1978-06-21 -35' '-- 066i~ial Minute~ 06 the QUEENSBURY ZONING BOARV OF APPEALS held June 21, 1978 at 7:30 P. M. Pll.e~ent: K. COll.nwell, Chaill.man C. Si~all.d G. KuIl.O~ aka T. Tull.nell. M. Reed S. Ri~hall.d~ 0 n A. Fll.an~o G. Li ap e~ S. Lynn Gue~t~': v. VanSi~kle, Re~oll.ding Se~ll.etaIl.Y, Il.e~igned. Minute~ 06 pll.eviou~ meet~ng appll.oved a~ ~oll.ll.e~ted. Mil.. KUll.o~aka d~~quali6~ed h~m~el6 on Vall.~an~e~ #552 & #556 06 the May 17, 1978 meeting. ~ Vall.~an~e #564 - Vonald M~lne - to pla~e a dwell~ng on a lot that doe~ not 61l.0nt on a publi~ Il.oad on the pll.opell.ty ~~tuated 066 F~tzgell.ald Road. Mil.. M~lne and Attoll.ney L. Call.u~one appeall.ed. Mot~on by C. S~~all.d, ~e~onded by T. TUll.nell. to appll.ove Vall.ian~e #564 by V. Milne a~ ~t ~on~ull.~ w~th the Queen~bull.Y Planning Boall.d a~ Il.ea~onable u~e 06 land. Call.ll.ied 7-0. RESOLVEV: Vall.~an~e #564 Gll.anted. Vall.~an~e #557 - William and Ro~e Re~~ell. - to ~ell b~~y~le~ and othell. all.t~~le~ ~n an R-3 Zone on the pll.opell.ty ~ituated at We~t Mountain Rd. MIl.~. Re~~ell. and daughtell. appeall.ed on thi~ va!l.ian~e. Obje~žlon~ by R. Thomp~on, H. Hell.man~e. Mil.. Na~y ~l~med that ~t wa~ a Il.e~idenžlal all.ea, no pall.king 6a~~lit~e~ a h~ghway hazall.d, and the ~u~tomell.~ u~e ne~ghboll.~ dll.~veway~. Mot~on by KUll.o~aka to appll.ove Vall.~an~e #557 a~ ~t i~ a home o~~upat~on a~~oll.d~ng to the Zon~ng Oll.d~nan~e, Se~t~on~ 3.234 & 6.803. Se~onded by T. TUll.nell.. "'-, .. '--- '- ( 2 ) 35'7 Vote: Reed-ye~, Ku~o~aka-ye~, Tu~ne~-ye~, SÆea~d-ye~, RÆeha~d~on-no, F~aneo-no, Co~nwell-no. ApplÆeatÆon denÆed 4-3 a~ a majo~Æty plu~ one ~equÆ~ed to ove~ ~ule County PlannÆng Boa~d. RESOLVEV: Va~anee #551 VenÆed. Va~Æanee #558 - John R. Voty, J~. - to plaee buÆldÆng~ wÆth le~~ than the ~equÆ~ed ~Æde ~etbaek~ on the p~ope~ty ~Ætuated at 684 Uppe~ Glen St~eet. John Voty wa~ p~e~ent, No objeetÆon~. MotÆon by SÆea~d. Seeonded by RÆeha~d~on. RESOLVEV: Va~Æanee #558 G~anted. Va~anee #559 - Wol6~am SehÆlle - to plaee an addÆtÆon le~~ than the ~equÆ~ed ~Æde ~etbaek~ on the p~oe~ty ~Ætuated at Cleve~dale Road. Jaek Slopey objeeted to the va~Æanee beeau~e 06 buÆldÆng e~owdÆng by po~eh addÆtÆon. M~. Robe~t MeMÆllen, Atto~ney, objeeted 60~ M~. and M~~. Mu~~ay, a~ lot wa~ ove~ buÆlt and no ha~d~hÆp wa~ ~hown by eonve~tÆng to yea~ ~ound ~e~Ædenee. MotÆon'by Ku~o~aka to app~ove a~ Æt meet~ Queen~bu~y ZonÆng O~dÆnanee SeetÆon 5.302-C. Seeonded by Reed. Vote: 5ye~, 2 no. Ca~~Æed. RESOLVEV: Va~Æanee #559 G~anted. Va~Æanee #560 - F~ank NÆeote~a- to plaee a doek wÆth le~~ than the ~equÆ~ed ~etbaek on the p~ope~ty ~Ætuated 066 PÆlot Knob Road on Lake Geo~ge. F~ank NÆeote~a S F~ank VeCamÆlla appea4ed. Town Atto~ney B~ennan'~ leg4l .0pÆnÆon ~ead Ænto ~eeo~d. (See Atto~ney'~ lette~ 2/13/18 Attaehed) M~. GU~b4 objeeted to va~Æanee beÆng app~oved ~ no ha~d~hÆp W4~ ~hown. Alge~ Ma~on ~old ~ubjeet p~ope~ty to F. NÆeote~a. Jaek AtkÆn~, Atto~ney, ~ead deed R.O.Wi; Robe~t He~~Æek, one 06 R.O.W. u~e~~, objeeted to va~Æanee beÆng g~anted. MotÆon by RÆeha~d~on to dÆ~app~ove va~Æ4nee. Seeonded by Ku~o~aka. RESOLVEV: Va~Æanee #560 VenÆed. '- ( 3 J '351 Spe~ial Pe~mit #13 - Tunn-Kote Vinol - to ope~ate an automotive ~e~vi~e ~hop on the p~ope~tif ~ituated at Aviation Road. M~. Ma~tinez appea~ed. Motion by Tu~ne~ to app~ove. Se~onded bif Si~a~d. Ca~~ied 1-0. RESOLVEV: Spe~ial Pe~mit #13 G~anted. Spe~ial Pe~mit #14 - Faith B¡ble Chu~~h - to pla~e a ~emete~if ¡n an R-3 Zone on the p~ope~tif ~¡tuated onn Viv¡~¡on St~eet. Rev. Sto~m~ appea~ed. Ku~o~aka ab~ta¡ned n~om pa~t¡~ipating on th¡4 4pe~¡al pe~m¡t. Tu~ke~ ment¡oned that the Inte~national Pape~ Company had nlood ~¡ght~ to the p~ope~ty and a ~~eek on p~ope~tif. Mot¡on bif S¡~a~d, 4e~onded by Tu~ne~ to app~ove w¡th ~t¡pulat¡on that ~emete~if not ex~eed 10 a~~e4 and ¡~ ¡n ~on~u~~en~e w¡th both Plann¡ng Boa~d~. Ca~~¡ed 1-0. RESOLVEV: Spe~¡al Pe~m¡t #14 G~anted. Va~¡an~e #562 - G~a~e Vunn - to ~onve~t a ga~age to ~e~¡den~e w¡th le44 than the ~equ¡~ed l¡v¡ng a~ea ¡n an R-4 Zone on the p~ope~tif 4¡tuated at Glen Lake Road. G~a~e Vunn and Vave Bou~he~ appea~ed. Vav¡d Spe~~if obje~ted to the va~¡an~e be~au~e On ove~~~owd¡ng, a~ the~e a~e two nam¡l¡e4 ¡n a ~~all hOa6e. Joe Reagan obje~ted be~au4e on the den4¡tif and ~onve~t¡ng ga~age into ¡n~ome p~ope~tif. Bettif O~m4bif obje~ted be~au~e 06 ove~~~owd¡ng. H. Welle~ obje~ted be~au~e On ove~~~owd¡ng p~ope~tif. Robe~t Potte~ obje~ted be~au4e tenant~ we~e di40~de~lif. Mot¡on bif F~an~o to d¡~app~ove va~¡an~e a4 ha~d~h¡p not ind¡~ated and w¡ll v¡olate the intent 06 the Zon¡ng O~d¡nan~e. Se~onded by R¡~ha~d~on. Si~a~d ab4tained 6~om vot¡ng. 5 ife~, 1 no, 1 ab~ta¡ned. RESOLVEV: Va~¡an~e #562 Venied. '-- ',-- (4 ) '35'1 Va~~an~e #563 - M~~hael Jone~ - to pla~e an ove~~~zed ~~gn le~~ than the ~equ~~ed ~etba~k on the p~ope~ty ~~tuated at 104 Uppe~ Glen St~eet. M~~hael Jone~ appea~ed. P~~~e ~~gn~ on boat~ and a~t~~le~ pla~ed outdoo~~ d~~c.u~~ed. A ~ea~onable 5" x 12" mo~e o~ le~~ ~~gn on boat~ wa~ ~on~~de~ed not too ña~ out 06 l~ne. Mot~on by S~~a~d to app~ove Va~~an~e #563 ~n ~on~u~~en~e w~th Plann~ng Boa~d. The ~~gn mu~t ~on60~m by the 1986 S~gn Mo~ato~~um. Se~onded by Ku~o~aka and ~a~~~ed unan~mou~ly. RESOLVEV: Va~~an~e #563 G~anted. Va4ian~e #565 - Logge~ ~ Equ~pment Sale~ In~. - to u~e va~ant lot ~n an R-4 Zone ño~ pa~k~ng, ~tø~age and exh~b~t~ng logg~ng equ~pment on the p~ope~ty ~~tuated on the ea~t ~~de 06 Lawton Road. Atto~ney La~~y Palt~ow~tz and M~. Bu~k~ngham appea~ed. M~. Shovah had no obje~t~on~. M~. Bodenwe~~e~ had no obje~Uon. GealLge Kouba obje~ted to the va~~an~e be~au~e no ha~d~h~p wa~ ~hown. The no~~e would d~~tu~b h~~ tenant~ ~n the t~a~le~ pa~k. The va4~an~e would ~hange the ~ha~a~te~ 06 the ne~ghbo~hood. Mot~on by Ku~o£aka that Va4ianc.e #565 be denied a~ no ha~d~h~p ~hown. Se~onded by R~~ha~d~ on. RESOLVEV: Va~ian~e #565 Venied unanimou~ly. Lette~ by Ma~y Bodenwei~e~ atta~hed. Meeting adjou~ned at 1 A. M. a.,. Jown 0/ Queenjbup';j QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING ,;.,' TOWN COUNSEL BAY AND HAVILAND ROADS. R. D. i; GLENS FALLS, NEW YORK. 12801 TELEPHONE: (~18) 792.~832 POLICE DEPT. 793.2555 HIGHWAY DEPT. 793.7771 Februa~! 13, 1978 Mr. Harold E. Boynton Assistant Building Inspector Building and Zoning Dept. Town of Queensbury Town Office Bldg. Bay & Haviland Roads Glens Falls, NY 12801 TO./I' OF QUEENSBUR·( IR1 ruU: na: IDJ FEB 14 1978 AM P.M. 7' ~ 1~\\~1~J.?) H ~I ~) ~,~ ,~, . .. ,~- Re: Dock on premises of Frank Nicotera at Warner Bay Dear Red: This is to provide m~ written opinion with respect to your inquiry by letter dated December 29, 1977 concerning the construction of a dock by Frank Nicotera at Warner Bay. I note that you have provided to me photographs of the dock constructed immediately adjacent to a boathouse of Mr. Gurba and, according to your description, the dock was constructed immediately adjacent to the proper~y line boundary. I further note that you have provided to me a photocopy of the order to remedy the violation which you directed to Frank and Anita Nicotera on December 2, 1977. In that orde~ you recited two apparent violations of the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. The alleged violations are that Mr. & Mrs. Nicotera apparently constructed the dock without receiving a pennit :fx.em--y9ur of- fice and secondly that the dock was in vioJat 1(YQ Qt:tbe ZO:Qinq Ordinance because it has been constructed at a location closer than five feet to the side lot line. You have apparently based yourcqpclusion that constructing the docK-within five ~eet of the side lot line violates the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance on an opinion rendered by J. David Little, Esq., on October 7, 1975. I also conclude from the order that Mr. Little based his opinion of a violation on Section 5.400 of the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. I have reviewed the copies of the various oplnlons which Mr. Little rendered conc~rning zoning matters in the Town of Queensbury during his tenure as Town Counsel which opinions were provided to me by Mr. Liapes some time ago and I am unable to locate any such opinion being included therein. I would, therefore, appreciate it if at your earliest convenience you would provide me with a copy of Mr. Little's opinion in that SETTLED 1763 . . . HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY. . , A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE '. '. ¥ Mr. Harold E. Boynton February 13, 1978 Page 2 ,,--..... regard in order that I may be cognizant of the basis upon which that opinion was rendered. I do not, however, intend to wait until receiving that opinion before providing you with my own. I will, therefore, set forth my opinion he10w and, if upon receipt of a copy of Mr. Little's opinion of October 7, 1975, my conclu8ions are altered in any respect, I will inform you immediately. With respect to the necessity for a building permit, it would appear to me to be clear after reviewing the approp- riate ordinance of the Town of Queensburv, that Mr. & Mrs. Nicotera were re uired , . emit. I w lnvlte your ättenti~n to Ordinance No. IV of the Town of Queensbury. Section 3 of that Ordinance requires that an individual procures a building permit when he "shall intend to construct a building or structure on any land in the Town of Queensbury...". As the boundary lin~s of the Town of Queensbury extend in thqt area intoiake George itself, the land upon which Mr. & Mrs. Nicotera intended to build a dock is clearly located within the geographical boundaries of the Town of Queensbury, irrespective of the owner£hip of the lake- bed. I do not therefore feel that it is necessary to obtain the deed reflecting ownership of this land lìy Mr. & Mrs. Nico- tera in order to determine whether they may have acquired some rights to the lakebed itself. That is simply because, in my opinion, it is irrelevant as to the ownership of the land underneath the lake, insofar as this problem is concerned, lies in Mr. & Mrs. Nicotera or in the State 'of New York. Under the provisions of Ordinance No. IV, a dock, by definition, is included within the purview of the words "building" o'r "struc- ture". That is so because of the definitions set forth in Section 2 of the Ordinance. Therefore, it would appear to be without question tÞat Mr. & Mrs. Nicotera are in v~olatinn n¥ Ordinance No. TV if no h 'ldin erlnit was issued for ~onstruction 0 the ~ock. Althoug ent of Environ- mental Conservation requires the issuance of permits for the construction of docks in certain circumstances, the State of ti,ew York has not usur'p~ò 'H1Pr'l11+-'h0;ritv oLlocal ~un;i.cipalities to re uire permits also. Therefore Ordinance No. IV the own of uee sb is a licanle to this situation and a bUl ding permit fact necessary for the construc lon of ~ -~, 6.l F~~"";,i~.'~~._'/'<1~ Mr. Harold E. Boynton February 13, 1978 Page 3 I will next consider the issue as to whether it is a violation of the Queensbury ZoningiJrdinance in placing the dock within five feet of the side property 1ine~ I would ~_. agree with the apparent opinion rendered by Hr. Little that .. 