1979-01-17 373 O/t.i..ci.D1 mi.nui.e/J. 0/ f.h.e Qtæ.eM.6Wl!f Zo~ Boa.Jrtl ot Appea1A held. ~a.nu.aJt.ff 17, 1979. ~ c.oflJle.nÆ.d at. 8: 00 7>. m. bectLUA.e. 0/ ~ ~ ',-, K.uJWun C oJtflJJJf!.Ll, C Aa.wrrm C Ñut1eIJ. S.ú:wrd Ý e.oJt9.e. K wr.o4tLha A qAJUi. ] JW.n£.O Sj,ovu:lje. R~on. J ed J UJU'I.(Ut f!1ai:AeA. R e.ed Sta/f: Sú.ve. LfINL L~ 0/ f)/OmtUL VoteM. MpJ/.JVJ.e.ni.rdi.ve.: PlM. SUi!. ýødJ A64eni:.: !fJem};Vl4 7> J/.JVJ.eni:.: On. a mown. 6v. /f1¡". Si.cD.NL, the. mi.nui.eA. 0/ the. Û.e.c.entbeA. 20, 1978 ~ I.tH!.ILe. app/WVed. mown. lIKU 4e.c.onded bv. /f1¡". J JW.n£.O. o l.d. BU4i.n.eM.: V ~ #591 - ~0An. K uhJr.i.L:k¡. & S 0nA., 9n.c.. Bav. R oar1 /fI-2 Zone. ~ Adion. lIKU po4i:pon.ed at. the. ~ ot th.e. app!.i..t:Jzni:. IV eJJJ BU4i.n.eM.: V~ # 598 - ÝOA!f B. BJtOWn. C -J Zone. '!ftai.n. S t. ( C oJLini:.A R oarl) V~ bJ p1m:.e. a 5 It. x 6 It. x 4 It. /AAYL~. ~ ~ 9IU pJU..J:.e.· /f1¡". BJWWn. 4œ.terl he. ani:.k.i..pa:bU p~ the. 4ig.n. on. an. e.xiAf.i..n.g., C ompanv- owned, Li.gJd:.. pole.. He. 4uhmi:t.ted a dJrmui.n.g. 4Áotui.n.g. the. pLa.c.eme.n:t ot the. Li.gJtf. pole. and a c.oLoA. pAobJ 01 the. pJWp04ed 4ig.n.. /f1¡". C 01VfJJJe.i1 ~ abouJ:. an. ~ 4~ adv~ g.cu pJU..J:.e.4 cu ~ 6v. the. new State. I.mu. He. arkLed theM.. hml. be.en. an. ~ bJ tAe. LoCD.l ~n. o~ al.Lowi.n.g. a ~ tOll.. pJti.J:.e. and "no 4mo~" bJ be. pLa.c.ed f.øA. tAe. c.on.ven.ieJu::.e. ot the. puhLú:.. /f1¡". BJUJWn. 4œ.teJ1 he. pJ/.JVJ.e.n.t4 hml. no 4pecia1 4..i.g.n. /-oA. fÅiA. i.n.foll.ffa'il..on, ~eA., AiA. 4e./f. 4eJU1~ pump4 do kwe. a I 4.tf. Ii:.. ~ ~ the. pJti.J:.e. peA. r;.a1J..on.. He. aLw 4Úl.tvl thai:. the. public. 9e.n.eA11lJ.v. ~ that th.e. "- 4 37Y ;¡, pJt1.c.e. peA. r;.a1J..on. /-oA. 9JU iA. moJtL at the. lull 4eJU1 i..c.e. pump.1. /f1¡". 8JtOWn. 4:Úded tAe. ~ he. ~ wou1d be. a ~ f..vpe. cu fTrLfUJ./ad.wt.erl bv. the. oU c.ompanv.. /f1¡". C 01VfJJJe.i1 f.ell thai. ~ couLd. not be. 4Aown. .i..1 th.e. ~ 4i.gM. weAe. not .i..n. pla.c.e.. Ne.ig.h.boMocx:L ~ lIKU~. 