1938-07-18 SP :t was
RESOLUTION r LUTION NO. 48 Introduced by Mr Lampoon seconded by Mr Nobled.
ved that Claud .Monroe be and is hereby engaged as Concrete Finisher and
'orm Setter for the W.P.:A. Sidewalk Project at a salary of 75dents per Hour.
MMTMM RESOLVED,as Inspector for the W,P._A. Sidewalk Project for the Town
if Queensbury.
>uly adopted by the following votes:- Ayes- MR Been, Mr Nobles, Mr Lampoon, Mr
Bentley and Mr Fowler.
foes- None
RESOLUTION NO. 49, Introduced by Mr Nobles, Seconded by Mr Been
WKEMS, The Torn of Jueensbury has authorized the construction of a bridge
,.n the Dixon Road and it is deemed for the best interests of the Town that an
Inspector be appointed to protect the interests of the Town.
RESOLV3DTHAT, The Town Superintendent of Highways be and is hereby authorised
:o appoint a competent Inspector, the compensation not to exce6d 1.
� 00 per hour.
*t the ,gown S jr J*nkent >(f H4h*,y,s, hur JC She , appf i7 ed
RESOLUTION NO 50, introduced by Mr Nobles, seconded by Mr Lampoon, it was
RESOLVED THAT, the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized to advaertiae, that
U Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed bids on the 18th day of
'uly 1938, at the Town Clerks Office at 7:30 PM. for the furnishing of 550 or more
Ible of Cement, F.O.B. , ?Glens Falls, N. Y. , to be used for the construction of sides
calks in the Town of Jueensbury. The Town Board reserves the right to reject any
�r all' Bide,
Mly adopted by the following Votes:- ,Ayes-Mr Been. Mr Nobles, Mr Lampoon ,
[r Bentley and Mr Fowler.
foes- None.
RESOLUTION fh 51, introduced by Mr Bentley, seconded by Mr Nobles, it was
tesolved That the Town Superintendent of iighways and Justice Lampoon be and is kz=
.ereby, authorized to take Inventory of Tools and Equipment of 'hest Glens Falls
Fater District and move Tool and Equipment to Town Store house and submit
hventory to the Town Board.
Duly adopted bybthe following votes- Ayes- Mr Be=en,Mr Nobles,Mr Lampoon,
x Bentley and Mr Fowler.
roes- None.
SPECIAL MEETING. July `18,thj.1938
At a Special Meeting of the Town 3oa*d of the Town of queensbury, held at
he Town Clerks Office*'�r7: 00 P.M, on the above date. The following members being
D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor
Ralph Been Justices of Peace
Charles Nobles N N
Curtis Lampoon N N
Meredith Bentley N N
Bert D. Turner Torun Clerk
The following .sealed bids were rectived and opened for Portland Cement
for use in Construction of Sidewalk.
Henry J. Sleight
550 Bbl or more Glens Valle Portland. Cement at $2.44 a Bbl delivered F.O.B.Cars
Glens Falls.Mimi'um car to be 7911bl. Price subject to 10,& Bbl. Disc, if paid
within 10 days from date of invoice.
!:Tk. der"a rt:
Top of the World Mills
550 Bbls or more of Portland Cement at )2.37 per in lots not less than 132
abl shipments. On each shipments d.isc,of 3% will be allowed -if bill is paid
within 15 days from date of invoice,a given notice 2 days prior to day of
delivery. If discount of 3% not taken within 15 days from date of invoicegfull
payment will be due in 30 days time from invoice, and no dicount will be allowe
Submits bid for Glens Falls Portland Cement in paper bags in carload shipments
of 79bbls.or more of $2.39 per bbl.F.O.B.Glens Falla,N.Y, less a discount of
10je per bbl. if paid within 15 days after delivery,
Clayton G, Woodbury & Son
quote you a price bf 12.46 per bbl.F.O.B. cars Glens Falls,N.Y,on approximatwly
550 bbls Iron Clad Portland Cement as manufactured by the Glens Falls,Portland
Cement Company, Glens Falls,N.Y. We grill allow discount of 1OX per bb1. 15 days:
from date of arrival of cars.
RESOLUTION NO 52 Introduced by Mr.Nobles seconded by Mr, Lampson
Whereas The Town Board did a advertice to reciveit bids for Portland Cement
at this time and dace and several bids were received.
Resolved that the bid of J.W.Singleton to furnish 550 bbls or more
not to exceed 600bbls of Iron Clad Portland Cement at $2. 39 per bbl,F.O.B.
Glens FallagN.Y, less a discount of 1OX per bbl if paid within 15 days after
delivery and the same Aftl.rwt *, hereby; , accepted and the contract for same
be awarded at 12.29 net per bbl p-ayable within 15 days F.O.B. Glens Falls,N.Y.
Truly adopted by the following vote:
,Ayes Mr.Beenp Mr.Nobles, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Fowler.
Noea- None
On Motion Meeting Ajpurned
Bert D. Turner-Town Cleric.