1978-11-15 37g· '-- 0f-µciA.¿ /IIi.n.u.ú.4. of- tAe. QULe.n.46Wtff Zo~ 80a.Ni of- Appe.aiA lieU Nove.m6vr. IS, 1978 at 7: JO f> .14. /IIemlxtM. 'P ~ K.ùr.IJw.m C OJUlJJJf!.LL, C ~ Sj.o~ 1/.~n Je.d J lJ.ICMJt C~ 5ù:LurJ. 1Y},1l41 ~tI., R.øI. ~, ?1.Æ ~. A 6.u.ni.: §e.oJt9IL K UAO¥Lk1. A LþwI. J ADJIGO 5 iD/!: 5 te.ve. L VJ1^ L~ 01- fJIOffIIUL Vote.M. 06-UIWeA: lJoJWtÅff BUJt.nham On a motion 6!f ~ 7?~n, fM. rni.n.u:JJu of- tlte. Oc.tobM 18t1t me.e.f.i.n.g. we.A.e. applWVeA.. lI1otion U(U 4.e.c.oru:le.tL b'J II1A.. J UA.fWt. C 0Jr.It.ieLl. New B~ V~ #588 - 'R.~ B. SQJlJfPUl '- C OIW Blvd.. antl 1'aJr.k Ave.. (VlQA.IU!JI. C ou.rd.y. l' ~ 8oaN1.) 'R -4 Zone. Va.It.ÚZnce. to púz.ce. a wJIß9.L buJ~ will a /6 µ.. 6 in.. .uf:. bac.k in. Lieu. o~ fM. ~ JO fL .uf:. bat:Á II1A.. 5 QJIJ!JI!A- .dated he. IlA14 mo.uJ.v. co~ will htzv i.fr.9. an Q.JW.L to pt!.M.ue. ÅLt. 1wb6!f of- N!Ai.oA1..tu¡ antiflu.f! ctUf.4. He. 4taW he. woultL be. ÚfJIo.&e.d will JtJÚßtf!J œi.n.øJt ~ WOAA antl tlut. 6ul.~ woul.tl 4.e.JtVe. to i.JnpJt.Olle. tÁe. app~ o~ tlte. PJWPeA.f.v.. PUt.. lJOM antlll1Jr.. AlJA.tin, neigÁboM, 4.taterl th.e.v- weAL .in. fDJIoJt of tlut. app~ti..on. J he. QIæe.M.bUA.!f l' ~ 8oaN1. antl tÅe. fJIOJULe1l C oun:q;. l' ~ 8oaM. appJt.Ovetl tk. appÚcation cu p~. A motion l/AU fTIllÍe. b!f ~ J tIJU'UUt. to appJt.OIIe. J:.hL appli œtJ on. 5 e.c.ontlvl b!f J1ùw.. 7?~n.. C a./VLiAJ.. 379' 2 Va.Jt1.o.n.c.e. #589 - V ~¡o RI~g9¡ IVtO VI ut 5 iJLe. 'R to 9 (V/a.JVCA!ft [ou.n:f.t¡, f> ~ ßOOJrJ.) [-] Zone. ',--~ Va.Jt1.o.n.c.e. to pl.tu:.e. lJ.yÜ19- ~ OVelt pltMen.i. hui.lding. to pJWú.c.f.. tAe. pJWp~ ~ R"99ÚAo .daterl ~ he.cmJ.ð.e. 01 pad ai:Wnpú to vanJaLiAe. anti. hJWJÁ in to ÁiA U'hL6~ He. a.ú.o .4:bzted .u wouLd he. c.ofUle.n.i..e.1d to Awe. ÁiA wiþ. anti. c.Åi1.J.Iwt c10UA to ÁiA hlJ.4i..neM.. No pÚl.n.4. Welte. 0JIa1l.ahle. loA. ~M to tÁe. huLú1ing. lwweJ"eIt Ilk. C UAÁi..n.g.. haJJ. heen. .u1eclerl Q.4 tÁe. aA.CÁi..ú.ct. J Ite. ßocuu1. ~ ahoui:. tAe. .up~ ~ anti. wue. CMAWr.tUl hV- ~ 7?"99ieJW tkd. .u U.