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REScheck Software Version 4.7.0 Compliance Certificate Qosangoss239B38ProjectFoothillsBuildersIncBoe°a320151eccte zGlensFalls,New York se#=Construction Type:Single-family ECEIVE S2e Project Type:New Construction sy ofgConditionedFloorArea:2,029 f&2 iN)4gGiangtres13%tl pag Climate Zone 6 (7635 HDD)g Permit Date:TOWN OF QUEENSBURY &Fi Number BUILDING &CODES & Owner/Agent:Designer/Contractor:wo32JohnClendonDriveDanielW.Ryan P.E.4tot#2 Rg D FOR 206 Glen Street . Queensbury,NY 12804 Ste 30ENERGYCODECOMPLIANCEGlensFas,ny 32801ARRnsFal Sryan@dwrpe.comeeeCompliance:0.0%Better Than Cod ‘Maximum UA:290 Your:290 “The ¥ete or Ware Than Code Index elects.how ote to complance the houses based on code trade us.IROOES NOT proud sn eaiateo energy sas or cx reise os mnmum-ode home Envelope Assemblies Gross Area ca behind keith oaeeeOme Celling 1:Raised or Eneroy Truss 1072 38.0 00 002527 Wall 1:Wood Frame,16”o«.1287210 00 005763 Window 1:VinylFiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 108 0290 3 Door 1:Solid 20 240 5 Door 2:Solid w 01403 Door 3:Gass 40 0290 12 Wall 2:Wood Frame,16"ox.958 21.0 0.0 0057 47 Window 2:VinylFiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E a2 0290 32 oor 4:Solid 1 0240 4 Floor 1:AlLWood JoistTruss:Over Outside Air 2 300 0.0 0.033 Basement Wall 1:Solid Concrete or Masonry 1258 19.0 00 0044 54 Wall height:8.8 Depth below grade:7.8° Insulation depth:6.8" ‘Window 3:VinylFiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-£32 0290 9 Window 4:Vinyl/Fibergiass Frame:Double Pane 4 04002 Project Title:Foothills Builders Inc Report date:05/22/20 Data filename:E:\Dropbox\DWRPE Engineering\Active Projects\1572 -DES -FHB 32 John Clendon Rd Lot 2\1572 Rescheck.rck Page 1 of10, ZEST SEZ 0z0z-8220-04 Compliance Statement:The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application,The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in RScheck Version 4.7.0 and to comply with the mandatory req listedinghe REScheck inspection checkst. Daniel W.Ryan P.E. .Taide 5/22/20 Name -Title Signature DO Date’ Project Title:Foothills Builders inc Report date:05/22/20 Data filename:E:\Dropbox\DWRPE Engineering\Active Projects\1572 -DES -FHB 32 John Clendon Rd Lot Page 2 of10 2\1572 Rescheck.rck REScheck Software Version 4.7.0 Inspection Checklist Energy Code:2015 IECCvf Requirements:0.0%were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions"column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen.For each requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented,or that an exception is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table,a reference to that table is provided, ‘envelope represented on onstruction documents. ‘Section T 7)meinen aane |Pog |Ft|capt|commeata)PeinsnsctonPian neve za Le103.1,id complies103.2 documentation demonstrate Oboes Not[PRI]!energy code compliance for the @ building envelope.Thermal Not ObservableDotApplicable dwelling units must demonstrate ‘compliance with the IECC Commercial Provisions. Construction drawings and Hicomplies 103.2,documentation demonstrate Oboes Not 403.7’_eneray code compliance for [PR3}!lighting and mechanical systems.{C)Net Observable @ Systems serving multiple Oot Applicable approved by the code official Heating and cooling equipment is Heating:Heating:Licomplies sized per ACCA Manual S based ‘Btu/hr_Btu/hr_Cdoes Not Oot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumption: [i [High impact (Tier)[2 [Medium is 2)[3 |Low impact (Tier 3)__| Project Title:Foothills Builders Inc Report date:05/22/20 Data filename:E:\Dropbox\DWRPE Engineering\Active Projects\1572 -DES -FHB 32 John Clendon Rd Lot Page 3 of 10 2\1572 Rescheck.rck may need to occur during Insulation Inspection.Not ‘required in warm-humid locations in Climate Zone 3. not applicable ee 1 F°"|coundation inspection|Plans Verified Compiies?