1968-11-21 C¡). MINUTES of the public hearing of the Town of Queensbury '- Zoning Board of Appeals held at the Town Office Building on November 21, 1968, at 8:00 P.M. There were present: John Fitzgerald James Keller George Kurosaka Charles Sicard Allison Ellsworth being all the members of the board John Fitzgerald, the Chairman, presided and James Keller, the Secretary, recorded. This being the second half of the meeti~g which was planned and took place on the previous evening, November 20th, the Board proceeded directly to the next application for a variance. Application for a Variance #69 by Woodbury Lumber Company, Upper Glen Street, Glens Falls, to erect a building closer than five feet to the northern property line. Appearing for the application was Mr. Wil:1iam F. Chambers, Attorney. He states that they will servkßautos in the rear of the building. He says this building should line up with the other buildings and not be set ba~k in; this would cause a hardship. The store will be attractive with brick, steel and concrete blocks and plate glass windows. He mentions that the owner of the next lot has no objection. This building will be used as a tire store besides service facility. A scale drawn by the State was submitted. No one was present in opposition. After further discussion, motion duly made, and seconded unanimously, it was decided that decision would be withheld until the December meeting pending recommendation - of the Planning Board. 1 ?3. ,Ø¡ t,; Application for a Variance #70 by George Boychuk to relocate '-.-. an existing oversize sign on Quaker Road property, and place other sign. Attorney Martin Geruso, representing Mr. Boychuk, explained that a conforming sign would be inappropriate because of the distance from the highway. The existing sign will be replaced on the fascia of the building. Mr. Boychuk, present in his own behalf, says that the signs must be large because of the set back from the road in this C-3 zone. Also present in favor of the application was Mr. Vincent Reese, South Glens Falls, who is familiar with the building and agrees with the said set back. There was no one present in opposition to this application. After discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried unanimously, it was RESOLVED th~~Applicaûon for a Variance #70\õy George Boychuk be approved being it was in general harmony with its established use in the general area. The next,Application for a Special Permit #6 by Dorr Martin to create a camp ground in an R2 Zone Mr. Kurosaka disqualified himself from this application. This camp would be located on the Farm-to~Market Road. It will accommodate 49 camp trailers and eventually 88 with normal facilities. Mr. Martin is present in his own behalf. He stated that he originally bought the R & R property to protect shipping facilities. He also says that the camp will operate only two. months Å“year. He states that most of the surrounding areas are wastelands. He says that he has been paying taxes on this land for 10 years and now wants to make use of it. He also mentions that the sewage facilities were approved by the Department of Health. 2 7~ Appearing in opposition to this variance was Mr. Louis Mayer, Farm-to-Market Road. He says the drainage will enter his pond, and opposes the polluting. Also present in opposition was Attorney Robert Stewart, re- presenting the owners of the King ~railer Park on the Farm-to-Market Road. He does not object to the campsites if they are properly laid out. He's not in opposition to the aspect of business competition, but feels the project is unwise because it will create an even greater traffic hazard. He sees no area for recreation due to the tight boundaries, and this will force children to go to other surround- ing properties. Legally, he says, it does not agree that a special permit for the proposal of lots fits the requir.ement of the Zoning Ordinance. He feels this application does not apply to the Zoning Ordinance or the Trailer Ordinance, (He read the law Para.6, Sub.Div.D of the mbbile home ordinance which governs trailer operations) Also present in opposition was Louis M. Kuroson, Attorney, President of the Glen Lake Association. He states that he does not want the danger of pollution in this area. He feels that the children will use the brook and pond for facilities. He thinks that this is the worst site in the Town of Queensbury to be selected for a trailer camp. There was some discussion as to the aforementioned brook, since there was some disagreement that the brook in question was the one others present in opposition were also talking about. Also present in opposition were: William Young, property owner who does not feel there is enough room on this site for people and trailers; Dwayne Peacock, operator of a used car lot on a~joining property and opposes ~0 the amount of traffic it will create, and the amount of mosquitoes in the area where spraying would pollute the trout stream; Robert Hay, Glen Lake Road, against the pollution of the drinking water of his property; Bruce Wilson, Glen Lake 3 75'. also in opposition to pollution of the stream; Tony Forcucci;traffic hazard Robert Barber, opposes the idea of pollution. ',~ After further discussion, it was resolved that a decision by the board will be withheld until the next meeting in December, pending the recommendation of the Planning Board, and advice of the Town Attorney. Next, Application for a Variance #71 by Edward S. Gray, Glen Lake, for an addition to an existing garage closer than 30 feet from the front property line, in an R-4 zone. Mr. Gray, present in his own behalf, feels this is the only practical way to enter the house. The Plot Plan was then examined by the board. He submitted a petition for the record by his neighbors stating that they have no objection. There was no one present in opposition to this application. After æurther discussion, upon motion duly made; seconded, and carried unanimously, it was RESOLVED that Application for â-:variance #71 by Edward S. Gray be approved being that this addition to the existing garage would eliminate a traffice hazard and would not be detremental to the public welfare. There being no other business to come before the meeting, upon motion duly made, seconded, and carried unanimously, the meeting was adjourned. ~ 0.. nJ e,~ Lu . ~.¿;:¡ \\ ~r- Secretary 4