2007-647 Rite Aid Pharmacy TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CE RT I F I CAT E OF COM P L I-A-N- CE Permit Number. P20070647 Date Issued: Thursday, November 01, 2007 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20070647 has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400-302-006-0001-055-002-0000 Location: 724 GLEN St Owner 1093 GROUP LLC Applicant: 1093 GROUP LLC This structure may be occupied as a: Temporary Sign By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20070647 Application Number: A20070647 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-055-002-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: 1093 GROUP LLC For property located at: 724 GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: 1093 GROUP LLC 295 MAIN St 210 Temporary Sign BUFFALO,NY 14203-0000 Total value Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2007-647 15 SQ FT TEMPORARY SIGN TO BE DISPLAYED FROM 10/22/2007 TO 12/22/2007 (60 DAYS) TO READ "RITE AID, 1 HOUR PHOTO, DRIVE THRU, FOOD MART, COMING SOON FOR EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES CALL 1-(800)-345-9444 $0.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To(; of eens a October 29, 2007 W SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. �.' Director of Building& Code Enforcement ...... -..... s. OFFICE USE ONLY ' TAX MAP NO PERMIT NOA� DEPOSIT:. ,;: OCT 1 2007 APPROVALS: PERMIT FEE: TEMPORARY SIGN PERMIT APPLICA � : _ - Atryltcant I>nf Business Information Yn Name: Blair Sign Companies Contact Person: Dave Shevock Address: 5107 Kissell Ave. Ads rm- 5107 Kissell Ave. Altoona, PA 16601 Altoona, PA 16601 Phone No. 1-814-283-2048 Phone No. 1-814-283-2048 &!eci&Infomwtion about your sirn; 10 /22/2007 Along with ty�_a,�lication, ✓ What is the date for placement of your sign? leasC submit: ✓ What is the date for nntoval of your sign? 12/22/2007 o Detailed drawing or photo ✓ How many days will your sign be displayed? 60 of sign ✓ Indicate exact address for placement of sign: o Plot Plan of location of sign Rite Aid Pharmacy, 724 Upper Glen St. ✓ indicate tax map number for your parcel: 302.6-1-55.2 Note: Failure to Remove sign at ✓ Indicate the type of sign you will display: expiration may result in forfemre of deposit as per the Code of the Town of Wall Sign(cannot exceed 32 square feet) Queensbury,Section 140,Subsection __Freestanding Sign(cannot exceed 16 square feet) 140-4(Local Law No 11, 1993) ✓ What are the dimensions of the sign? 3' -0" X 5' -0- = 15 sq. It ✓ Indicate in words what your sign will say:Rite Aid, 1 Hr Photo, Drive Thru, Food Mart, Coming Soon For Employment Opportunities Cali 1-(800)-345-9444 peed To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is authorized by the owner. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: See atta fax signature DATE: 10/08/2007 I hereby authorize the applicant to place a sign on my property or building: OWNER SIGNATURE: See attached fax sigture DATE: 10/05/2007 T'oum of Q teensbury- Community Development Office- 742 Bay Road, Queenstntry, NY I2804 • i o"Wa um oar 7-j&mr- APMWAA • ................ .......:..r.s. .s.w_.,..,------ ........................ TEMPORARY / MPORARY SIGN PERAOT APPUCA770N: None: ;. BWr �.._.. ,. Dave Btwe*oa I400ttX1l: 5107 Kii Ave. �ltidw 5107 K a"Ave. A.l..'mq, PA 1060 Mm"ArM ... , PA 1 WY Prig No. 1-$I 4:?