9t lIKU lell thai:. the. ~ 01 the. n.e.i.gJthoA.Aocx:L lIKU a.i.Jteml.v. cLi..mi.n.Lt.h.ed hv. the. 4i.gM. a.i.Jteml.v. .i..n. e.xi.A.h:1.nt:.e.. /f1¡". S.ú:wrd ~n.ed the. ~ of. th.e. ''Plet:.han1.c. on. ûutv-" poJd1..on. ot the. ~ /f1¡". 8JtOWn. ~ thai. tAiA. cou1d be. omJ..i:.t~ þwm the. ~ I1Vr.. Robvc.t écuf:Jm.n, Mp~ the. U-Haul Compa.n.ff .1Ú1.ted he. iA. .i..n. 1000A. of. the. ~. appÜ.Cfltion. ci.:f.i.n.g. p~ condi :tioM and ~ /-oA. compeü:tion.. PlM. SUi!. ýodJ1 MpJ/.JVJ.e.nf:1.n.g.. th.e. L~ of. f)/OmtUL Vote.M. A.I!.t1.d a ~ exp~ the. Leag.u.e' 4 p04..i.:tion. on. the. appll cnüon.. (A copv. iA. ~ J he. J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. 800JU1. and the. VlaJtA.e1l C ou.n:f.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. 800JU1. JtLCOnme.ntleJ. appJWVaL .1:1:t1:l:1.ng. thai:. fÅiA. 4ig.n. 1IU.lA.i.. COfTll!. down. at the f:.i.me. all otheA. ~ con./-oJUn .i..n. 1986. Jhe. QU/!.e.MbWU; 8eftwti f.iCY/üon. C ommli:i.e.e. oppo4ed the. non.-con./olt.ffli.ng.. ~. A mown. lIKU rrw1e. hv. I1Vr.. S.ú:wrd lOA. appJWVal pJWV.i.tling. onJ.v. pJt1.c.e. i.n.foJU1aÜ.on. iA. advt!.Ifii.A.ed, thai:. the. ~ 4Aall not va:.e.e.d 10 4.tf. µ.., and thai:. Me. 4ig.n. 4Aall COfTll!. down. .i..n. 1986. I1Vr.. K wr.o4tLha .1et:.Onded. Vote.: I1Vr.. C oJVUJJe.l1 - No; I1Vr.. S.û:.tutd- !leA.¡ /f1¡". J JIPJtC.O - !I eA.¡ I1Vr.. K wr.o4D.ha - !I M. C a.JVt.i.ed. All 8o<1.Nl. ffII!JfIheM V i.Ali:.tYi Me. 4.i..te.. '---' Va.Jr..i..an.c.e # 604 - VI J.1.Ümn. K. H owe.n.A..te..i. R -I Zone. 011 S e.e.úq; Roarl VaJti.an.c.e. bJ plD.c.e. a one( I) fmn.iLv. dwe.Ll..i.ng. 100 Ii:.. þwm a puhLic. JUXl/Í. Ac.c.eM wou1d be. OVeA. a deeded ~-of.-wav-- ~ Howe.n.A..te..i. .1Wetl t.ho.t at the. f:.i.me. 01 pwu::.hoAe, .i..t lIKU AiA. und.~ that all of. the. ~ O~M weAe. compl.i..ed will. When. he. went /-oA. a hui..1rLJI19- pe.llJ1lli., 1wweYe;r., he. UKU not.i..f1-ed t.ho.t AiA. pIWpeAJ:.v. di.d not þwnt on. a puhLic. JWad a.ru:l Mvc.e..!oA.e. a vaJti.an.c.e. wou1d he.