ComCheckCOMcheck Software Version Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate REVIEWED FOR Projctintomatin ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE ener Cat 2oeiece Prot Te HANNAFORD SUPERMARKET #8360meteAteraion Construction Site: 1190 QUAKER ROAD ‘QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Allowed Interior Lighting Power (OwneriAgent LBM,INC, 811 CROMWELL PARK DRIVE SUITE 113 GLEN BURNIE,MD 21061 JUN 15 2029 DesigneriContractor: HENDERSON ENGINEERS,INC. 525 ROUTE 73 N. SUITE 406 MARLTON,Nj 08053 A B c D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2)Watts 112 (Bxc) T-GROGERY PRODUCE AREA (Reta)4500 106 770 Total Alowed Watts=4770 Proposed Interior Lighting Power A B c D E Fixture ID :Description /Lamp /Wattage Per Lamp /Ballast Lamps)#of Fixture (C XD) Fixture Fixtures Watt.GROCERYPRODUCEAREA(Retail4500sa.f.)LSIL9E:L9/LSE:16°LED RECESSED DOWNLIGHT:Other 1 6 7 1120 14:L14:2'LED STRIP PENDANT:Other:1 34 31 1054 ‘T1:1:LED TRACK HEAD:Wattage based on 94 feet of track 0 o_752 752 Total Proposed Watts =2926asasInteriorLightingComplianceStatement Compliance Statement:The proposed interior lighting alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application,The proposed interior lighting systems have been designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist. Karol Kluczynski -Electrical Designer 06-15-2020 Name -Title FILE COPY Signatee_7Date Project Title:HANNAFORD SUPERMAR)KET #8360 Data filename:|:\Philadelphia\Programs\F-)\Hannaford\2050001492 HNY Hannaford - (Queensbury\o01\Energy\\2050001492 comcheck.cck Report date:06/15/20 Page lof 6 .COMcheck Software Version Inspection Checklist Energy Code:2018 IECC Requirements:0.0%were addressed directly in the COMcheck software Textinthe"Comments/Assumptions"column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen.For each requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented,or that an exception is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table,a reference to that table is provided. ‘Section#Plan Review Complies?‘Comments/Assumptions &Reg.tD HS(C103.2 Plans,specifications,and/or Ccomplies [PR4}’calculations provide all information Clboes Notwithwhichcompliancecanbe determined for the interior lighting DiNot Observable and electrical systems and equipment CINot Applicable and document where exceptions tothestandardareclaimed.information provided should include interior lighting power calculations,wattage of bulbs and ballasts,transformers and control devices, Additional Comments/Assumptions: igh impact Tier 1)[2 [Medium impact (ier2)[3 [Low impact (ier 3) Project Title:HANNAFORD SUPERMARKET #8360 Data filename:}:\Philadelphia\Programs\F-)\Hannaford\2050001492 HNY Hannaford - ‘Queensbury\001\Energy\2080001492 comcheck.cck Report date:06/15/20 Page 20f 6 Section*Rough-In Electrical Inspection|Complies?Comments/Assumptions &Req.ID |[C405.2.2.Spaces required to have light-complies 2 reduction controls have a manual Clpoes Not [EL22"control that allows the occupant toreducetheconnectedlightingload in CINot Observable a reasonably uniform illumination CINot Applicable pattern >=50 percent. [C405.2.3,Occupancy sensors installed in Cicompiies \C405.2.1.classrooms/lecture/training rooms,—Cipoes Not feLiap—fooms:copyfpintooms,Tn CNot Observable lounges/breakrooms,enclosed offices,CINot Applicable open plan office areas,restrooms, storage rooms,locker rooms,warehouse storage areas,and other Spaces <=300 sqft that are enclosed by floor.to-celing height partitions.Reference section languageC40521.2 for contra function in warehouses and section C403.2.1.3 for open plan office spaces [C405.2.1.Occupancy sensors control function in.Cicomplies 2 warehouses:in warehouses,the ClDoes Not[EL19}lighting in aisleways and open areas iscontroledwithoccupantsensorsthat LINOt Observable automatically reduce lighting power CINot Applicable by 50%or more when the areas are unoccupied.The occupant sensorscontrollightingineachaisleway independently