(l4 a.tÚ< IVl-Ú. JIte. ßocuu1. a4Ñu1 loA. anti. ~er1. a.uwuznc.e. tkd. tAe. lJ.ying- ~ wouLd not het:.Otne. a JU!IIi:.aL QNlß. in tAe. f.ui:wr.e.. Noone. appeDJWl in opp04Uion.. Jlte. QIU!.eM.hUAV- f>~ ßocuu1. anti. tAe. Vla.JVCA!ft [ou.n:f.t¡, f>~ ßOCUfIi. appJWVeJ. tÁe. applicßtion 4b:il.ng. tkd. tÁe. (lJW1. wou1rL not he. c.lta1tg.er1.. A moti..on U.(l4 TTrHle. hV- ÞIJr.. S i.t:o.ItJ. to appJWVe. tAe. appl¿c(1ti.on wäIt tÁe. li.m.ü.aüon 01 tAe. lJ.ying- ~ to he. occu.pW hlf tAe. OWn.e.M OA. lmuu.. onJ..v,. 5et:.OntleJ. 61f ~. 'R~n.. [~. '-- Va.Jt1.o.n.c.e. #590 - DJt. 7amt!.A. ¡1f. ß~ 'H.-I Zone. An:fJ 9(.(0 /flow.. Ro<u1. f> Lum f> oi..n:f., Lalw. ýe.o~ (fJla.JVf.eA [ou.n:f.t¡, f> ~ Bocuu1.) AA.eJL Va.Jt1.o.n.c.e. to p.l.a.cAt a 20 µ.. x 20 µ.. ewtpoAi:. wi.:fÁ a 5 µ.. þc.oni:. u.t hac.k in lWL 01 tAe. ~ )0 µ.. J AiA a.u.a ù. now UA.eJ. loA. ~ JIte. BoaNl ~ Q.4 to wltdlt.eIt tÁe. Jown c..leaM. tAe. JtO(J.(/.. DJt. B.l.tJæ dated :i:.ho.i. iltev- do and tkd. Ite. wJ.1.1.. now he. a fPUlA JUJuntl ~ ÞIJr.. BUltop anti. ~. AJdh.wr. BJUJWn weAL pMAent and 4f4ter1. tJutv. weAL .in. føvOA. 01 tAe. appÚ~ff.tion. JIte. QlJA!.eM.hllA¥ f> ~ Bocuu1. and tAe. fJlaNU!lf, Cou.n:f.t¡, f> ~ Bocuu1. appJWVeJ. tAe. applicD.- ti..on ~ JWlA.On0.6le. U4e. ot ilte. lo.nd. A moti..on U.(l4 rœ.d.e. h!l ~ 'R~n to appJU1lle. tAe. appÚc(1üon Q.4 pltMen:I:.Ju1. Set:.OntleJ. hlf ~ S.i.t::ß.NL [~. 3 J>ð 3 V~e # 591 - john. Ku.6~ <f So~ 9nL:.. BaV- R oaJ. (tI/ QAAQl C ounf.t¡. 'P L.a.nni.ng. BoaAIÍ) trJ-2 ZOM. "-- V~ to A: plm:.e a tJKLItA!ÅoWJ.e. will a 15 µ. 4irLe 4e.t Ixu:.k in. Li.e.u ot i:Áe. ~ 50 µ. 4e.t hac.k anti. will no 4e.t Ixu:.k on Ile.Wt Al1i...Útoad PJWpe.d.ff Li.n.e.. J Ite L~ dock to he pl..a.c.tu1 on O. cf H. pJWp~ anti. B: to plm:.e a ~ J9. 6 µ. þ.om þwrd PJWpe.d.ff Li.n.e. in. Li.e.u 01 i:Áe. ~ 50 It.. No OM. UA'U pNUe.rd Ite.fJNUe.n:ll.n.g. i:Áe. appLicQwn.. J h.e. V/QAAQl C ounf.t¡. 'P L.a.nni.ng. BoaAIÍ Jt.eC.Of1t1IIUVi.ed appJWVal 01 'P wr:J:. ''8'' anti. du.- appJUJVeJ. 