1968-03-20 ,110 ' ',-- MINUTES of a public hearing of the Town of Qµeensbury Zoning Board or Appeals held at the Town Office Building on March 20, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. There were present: John E. Fitzgerald James Keller Charles O. Sicard George Kurosaka Allison B. Ellsworth being all or the members of the board. John E. Fitzgerald, the Cha, irma,n, presided and the Secretary, James Keller, recorded. "-- The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting held February 21, 1968. He called attention to the portion which stated that the Application tor a Variance /123 by Cleo Rogers and the Application for a Variance :1/:28 by Slingerlands Developmen t Corporation had been returned to the a'Dplicants with the recom- mendation that they pursue the applications with the Queensbury Town Board in view of the fact that the Town Attorney was studying the language of the Zoning Ordinance as pertains to granting of variances to large scale developments. It was the intention of the Board that until an opinion from the 'l'own Attorney in this respect wa,s received that ra,ther than delay the applicants they should be instructed to apply to the Town Board. With this change the minutes as presented were U'Don motion duly made, seco nded t:n d carried unanimously, approved. The public hearing with respect to the Application for a ''-..- Variance #30 by theC¡µeensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. was commenced and the Secretary read the affidavit of publication and advised that all property owners required by the Zoning ,2 '1 . Ordinance to be notified, had been duly notified. C. powel Smith '-.-j appeared on behalf of the fire company accompanied by George Tobias, a.n owner of adjacent land, who added that he had no objection to the proposal. A report from the Planning Board approving the application with the modification that stage Three should provide for a 22 ft. setback was read. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimoully, it was RESOLVED, that Application for a Variance #30 by the Qµeensbury Cm tral Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. on the grounds that the proposed new fire house building did not meet the 50 ft. side ~ rd requirements of the Zoning Ordinance be and the SEme hereby -is apPFov.ed sUbiec tdt.P theiconditiQn1 that stage' 'l'hree . b the pro ose bu1ICI. ng sC1ieCl.u e provide ror a 22 ft. setbac as was spec1fied in the prior stages. The Board reviewed Application for B. Variance #33 by M D Management Corp. with respect to an oversized sign and '-.../ Applications tor a Variance #34 and /1=35 by A. C. Warner Co., Inc. with respect to an oversized sign and a variance from the 50 ft. setback requirement. After discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was RESOLVED, tha.t Application tor a Variqnce #33 by M D Management ,Corp. and Applications for a Variance #34- and¥35 by A. C. Warner Co., Inc. be hereby referred to the Planning Board for their report; and that said a'Qp1ications be c~lled for a public hearing on Thursday, April 4, 19b8 at 7:30 P.Ì'1. Application for a Variance #37 by Peter Mer10w and Anplication #38 by Edward and Eleanor Reith from the minimu-m lot size in an R-4 district requirement were discussad and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it waS RESOLVED, that Application #37 by Peter Mer10w and Application #38 by Edward and Eleanor Reith be called for a public hearing on Thursday, April 4, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. '-- 19' There being no other business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was adjourned. <..~ (J.(~ --_.~""'" Secretary