1938-10-12 SP i5 The Board Audited and Allowed Claims as Followa s NO Name of Claiment Nature, of Clain Claimed Allowed 221 Dr Annie Hull Poor Relief 1.4fl $ Z,0{} 222 Glens Falls Post Cc Printing Notices 6,66 5,66 223 . Mountain side Free Library- Library 184,00 100;00 224 Thomas Nall Welfare Officer 55:00 55;00 225 Richard C. Davis Inaspector of Election 10:00 10:010 226 William R. Jones Insurance 17.25 17.25 227 Glencraft Printg,Co, Resolution Certificates 4,50 5;50 228 Kathan do Groesbeck lqt, Ink 1625 710:25 229 Edward Sleight .Assessor Services 159,51 1'59;51 230 Ernest Millis " " 156,48 15'6:48 231 Chas W. Richards . " to 145.04 145,04 232 Bert D. Turner Town Cleric 80000 806, 00 233 Charles J. Nobles Justice Service 155,30 156.20 234 D.Ylmer Fowler Board Meeting 8.00 8 100 235 Curtis Lampoon " " $000 8,00 236 Meredith Bentley " „ 8,00 8,44 237 Ralph T. Peen „ " 16.44 16, 00 238 Charles Baldwin Killing Dogs 20.40 20,010 239 Curtis Lampoon Justices Servis 60.75 751"1*5 240 Lary R. Newcomb Poor Relief 5.50 5,5d 241 F.J. Crannell " " 8;00 8.00 242 F.A. .Richardson IN " 11.00 110,00 243 Charles Baldftn Constableaiarvice:s 112.10 11230 Total 279 U-9,42 On Motion Meeting ajourned Bert D. Turner Town Clerk SPECIAL MMTING October 12th,1938 .At a Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of ueensbur�,held at the Town Clerk' s Off4ce at 7, P.M. The following members being presents D.Elmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph T. Been Justice of Peace Charles J.Nobles Curtis Lampoon Meredith Bentley Bert D. Turner Town Clerk twOmmArthur Stone Supt, of hightway also present, RESOLUTION #66 Int b�,,' uced by Mr Lampoon Seconded by Mr Been- VREREAS The Town Aa d as Commissioners of West Glens Falls Water District of the town of �ueensbury did.,on the 34th day of Marche # certificate of indebtedness payable at the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company of Glens FallsgN.Y.for the son of Six Thousand Dollars, ($6v000.0C which certficate of indebtedness was payable six months months from the date thereof at the rate of interest of four per-cent, and WHERFAS , The certificate of indebtedness was not 4id at maturity for the reason that bonds were not issued by said District for payment of construction of water system in said District, Resolved,That the Supervisor of the town. of Queensbury and the Town Clerk of said Town be and hereby are authorised and directed to issue renewal of 10 IN w 3 r 4 (Pt3 said certificate of indebtedness of the town of Queensbury for the sum of 69000.00, payable at the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company , two two months from date thereof , with intrest at the rate of four per-cent, it is further RESOLVED , That the Supervisor be and hereby in autorized to pay interst on note for which this renewal is giveW. err Adopt by the following vote Ayes Mr Been. Mr Nobles - Mr Lampson Mr Bentley and Mr Fowler Noes-None CERTISICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the Town of queensbury , War ren County, New York, is indebted unto and hereby agrees and promises to pay to the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company of Glens Fa lls,N.Y. or or er, the sum of Six Thousand Dollars, ($6,000.00)* two months froz date here, with interest at the rate of four per-cent per annum. This Certificate of Indebtedness is given for renewal of a note due September 30th,1938,which was issued for the purpose of paying for the cost of material and cost of construction of water system in the West Glens Falls Water District and is given in anticipation of a bond issue of the Town of queensbury for the said Water District, FIESOLUTION #67 Introduced by Mr Nobles. seconded by Mr. Bentley It was resolved that Mr Nobles be and is hereby appointed a co;;Ittee' of one to call upon the N.Y.P,& L.Coro, to find out the cost of installing and maint- aining a li4.. dopted on the corner of Garresgon Road and Glen St, in the Town of Queenaburyt by the following vote Ayes Mr„ B . Mr Nobles .Mr Lampson. Mr Bentley. and Mr _Fowler. Noes- None. � ''Thin lette was scat from Beecher S. Glother's'400011p and was read to the Town Board of Town of Que;Asbury, dated October 119 1938. Gentlemen: Your Supervisor alled me on the phone today and stated that there was no water supply at the own storehouse property located at Miller Hill and there was a proposition to connect the storehouse with the water main which is a distance of 300 or 400 feet and the cost of such connection would be in the neighborhood of y1400. He stated that some of the members of the Board thought possibly the 'Town Board would be critized by the Department of Audit and Control if the Town bore the expense of such connection. I stated to the Supervisor that in my opinion the Town should lay' the pipe and make the connection for the reason that Town property in the dia. strict was exempt from taxation And that the Town had paid no portion of the cost of construction or maintenance of the water system on the "Vater District, but that I would get in touch with the State Department of Audit and Control and obtain their views. I have gust talked over the phone. with Robert Hayner, Assistant Director of that Bureau, and he informs mq-that it is his opinion that the small Water District should not be burdened with aIdd.ttonal cost of connecting the water main to the propetty which did not pay any taxes, or pay any portion of �he cost ,of onstruction of this system, and that he assured me that there would e no critic am frpm his Depattment if the Town lay the pipes and bore the ex ense and that it was his opinion that it was the duty of the Town to bear the ex ense and not burden the small water d.istridt, 'fiery truly yours, Beecher S. Mother County Attorney. >ytjr S� �R $f ,�, PMOLUTION NO. 69, Introduced by Mr.3entley seconded by Mr. Lampoon. It was resolved that WHHRF.AS , The queensbury Town Morehouse on the Aviation Road is without a Later Supply and, w VHtRFAS, It is deemed to the best interest of the Town to connect to the maij of the North Glens Falls Water District and, WHEREAS, The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has been advised by the County Attorney Beeaher .S'. Clother that it is both advisable and proper to make this connection with the main of the North Edens Falls Water District and install the necessary 4 inch pipes and fittings including a standard fire hydrant at the expense of the Town of Queensbury. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Superintendant of Highways .Arthur H. Stone be and hereby is authorized and directed to purchase the necessary materials and perform the work and that the cost of performing this work is to be laid put of the miscellaneous fund. .Ayes• Xr. Been, Mr. Nobles, Mr. Lampoon, Mr. Bentley and Mr.Vowler. Noes-r None On motion Meeting adjourned. Bert D. Turner Town Clerk. REGKLkR MEETING OCT013ER 25th, 1935 At a;Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Zueenebury, held at the Torn Clerk' s Office ftvtA in said Town on the above date at 7 pen* the following members were present; D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph T. Neen Justice Charles J. Nobles of Curtis Lampson the Meredith Bentley Peace Mert D. Turner Town Clerk Arthur Stone Superintendent of Highways also Present, Minutes of regular meeting lbetaajmimSeptember 27th October 12th, read and approved. Mr Stearns called upon the Town Board inregard to the Top of the World Farm Road. jtti,Y#£ t.r N ; a4r``. tSis