1971-08-18 3~ MINUTES of the Public hearing of the Zoning Board of ApPeals of the Town of Queensbury held on August 18, 1971, at 7:40 P.m. There were Present: John Fitzgerald Charles Sicard Charles Hutton Gordon Streeter being the members of the board, excePting George Kurosaka who was absent for this meeting. On a motion by Charles Sicard, seconded by Gordon Streeter, the minutes were aPProved as corrected. In the matter of old business, Mr. Fit~gerald read the portion of the minutes from the July meeting pertaining to SPecial Permit #27 by Zayre CorPoration to construct a self-service gasoline disPensing facility, Route 9, Town of Queensbury. ApPearing on behalf of the application were James Davies, attorney of the law offices of Bacas and Davies, and Donald Gould, Assistant Manager of Zayres and Erik Hanner, chief of the comPany's gasoline station construction ~~ division. Messrs. Gould and Hanner told the board that they are bringing Pressure to bear on the landiord,: Gibralter Management CorP. of Long Island, for better maintenance of the Parking lot with regard to cleanliness. ApPearing in oPPosition was Daniel Olson who .aid it would be a safety hazard. He stated that untrai.ned Personnel would be disPensing exPlosive fuel. Mr. Hanner told him that all oPerations are governed by national fire codes and that oPerators are trained and work closely with loca.l fire authorities. 3". -2- '- Mr. Fitzgerald asked about the sign and wanted Zayre rePresentatives to be sure they understood about the existence of a sign ordinance. Mr. Hutton reminded Mr. Davies that Mr. Bacas had assured the board at the July meeting that measures would be taken to imProve the condition of the Parking lot. Mr. Hanner assured the board that any sign would conform to the ordinance. Mr. Streeter asked about the hours of oPeration and Mr. Hanner rePlied that they would Primarily be interested in serving the customers during the hours of oPeration of the other merchants in that shoPPing center. The lease has not been finalized and the board did not have a coPy (as had been Promised for this meeting.) Mr. Fitzgerald told Messrs. Gould, Davies, and Hanner that the board needed some assurance that the Parking lot would be cleaned uP before the board could take any action. There were no other aPPearances. When the board returned from executive session, Mr. Davies moved for another delay to Permit his client to Present further evidence about efforts to assure cleanliness of the site. In the matter of new business, Mr. Fitzgerald read Proof of Publication of application for variance #201 by RICHARD A WHITE TO CONSTRUCT A DWELLING ON LESS THAN THE REQUIRED 30' FRONT SETBACK ON 'IRE PROl-ERTY SITUATED AT 14 TWICWOOD LANE, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. '-' APPearing on his own behalf was Richard ~. White who told the board that he might have made an error in measuring distances, but his house was 20 Percent comPleted 37. -3- before anyone comPlained. The Planning Board recommended disaPProval because the hardship was Hself-imposed.H Mr. Fitzgerald told Mr. White tha.t the building code is a matter of Public record and it was Mr. White's respon- sibility to follow that code. Mr. Sicard reminded Mr. White that Mr. Liapes had taken pictures on August 2 and asked why Mr. White continued when he was told that he was in error. Objectors to his aPPlication were Herman Heber, owner of an adjoining and nearby loti Norman Benack, aPPearing on behalf of E. C. Twichell, owner of Twicwood¡ JosePh Durkin, a contractor, and James Barber, a member of the board of directors of Northern New York Home Builders Association. '- Also submitted for the record was a Petition signed by 15 home owners in the neighborhood who said the variance should not be allowed without a guarantee that no further variances would be Permitted. The Petition also exPressed disaPProval of th~ confusion over handltng of the matter and the lack of insPection when the foundation for the house was laid out. There were no other aPPearances. The Board: RESOLVED: application for variance #201 by Richard A. White, 14 Twicwood Lane, Glens Falls, for less than the required 30' setback be disaPProved for the reason that sufficient grounds for granting the variance have not been established. --- On a motion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by Mr. Streeter, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20. /¿.'~ /~~ Secretary