|comments/AssumptionsGsaleea402.1.1 Conditioned basement wall Re Ocomplies ‘See the Envelope Assemblies 1FO4}'insulation R-value.Where interior RO Bdoes Not table for valves. ©_lnsuletin ©used wenfcaton ee ee Bot Applicable 303.2,Conaitioned basement wall Cicomplies(FOS insulation installes per Oidves Not ‘o__Manufacturers instructions.Civot Observabte __BNot Applicable ee4022.9 Congitioned basement wall _complies See the Envelope Assembles {FOG}insulation depth of burial or Chooes Not ve Forvatues‘distance trom top of wall ‘DyNot observable _Not Applicable _a30321AprotectivecoveringisInstalledcomplies(FO11}to protect exposed exterior Cdoes Not ‘o__Insulation and extends 2 Not Obervableminimumof6In.below grade.imum of 6 below ord,not Appiabie 1403.9 Show-and ice-melting system Ccemplies| {FOIZP controls installed.Cdees Not°Not Observabie Additional Comments/Assumptions: (1]High impact Mier 1)[2[Mediumimpact(Tier 2) [3 [Low impact ier3)|Project Title:Foothills Builders inc Data filename:E:\Dropbox\DWRPE Engineering\Active Projects\1572 -DES -FHB 32 John Clendon Rd Lot 2\1572 Rescheck.rck Report date:05/22/20 Page 4 of 10 Section | 1402.11,Door Ufactor.u complies ‘See the Envelope A 402.3.8 Booes Not table for values. iS"Not observableeeBiotApplicable 4021.1,Glazing Usactor (area-weighted _U-Dcomplies ‘See the Envelope Assemblies 4023.1,average)Cdoes Not «table forvalues.toe [Not observable TFRZP not Applicablee 3031.3 U-factors of fenestration products Dicomplies {FRA}.are determined in accordance Coes NotewiththeNERCtestprocedureorElstOba vebietakenfromthedefaulttable.oo sbaideheaaleiieci Cot Applicable |'402.4.1.1 Air barrier and thermal barrier Ccomplies [FR23]'installed per manufacturer's Oboes Noteiesgrctions,[Not Observable | CONotApplicable '402.4.3 Fenestration that is not site built Cicomplies [FR20}'is listed and labeled as meeting Glboes Not ©Grhas tration rates per HERE Not Observable 400 that do not exceed code ‘init Applicable limits. 402.45 IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures ‘compliesFRAG?sealed at housing/interior finish dees Notandlabeledtoindicate=2.0 cfm leakage at 75 Pa.Not observabie "be BNot Applicable -4033.1 Supply and retum ducts in aties complies — TFRi2i*insulated >=R-8 where duct Is oes not>=3inches in digmeter and >=°R-6 where <3inches.Supply and [Not Observable return ducts in other portions of Not Appicable the building insulated >=R-6 for diameter >=3 inches and R-4.2 for <3 inches in diameter. Building cavities are not used as compilesuctsorplenums.Coes nat Not Observable 1403.4 HVAC piping conveying fluids.R.compliesIFRA7Pabove105&F or chilled fluids Coes NotBelow55Fareinsulatedto=R-(CONot Obsorvable 7 Cotapplicable |'403.4.1 Protection of insulation on HVAC Tcompies [FR24}piping.Goes Not°(Not Observable 5.3 Hot water pipesare insulated to ~Gicomplies(Fig?|=R3.Cdoes NoteNotObservableCotapplicable 403.6 Automatic or gravity dampers are Cicomplies [FRI9P installed on all outdoor air Coes natintakesandexhaustsNotobservableBotApplicable (a]Migh impact(ier)_[2)[Medlum impact (Tier 2)[3|Low impact (rier 3)| Project Title:Foothills Builders inc Report date:05/22/20 Data filename:E:\Dropbox\DWRPE Engineering\Active Projects\1572 -DES -FHB 32 John Clendon Rd Lot Page 5 of 10 2\1572 Rescheck.rck Additional Comments/Assumptions: er)|[i ]High impact (Tier 1)[2Medium impact(ier 2)[1]towimpact Project Title:Foothills Builders Inc Report date:05/22/20 Data filename:E:\Dropbox\DWRPE Engineering\Active Projects\1572 -DES -FHB 32 John Clendon Rd Lot Page 6 of 10 2\1572 Rescheck.rck 303.2vay requirement applies (FR10).. ‘Wall insulation is installed permanufacturer's instructions. Section‘Insulation inspection|PlansNerifed|Fleld Verified |Complies?