1967-11-29 November 291 1967 1lteetizrg 0.1 tbe TOll'zt 0.1 Queensbury Zonizrg Bo iUYi o.f Appeals Hizwtes 0.£ 1st raeetizrg 'Were reæ dZd dpproved, 1, VcIl"idZtee #1 - ,R, & G, Stone - dpprOVêd lI'it/i. C()zlditÙ)l~. 2, Variance #3 - G. Boyc/m.k - approved with oozrditioZ'ts, 3, V cIl"i èlnee #7 - A, Bee5llW - èlpproved with C()zlditioz~. Neetizrg adjourned, J I . ...JL__'_._.''_'_~,_,___,__~_.,_~__,_,_, 4 ,', '" '"..,,_.~,~_._- ---._-- ... ........_"..."...~-~....-. ..... , _..__.~..______~...._..c..".-..._____.___ NINDTES of th'2 public hearing of the Town of quecnsbury ..j :;~oning Board of Appea held November 29, 1967 at ï:30 P.E. at the TOvR1 Office Building. ) There were p~2sent: John E. Fitzgerald James Kelle): Charles o. ~icard i\llison ß. ~_ "¡Jorth George Kuro¿;:,:,;a being all of the me~)2rS of the board. John E. Fitzg2rald, the Chairman, presided. The Secretary, Jarnes Keller, read the notice ot -,-ic h2&rlng on Application for a Variance by Russell A. S'conc Dr~d Gertrude Stone which ¿l)pe.Hed in the Post-Star and Glens F21 "- Times on Noverr0er 18, 0/ . No obj ections were received by ma,il ana no one vIas present objecting. N:r. Stone answered questio:"1S raised l-y the Board. .,':Et:er discussion, upon motion duly iGE:Cic;:;, seconded and carried r,¡)2nimously, it 1;las RESOT..VED, :: III view of the age and health at t\1(~ applicants n:ìG that the Board is of the opinion ~ch¿:t the prOpOS'2(, use upon t~1.e land 'l;ilould not be offe::o.sive to the ors and th<=.t the variance gn1nteå is necessary ,_ -cÍl.e reason;;~bJ_e use of the land ,;md that in tlu? i.nion of thQ Board it is the minir.;:El; variancech::i: "¡?J.D, 2cco;'¡pli.sh this purpose, be it OI~DE;·.RET) tll.l.lt ~~':,I')()licD, t:i.OI1 f,01: .a Variance 4;:1 ·b~l H.l13sell ~1:\.. 22:1C1 Gertrlld:: StO:"le is é'iIypro-ved, LilLI -::'2G, however, teL,) t 106 only and so long as the Séi,ùe is o'íoJúed by E;::>iÙicants, ¿¡pd further .limi ted to the lifetime o..ct',he applicants. The Secreta~y read the notice of public hearing on '-- , 1, , ..:: \" ,~" b r< d O~ B h 1 I~p lcatlon ~or a larlance ~~ y ~eorge an' Lga oye uc for I £2 I -.."".-.,.-.---- ----.-.,...".-.,.-..,.......---..,-.-"..,., ...----.-....-. ,-,-"-"._-'---....-~_. '-...' dle cons truc tion of a [<101:el v711Ích appeared in the Fos t-Star ana Glens Falls Times on Novernber 18) 1967. No obj ections were received by ,Gail and no one Vias present objecting. Rev. Day, Pastor of the Cueensbury Hethodis t Church" raised several ques tions 'Vlhich ',vere Dt1ST:}(2red by Hartin Ge:c:::;o, Esq., atto:t:ney for the ap'plicc.nts. ,è,fter discussion, UpO.1 no tion duly maÓe, seconded and carried unanÍTaous ly, it '¡'Jas "-- RESOLVED, t 'i-7i th concurrence of the Planning Board be it ORDEEr:D that the Application for a Variance ',~~3 by George [¡no Olga Boychuk is approved) subject to the entrance ::oad to the proj eet being 300 feet iroL1 the North\,!c,y -- , 28 OU t:lined in letter No. 66-/:,0 issued by Deputy ChÜ"f Engineer (Higln·¡ays) oj~ the Hew Yo:Ll, tate DelJartr::tent of Transportation, and subject: to no major changes in the plans and lay-out s11C\?;:i :1.n the applicants' Exhibit D titled "Proposed Shc1:'idan Notor Inn, Glens Falls, N.Y. \; ) dated 3/3/6'7. The Secret.al~Y read the notice of públic hearing on Þpplica~:ion f01:~ a VarL,nce '1/:7 by ,,-'\:rthur Bessaw which WdS published in the Post-Star and Glens Falls Times on November 18, 1967. No objections were receivec::. by ms.il and no one was present objecting. Mr. Bessaw answered questions 'I . ~, ,·ïrll.Cil VJere raised by the Board. Liter discussion, U;)O~:: ',lotion duly made, seconded and carrieG unanimous 1y) it was RESOLVED th,,"t: i:n vie\\! of Hr. :sessaw's health and that the Boo:cd is of the opinion that the proposed use upon the land would ;1Qt be offensive to the neighbors Fmc:. that the variance granted is necessary for the n::::¡~;üJ:12,ble use of the land and that in the opinion 0::': the :ßoard it is the minimum variance that ,·¡ill ¿ccomplish this purpose, be it ORDERED '"--, ......,..'-----.-....---- ~--,.. -~..-...'-,~,""'--......... .-'- j tl-la t ¡\p:) 1:L c: a t:~~..011 is apprûv2d) lorlg as tl-¡e G ¿:,r,~;;,~ further 13,. .. ,."......,.------..-.-.-..----..- for a 'V :r~L<~al.ce ·j~~7 by L\rthur Bcssa\~7 ec t 1:0 '_,3 c as reques ted and so is OVlilC¿I::,y the applicant, and to the lifctirne of the applicant. Upon mot::Lon d-~Ùy made, seconded and carried uné:.nimotlsly, tll.G 1Jì(;e ting vìB.S adj Ott1':TIC·.d. ',-, "'-- ., ~/ /\ ~-'~-'-:)- -~_. ---"' '.. r ,'-:-. ~ - U, CJ~ Secretary