~. He. 4f.ated that he. hm:l fTtlJÚ. p.l.a.M. bJ exi.enrl. AiA. dAiJleJJKl.V. bJ the. ~-ol-wa.v- bJ þciú'œte.. a.c.c.e.4.4 .i..n. c.cue. oll.úte.. Jhe. MJ2Jf.A?A.t ~ iA. 120 Ii:.. þwm Se.e.úq; Road. k R.idtaNL éiA.e.nA.:l:rLed appetJ.JteJÍ Mp~ ÛA.o ~o.uph {f¡~ þwm whom I:Áe. pIWpeAi:.f¡. lIKU pwu::.hoAed hv. Me. app!.i..t:Jzni:. He. 4Úl.ted t.ho.t the. oJti..g.i..nol 4uh-di.viA..i..on. rl1.J. not f UDú'4 /-oil.. ~ and t.ho.t h~ wou1d he. ~ bJ pui:.. a le.gaL d.A.e.e:l tlvwUf}Á a4 :I:Åe.Jut. ex.i..4.tA. a IWck ledg.e. ~ He. aLw /J.tateJ1 t.ho.t alLowi.n.g.. /-oA. the. \....... 31) 3 exi:.entI.etL dAiJleJUf1.V-, the. Lot u.u4 4i:1J1 w.i..tA.i..n. the. Ad..úwnrku:.k 'PQ.ItÁ A g.eN:.ff' 4 ~ loA. a buLlJ.i.n.g.. Lot and that the. ~-ot-wa.v- iA. ade.r¡uo.& /-oA. acceM. I1Vr.. S.iJ:fJN1 tell the. pIWpeAJ:.v. 4Aould not kwe. heen. pwu::.hoAed w.i..tltou:l kn.owú.dg.e. 01 all ot th.e. ~ ~ /-oil.. vr.e.c.i.1..n.g a dwe.lli.n.g.. He. tell the. OWn.e.M ot tAe. othvc. LciA. .i..n. tÁe. aJr.e.(J. and !fvt. H oweM.i:.JUn 4Aould con/.vc. bJ 40/.ve. tIte. pIWhle.m i:.Ae.v- 4ItaAe. 9t I«Z4. me.n.t.Loned t.ho.t the. J own would not plow tAiA. 0AeD. .i..n. th.e. w.i.n.te.A, Jt.oweyvc. ~ HoweM.i:.JUn 4i:tJ.:úti he. iA. aJ.lXl.Jte. of. th.iA. and iA. p~ bJ AanJ.Le. 4JWW 1UYfIOVaL. /f1¡". {f¡.i..lbJn {f¡emL, a 25 v.eaJI.. 1tUide.n.t ot th.e. fl.It.e.4, appetJ.JteJÍ .i..n. fIbIOA. 01 Me. .~ appÚcfttlon 4i.o:f.1.ng.. he. f.dt th.eJtL 4AouLd. he. a. ~ IUX1fi. IIKLV- u:J:D.hluAed. No one. appeJ1.lt.eJ1 .i..n. opp04..i.:tion.. J he. J own 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. 8o<1.Nl. JtLC01WflI!.1IJietl rl..ùPppJWVaL 4i.o:f.1.ng.. comp~ will the J own. o~ 4AouLd. he. ob.1eJU1ed and .i..t wou1d he. UMJ:J./.e, not g..ocx:L pÚ1.nni.n.g. and a /.úte. pIW:i:.et:.tLon.ItiAA. J he. fJIaJtA.e1l C o~ 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. ßoruu:L JtLC01MtJYIJi.etl appJWVal 4uhþu:.t bJ PJWV.iAi..oM t.ho.t the. acceM JWad fTII!.d will appJWVaL ot the. J own.. A mtJti..on UKU no.d.e. bv. k K wr.o4D.ha /-oA. appJWVaL ci.:f.i.n.g. Jtl!