1938-07-26 Regular Meeting July 26th,1938 At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Zueensbury, held on the above date at 7 O' clock at the Town Clerk' s Office. the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph T. Been Justine of Peaee Charles Nobles of 4 Curtis Lampson to to Meredith Bentley to Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Town Superintendent of Highway Arthur Stone also present, minutes of regular meeting held June 28th, and special meeting held on July 11th, July 18th. 0. Stevenson called on the Board in regard to oiling his St, RESOLUTION f53 Introduced by Mr Bentley Seconded Mr Been it was resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Jueensbury,are cons*dering the construction of an addition to the present town storehouse as a 'SPA project to store town machinery and other town property and vault to store papers belonging to the said town. a town hall with rooms overhead for town hall. Be it resolved that the supervisor of said town is authorizeded and iirected to take the matter up with the MPA engineer Mr Davis to draw plans and specifications and istimate cost of the proper building suitable for said town hall and storehouse vault. 'Duly adopted by the following vote. [yea- Mr. Been, Mr Nobles, Mr Lampson, Mr Bentley, & Mr. Fowler. [does- None. RESOLUTION NO 54 Introduced by T',ir Lampson Seconded by Mr. Bentley, it was resolved, that Lucy* T. Akins be and is hereby appointed attendent officer for the school year of 1938 - 1939-for the schools of the Town of Queenabury, iutside of District #2 subject to the approval of District Superintendent of schools at annul salary of Two Hundred Dollars ( $200.00 ) payable as follows twenty Dollars (20.00 ) per month for ten months, on presantation of a property 7erified bill, presented to the supervisorof said town. Duly adopted by the following vote. �ye:s- Mr. Been, Mr. Nobles , Mr. Lampeont, Mr, Bentley, Mr Fowler, Noes- None. RESOLUTION #55 Introduced by Tffr Nobles Seconded by Mr Bentley, WHEREAS, nary Issac,as administratrix,etc.of Nelson Iseac,deceased, 7rancis H.DeRosia, Desmond G. LaPoint and Leonard H. Gunning,comnenced separate .tctions in 'upreme Court against the Town of Queensbury to recover for the death 3f Issac and fordamages and said four actions were tried in Supreme Court, Lake 'reorge at the first trial and complaint dismissed and on appeal to the Appellate Division,judgnent was reversed and new trial granted by divided court of three to two.On the seconded trial judgment was awarded against the Town of ;ueensbury for X7,000. in the death case and smaller amounts in each of the other cases and on AV 9,ppeal to the Appellate nivision,judgment was reversed by divided court of three t to two and appeal was taken to the Court of Appeals, in which the court reversed the judgments of Appellate 'Division by divided court of four to three and the .a:-ses came back for trial at the May term, 19389at Lake George, at which time the rases were tried before a jurvT and a verdict of no sati*en of action was rendered by the jury and the nosts were taxed in each of said actions in the amount of D413.54, and judgment entered. for that amount in Warren County and transcript issued., and 7HEIMS9 It is certain that the ,judgments cannot be enforced as the plaintiffs in each case have no property from which said judgments could be satisfied, and THERMA3tAttorney for the ._plaintiffs has offered to waive their �Y right to appeal frorn said judgments upon condition that the Town satisfies the judgments for costs, and TIMU,AS, Watvers for the right toappeal,have been signed and filed in the Town Clerk offioe, and YIMMAS, The timc- is passed for the plaintiffs to appeal. and WIMEAS, This Board belt6ves it is for the best interests of the town to satisfy said judgments upon plaintiffs executing waiver of right to appeal to Appellate .Division# RESCLVED,Th.at the Supervison be and hereby is authorized to execute satisfaction of judgments, orany paper necessary to discharge said judgments of record. Duly adgptrml. by the following vote, Ayes- M- Nobles , Mr Larpson# Mr Bentley and. Ur Fowler, Noes- TTr ?Peen, RESOLUTION � 56 Introduce d by TAr Nobles seconded by Mr Bentley it vras reolved that TvTr Fowler appoint a committe of two, toact with Mr Davis Mk engineer, in re,garl to addition to Town storehousesa.lso to call upon other Towns in regard to their storehouses and Town Hall, Mr Been and Yr Lampson were appointed a commi.tte of two to act with Mr Davis #WPA engineer, also including Mr Stone. Duly adont�d by the following vote, Ayes- ly!t ` en p1 r. Nobles Mr Lampson, Mr Bentley, and Mr Fowler, No e s No:ner.: The Board Audited and Allowed.` Claims as follows. NO Name of Claiment Nature of Claim Amt, Clained Allo 134 Tm Te1ch Poor Order 3. 50 3150 185 1n. R. Jones Ins. Voting Machine 79. 0 0 79.2C 136 N.Y.P. 2C L. Corp. Street Light 34. 35 34.35 187 Pert D. Turner Clerk Service 42.00 8?.00 11118 Rlrb".rd Sleight Assessor Service 32. 62 82. 62 189 Charles Rich.ards to it 77.ti6 77.26 190 Ernest ?Tilli s 191 G. 7. Post Co , Printin " 71. 65 71.62 g; 192 N.Y.P.?L. Corp. Street Light 34. 36 34. 36 193 Curtis Lanpson Board Meetings 20. 00 208OC 194 Curtis Lamp,-on Justice Services 26. 70 26. 70 195 Ralph T. Been Board Meetings 12.00 12. 00 196 D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Service 44.00 44.00 197 Thomas Hall ',1Uelf-irt`Officer 43.64 43. 64 193 Meredith Bentley Board Tleet.ings 12. 00 12. 00 199 Charles Paldwi.n Constable Services 100. 58 100.58 200 Charles Nobles Justice Services 43.75 43. 75 ON 170ti..on Meeting Adj.ourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk F; a' r �t r 1r M , fit ,_ s