'P wr:J:. '',q'' ~. tAe ex.i..t.ting. o~ aL.low4 tOIt. a 50 tt.. hu/ttut ¡øM. hehoe.en. an. trJ-2 anti. R ¡øne.. No.ua1 ~ Olt. pMctlcaL rli./l1cuJ..tv. UK.t4 .uwwn.. "-- J Ite BoaJrJI. ffIIUfIheM. ~eJ. tAe hu/ltut ¡øM. hefwe.en. tAe J own. anti. C ~ 9t U4d. no:W1 tNd cu no fTrl{J U4d. 4.UhrnLUed folt..dud!f, tAe exad:. l.ocß.f.i..on 01 th.e. C i.h; Li.n.e. c.oul.d. not he de/..i.n.etl. trJJr.. Juhh4., a n.ei..gAholt. 01 PUr.. Kuh~ appeDJCIVÍ in. þwOIt. ot tAe appÜcrd1..on.. He ~:tateJ. tAe ~ woul.d. i.mpJWVe tAe LooM 01 i:Áe. pJWpe.JtiJ;. A mown U4d. nru1e. hV- ÞVt. S.i.c.o.Ir.d to f4hú tAe appL1~üon unilL tAe MXi:. nw.e.t- i..n.g.. .in. ltopeIJ. tNd 4.OfTllWM. woul.d. appeJ1Jt to Ite.fJNUe.rd tAe appl1caüon.. 5 eL:.OnrLeJ. hV- PUr.. RUJi. C aJVÙe//.. Va.II.ÛlN:.e #592 - 'P JW-(ADþ. BuLúi~ 9rrc.. 2 BtUtÁe. 'R oar1 (f)/QAAQl C ounf.t¡. 'P L.a.nni.ng. BOOJUI) 'R-4 Zone VCUti.anc.e. to plac.e a dwel.Ling. will a 23.96 µ. 4e.t hac.k in. Lieu. 01 tAe ~eJ. ]0 µ. 4e.t hru:Á PUr.. C otf.oM. 4Últerl tNd PUr.. Van. OeuAeJ1. fTOLle a c.oAA.e.C.i.. 4J.IAJIe.s; 01 tAe. 4li.e. Itow- evtut OM. 01 tAe ~ U4d. covvw/. hV- a.c.c.i.J:le.nZ anti. anotAtut OM. ~ tolt. i..t.. 'lite hoU4.e UK.t4 85% c.omp.lei.4 heþA.e. tAe eJUtOlt. UA'U no:ti.L:.el. Ha.IffÚIt1p UK.t4 ~ cu tAe hou1e woul.d. kwe to he c.ompÚ!.:le4 toAJt down. anti. A.e.hui.lt.. 38/ 4 "- J he. ßowuI. now. thai. f:.Ir1..4 uxu tAe. 4.eJ::JJnd. ti.næ a va.JÚ..ant:..e. uxu n.e.ed.eá due. to an av~ antllJXLJtJl.tUl. tAe. applLc.ani:. to U4.e. CCl.JU? anti. COnc.eNI. .i.n. tAe. I-u.f.wu!.. J Ite. QUUM.hwtV- 'P ~ ßowuI. antl tAe. f//aJVtI!A C ouni.y, 'P ~ ßoaJrrl MJ:.01fIIfIeN1eá appMtlaL No one. appeJ1JWl. .i.n. opp04.i.:l:i.on.. A mown. llKU nruLe. hv. ~ S i.uJ.NI. I-Ole. appMtlaL. S eJ::JJnd.eá hv.~. 'R.~n.. C aJVf.i.eå. VaJtianc.e. 1159 J - l(JJ/JJU!.N:.e. é. C oJC.heH 7Jt. Ba.!f 'P rvtkua.!f1 A lJAemh4- 'P 01.Jd. (fJlaAA.en. C ou.n.f.v, 'P ~ ßoaNl) 'R-/ Zone. v ~ to pl.ac.e a ~e. will a /2 µ. þwn.t. 4.d hac.k .i.n. Li.e.u. 01- tAe. ~ ]0 µ. þwn.t. 4.d ba£Á ~ ~ CoAi>eH 4i:o.tf!ft thai. a cLo4.eJI. 4.d back woul.r1l.n:.Wt/.eJI. will pLac.emen:t 01- a n.eJJ) .upti.c. 4.