1939-04-27 SP Special Meeting April 27th,1939 at a Special Meeting of the 'gown Board of the Town of jueensbury, ne:ld at the above aa-t;e aL `I.r.M. At the Town Cleric' s Office . 6he ful:lowing members 'were present. D. Elmer Powier Supervisor Ralph :been Justice of reace Charles Nobles it u Curtis uampson of M+erdith Bentley if Bert :D. Turner Town Clerk Arthur 'Stone Supt of Highway , a letter f*rQZ ,Yr°.,'tone suet, of Highway, read to the board and: placed on file Resolution # 2, Introduced by Been seconded by Noble - it was resolved that by resolution 26 passed April 25th-1939 be and; the same is hereby r winded for the reson reson that suffioent. money has been recived by supervisor o bay the town bill audits. Roll Call, Ayes - Been - Nobles Lampson - Bentley - Fowler Noes - None Resolution Introduced by Mr Bentley seconded by Ur Nobles ?r►'hereas, the Town Board of the Town of queensbury , '47arren County, New York. has undertaken Public ?Works Project 7f 53363 providing for the construction and improvement of Town road leading from Glen Lake extension end of present road across OxBow Hill and Whereas, the said Board has adopted resolution to furnish tractors, trucks and drivers to carry on said work and, Whereas, there is insufficent funds available for the payment of the Town share of the cost of said Public 'Works Project Now therefore,be it . Resolvedp that the Board appropiate and it does hereby appropiate the sun of $700). , for the purpose of paying the Town share of said Publis Works Pro$eet and be further resolved that pursuant to section 5-C of Chapter 436 of the Laws of 1938 the 'Town of Jueensbtxy borrow said scum($ 700 )„ and issue therefore its certificate of ±ft indebtedness payable within one year from the date of said certificate ofth interest at(4/) percentum per annum. and be it. further Resolved that the buoervisor and Town clerk be and theyher. eby are authorized to excute said certificate of indebtedness -ind be it further Pesolved, that themoney so borrowed be deposited in a sp6cial account and be it used exclusivily for t7le works project purposes above mentioned. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes v Mr Reen - Mr Nobles MIr Lamson - Mr Bentley- Mr Fowler Noes-None. Certificate of Indebtedness KNOW ALL 31EN 33Y THESE PRESENT35,vThat the Town of ' ueensbury,Warren County, N.Y. is indedted unt;n anrt hereby promises and agress to pay to the Glens Falls Nhtidnal'Pank arid':Trust"Company,of Glens Palla, N.Y. or order, the .sum of X700. 00 payable ,on the first day of March, 1940, with interest at the rate of four per-cent per annum. This Certificate of Tndebtedness is given pursuant to resolution passed by the Tov Board on the 27th, day of April919299and is issued for the purpose of raisin money to pay fpr the Town' s share of Public Workhs project #53363,providing for the construction and improvement of town road leading from Glen Lake extension from end of present road across Ox Bow Hill, Dated May 4th,1939. V r. 1� F Mill �C x x t µ 3 f ` f�5 At an Adjourned Special Meeting of the Town ?Oard of the Town of Jueensbury, Meld at the office of the Town Clerk in said town on the 28th, day of April,1939 Present: D. Elmer Fowler, Supervisor, Charles J. Nobles, Curtis Lampson, Meredith Bentley and Ralph Been , Justices of the Peace. Mr Bentley Justice, introduced the following resolution which was seconded by Mr. Been. 'Whereas, FWD truck owned by the Town of Jueensbury was partially destroyed by fire and she Committee of the Board was appointed to investigate the advisability of repairing the same and to obtain an astimate of the cost of repairing, and Whereas,. Said Committee reported that in its opinion it is to the advantage of the town to repair said truck and t,,tbbtiined�lan, euti:nate of the cost of repairs ng said truck and placing the same in condition to be operated and used by said town, at a coed of $1330.91, and 1,11hereas, This Roard deems it advisable to cause such repairs to be made, and it appearing there is a surplus in the @eneral Fund, Resolved, That the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to enter into agreement with James G. Wells for repair of said truck in accordance with recommendation of said committee, as per specifications furnished by said James G. Wells, at a cost not to exceed $1330.91, it further Resolve#p That the Supervisor of the town be and hereby is authorized to pay for such repairs from the General Fund,as provided by section 107 of the Town Law, upon completion of truck in accordance with its terms and condition. Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes - Mr Peen, Mr MehIley and Mr Fowler. Noes - Mr Lampson. Mr Nobles declined to vote. THIS AGR ^ WT , Made and entered into this 28th, day of A ril and between James G. 7 Part el1s, of Cohoes, N.Y. ,of the first P :I939 by° Town of 2ueensbury, Warren County, N. Y. , of the second p , and the art, IMERFAS9 The Town of ";ueensbuty is the owner of FWD Truck model SSU, which was damaged by fire, and VP 7MF;A,S, the party of the first part hereby agrees to furnish new part and to repair as follows: Replace cab with rebuilt cab with new upholsterys new body sills and cab sills; new instrument lighting system and. i intion• new � Panel and instruments; re-wire g , gas tank, new head lights; new radiator; replaced with re-built magneto;new steering wheel and assembly parts; new transmission parts; check and replace' with new parts, if necessary; new muffler; one bearing for rear of center differential; turn brake drums and replace with new brake shoes nad bands; rel1lace four. bushings on hoist shaft; new bushings f'ur-5steering arms and alignment check up on front end; three new Good Year all weather 10.50 x 20 tires, 12 ply; truck to be painted with first class spray paint ,job, color Brewster Green, truck to be placed in good runnin g coditio°n and all harts furished to be guaranteed for ninty days; truck to be delivered at store house of Town of 2ueenebury on or before May 15,1939 In case of delays in delivery of parts reason of strikes or Vhforseen accidents, reasonable time to be allowed. All the above specified parts to be furnished and ,job completed for tH- s lm of 111330.91. Party of second part hereby agrees to pay said sumupon completion of said job and delvery of truck, as above specified. IN 'WITNESS WHEROF, Parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. 777AA$ IP S n