1939-01-24 P71TUL,AR ITTETING JANUARY 24th,1939 </ REGULAR =,T ING of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,held on the move date at 7. P.M. at the Town Clerkta Office. the following members were present D. ELTM FOMM Supervisor RALPH BF�T!;N Justice of Peace CHARLES NOBLES It of CM'9RTIS LAMPISON if of I1QITH BENTLEY to u BFRT n. TURNER Town 01erk Arthur Stone Superintendent of Highway also present. minutes of regular MeetlNg held Dec 27 & 28 and Special Meeting January 6th, 1939 read and approved. Louis i'ayne called on the board in regard to an increased in way; s k. 11r Nobles , JueU60 , Off ffd the following Resolution No 8 , @A @®fld @d by Ur Iwmpson Justice: 4Hr. '.Eta,S, The Town Board of the Town of ueensbury, Warren County, New Y_q undertaken rk, has undertaken 'Public 7orks Project No. 48681 providing for the construction and improvement of the town road leading from Bay Road to the Top of the 77orld Farmt and ,VIS=AS, The said board has adopted a resolution to furnish tractors, trucks and. drivers to carry on said work; and 7!VH U F,AS, There is insufficient funds available for the payment of the Town' s share of the cost of said Public works Project, NOW9 T . + U ORE, be it RESOLVED, That this Board appropriate and it does hereby appropriate the sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars ( ' 1600.00 ) for the purpose of paying the Town' s share of said Public Torks Project ; and be it further R3 SOLVED, That pursuant to Section 6-C of Chanter 436 of the laws of 19389 the 'own of �ueensbury borrow said' sum of Sixteen Huridred Dollars 01600. 00 ) and issue therefor its Certificate of Indebtedness payable within one year from the date of said Certifica.tw, with interest at four per centum (4 ; ) per annum; and be it further RESOLVEM*T,h a.t the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they hereby are a.utheriaed to execute said Certificate of Indebtedness; and be it further RESOLVED,Th.at the rmoney,s so borrered be deposited in a special account and be used exclzrsively for the works project purposes above mentione The above resolution duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Tir Nobles - yr Lampson- Ifr Bentley: ?Toes: Mr Been - liar Fowler, vi r, b " M� , 'MTITIFICATE OT IND13TZfI' 'ESS. iMO77 ALL VEN 7Y 17TESE PRESF 7, That the -'own of ueensbury , 'Tasren county, New York, is indebted unto and hereby promises and agrees to nay to' the lens Valk Yational Rank and. Trust Company, Glens Falls ,N.Y. por order, the 31 of Sixteen ';unfired. Dollars, ( 1600.00 ) , payable January 2691940, with Interest at the rate of four per-cent per a.nnun, This Certificate of Tndebtedness is issuers pursuant to resolution passed by the Town Board. on the :4th day of January, . 1939, and is issued for the purpose of raising money ' to pay the part of the amount to be furnish ed by the Town for its share of the cost of ,,TPA project No, 43681, for construction and improver!ent, of town road. leading fror ?day Road to Top of the '.World Parrs. Dated , January 27th, 1939. _). ' Amer Fowler Supervisor, Bert D. Turner mown Clerk". .'^his Certificate of Indebtedness is given pursuant to resolution adopted by the Town Board of town. of 2ueensbury on the 24th, day of January, 1939, and now on file: in the office of the Town Clerk. Tovm Clerk PUFSOLUTION NO 6, Introduced by lir Nobles ,seconded by 1fr Lampson. it tivas resolved that Louis Payne the Town Mechanic recived an hourly rate of .70 X per hour, begening Fep,l., 1939 subject to approval of Town Supt, Ayes - Mr Nobles - Yr Larpson - ITr Bentley- Noes- I+fr Veen- Mr.. Fowler, RESOLUTION NO 7 - Intoduced by Mr 7:,�ixren - useconded by Mr Lampson- it was resolved that the Town Officers be and are hereby authorized to attend the meetings of the Association of Towns of the State of New York. in Albany on the 22 - 23- and 24th, day of 'February-1939 all necessary expenses necessarily incurred by any Town Officer in attending any or all of the Meetings of said association shall be a 'Town charge . Ayes- Mr Been- TVTr Nobles , Mr Lampson - Mr Bentley - Mr Powler, Noes None. The Town Board Audited. the following Claims. TqO Game of Claimant Nature of Claim Amt, Claim .Amt Allowed L J.C. Chitty Printi;rg Coll, Hillis 15.85 4 15.85 N.Y.P.