and do not control lighting beyond the aisieway beingcontrolledbythesensor. (C405.2.1.Occupant sensor control function in Cicomplies 3 ‘open plan office areas:Occupant Cipoes Not [EL20}.sensor controls in open office spaces >=300 sq.ft.have controls 1)DNot Observable configured so that general lighting can CINot Applicable be controlled separately in control zones with flor areas <=600 sqft.within the space,2)automatically turnffgenerallightinginallcontrolzones within 20 minutes after all occupants have left the space,3)are configured so that general lighting power in each Control zone is reduced by >=80%of the full zone general lighting powerwithin20minutesofalloccupants leaving that control zone,and 4)are ‘configured such that any daylight responsive contro will activate space ‘general lighting or control zone general lighting only when occupancy for the same area is detected (C405.2.2,Each area not served by occupancy Licomplies 1C405.2.2.sensors (per C405.2.1)have time-Coes Not i,switch controls and functions detalled[C405.2.2.in sections C405.2.2.1 and C405.2.2.2,CINot Observablenotapplicable2evar High impact (Tier 1)[2 [Medium impact (Tier 2) __| 3 [Low Impact (Tier 3) Project Title:HANNAFORD SUPERMARKET #8360 Report date:06/15/20 Data filename:j\Philadeiphia\Programs\F-\Hannaford\2050001492 HNY Hannaford -Page 30f 6 ‘Queensbury\001\energy\2050001492 comcheck.cck Section Cot applicable #Rough-In Electrical Inspection ‘Complies?‘Comments/Assumptions &RequD (€405.2.3,Daylight zones provided with ‘complies (€405.2.3.individual controls that control the Clpoes Not 1,lights independent of general area ney oncervable[C405.2.3.lighting,See code section C405.2.32Daylight-responsive controls for INot Applicable (6123?applicable spaces,C405.2.3.1 Daylight responsive control function and section C405,2.3.2 Sidelit zone [C405.2.4 Separate lighting control devices for CiComplies [EL26}specific uses installed per approved Opoes Not Hahting plans:Not observableGotApplicable [C405.2.4 Additional interior ighting power CIComplies [EL27}"allowed for special functions per the lpoes Not approved lighting plans and is, automatically controlled and ‘TINot Observable ___separated from general lighting Qnot Applicable |c405.3 exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per Cicomplies[else face.Chooes not LiNot Observable Additional Comments/Assumptions: Project Title [1 ]High impact (ier 3) HANNAFORD SUPERMARKET #8360 Data filename:J:\Philadelphia\Programs\F-\Hannaford\2050001492 HNY Hannaford - ‘Queensbury\001\Energy\2050001492 comcheck.cck tedium Impact (Tier 2) __|3 [Low Impact (Tier 3) Report date:06/15/20 Page 4of 6 Section*Final Inspection Complies?Comments/Assumptions&Req.iD J€303:3,Furnished O&M instructions for ‘Cicomplies |c408.2'5.systems and equipment to the ‘Coes Not Fauny ReDagmrer somes Ce caervateDotApplicable [C405.4.1 Interior installed lamp and fixture ClComplies See the Interior Lighting fixture schedule for values (F118)!lighting power is consistent with what boes Not is shown on the approved lighting plans,demonstrating proposed watts CINot Observable are less than or equal to allowed CiNot Applicable watts [€408.2.5,Furnished as-built drawings for ‘Ccomplies HL eos eieetlc power systems within 90 days Clboes Not(F6P of system acceptance.‘Cinot observable Qniot Applicable [c408.3 Lighting systems have been tested to Licomplies[F133 ensure proper calibration,adjustment,does Not Programming,and operation.(Not ObservableDotAppticable Additional Comments/Assumptions: [EHigh impact Crier 1)[2 [Mediurn impact (Tier2) [3 [Low impact (Tier 3) Project Title:HANNAFORD SUPERMARKET #8360 Data filename:}:\Philadelphia\Programs\F-j\Hannaford\2050001492 HNY Hannaford - Report date:06/15/20 Page‘Queensbury\001\Energy\2050001492 comcheck.cck Sof 6 Project Title:HANNAFORD SUPERMARKET #8360 Report date:06/15/20 Data filename:}:\Philadelphia\Programs\F-)\Hannaford\2050001492 HNY Hannaford -Page Gof 6 ‘Queensbury\001\Energy\2050001492 comcheck.cck