ßA.OnJ1.hLe. u.u ot th.e. pIWpeAi:.g.. Ilk. S.iJ:fJN1 4e.c.onded. C aJVt.i..etl. ~ ] JW.n£.O a.ru:l Ilk. S i.t:rutd v i.Ali:.tYi the. ili.e.. '- v~ # 605 - He.tUUJ N. He.vm R-J Zone C a.Wuua.v. trIturi.na 011 'RouJ:.e. 9L !)/OJUUUI. Bav. V~ bJ pLa.c.e. a 60 It. x 100 It. meJ:al boat 4bJM.g.e. huLlJ.i.n.g.. and a JO It x 45 It. woA.k 4.Áop willleM than. Me. ~ JO tt. .1d had.. !fút.. J0.1ÚA ~a.meA., A fultll~ pJ/.JVJ.en.te.d p.i.t::.f.uMA. and dJrmu~ 4.Áow.Ln.g. the. pA.e/J.en.f. ili.e. and the. pIWp0.1etl hui.l.di..n.gA.. He. .1tated v iAual i..mpac.:l and .l.ake poLLufJ on weAe. 0/ nafoll.. COnt:.J!./U1. to the. Lak. ýe.o~ AMOC.. ffII!JfIheM., howeYvc. the. 50 I:t. 4d hac.k ~- mI!.TIi:- (JO Ii.. loA. the. J ow,,) wou1d A.eIlIOV e. I1Vr.. H e.v.m ' 4 empLo~ þwm Me. trIturi.na aJr.e.(J. and coM.f:.i.f.u:h!. a~. Jhe. 4bJ~ huLlJ.i.n.g.. pl.acvnen:t and Ad..úwndac.k 7>0Jrft Ag.encv. 4ti.pu.l..ati..oM UJe.JtL d.i.A.cuM.ed. /fvr.. ~a.mu 4Ú1..tM. boaú weAe. pJtLV ÙJWJ.4; 4bJA.ed aLol19- Me. rJ.¡,¡yewav- and Q.IU!. now 4bJA.ed .i..n. the. open 0AeD. 01 the. pIWp04ed .1bJAD.g.e. hui..l.d.~ ili.e.. 7> JI..OI.i..iD.bLe. op~n 01 Me Mruc1.na ~ cove.Jr.etl 4bJAfL9-e. bJ keep up will compefi..- ti..on IIWm the. otÁvc. nruri..nD. OpeNZ.ti..oM .i..n. the. t1Jte.a. J he. trIturi.na wouLd. aL40 he. moJtL a.J:.i:.Iw.cJ:.e. will c.ovvwi .1bJ1IP-9e. 01 hoaiA.. k C 01l.J'lJUe.il ~ M bJ the. n.wn.6vc. ot hoaiA. bJ be. 4bJA.ed on Me. pIWpvrf.v.. k He.t¡m .1œ.W the. ruun6vc. 01 hoaiA. 4loA.ed will not e.xc.e.ed. the. n.wn.6M dockd, a4 not "3 r¡ro 'f e.velt¥One. ~ .i.ntloOA. boat 4loM.g.e, hOUJeJlvc. AiA. bU4ÙteA.4 iA. at a dUmlv~ beL:ß.UA.e. 01& .Ú1.c.k 01 i.nA.i.J:1e. 4lo~ þci lil.i..u. S ~ fAeai.menJ:. laci liiJ e/J. WeA.e ~ecl. /fbr.. ~ameA. .1Ú1.ted tAa:l theA.e iA. at pJl..e/J.e.n.t a Wreh. 1i.e.Ld 4.fIAÚRL wh1.dt iA. bJ be. MplD.c.ed bv. a moJtL be.n.e.fi..c.i.al ho~ Ú1.rIÁ .1~ tOA. b~ CJJA.i:.ofTWA 4.eIUI i.t:.e. a4 well cu IleA..i..d.e.nt and blb1i.MM. U4e.. J he. hOU4e. at the. ffClJLi.na will be. l.i.ved .i..n. lOA. th.e. 4.UIIr1IRA mon:iÁð. onJ.v" wA.i..Le. the. WOM wp will be. ui:..i..l.i..puL the. ~ JUJund.. é"P~ the/J.e f.a.n.M 4h4ll complv- ww all A.7>.A. ~- a:t.i..oM. /f1¡". ~0An. SakadOA.e. ollJu.n.hatrw. 