&L.Corp Street,-Light 34.36 34036 City ofG.F.Police Dept,use of. City Jail 9.50 90'50 1 Fitzgerald' sHotel Meals for: Prisoners 12.50 12.50 5 Adirondack Und,lNrts Ins on Dodge Car & Realty Corp, General P.D. P.D. 86.70 Not Audited 5 Thomas C. Hall Serv,as Welare Officer 55,80 55:80 7 G.F.Post Co, Supervisor' Report 15,54 15.54 3 G.F.Post Co, Supt,of Highway Report 17,92 .17092 9 G.F.Post Co, Notice 1938 Taxes 8096 8.96 10 G.F.Post Co, if to dog Owners 3.04 3,04 11 William Powers Constables Services 25.44 25.44 12 Bert �. Turner Clerks 11 72.00 72.00 13 Dennis & Co,Inc„ Constable' s Guide 7.00 7. 00 14 The ,Aetna Caus & Surety Co, "Town Bonds 255.50 not Audited ' s !g, ' �#Yb, ;'` j 4 15 Cu*tis A-ampson Beard Meeting 14.00 16,00 43 16 3urroughs Add- Mach,Co Mech, Sery c tax Uareh,3.24 38 a 2 3S 5.00 5100 17 Ralph Been Board Meeting 16.00 16.00 16 Charles Nobles a a 40,00 40.00 19 ZD, Elmer Fowler to " 16.00 16.0 20 Burroughs Add,Co 1 Ribbon( L.C.Smi tk) 98000 21 Charles Baldwin Constable Service 96.00" 22 Charles Nobles Justice '" 79.45 79.45* 23 Merditk 3entley Board " 16.00 16,00 24 Thurston Ingraham Poor Relief Orders 42,85 42.85 a a 25 Mary Newcomb q 7.00 7,00 26 lrJ u » a Crannell 22.00 22.00 27 F.A. Richardson " " " 36.50 39050 $ � I 17' on Motion Me ting adJourned Bert D. Turner . Town Clerk, Regular Meeting February 2$,/1939 Regular Meeting of the `town' Board of the Town of Queensbury, held on -tke above date at 7.P.M. at the Town Clerk's Offise, the following members were present, h. ,Elmer Fowler Supervisor Ralph T. Been Justice of Peace Charles. Nobles Cu*tis I*amison Meredith Bentley " Urt -D. Turner Town Clerk. Arthur Stone Town Supt, og Highwary also present. minutes of regular meeting held on Jan, 24th, read and approved. Resulution #a Inntroduced by Mr Been - seconded by Mr Nobles- it was resolved that the Town ]hoard of the Town of Queensbury. , hereby goes on record apposing compulsory school centreliaation bills.senate print( NO 400) and assembly print NO 544,which were introduced in the legistation at the requist of the Board of Regents. Resolved, we ask that you eaerice your best efforts and influnce to defeat the above named bills, and further you take equally stand in support of any tion legislation that will establish home rule, for each school district on ques of centratiaation or consolidation. It was further resolved that a copy of this resolution be seat to Nan, 3enJamin Fienburg Senator, Hon Harry Reouxt assemblyman, Eton, Jee Nanley.chairm:axn of the senate education committee,Hon Barry -1'verill chairman education Coma, Association of towns of the state of New York..Ayas- Ur 3een - Mr Nobles - Mr Lampoon- Mr Bent Mr Fowler, Noes- None. • _ Resolution # 9 Introduced by Mr Nobles seconded by MrL:.1ampson - it was resolved that supervisor apply for supplement project for oompletion of W.P.A. project No 46681,It further resolved that supervisor make application to Norman Davis for �rcNobles Mr estsmste ojeet, Ayes - Mr Mr 3ee Mr Fowlerra noes nave. . Resolution #10 Introduced by Mr 3een. seconded by Mr Bentley, it was resolved that Town of Queensbury purchase 2 filling cabinets for use of supervisor and town ' welfare officer It 3= is further resolved that supervisor appoint comsitttee 49 purchase necissery files. Justice Nobles and Justice Bentley are appoated a commit* . to purchase filesays Ilk,$ X74 ;'