1975-03-19 /1 Official Minutes of the QUEENSBURY ZONING BOARD OF APPEAlS '-- held March 19, 1975 at 7:33 P.M. There were present: Jack Fitzgerald Richard Sanderspree Charles Sicard Sjoergie Richardson George Kurosaka (Acting Chairman) being rœmbers of the Board. On a notion by Richard Sanderspree, the minutes of the February rœeting were approved as read. This was seconded by Jack Fitzgerald. Carried. OID BUSINESS: Variance #390 - Long John Silver, Upper Glen Street Variance #391 - Pizza Hut, Upper Glen Street George Kurosaka disqualified himself on these two application. Mr. Robert Platt of Signs of Progress represented both Long John Silver and Pizza Hut. Mr. Platt asked the board to waive the 50' setback to 25'. He stated that this was a hard- ship since a sign could not be seen fran Route 9 since trees are obstructing the view. The entrance to Ray Supply is very " high fran one way and a notel obstructs the view from the other way. The Warren County Planning Board approved the Long John Silver application and Pizza Hut was approved to setback and wanted confonni ty to sign which they approved to. Jack Fitzgerald rca.de a notion that Variance #390 - Long Long Silver and Variance #391 - Pizza Hut - that the requested setback be granted as a reasonable use of the land. He fur- .--..--, " ther amended this m:>tion to stipulate that the signs be elmn- inated only during the hours that the establishrœnts are in operation. J:J.¡ ~---~ -2- This was seconded by Dick Sanderspree. There were four voting for these two applications with George Kurosaka obstaining. Special Pe.nnit #55 - Harry Stewart, West l'-buntain Road, Zoned R-2 and R-3. This permit 'WOuld be for a small gravel pit operation on West Mountain Road and was tabled at the last meeting waiting for the County Planning Board's recœmendation. The Warren County Planning Board disapproved stating that there is possibility of public hazards. Mr. Harry Stewart and William Threw appeared, and Mr. Kurosaka told them that they needed a majority plus one to over-ride the County Planning Board's Decision. Mr. Robert Kazinski, who lives on West Mountain Road, was present and said he 'WOuld like to know the extent of what they were planning on doing. He was interested in knowing if trees 'WOuld be covering any holes that they 'WOuld be digging, and Mr. Stewart said that nothing would be seen from West l'-buntain Road as it 'WOuld be covered by trees. Mr. Dick VanDusen, nanber of the Queensbury Beautification Contnittee said that this application has not cone before them as of yet. There was a letter read fran Mr. Charles Atwell written to the Beautification Ccmnittee stating he was against this application. Mr. stewart further stated that there 'WOuld not be any blasting or jackhan1lærs used, it 'WOuld only be a srœ.ll oper- ation with a bucket loader. ,-. /3 '- -3- Jack Fitzgerald made a rootion that Special Pennit #55 be approved in conformity with the Queensbu:ry Planning Board with stipulations that they rœeting the requirements of the Beautifi- cation Cœmittee. THE BOARD FINDS: l. The use is one specifically enurœrated in the district. 2. Such use will not be prejudicial to the character of the area. 3. The Board determines that there is appropriate provis- iion for access facilities adequate for the estimated traffic from""public streets and/or highways and that there are pedestrian walkways so as to insure public safety and to avoid traffic congestion. 4. That there are full adequate parking areas and off- street loading spaces, in conformity with the proposed parking requirements of the zoning ordinance of the Town of Queensbury and all other related ordinances. 5. That suitable planting or screening has been required as follows: Requirerœnts of the Queensbury Beautifi- cation Comni ttee. 6. That such use is of the sane general character as, or will not be injurious to, the surrounding neighbor- hood or district. 7. (Applicable uses that 'WOuld permit two or nore principal structures on the sane lot). That such structures are so arranged so as to permi t diversification in the lo- cation of building and to improve circulation facilities and other site qualities while maintaining adequate '-. /'1 -4- '- standards for public health, safety, welfare and convenience. 8. Use be liroi ted to applicant and not transferable. 9. Excavation not to create a drainage problem. This notion was seconded by Charles Sicard. There were: 3 - Yes 2 - No This was disapproved since it needed a majority plus one. NEW BUSINESS: Variance #394, Richæ:d C. VanDusen, Jr., West M;)untain Road - Zoned R-3. Mr. VanDusen was present and told the board that he needed to build this greenhouse to allOW' him to store Roses and provide area for transplants. He would hndscape the front and is presently surrounded by a wocx1ed area. He is 80' fran the road. Mr. Larry Rossman - In favor. Both the TOW'n of Queensbury and Warren County Planning Boards approved. Charles Sicard made a rootion that Variance #394 be app- roved in confonnaIlce with both planning boards. This was seconded by Dick Sanderspree. Una.n.i.Irous . Variance #395, Larry Rossman, West Side Bay Road, Zoned M-2. Mr. Rossman was present. This application is to place a sign closer than 50' fran front property line on New Bay Road and the southerly line of property. This sign was previously a non-confonning sign but the relocation of the Bay Road has required the rerroval of the sign. '- -5- Mr. Rossrran said he 'WOuld like to place the existing sign one foot northerly of present location and against the building on the property but not attached thereto, to stand on same supports as presently. Both the Town and County planning boards approved. Dick Sanderspree made a mbtion that Variance #395, Larry Rossman be approved in conformance with both planning boards. This was seconded by Jack Fitzgerald. Unaninous. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 26 P.M. I~- ~