~ to 4.E!AVe. a fPDA JUJund. Jl£4iJienc.e. to he. coM.:1:.Jr.uc.:f.. He. 41:.abul. thai. tAeJr.e. ÚJ. p~ pOJt.Ái.n.g. 0.IœtL wkr¡un"Ú. I-Ole. J c.aM.. J he.. ~ ÚJ. UA.eá p~ hv. A.eA.iJ:Le..nú 01- tlte.. 0.IœtL. JIte. ßowuI. ~ CL4 to tAe.. .tip!- 01- tlte.. fPDA JUJund. dwe1Li.n.g. anti. Ww.f.,iye. 4epf.i..c. 4~ .i.n. JU!latwn. to tAe.. ~ /.Mm tAe.. ~ bJe.. ß.l.a.kL 4pokL .i.n. fm¡01e. 01- aLlow-Î.n{J CL4 1TMJCÁ Mom CL4 po.uihle.. /.ole. tAe.. 4epf.i..c. 0.IœtL. ~ RoheAi:. S'Ú.J/Jt'.ud. aú.o 4poÑt .i.n. fm¡01e. ot tAe.. appl1Mt1.on.. A le1:.ieJI. þwm. Itw.. ~ a n.ei..gJtho~ UU4. pMAen:.úr1 .i.n. favOIe. 01- tlte.. appl1C(1tJ..on.. J he.. QUUM.hwtV- 'P ~ ßoa.JV1 antl tlte.. fJlaJVtI!A C ounf..v. 'P ~ ßoaJrrl MJ:.OtmIe.nlleá appMtlaL A mown. UU4. rrøJ.e.. h!f ~ S i.uJ.NI. I-OJf. appMtlaL S eJ::JJnd.eá h!f IfIJC.. 'R e..eá. C ~. Va.nl.anc.e. I/: 59/¡ - fJ/ o.y,ne. antl K aAJUL D iv.i.n.e.J¡. ]04 ßav. 'R oarL (fUaAA.en. C ou.n.f.v, 'P ~ ßoaJrrl) C -J Zone. v CZJÙ.a1ac.e. to pl.ac.e an eftic1-enq. ~ .i.n. tAe.. JC.eQ.Jt. 01- a .1Udo.i.1 WM... !TJA.. biv.i.n.e.J¡. IJJOAM. .i.n. ALha.n.v- anti. AlA w.l.f.e.. ~ tAe.. JLoAL4.t hUA.Ùl.eM. ~heá .i.n. tAe.. appl1Cq:li.on.. ~ bivi.ne.!f c.li:.I.d fi..nant:.i.al ~ CL4 AlA wi/-e.. 4pentl..d. ffIIJcl .-, 3 oJ. 5 tùnJt, mone.V1 and e!f.oAi:. co~ he:l:JueJm Utei.A home. and. fmni.L!; .in. C ohou and. heA WOAk. h.eAe.. He. ah.o 4tat~ :that ~ pMpe.n.fi..e.4 on. eadt .wJ..e. ot Æu. htwe. N!Ai.tl.en:t.i.ß1 pAlv ~u. C oMi:.wu:.ti.on. .iA. a.úw:u:lV- unJ.e.n. wa.v- tOll. an. empLo!fUA Louru¡e. and. 4f.o~ a.f.iJ..c. and .Jtt. D.l.YJ..n.e.v, Wzted :that c.lta.n.g..u r:.a.n. ~ he. nmle. to i.N:.oApOJtD.Ú 4!..up.i.n9- and ~~. JIttuœ. wilL he. an. empLoy,e.e. 6atIvwom ~ .in. Ute. 4Itop. Jhe. 80t1Jf11 u.a.4 coN:.elCnt!Jl wli:Á tlte. ~ ava.iLa.6Le. f.oJl. ~ v-oung. c.hi..J.dJuui .in. tlte. fmni.L!;. Jtt. C 01tJllJJeil 4ll9-~ inpo.f.in.g. a LúnJ tatLon. loll. Ute. ÚJ¡.i.n9- ~ to he. occ.up.wl. .in. tlte. ~ on.4 hV- th.e. own.eA. OJl. leoM..e. ot Ute. hui1dJ "'9-. Jhe. QtæU&4hwc.v- Jown. tp ~ 80D.JU:l. appMtleJ. tIuL appL.1cation. and. th.e. VlaJVU!fI. C ou.nlg. f> ~ 8oa.Ni. ~ will Ute. JOf#n. -4iD.t1.Jag, it .iA. .in. kup.i.n9- wli:Á ~ pi.anA. c£4. an. aJU!4 w.itIt ~en:üa.L and c.o~ rnbd.Jur.