_B W 8 Ph"fa 1414-2833-2M f What Is tht dale for ore nt ail y+ar ol�n9 10 /22/ 2007 Alm- 1Mtet r hr dwrt tar er your alp* 12/22/2007 oa r ft 1 @or phofb Mow n=W dWA VA your obn b*drpltysW 60 crew" r kM4Qra o aA i for p1e0Mrrtrll d t n Plot PMn of kwiM R d Rlte Nd Pherrnecy, 724 Upper glen St. r In ose wx""mw"drw IN pour poem 302.6-1-55.2 paw iweirr►n+1R�n�..�rt "' u�altaM hP+of r way wwt ri tw%mw of due 4a W90 emov of ew'f~of "ftn(Now" I boo ' ,"Cow i�o.��**mom wo art*adstwrrara won ow r X 5,- c�t b,—aq IL For E �.Q�. mo Cai11-{8t }}-!!t& 4+4� _._ ._ - -- !! To @M NO 41 nV loc Am fte,ft totaotti In got g 1 -Bo 1. logollror ow pleas am d t~•to ad o ffta o ON � d d at piing m e craft to or dvar on t�deocoWd prerMoes t�ilrt apt parl�lens or t1N fA�1�de��e,arrb oq allret Irwe padmig to the prod wok ah l I" moarpi - v4N.r www apmtttoo ar ne�eod,an an d by Ow eow APPLrAW�1ArLOW..: DATE. � 12001 il { 0 ! ?fl0 7 {t Tom of Qw�-cormu�ily lkt�rtosrrtcnt O,�tr+► 7�t �Road. �*_V, NY I ZW4 D/F RITE AID 3'X 5',15 SQ.FT. "COMING SOON"TEMPORARY SIGN. SIGN PANELS%"DURAPLY WITH APPLIED RED&BLUE VINYL GRAPHICS AS DEPICTED.SIGN PANELS INSTALLED 0 1 Hr Photo DriveThru Food Mart ON TWO 4"SO.WOOD POSTS PAINTED WHITE W/3/8"CARRIAGE BOLTS,NUTS& WASHERS. POLES r `�►' HOLDERS IN SOIL.SET IN METAL SPIKE 1 • • COLOR SCHEME: POLES&WOOD SUPPORT:PAINT ` CHROMATIC#101 QUICK DRY WHITE ENAMEL For Opportunities ties Call 1-(800)-345-9444 PANEL:WHITE REFLECTIVE ON#287 LITE VINYL:BLUE TO MATHC CALON#2870 RED TO MATCH CALON#2283 SIGN FABRICATED BY BLAIR SIGN COMPANY 5017 KISSELLAVENUE ALTOONA,PENNSYLVANIA 16601 PH:1-814-949-8287 FAX:1.814-949-8293 E-MAIL:CAD@BLAIRSIGN.COM GRADE 6'MANV V SCALE: 3/4"=1'-O" SKETCH#071009-RA#0645-QBYS TEMI'SIGN PREPARED BY FRED A.EARLY FOR BLAIR SIGN CO. DESIGNS:Any design/artwork supplied by Signworks remains the property of Sigmworksand the use of design/artwork or any facsimile thereof is expressly,prohibited without the written 1-800-333-5709 Fax:518-747-0884 consent of signworks and any written consent is subject to payment in full for said 22 Hudson Falls Rd,.Ste.9,S.Glens Fails, NY 12803 design/artwork service at Sgnworks'normal rates,all designslartmrk will be returned to Signworks on demand. 02007 ,Y i i �; I N R12 Q -- 1 0 2' Iq !� 24.1' 31 ti30 W LOADING �J a R3' _ _. _ _ _ r a 130'(FXiFRIOR PROPOSED 77 RITE AID PHARMACY 26 oRAR 11,153 S.F. SIGN Total Parking Provided y 14 63 Spaces ----- ' — 23 YdY l FF=342.00 R PICK UP 2+ 12 t NOTE. — Y. s 20 R� ;' K _ ___ ___.___ _ TEMPORARYSIGN MAY BE ►• f 25.Q' ago „��, MOVED BY G. C.ALONG W y . 1 2 3 4 a 6 a s ,o 11 FRONT PROPERTY LINE SETBACK TO ACCOMMODATE w I PROP ED -- ---1----- CONSTRUCTION. a PYLON 1GN all 5. Ra' a•- ' 34 35 38 37 39 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 H d`�'' 48 49 50 51 32 53 J E CI 5CALE: NT5 SKETCH#071009-RITEAID#0645-QUEEN5BURY TEMP5IGN-PLOT S � 5 PREPARED 13Y FRED A.EARLY FOR GLAIR 51GN CO. DESIGNS:Any design/artwork supplied by Signworks remainsthe property of Signworks and { the use of design/artwork or any facsimile thereof is expressly prohibited without the written 1-800-333-5709 Fax:518-747-0884 consent of Signworks and any written consent is subject to payment in full for said design/artwork service at SgnworlW normal rates,all desigWartwork will be returned to 22 Hudson Falls Rd,.Ste.9,S.Glens Falls, NY 12803 Signworksondemand. 02007 1