1938-12-01 SP Special Meeting December Ist I938 at a special meeting held on tha above date by the Town Board of the Town of Q,ueensbury at 7.30 P.M. at the Town Clerks Office the Following Members were presant Supervisor D.Elmer Fowler Justice of Peace Ralph Been n ?Charles Nobles +� Curtis Lampson n Meredith S Bentley +� Bert D Turner Town Clerk Resolution 80 Intorduced By Mr Nobles Seconed By Mr Lampson it was resolved that Resolution X74 passed November, I0, I938 be and hereby is ammended to read as follows r • RESOLVm, that their be raised by taxation for highway purposes in the Town of Queensbury in the presant tax levey ass Follows, Item .#I (25000 ) Item #3 (I0000 ) to pay Certificate of Indebtedness and Interest (6,,159.59. ) and Balance for repairs Or purchas of Machinery, Item 14 the sum of (I0000 ) Resolution .BSI Intoduced By Mr Lampson Seconed Mr Bentley Whereas the Town Board as Commissioners of the West Glens Falls Pater District of the Town of Queensbury, did on the 22nd day Of;"May I9.38, Issue Certificate of Indebtedness payabye at the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company,., of Glens Falls N.Y. for the Sum of $ 5. 000.00 which Certificate of Indebtedness was payable Six Months from the date thereof at the rate of interest ofv?our Per-Cent, and ' 3HEREAS9 The Certificate of Indebtedness was not paid at maturity for the reason Bonds were not Iaiued by Said District for payment of construction water system in said District , Resolved, That the Supervisor of the Town of jlueensbury and the the Town Clerk of Said Town be and hereby are authorized and Directed to Issue Ren*wl of said Certificate of Indebtedness of the Town. of Queensbury, forthe sum of $5.000.00.Payable at the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company two months from date thereof with Interest at the Rate, of Fou.­ f P '?Cent F YY4-- 4 r ,y t is Further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized ;o pay Interest on note note for which this reniewl is Given, ,yes MrBeen- Mr Nobles- 19r Lampson- Mr Bentley Mr Fowler. foes None CERTIFICATE OF IND I ETNESS KNOW ,AU MEN BY T1U4,'S_E 7TLTZENT39 that the Town of Jueensbury, Warren County, N.Y. is Indebted. unto and hereby agrees 1,and promises to pay to the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, of Glens Falls N.Y. of Order the stun Of Five Thousand Dollars -X5. 000.00. two Months from date hereof with interest at the rate of Four Per-cent this certificate of Indebtedness is given for. reniewl of a note Due November 22nd I938. which was issued for the purpose of paying for the cost of material and cost of construction of water system in the west Glens Falls Water District and is given in anticipation of a bond Issue of the Town of (jueensbury, for said later District Dated November 22nd 1938. Supervisor. Town Clerk. This Certificate of Indebtedness is given Pursuant to .Resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town Board of jueensbury on the Ist day of December 1938, and now on file in the office of the Town Clerk. own Clerk eF - kA: y y MW �; 39 RESOLUTION# 82 Intorduced by Mr Nobles Seconed by Mr Lampson ',TiF-PTAS, the Town Board as Commissioners of West Glens Falls Water District of the Town Of O,ueensbury that on the 30th day of !March, I938, Issue Certificate of Indebtedness payable at the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company of Glens Falls N.Y. for the Sum Of Six Thousand Dollars, 06. 000. 00 )- which Certificate of Indebtedness was payable six months from the date thereof at the rate of interest of Four Per-Cent, and W1 1 +.+AS, the certificate of Indebtedness was not paid at Maturity for the, reason that bonds were not issued by said District for payment Of construction Of water system in said district, and 'THERFlAS, said Certificate of Indebtedness was reniewed and renewal thereof became due on November 29th, I938 which was not paid for the reason that bonds have not been Issued, RESOLVE'), that the Supervisor of the Town of Jueensbury and the Town Clerk of said Town be and hereby authorized and directed to issue Rewnal of said certificate ofIndebtedness Of the Town of jueensbury for the sum Of 6. 000. 00.payable at the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Corr_pany, two months from date thereof, with interest at the rate of four per-cent, it is further RESOLVED, that the supervisor be and hereby is authorized to pay interest on note for which this reniewl is given, .Ayes -Mr Been- Xr Nobles- Mr Lampson- Mr Bentley= Mr Fowler Noes None ly`i v I °;• 1,it F 4+SEE;r N' i2l 3 CERTIFICATE OF I=TEDNES S KNOWN ALL M11- BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT THE Town of Queensbury, Warren County,New York, is indebted unto and agrees and promises to pay to the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company of Glens .Falls,NpY, Or Order the sum of Six Thousand Dollars, ( 6. 000.00 )# two months frot, they date hereof, with interest at the rate of four per-cent per Annum, this certificate of Indebtedness is given for renewal of the note due November 299I938, which was issued for the purpose of paying for the cost of material and cost of Construction of the water system in the west r Glens Falls water district and is given in anticipation of a bond Issue of the Town of Queensbury for the said District. Dated November 299 1938. Supervisor Town Clerk This certificate of Indebtedness is given pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of rjueensbury on the First Lay of December, I938o and now on File in the office of the Town Clerk Town Clerk ., ililp$p$ g ff f 3 tppp TA, ''� a� #� " 31 Resolution #83 Intorduced by Mr Larrpson Seconed by Mr Been It was resolved that Supervisor appointes Mr Bee`s n'ar[d Mr Nobles a Committee a,f Two to go With Mr Stone to the R.B.Wing Co alba,ny to look over used Compressor and Report Conditions to the Board .Ayes MrBeen - Mr Nobles - Mr Larrpson- fir Bentley - Mr Fowler Noes None e On Motion Meeting ad,jurned Bert D Turner Town Clerk MMCIAL METING DECEMBER 8th91938 At a special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of queensbury held on the above date held at Town Clerk' s Office at 7-30 P.M, the following members were present. D. Elmer Fowler ,Supervisor Ralph Been Justice of Peace Charles Nobles n it Curtis Lampson it Meredith S.Bentley Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Arthur H. Stone Town Superintendent of Highway also present. the Board disussed about purchasing of an air vompressor or by obtainin� one on a rental bases for the use in the Town of Queensbury. as no other business coming before the board. 0n motion meeting adjourned Bert I). Turner,Town Clerk, 3 M