£. /fvr.. Û.l.YJ..n.e.v, p~ a l..ei:hvt ot appJtOllaL þ.om tlte. JUMi.dud4 ot ]02 8a.V- 'Road. Jtt. JUAn.eA. nmle. a mown. loll. appJtOllaL ot tlte. appÜc~tion. a4 appl.i.esJ.. Sec.onJeJ. hV- f11A.. Sic.aAt1. flIM.. 'R.i.dtaNl4on. votea No; Itt. 'Reed - Yu,· /fvr.. Sic.aAt1 - Yu¡ /fvr.. J wvwr. - Ye.4j /fvr.. C 01tJllJJeil - Y u. C a.JVC1.ed. VaJÚ.rJ.nc.e. #595 - 3oa.n. ~. tp onJ:Lft C úweAt1.a1e. 'Road ((IJtI.IVU!Jl C oun:1:.J¡. f> ~ 8oa.Ni.) 'R.-I Zone. '-- VaAi.rur.u to Mplm:.e. a JUMi.den:t.i.ß1 ~ and. aJJ. a 2 c.aIf. atfacheJ. ~e. w.itÅ !..eM. tltan. tlte. ~ .wLe. 4d ha.cÅ /fvr.. f>on:.Uf-t Wztet1 Ute. AU.i.tleN:.e. woulJ. he. a fP!DA 1f.Ou.ntl ~ and. :that Ute. pJU!A.enJ:. ~ coulJ. not be. JVUnIXlú.J. hecnfJAe. ot dei:.eAi..oJV:LÜ.on.. A c.e.Llo.A. woulJ. ah.o be. put unJ.eA ~ n.eJU ~. J he. 8()(JN/. ~ .upf.i.c. þciV.;UeA and. the. f/1d. :that an. QAJYJ. v~ he. ~ Jt.O.i.Auc. tltan. a UAe. v~ a4 tÅeNt. wilL he. no JfJl.tll ~ .in. the. ~ Q.ItHI.." Noone. app~ .in. oppo4i:ll.on.. Jhe. QueeM.bwc.v- and. fJ/a.JVt.JUt Counf.v, f>~ 8~ appMtle4. tlte. appÜcati..on.. A mown. u.a.4 nmle. bV- /fvc.. S.i.c4Jul to applUNe. tk appL.icrrVon. a4. p~ he.f.oA.e. the. l' ~ ßtxl.IUÚ. Sec.onJed hV- ~ JUArI.eIf.. Ca.JVC1.ed. '-- 38>3 6 Vcuu:an.c.e #596 - AJti:Juur. é. BJlOWn Ani:J.g1Vl motel Road 1'Lum 'Poi..nf.. on lak ýeoA.ffe (fVQ.IVWt C ouni:J¡. 'P ~ Bocw:L) R-I Zone. ',- v ~ i.o pLa.c.e. a motel unli. wi.:tÅ a ] µ. .wie IJ.d bacA JtI1.thv. tIw.n. :tIte 5µ' ~. ~ BJlOWn 4:fø.ted :thai:. a fiAe. ~~ lJ.even A.eni:ß1 u.ni..:J:&" pLtu. an ol/h:.e. in. 1975. He now wùÅu i.o JUdJui.ltl onh¡. tM.ee. uni.:J:A. pLtu. a douhú ~ c.on.f.LLi.ning.. an 01P c.e. A ~ tlAZIJ. Iteld wi.:tÅ PUt. BJlOWn and ÁU nei.gJt60M. and an ~ tlAZIJ. ~ i.o 6ui.ltl af. an 84 µ. IJ.d 6ack /Aom :tIte lak NLtIteA tlran 61, µ. Cl.4. oAJ..g.1.rw.L4 pMpOJJ.eJl. lite f))Q.IVWt C ouni:J¡. 