1999-470 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK August 2 99 Date 19 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 9 9 4 7 0 has been completed. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This structure may be occupied as a 384 BAY RD. Location BODIES BY JAY Owner TAX MAP NO. 59 -1-1 .6 By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Bldg.,6c Code Enforcement TOWN UEEN 7 Q co - L c OF � SBURY"riftg BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 531 Bay Road > Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 745-4447Prn t Er., .6 NEW BUSINESS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY PERMIT JUL 9 1999 (For occupancy only,with no work requiring build ,.permet) No Fee Is Required For This Permit PLEASE FILL OUT AND RETURN TO ABOVE ADDRESS Name of Business: C>C AC S kj Jcu Address: S &LLJe-P � Person in Charge or Manager: JAY Ciw_D/att I a. Business Phone Number: 9a - 5 3� Type of Business (i.e., Mercantile, Restaurant, hobby Shop, Plumbing Store): Owner of Property: C'.A-0i)tni Jf' /(ljf)aHec Address: 1P tot /SO r1 4u S A.17 /V / / SOcur-e l a/Le , e L.frTOn f 431 Phone Number: 57R- 710 /O/j10 I Pe-- 796 - Please provide a layout of your store showing all walls, exits, stockrooms, rest rooms, counters and fixture layout on a separate sheet of paper. Please try to make the drawing as close to scale as possible. � Signature of person submitting this form: q pew tito Office Use Only f Property Tax Map Number: - t - '• ;'D Date Received: BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ @ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 99470 TAX MAP NO. 59. -1-1 . 6 WARREN COUNTY,NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to BODIES RV Jay OWNER of property located at 384 BAY nn_ Street.Road or Ave. in the Town of Oueensbury,To Construct or place a CERTIFICATE -OF OCCUPANCY at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is 384 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Name 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ONLY I I Wood Frame l )Masonry ( )Steel 1 I 7. PLANS and Specifications CERAFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ONLY. NO STRUCTUAL WORK TO BE DONE AS PER APPLICATION 8. Proposed Use CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 0 August 2 19 2001 $ PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Oueensbury before the expiration date.) 2 August- 19 1999 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of SIGNED BY - '- for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning inspector FIRE MARSHAL ilakk TOWN OF QUEENSBURY .j ` QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 (518) 761-8205 FIRE MARSHAL (INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST RECEIVED gj z (ctc NAME TJaC'i�e5 �/ LOCATION y 11 A, PERMIT#C1R 4 SCHEDULE INSPECTION ON 30 AM PM APPROVED N/A YES/ NO EXITS �j AISLE WIDTHS � EXIT SIGNS J EMERGENCY LIGHTI FIRE EXTINGUISHERS f I FIRE ALARM SYSTEM /.` ✓/ FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM ✓` FIRE SUPPRESSION SYOTEM 1/ / HOOD INSTALLATIO / INTERIOR FINISHES 41 STORAGE: / CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS �/ CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE CHIMNEY / WOOD STOVE FIREPLACE ❑MASONRY ❑FACTORY BLT. ❑ROUGH-IN ❑FINAL ✓ REMARKS: OK TO THIS DATE ui i Go Prip6U erneercy -440 INSPSLIP.PUB I PEC R £` 0 Nit �Ox\1 L� y 'FIR MARSHAL / TOWN OF QUEENSBURY � � QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 (518) 761-8205 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST RECEIVED 7-xc� L l NAME CeoNesip LOCATION 3 , PERMIT#__ D SCHEDULE INSPECTION ON 7-Lq ___ 9 AM PM •1�# 5 DO I) APPROVED f S�°P e� tg N/A YES NO/ EXITS-cc \aoa Q()elk Lr� 054 8uf `� V/ AISLE WIDTHS / +' / XIT SIGNS 1 EMERGENCY LIGHTIN- 1 —V FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ---"1 / i FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM _ -I FIRE SUPPRESSION SY EM ,�, HOOD INSTALLATION V INTERIOR FINIS 'S STORAGE: / RANCE TO SPRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS / REQUIRED SIGNAGE ✓ CHIMNEY WOOD STOVE FIREPLACE El MASONRY ❑FACTORY BLT. ❑ROUGH-IN ❑FINAL ) REMARKS: ❑ OK TO THIS DATE �i* CiMe6runt)' riv-' he ,b0bv14ed u% ‘115 15 g'e up its �� tictor e,,-Iii Ice r5074 c1acy 76, \-NecOrt i>a -I-he, Shoe etUr)h' ) INSPSLIP.PUB INS TO ile c; v ' (11/Y\Lan Y.