|Comments/Assumptions ®io Se303.1 All installed insulation is labeled Ccomplies[N13 or the installed R-values Cdoes Noteprgviced.(DiNot ObservableOotApplicable /402.1.1,Floor insulation R-value.R R Cicomplies See the Envelope Assemblies 402-26 Cl Wood Wood Oboes Not table for values, Na}O Stee!Di Stee!(Not Observable°Cot Applicable 3032,Foor insulation installed per Cicompies —402.2.7 manufacturer's instructions and Oboes Notnz)"in substantial contact with theUndersideofthesubfoororfloor {Not Observae framing cavity insulation is in INot Applicable Contact with the topside of Sheathing,or continuous insulation is installed on the Underside of for framing and extends from the bottom to the top ofall perimeter floor framing members __402.11,Wall insulation R-value.If this is a R-Re Ocomplies ‘See the Envelope Assemblies 402.215,mass wall with at least %of the]Wood Woos Goes Not table for values. wall insulation onthe wall exterior,the exterior insulation)BS oes {noe ObsereebleotApplicable ‘CicompliesCoesNot [Not observableiNetApplicable Additional Comments/Assumption: 2 [Medium impact (Tier2)_[ 3 [Low impact 3) Project Title:Foothills Builders Inc Data filename: 2\1572 Rescheck.rck \Dropbox\DWRPE Engineering\active Projects\1572 -DES -FHB 32 John Clendon Rd Lot Report date:05/22/20 Page 7 of10 ‘Section ] T|eel eapacten erovctond |Field Veried|Computes?|Commente/Ascumptions ling insulation R-value.Re Re complies "See the Envelope Assemblies DD Wood Cl Wood Oboes Not table for values. CO Steel CO Stee!DiNot ObservableBotApplicable 3031.1.Ceiling insulation installed per complies 303.2 manufacturer's instructions Ciboes Not[r2i*Blown insulation marked every cpio lervatnejs—poe:iNet Appiicabie 7'@O229 Vented attics with air permeable Cicomplies (F227 insulation include baffle adjacent Oboes Nottosoffitandeaveventsthat ‘extends over insulation.DINot ObservableeeEECNot Apticable'402.2.6 Attic access hatch and door Cicomplies| [FSF insulation =R-value of the Cibees Not adjacent assembly,[Chee OosarvatlaiNetApplicable 402.412 Blower door test @ 50 Pa.<=5 ACH 50 =Cicomplies [F117 ach in Climate Zones 1-2,and Odoes Not‘<=3 ach in Climate Zones 3:CINot Observablenotapplicable fmii00 efm/i00 Cicomplies ‘cfm/100 ft2 across the system or 7 P ‘Oboes Not‘<=3 cfm/100 ft2 without airhandler@25Pa.For rough-in ICiNot Observable tests,verification may need to INot ApplicablecutduringFraminginspection '403.3.3 Ducts are pressure tested to efm100 eimii00—ClComplies {FI27}'determine air leakage with ®Doves Not either:Rough-In test:Total leakage measured with 2 CNet Observable pressure differential of 0.1 inch not Appiicable Wg.across the system including the manufacturer’air handler enclosure if installed at time of test.Postconstruction test:Total leakage measured with 3 pressure differential of 0.1 Inch Wg.across the entire system Including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure. 403.3.2.1 Air handler leakage designated Cicompiies {ri24}*"by manufacturer at <=2%of oes Not design air flow.(CNet ObservableNotApplicable 403.1 Programmable thermostats complies [FI9P installed for control ofprimary oes Not heating and cooling systems and initially set by manufacturer to:CiNot Observable code specifications.Not Applicable 403.1.2 Heat pump thermostat installed Cicompiies TFHIOF on hest pumps.oves Not Not ObservablenotApplicable -4035.1 Circulating service hot water complies (FI11?systems have automatic or does Notaccessiblemanualcontrols.cinot Observabte CiNot Applicable (Highimpact(Tier 1)[2]Medium impact (ier 2)[3[Low impact (ier 3)| Project Title:Foothills Builders Inc Report date:05/22/20 Data filename:E:\Dropbox\DWRPE Engineering\Active Projects\1572 -DES -FHB 32 John Clendon Rd Lot Page 8 of 10 2\1572 Rescheck.rck Section ]erty,Finel Inspection Provisions Plans Narfied|Field Verified|Complies?