'P ~ Bocw:L UK.l.4. nruk Qlt4,te. ot :tIte ~e. ~ BJWWn lfated :thai:. :tIte ~ 4epUc. 4VAÚ1n haJJ. 6een. .i.nd.aL¿fYi and u. wo~ ~1fLlv.. hI(.. Bi.t:Jk., a ~OAf .tpokL in. favOIr. ot the appÚcrJ'üon wi.:tÅ the oJditi.oltlLl .u.t 6a.cÁ. ~ & MM.. 1'e.iS!A BJWUI/t. a.l4o appt!lJJfJUi. in. þwOIr. ot :tIte app.l.k.- a:ti.on.. lite Quu.n.4.hWU; lown l' ~ Bocw:L and :tIte f))Q.IVWt C 0tUdy. l' ~ Bocw:L JU!CO~ appllOVal. '- A mown UK.l.4. nruLe 6V- ~ lUJUl.eA ""Ir. appIWVal JJ.U.6jed. i.o :tIte 81, µ. .u.i. bacA þwm the ÚJJu¿ Cl.4. i.i.. c.on.c.uM. w.i.J:.Å 60th p~ 6oa1t11A. S ~nJ.e4 6V- PIA.. S~. C wvri.eJi. "~ SpedAL 'PeAmli #78 - f))al:bvt. ôomhd [-J Zone. Noill .wú. Q~ Road. (f))Q.IVWt C 0tUdy. 'P ~ ßtX1Jtrl) 'P ~ ~ R06eAi. S Ú!J1JaJt:l:, ~ Romeo S.i.:I:L plan JU!YÚ!JD (Rt!A.OLu:.tion 617.1, S.é.Q.R.) ot Lwtg.e 4CJJ.i.e. pl.o.nneJ. c.onmeN:hLl devel.opmurl:. - Auf..o and 1 JUJL:.k Sa.úM. and S eJUlic.e C e.n:hvt. 1 h.e BtX1Jtrl JU!YUJueß. :tIte åAmuingA and planA. 4.Uhmli.:iu anJ. c.onc.tLff.Jtfk1 w1.tA wall rl1.muv.dorw., e.n:fAt1.nr..e. and exi:J.A.. 1 he. .ti¡e. ot :tIte ]2 µ. J( 60 It.. 4how Mom anJ. the uer1 paAi:A. and caA. 4toAag-e 0JtLa UJeAe. JU!Y úw.teJ. Jr£../.o;.¿¡ye i.o ~ a.nd/ Olr. ~. 8UJJ..i.n.eM. MUM UJeAe. ~er1 in. Jr£.lation i.o f.M.tþ.c. flow on QIJ.fJkur. Road. 3~t 7 ~ S ÚJ.tJaAi:. 4tated tk.t N ~ trJohawk OWM tlr.e. .lanJ. 6ehue.en. tAe. JttX1tl aNi. 'lhL þwnJ:. Line. ot tAe. pMPeAi:J¡.. A ~n ú. p~ cu to wA.dÑA CClJt4. f1D.IJ 6e. pl..o.ced M tÁi.A. C%JLe4. 9t appJWVaL ú. g.l.Y~ 'lhL 6~ aNi. ~ pMp04eJ. wi.1L he. møveJ. f.o/lllJfJ.Jff1 50 µ. - not tß ~ wli:.Å mi.nÄmum 4d ba.c.k~. (pl4n. A.) 9t appJWVaL ú. den1.eJ., tAe. h~ aNi. ~ wi.1L be. 4ei. back 50 µ. (pl4n. 8.) /1br.. n 0II1J!0 u.o:bu/ i.:t woulJ. be. a kuul..úU.p .if. 1> l4n. A C.I1.flItOt he..inp~ He. a..ú.o IJ:l:.o.tetl that fÁiA. appJWVaL IwA. been. given. to otÁeM. i.n. 'lhL evt.e.a.. . ~ C oJtfUlJe.ll .úo.t~ a PM/~ f.oA. l' I.o.n. 8. A mown uxu rmde. h!f fI1A.. J U:.rlNl. f.oA. appJWVaL ot tlte. .t.i.tL pl.o.nA.. S et:A:Jntl.eJ. h!f trJJr.. 'Re.ed. . C 0JtA.i..efl. trJ~ uxu aJ.¡,otJAJWl. a:/.. 10: 00 tp. trJ. .'-.- ~~ .---