1938-12-27 3� Regalur Meeting December 27th, 1938 At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of rJueensbury,held on the above date at 7.P.31. at the Town Clerk' s Office. the following members were Immxx present. D. Elmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph been Justice of Peace Charles Nobles If " Curtis Lampson It " Meredith Rehtley to " Pert D. Turner Town Clerk Arthur Stone Superintendent of Highway also present. minutes of regular meeting held on Nov ember 22nd,and special meeting held December lstp 8th, ar;6� 12th„read and approved. Mr Bennett and Mr Johnson called on the board in rega.rdM pper sherman ave, road. 'Rober-t,71 111?V1,Rl" tall ion :theoboardz,An :reghrd to aproj ect for National Youth_ Admestr ;FSOLUTION # 87 Introduced by Mr Been .seconded by Mr Bentley it was resolved that Robert P. Mc Call be and is hereby authorized to work up a project for National Youth Adminestration for the Town of 2ueensbury and present to the town board for the approval, duly-adopted by the following vote ayes. Mr Been, Mr Nobles. Mr Lampson. Mr Bentley, and Mr.Fowler. Noes None. Application, gf John Lennox Mrs; dhai,7 Tac.y , ; ilam, E i,nrand Seaver Ralph F. Hille for appointement of :dog enumerator.wa.s read to the board *Jmme the board took three informal Ballots. and the following resolution was adopted.. Lar!pson. RESOLUTION X88 Introduced by Mr Nobles seconded by Ur It was tesolved that John Lennox be and is hereby. appointed dog enumerator for the Town of queensbury for year of 1939. tAyees .11r Been Mr Nobles 1!ir LarTson Mr Bentley Mr Fowler. !application of Arthur J. VanWager H. Russell Harris William L Powers Romie R'epin Charles Baldwin for appointment as Constable ivere read to the Board. REi,SOLUTION #89 Introduced by Mr Bentley seconded by Mr Been. it was resolved that William L. Powers .andH.Russell Harris be and hereby are desegnated and appointed Constables for the Town of Q,ueensbury, for a term commeni_cing on January First 1939 ending on 31st, day December 1939. Dyes Mr Breen M "obles. Mr Lampson. Zir Bentley Mr Fowler. Foes- None. . � 7 �d pp yF i F'F1j Y3{ i 3 q k } � gg RESUTION X90 Inroduced by AJ1r Nobles seconded by Mr Been It was resolved that the Glens Fall National Bank and Trust Co, be and is hereb designated depository for moneys of' the Town of jueensbury and the Supervisor and Collector are hereby authorized and directed to any and all moneys of said Town in said Band. Duly adopted'by the followingfvote ?.yeas -Mr Been .Mr Nobles, Mr Larnpson. Mr Bentley . M:r P, viler. Noes-None RESOLUTION # 91 Introduced by Mr Been seconded by Mr Lampson. It was resolved that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized to purchase 2 'Nickbix Plated Badges and 2 Constable guide books for constables in the Town of queensbury . Roll Call. Mr Been Mr Nobles Mr Lampson. Mr Bentley Mr Fowler. Noes-None. The Board Audited and allowed tle chimes as follows o Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Amount Amount American Employers' Claimed Allowed 310 Insurance Co. E.L.&.P.D.on Stewart 143.00 143.00 1936 Dump Truck. 311 Wm.R. Jones Ins,on Voting Mach. 10.54 10.54 319 H.Y. Bain " on P.L,P.D.0 T.Truck 157.10 137.10 313 DeLong Fuel Co. Poor Relief Order 11.40 11.40 314 Charles K.Burt Reporting Birth,Ackley .25 .25 315 Robert F. Stott Inspection of Election 51.00 5110Q 316 Wm. R. Jones Ins.P.L.Sidewalk. Const: 14.25 14.25 317 Louis Silverman Poor Relief Order 2.00 2.00 318 Thomas Hall Ilefare Officer 56.38 56.38 319 Aronson:s Drug Co, Poor Relief Order 1130 1.30 320 Bert D. Turner Town Clerk Services 80100 80. 00 321 Charles J. Nobles Justice Services 83.40 83.40 322 Wilson Brayton Poor Reli--ef Order 3.75 3.75 323 New York P.&.L.Corp. Stree Lighting 34.35 34.35 324 A. G. Brown Poor Relief Order 19. 00 19.00 325 T. Turner Rent for Town Roard_Rm, 25.00 25.00 326 Wm. Welsh Poor Relief Order 6.0'0 6.00 327 Wm H. Hogan of to " 2.50 2.50 328 T?alph Been Board Meeting 20.00 20.00 329 I2eredith Bentley if " 24.00 24.00 330 ' D.Elmer. "owler. " " 36.00 36.00 331 7).Flmer Fowler Percentage on Gen. Town Fund. School Fuhd, 431.52 431.52 332 Charles Baldwin Constable Service 103.64 103,64 333 Curtis Larpson Justice Service 40.90 40,90 334 F.J. Crannell Poor Relief Order 10.00 10.0 6 335 F.A. Richardson it " It 31.50 3150 336 Mary R. Newcomb It " " 9,00 9100 337 Charles Baldwin Killing Dogs 4.00 4,00 338 Seward Lampson Rental Polling 30. 00 30.00, 339 Curtis Lar_n�son Town Board "ervices 20.00 20.00 340 H. Y. Bain Car & 'ten,P.L.&.P.D. 5 Ton- Truck 157.10 157.10 1,618.88 $1,618.88