|Comments/Assumptions '403.6.1 All mechanical ventilation system complies [F125]?fans not part of tested and listed does Not HVAC equipment meet efficacyandairflowlimits.oe obserabie—ee plicable [403.2 Hot water boilers supplying heat complies F126}?through one-or two-pipe heating does Notsystemshaveoutdoorsetback control to lower boiler water Not Observable temperature based on outdoor Not Applicable temperature. '403.5.1.1 Heated water circulation systems Cicomplies[FI28 have a circulation pump.The ‘Dees Notsystemreturnpipeisadedicated return pipe or a cold water supply e_Niet Observable pipe.Gravity and thermos-Not Applicable syphon circulation systems arerotpresent.Controls for circulating hot water system pumps start the pump with signalforhotwaterdemandwithinthe ‘occupancy.Controls automatically turn off the pumpwhenwaterisincirculationloop is at set-point temperature and no demand for hot water exists :_4035.12 Electric heat trace systems Gcompies F129)?comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL Doces Not 515.Controls automatically adjust the energy input to the QNot Observable heat tracing to maintain the ot Applicable desired water temperature in the piping.oe4035.2 Water distribution systems that Dcompiies {F130}?have recirculation pumps that dees Notumpwaterfromaheatedwater Supply pipe back to the heated Dot Observable ‘water source through a cold ONot Applicable water supply pipe have @ demand recirculation water system.Pumps have controlsthatmanageoperationofthe pump and limit the temperature ‘of the water entering the cold water piping to 1048 s a4'403.5.4 Drain water heat recovery units Bicompiies [F131]?tested in accordance with CSA does Not 855.1.Potable water-side pressure loss of drain water heat Dot Observable recovery units <3 psi for not Applicable individual units connected to one or two showers.Potable water- side pressure loss of drain water heat recovery units <2 psi for individual units connected tothreeormoreshowers.—404.1 7596 of lamps in permanent complies[Fi6?fixtures or 75%of permanent dees Notfixtureshavehighefficacylamps.io INot ObservableDoesnotapplytolow-voitatfighting,>so omvonage Cot Applicable Fuel gas lighting systems have CDicomplies no continuous pilot light.does Not (Not ObservableDictApplicable [2[Medium impact (Tier2)[3 [Low impact (Tier 3) Report date:05/22/20 Page 9 of 10, h impact (Tier 1) Project Title:Foothills Builders inc Data filename:E:\Dropbox\DWRPE Engineering\Active Projects\1572 -DES -FHB 32 John Clendon Rd Lot 2\1572 Rescheck.rck Section Additional Comments/Assumption: Project Title: Manufacturer manuals for ‘mechanical and water heating systems have been provided. (Not ObservablenotAppicable Cicomplies Cibees Not iNet Observable CiNot Applicable Plans Verified|Field Verifiedpan],el ftnpection Provisions pci gti Complies?|Comments/Assumptions 401.3 Compliance certificate posted.tFiaP (T]HighimpactTieri) [2 [Mediumimpact(ier 2) [3 [Lowimpact (Tier 3) ‘oothills Builders Inc Report date:05/22/20 Data filename:E:\Dropbox\DWRPE Engineering\Active Projects\1572 -DES -FHB 32 John Clendon Rd Lot Page 10 of 10 2\1572 Rescheck.rck 2015 IECC Energy Efficiency Certificate eee)Rani Above-Grade Wall 21.00 Below-Grade Wall 19.00 Floor 30.00 Ceiling /Roof 38.00 Ductwork (unconditioned spaces):eer]Ve aesWindow0.29 Door 0.29 Heating &Cooling Equipment Ciera) Name:Date: