1972-08-16 lott. -. MINUTES of the Public hearing of the Zoning Board of APPeals of the Town of Queensbury held on August 16, 1972, at 7: 40 P.M. There were Present: George Kurosaka Charles Hutton Charles Sicard Richard SandersPree being members of the board, excePting Chairman John Fitzgerald who was absent for this meeting. Mr. Kurosaka acted as chairman. On a motion by Charles Sicard, seconded by Charles Hutton, the minutes of the Previous meeting were aPProved as read. In the matter of old business, Variance #245, Louise Kittredge, Gunn Lane, Mr. Hutton read a Part from Mrs. Kittredge's deed taken from book number 132, Page 348- Sidney VanDusen-covenant-"not more than one resident building may be allowed.....necessary outbuildings may be erected on the east....." The Board: RESOLVED: variance #245 denied due to covenant in deed recorded in Warren County Clerks Office, Book Of Deeds #132, Page 348. Note: Richard SandersPree abstained since he was not at the Public hearing in July. In the matter of new business Mr. Kurosaka read Proof of Publication of aPPlication for variance #247 by PhiliP C. Mann To Convert A Barn For The Manufacture Of Wood Products In An R-3 Zone. On The ~roPerty Situated At Hicks Road. Town of Queensbury. PhiliP Mann aPPeared and told the board that the exterior of the barn would stay the same. The windows and siding would have to be rePlaced. The barn would be used as a building I () 8. for the assembly of chairs. The business would be run by someone else and would envolve the emPloyment of three to five PeoPle. Mr. SandersPree asked if any materials would be stored outside. Mr. Mann rePlied, "I have no commitments until I get the variance or a change of zoning takes Place. When Mr. SandersPree asked about a sawdust Problem, Mr. Mann said seats, backs, etc, were shiPPed in from Vermont. There were no other aPPearances. The Town Planning Board returned their review saying it would be a use variance. Warren County ~lanning Board a1-'Proved. Mr. Kurosaka exPlained the difference between a use 'variance and a change in zoning. He re-stated that this Board has the Power to grant use variances. The Board: RESOLVED: APProved for a Period of one year for the assembly of wood Products since this is the minimum request for the reasonable use of the land. Proof of Publication was then established for aPPlication for Variance No. 248 ROBERT F. NIEDERMEYER JR. TO CONSTRUCT A GARAGE 15' FRONT SET BACK IN LIEU OF THE REQUIRED 30' SETBACK ON THE PR().t'ERTY SITUATED AT SULLIVAN DRIVE, GLEN LAKE, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. The Board studied the ma~. There were no aPPearances for or against the aPPlication. The Town Planning Board aPProved saying this is no closer than others on the road. The Board: RESOLVED: This would be tabled until next month to allow aPPlicant to aPPear and furnish additional infor- mation. lot:t, Mr. Kurosaka then read Proof o,f Publication for aPPli- cation for Variance # 249 QUEENSBURY DECORATING CENTER TO PLACE A FREE STANDING SIGN LESS THAN THE REQUIRED 50' SET BACK ON .t'RorERTY SITUATED AT 686 UK.t'ER GLEN STREET, TOWN 01;' QUEENSBURY, in accordance with either of the ~lans annexed to the aPPlication as "Sign Plan No.1" or "Sign .t'lBn No.2". Edward J. Malone, attorney for the aPPlicant, answered Mr. Sicard's query regarding size, saying Plan #2 would be 48 sq. feet. He told Mr. SandersPree it would be internally illuminated. William Comiskey, Secretary-Treasurer for the Center, Presented a slide showing the kind of sign. The Board asked other questions regarding lettering, etc. There were no other aPPearances. The Town Planning Board aPProved Plan #1; Warren County .t'lanning Board disaPProved but did not sPecify the reason. The Board: RESOLVED: APPlication is aPProved as shown in Plan #1 submitted with aPPlication since this is in general harmony with the surrounding neighborhood. Proof of Publication was then established for aPPlication for Variance #250 ADIRONDACK POWER l-RODUCTS, INC. TO "'LACE AN ADDITIONAL 12 SQUARE FEET OF SIGN ON AN EXISTING 47 SQ. FT. SIGN, TOTAL OF 59 SQUARE FEET IN LIEU OF THE REQUIRED 50 SQ. FT. ON i"R06ERTY SITUATED AT BAY mAD, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. ~Pearing on behalf of the aPPlicant was Peter D. Fitzgerald, attorney. Merwyn .t'asco was also ~resent. Mr. Fitzgerald exPlained the Problem of car oPerators' inability to see the advertising until they are "right on the sign." He told the Board the request was for "Artic Cat" snowmobile advertising beneath the existing sign and that because of comPetition, the sign is needed. When Mr. Sicard asked about //0, illumination, he said it would be lighted from the center. One Photo was submitted to the Building InsPector. Susan Hughes, rePresenting Dr. Hughes, told the Board there aPPeared to be no hardshiP in seeing the sign. There were no òther aPPearances. The Warren County Planning Doard aPProved; The Town Board aPProved with stiPulation that no further signs should be aPProved or requested. The Board: RESOLVED: APPlication #250 be aPProved since this is in general harmony with the surrounding area. Acting Chairman Kurosaka read Proof of Publication for aPPlication for Variance #251 SALEM TRADER ASSOCIATES TO PLACE AN ATTACHED SIGN rROJECTING 11' IN LIEU OF 'lliE REQUIRED 3' ON THE I:'ROt"ERTY SITUATED AT 672 Ut'KER GLEN STREET, l'OWN OF QUEENSBURY. AĊ¸Pearing on behalf of the aPPlication was Frank ChristoPher who told the Board that because the building is set back PeoPle cannot see the internally illuminated sign. When Commissioner Sicard asked if the Present sign was the one referred to, Mr. Boynton told the Board that Mr. LiaPes and he went down to the Salem Trader and they "very graciously took the sign down until a decision was made regarding the variance." Mr. Hutton, "You are requesting aPProval to Put the sign back uP?" Mr. ChristoPher told Mr. Sander sPree that the sign is 22 ft. back from the road. He said there is a house next door, closer to the road. Glendale Furniture is about 100 ft. to the south side. Glendale is - '!"~,-_. set back /1/. about the same distance, but Glendale has a free-standing sign. Mr. Boynton, "We have had Problems uP and down the road since the State widened it." Mr. Hoffman of Signs of Progress aPPeared and told the Board, "The way this sign is ProPosed to be erected is the tyPe the Town is trying to avoid. It should be a free- standing sign, not hanging from the building." Mr. ChristoPher, "The major objection would be the exPense involved. We also have a limited Parking lot." Mr. Kurosaka suggested they take Mr. Hoffman's suggestion for a free-standing sign. Mr. ChristoPher, "In the future we should like to do that but we want to make sure it is going to make money." There were no other aPPearances. The Town Planning Board aPProved with no comment. TheBoard: RESOLVED: APPlication for variance #251 be aPProved for a Period of one year. This is the minimum request for granting the variance. In the final matter of new business, Mr. Kurosake read Proof of Publication for aPPlication for variance #252 STANDARD FURNITURE TO PLACE AN OVERSIZE SIGN ON '!HE FACE OF THE BUILDING ON THE rR~ERTY SITUATED AT 680 U~ÇER GLEN STREET, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. ~Pearing on behalf of the aPPlication was Michael DeVivo who told the Board they had 3 Permits for signs. They do not want 3 signs, just one. He said, "I also have a Permit for a free-standing sign. I am 50 ft back from the road in a 55 MPH zone. I ~eo~le do not have a chance to see //2. the sign at that sPeed. To get this sign, I will relinquish - 101 sq feet. " He described the sign variances that he has. He said, " The 3 signs will come down. The only other sign would be a free-standing sign for which I have a Permit. The light be will shine from the back and will n~internally illuminated." There were no other aPPearances. The Town Planning Board aPProved subject to qualification if free-standing sign Previously aPProved is not used. The Warren County Planning Board aPProved. The Board: RESOLVED: APPlication for variance #252 be aPProved subject to the following: only one sign on the building will be Permitted. The sign will be no larger than 100 sq feet. The granting of this variance is in general harmony with thè surrounding business establishments. There being no further business to come before the Board, on a motion duly made by Charles Sicard, seconded by Charles Hutton, the meeting was adjourned at 9:56 P.m. ~~¿ ;~ Secretary