0- "Section 5.400 which is entitled "~ccessory Structures" is , ., applicable to this situation. Thatq:5ort1.on of the Ordinance, in Section 5.401(a) (1) states that no accessory structure. which is not attached tò-a-principal structure, may be lo- cated closer than f~eet to the side lot lines. There- , rare 1.t must be determlned as 'Co whetheL d. dock 1.S in fact an "accessory structure" within the purview of the Queens- bury Zoning Ordinance. Section 3.201 defines an "Accessory Use or Structure" as "a use or structure subordinate to the principal use of a buildinq"·on the same lot and serving a ' purpose customarily incidental to the use of the principal o building." The Ordinance then defines, in Section 3.259, a "structure" as "anything constructed which requires a permanent location on the ground, or an attª,chment thereto." Since it would appear that the dock is attached to the ground under the lake, which land is 10~ated within the Town of Queensbury, this dock, in my opinion, would consti- tute a "structure" within the definition set forth in Sec- tion 3.259 and, therefore, it would fall within the defini- tion of an "accessory use or structure" within the definition set forth in 3.201 of the Zoning Ordinance. ~ Based on the foregoing, Section 5.401(a) (1) would clearly appear to be applicable to this dock situation, since the dock would be an unattached accessory structure, and the dock could not be loca~ed within five feet of the side 10t'line. Although Section 4.202 of the Ordinance would not appear to be applicable to this situation since that section is cap- tioned "Regulations Governing Certain Special Exception Uses" and since no special use permit would be necessary for the construction of the Nicotera dock within' the R-l zone, I think it is relevant in ascertaining the intent of the ordinance to consider the content of Section 4.202(b) which is applicable to boat yards, boat building facilities, marinas and docks. Although it can he argued that the docks intended to be covered by this provision of the 0rdinance are commercial installations, it is likewise relevant that 4.202(b) (2) states that no struc- ture can be located nearer to any side lot line than five feet: As stated above, this would ~ot be applicable to this situation ~ ~ ! ..ot o ' ;,1 ~: ,. ;~ ;"r .'¥ Mr. Harold E. Boynton February 13, 1978 Page 4 ..;c_~' other than to attempt to comprehend the intent of the ordi- nance provision set forth in Section 5.401. , Fram the foregoing, I must conclude that in fact the construction of the dock by ~r. & Mrs. Nicotera within five feet of the side property line does in fact constitute a viiation of the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. An additional consideration, however, is ~hether the Town is desirous of taking any direct action in order to eliminate the apparent violations. That determination must be made by the Town Board and I am therefore designating·a copy of this opinion lett~r to Supervisor Michel R. Brandt in order that Mr. Brandt may bring this matter to the atten- tion of the Town Board. The law basically states that a municipality may not be compelled to enfo~ce a Zoning Ordi- nance. Therefore, the Town is under no absolute affirmative obligation to take action with respec~ to this matter. A decision whether or not appropriate legal action should be commenced lies within the sound discretion of the Town Board unless there has been a delegation of such disqretionary decision-making authority to your office. To the best of my knowledge, no such delegation of authority has been made and therefore the decision is properly for the Town Board. In that regard, I would suppose that a relevant consideration "is that, according to the information which you have provided to me, Mr. Gurba, the complainant, has alleged that he, along with othe~s, has a right-of-way across the property in front of ~hich Mr. & Mrs. Nicotera have constructed their dock. Therefore, if in fact such is the case, it ~^70uld appear that Mr. Gurba and others who have or might have a right-of-way across those premises, would he in a osition to take direct legal action to elimina e e situation in question Wlt out, or necessit an intervention by the Town of yueensburv or WJ. out formal action by the Town 0 ue s ur. In 11 e as lon, Mr. Gur a wou appear 0 be in a situation where he could personally take.direct action to enforce the Queens- bury Zoning Ordinance along with Ordinance No. IV, if the decision of the Town Board were not to take direct action by the Town against the '3.pparent violations. '. ' --...c~~,.___... . Harold E. Boynton February 13, 1978 p ag e 5 In submitting the above, I do not intend in any respect that it is my opinion that the Town of Queensbury should take no action. Neither am I intending to represent that the Town of Queensbury should take legi'll ae-tion to eliminate these apparent violations. That is not my function as Town Counsel and for me to do so would he, in my opinion, an intended " usurpation of the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Town Board. I am merely pointing out the foregoing in order that the Town Board Mav he fully apprised of all circumstances surrounding this situation in making its determination. If there are any questions concerning any aspect of this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. \:.;... Very truly yours, } /f'L'C/ ;~6SEPH R. BRENNAN Town Counsel JRB/dm cc: Michel R. Brandt Town Supervisor .' ... in Real Alpine Atmosþhere -,-- Open Year 'Round Commercial Rates -Alpenkaud, Motel Inc. ~ Recommended Route 9, 24 lake George Road, 2 miles North of Glens Falls Phone 518 792-6941 GLENS FALLS, N. Y. 1280 I Hay 26, 1978 Mr. George Liapes Building Department Town of Queensbury Glens Falls, N. Y. 12801 Dear Mr. Liapes: TOW N OF QUEENS8URY [ffi ~ ~:y ~2 ;~1~781E lID A M p.M. il~I~\l.<) l~llfl} I ~I ~ I~I ~I~J · À '. I regret that I was not at home when you stopped by following my call to your office. In regards to the Story town sign on Route 9 just south of my property, I should like to file a complaint that the sign has been extended (by the addition of a projecting ladder) since the sign ordinance went into effect. Reference: Sign Ordinance, General, page 12. I also believe that this sign is now over 25' in height in violation of General Regulations, Paragraph 17 c, page 11. Further, under General Regulations, parag~aph 3, page 9, I hereby file a complaint that it is an annóyance. My property faces the back of the sign, and the appearance is that the sign is still under construction and that workmen have left a ladder against it. In regard to the Skyline sign, also on Route 9 south of my property, I am filing a complaint that only the lettering has been removed and the sign not taken down as per the Ordinance under Penalties, Paragraph 4, page 18. I would appreèiate your looking into the above matters immediately and advising me. Very truly yours, \ /)(0'/1 K. d,'¿¡'~'L~ MaryR. Bodenweiser cc: Zoning Board ......- ....., .. "'~'~ ~·_I~~·,~.·r"·",",_ ~"""--'-':-"""'~':""'''T'"'''-~''':-~';,;~~r'Y-:''-'-'--''~'---- ...._.-,~ -.'".~._-,.__._- .'- -- -.--~..;--.,......~~.. ··-·~-"""r-'-·~·~-"--··~'--··--'··-~~-~""'_ ..... "'" . .. ~ _,J" ~'r'~'_.vr-,..'''''''''''~