1967-10-18 October 18, 1967 1lteetizrg o.f tbe To'Wzt o.f Queensbury Zon.izrg Bo iUYi o.f Appeals ùOll1.l E, Fi tzgerèll.d Chairm.nl George Kurosdkd, iJr, ù¡¡¡¡¡¡es Keller Charles Q, Sicard Allisozt Ù, Ellsworth 1, 1fi:Jtion by George Kurosdkd, iJr, carrier:! UZtæ.timously the RJJ.les & Jœgu14ltiozlS e~lective 9/27/67 'Were 4Ipproved., 2 . Appli cèltioz~ lorms lor èlpþe dls V èIZ" i æ.~ces æ.rd sþe ci dl uses 'Were pz-esented. at raee ting æ.r.t 4Ippz-oved., 3, No!lllizl.ztion 01 se cret ary - ùJ//Jes Keller appoizlted. 4, Arti cle 3 puðgr4lph. <J 01 /iu.les & hgu14ltions were ¡¡¡¡¡¡ez1fieå to SMW dll dppedls .nrd dpp1icdtioz~ to be .filer:! by 2zrd lVednesåClY o.f tbe 'IIlf()nth 'WOuld be presellted at Z1ext raee tiz'ifJ ' NOTICE OF APPPEAL # 1 RJJ.ssell A, Stone, Gertrude Stone - 23 1fi:JntrdY RIUI1:l R4 ZOZ1e Rerzu.est ~or vdriæ.tce to permit d use 'Which is only peZ7lli.tted. in CI C3 Hbbile Horae Sales, Re.ferred to Plazuuzrg BoiUYi ~or tbeir report, APPLIClfrION #3 George & Qlg~ lJoycldJ.Ñ lftJtel in dZ~ R<I & R5 80ne &?.terred to Plazu:u.ng Board lor tll8ir report, ZONING BQANJ HElJ) A ùOINt' HEErING TVITH Pl.ANNING BOAIUJ Jj. .'d ,~._--........-.._...» . "'"'~,~.,___.._._..,.,.....,~.__.' ,._.~_'.. "a.~...._·~ '~·"""4__""-'-_~.'''_'''''' ~rrNUTES of a meeting of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals held on Hednesday, October 18, 1967 at the Tmvn of Queensbury Office Building at 7:30 P.M. There were present: John E. Fitzgerald George Kurosaka, Jr. James Keller Charles o. Sicard Allison B. Ellsworth constituting the full board. Norman Ferguson, Zoning Inspector was also present. John E. Fitzgerald, the chairman, presided. Upon motion of George Kurosaka, Jr., seconded by '- James Keller and carried unanimously the Rules and Regulations effective September 27, 1967, were approved. Application forms for appeals, variances and special uses were presented to the meeting and upon motion duly made by James Keller, seconded by Charles O. Sicard and carried unanimously, were approved. The chairman stated that the next order of business was to nominate a Secretary for the Board. Upon motion duly made by John E. Fitzgerald, seconded by Charles O. Sicard and carried unanÍIr.ously, James Keller T,\1as appointed Secretary. Article 2, pa'ragraph (a) of the Rules and Regulations was amended to shoýJ that all appeals and applications filed by '-/ the second \\fednesday of the month \;·¡ould be presented at the next meetlng. 'l.hisrnotion vJaS made by James Keller, seconacd s-~ ~d ,'. ."o._,~.~.____. ._.~,,,,_'."'_'''_'"~d''''.._ .._. --"""-.......--........ -._...tI....,. by Charles o. Sicard and carried unanimously. Notice of Appeal #1 by Russell A. Stone and Gertrude Stone, 23 Nontray Road, dated October 2, 1967, 'Vlas presented to the meeting. The application was read to the meeting. The property was located on the map by Mr. Stone. It was pointed out that although this was on a notice of appeal form it was really a request for a variance. It was stated ,that the property is in an R4 zone and the Stones were asking for a variance to permit a use which is only permitted in a C3 - Mobile Home Sales. Section 9.702 of the Ordinance was read. The property owners vJi thin 500 feet areA.W .VJeeks, Ed IvlcKinney '-- to the North (only dwelling) and Bromley's. It was stat~d that notice would have to be given to these people. Section 10.205 of the Ordinance was also read. Nr. Stone stated that the only reason that he wanted this is that early this year he had a ruptured disc and has tried to find a job and this would be a little business of his O\VTI which he doesn't feel is going to bother anybody. These camper trailers will be advertised in the papers and solicitation probably done on the phone. They will be just samples for people to look at and place orders. Since this was an application for a variance it was referred to the Planning Board for their report. . Application '1/=3 by George and Olga Boychuk for a motel \ ,- in an R4 and RS zone. The application was read and i tílas noted that letters of no objection were presented from the o'W'o.ers of 10. ;-"diI,",-"~~_.........._,", ~ ...........~...'----.>- ---.... _.,._,~~_..~-,.-._....,-----._._«.~_.,._...~..._...~,"..;.., ." <."'"'...........----_....-.-.....~-----------~-~--"-,--,.~ the adjoining prop.:rty. Discussion was had and plans, the map and pictures reviewed. Martin Geruso, attorney for the applicants discussed these with the Board. The application for a variance was referred to the Planning Board for action under Section 10.202 (c) of the Ordinance. The Board thereupon held a lengthly joint meeting with the Planning Board and upon the conclusion thereof, upon motion duly made by Charles O. Sicard, seconded by Allison B. Ellsworth and carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned. \_- \ W~ ~,,\:..:!::_ ~ I .~ _ . ~ Secretary .