seconded by Mr Bentley IT WAS RESOLVE) THAT,The John J. Harris Memorial Chapel be and is hereby authorised to remove Grass, Weeds, Brush and to care for and conserve the John J, Harris Cemetery, Ridge Roads Further Resolve, That the Grass, Weeds and Brush be removed at least- thrq times a Year by the Said John J. Harris Memorial Chapel, FURTHER RESOLVM) TR,T, the :Sum of $50.00 be and is hereby appropriated fos the Said Cemetery, FURTHER .RESOLVED THAT, The work be completed b Duly Adopted. by the following Votes,_ 3' �e October last. 1938 and. Fowler. dyes-Messrs Been,Nobles,Lampson, Bent Noes- None. tRi rY i �rf�i;if d�x SS 0:xr r 'S> x�Kts C RESOLUTION NO. X43 Introduced by Mr Been, Seconded by Mr Lampson, It was resolved that that part of Resolution No #38 adopted Juney 3th 1938 reading-" Commencing at Greens Bridge and continuing Easterly to the County Line" be amended to read as followeex s- Commencing at the Col my Line and Continuing Westerly to Greens Bridge. 'Duly Adopted by the following Vote:_0Vr1 .Been, MR Nobles, 9k Lampson, Mr Bentley Noes None. RESOLUTION NO 44 introduced by Rx Nobles, Seconded by KIr Bentley, IT 7AS RESOLVTM THAT The Supervisor be and is hereby .Authorized to appoint a committee of two , members of the Town Board to act in conjuction with Town superinteAdant of highway and W.P.A. engineer It"r Davis in regard continuation of the IT.P.A. Project from Bay road to The of World Farm. Supervisor appointed Yr Nobles, and Mr. Been. I ese- llr.Been- Mr.Nobles- 11r. Lampson. Yr.Bentley, Yr Fowler. Noes- None Resolution No 45 Introduced by Mr. Bentley Seconded by TTr Nobles it was resoI that Curtis Larpson be nd is hereby appointed as coprrnittee of one to act as Duly adopted p �' 4 Y following vote, Ayes- Mr Been - Mr.Nobles- Mr. Lampson- Mr.' Bentley-,and Mr.Powler. Noes.- None. RESOLUTION NO 46 Mr. Lampson seconded by Il.r. Nobles, it was resolved that Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to pay Interest on Bonds of North Glens Falla Water District. YD FURTHIR RESOLVED That he, is aurthorized to pay Principle on Bond # 1 Duly- adopted by the following vote* ,- Ayes. ,-Mr. Been-Mr.Nobles -211r. Lampson- ITr. Bentley - and_' Mr. Fowler. , Noes. ,-None. The Board Audited and Allowed Claims as follows No Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Art, Claimed Amt 25100 e 155 S.F.Hawley Trial Fees i, 156 Coulter &. Ashley Scales, Drawings . showing VTarren St, 77 Underpass, 28.50 26.50 } 8 pr Hull HardwareiSupplies 9:104 6.14 159 Ralph B. Turner Committee Service 15.00 15.00 160 Fowler,. Inc. Supplies,-'lags 10.20 10.20 161 Finch Pruyn Co Poor Relief 4. 75 4.75 162 NeX. Power & Light Corp, Light Service 34.36 34.36 163 Russell & tNait Supplies 16.75 16. 75 164 Adirondack Underwriters & Realty Corp Ins, Storehouse 65.10 65.10 165 Thomas Hall Welfare Service 57.88 57.88 166 Russell & 'Tait Supplies 1100 1.00 167 Ernest Hillis Assessor Service 146. 54 146.54 Jg8 Charles Richard " " 146. 54 146. 544 9 Edward Sleight " " 146.54 146. Turner Town, Clerk Service 84.00 84.00 170 Bert -Do Turner 16.00 • 171 Ralph T. Been Justice Service 28.00 „ 28.00 172 Meredith S. Bentley a a "36.00 36.00 173 Curtis Larpson � , n 44.00 44,00 174 Charles Nobles E.x V+ Ei 1 1 175 Charles Nobles Justice Service 30.50 30. 50 176 Curtis Sampson to it 30.75 30.75 177 F.J.Crannell Poor Relief 14.00 14.00 178 F.A. Richardson to it 11.50 11. i0 1'79 Charles Baldwin Constable Service 4.40 4.19 180 Charles Baldwin Killing Dogs 8. 00 g. 181 Charles Baldwin Constable Services 75.90 71. 182 Thurston Ingraham Poor Relief 3100 .00 Total X1,02.38 1 .95 On Motion Meeting AJourned Bert D. Turner 'down Clerk. Special Meeting July llth.1938 At a special Meeting bf mthe :To*n Board ,"Town of Olueensbury held at the own Clerk' s Office at the above de;,te p7 V.M.the Following memoers were presen D.Elmer Fouler Supervisor Ralph Been 3ustice of Peace Chtrlea Nobles Curtis Lamps,on a �' Meredith Bentley "" n Bert;. Turner Town Clerk RESOLUTION 047 Introduced by, Mr lentley seconded by Mr Been WHEREAS, The Town Board of the Town of -Queensbury duly established West Glens Palle Water District in said town and consent of the Comproller to e,stablish`.the same was duly obtained and said order establishing the Districa and consent of the Comptroller were duly filed in Warren County Clerk's Office andapp4eation was duly made to the Water Power and Control Commission and a hearing on aaid .petition was held in West Glens Falls and an order was duly made by said' Commiasion-Vt the 30th, day of Auguat,1937, approving said application, maps and plans for the establishmentof said 'Pater District, and THEREAS Application was duly made to the Works Progress Adminatration that the said system be construs ted as a WPA project and said system is now being constructed under said project, and WHERF.AS,The petition of the taxpayers presented to the Town Board praying or establishment of said Water District consented that bonds be issued for payment )f the odsrt, of such construction to the amount of $200000.009 and WHERFASt for the purpose of temporarily financing said project and paying ,or the cost of material and othercost of construction and in antieipation .of .sluing bonds of the tern queenabury for payment of said. coat, it is ib�SOL ,That the Supervisor of the town of Queenabury and Town Clerk of said. town be and hereby are authorized and directed to issue certificate of indebtedness of the town of Queensburyfor the sum of Five Thousand Dollara, ($59000)p payable, at the Glens Falla National Bank and Trust Company six months from the date thereofWwith intereat at four per-cent. Duly adapted by the following votes .Ayes - Mr.3een- Mr.Nobles,- Mr.Lampson,- Ur*3entley,- and Mr.F©wler. Noes,-None e i�'4 fifi