8av. Lodg.e. appetJ.JteJÍ .i..n. lavoA. 01 the. appl.lca.t.Lon.. ftvr... Robvc.t S~ AtbJJl..n.e.v. Mp~ the. Ka.i:.4k.i..il Bav. AMOCo, appetJ.JteJÍ .i..n. opp04..i.:tion. bJ tk appLi.CQtJon.. He. c..i.'úr1. 4e.ve.JrD..l po.i..n.i:A ot c.oni:.Jwy~ /-oA. pLm:.eme.ni:. 01 the. 4loM.g.e. b~ amo"9 tAo4oe. weAe. the. /-ol.Low~ JM. ~ d..i.me.Ml..oM 0/ tAe. pJUJp04.ed 4bJ~ buJ lr1in.g.. aJtL not aJlai...Lable¡ tk JWVl .1e.t Ixu:.k ~ iA. ]0 11.. hOUJeJlvc. the. p.l.a.M. 4u.6miJ::J:.ed 4Aow onJ.v. 20 fL.; ader¡unbt ~~ and ~ kwe. not been. pJWVi.ded loA¡ a JWad lIKU c.uJ:. and the. bJp ot the. A.i..ll bJ the. JWVl ot & pJUJpeAi:.f¡. hu.. a.i.Jteml.v. been. cl..ewteJ. expo4i.n.g. the. nolliAe.AJ.v, bou.ntl.tutv- bJ a 1leAi..den:.tiA1 Q.JrJYL w.i..tAouJ:. a 4peci..a.l pe.JUTtii.; Sec:li..on. 4.20J 01 i:.A4 Jown. o~ aLloUJ4 onJ.v. on.e. (I) plLi.ru:.i.paL b~ on. a Lot wv.Le.n. 5 acA.eA. .i..n. 4.i..¡.e. - appLi.cmd.' 4 pJUJpeAi:.f¡. iA. appJUJ~ 2 acA.eA. .i..n. 4.i..~ S ec:li..on. 8.]08 a..lI..ow4 loA. not moJtL than. 5(/% ~e.- '-- f1WJfi. 01 a non.-c.on.f.olt.ffli.ng.. LUe aJt.eß.. No 4pecia1 vaJti.an.c.e. hu.. been. applied lOA. bJ c.ovvc. tAiA. vœepilon.. f1k. S Ú1JJaIri:. th.e.n. c..i.'úr1. Obj,e.ci:1.oM bJ the. pJUJp0.1ed Mpa.i..JI.. 4Aop cu ,0lLow.4: r¡u.oti.n.g. /.JWm pMJI.i..oU4 ~ OWn.eM c.oflJlen.ieJu::.e. doM not c.oMf.i.i.tt:h a ~ Leo.v ~ no g.JWund.4 tOA. a vaA.i.ant:.e.. J he. 4Aop could. be. bui.l.:.t bJ c.omp4J, will th.e. ~- ed ]0 tt. .1d!xu:.k; all othvc. aJt.eß. 1U!..4i.tle.n.l4 aJtL moJtL than. 5 µ.. /.JWm the. l.a.ke 4A0JU?.¡ .. mobJA. ~ and ~ couLd. coMfi:t.uh.. a pol.1uf.Jon. haifvrd to the. ~ ~ boat 4t1..leA. a.nr1. 4eJUI i..c.e. will CJUUJ:I:.e. ~ co~n. bJ l/Ia.Jr.n.eIt. 8av- wh1.dt iA. a 4halLow, 5 mph 4peed ¡.one.. J M. fjUD..Li.i:.J¡. of. ~ wo.:.t.Jur. comi..n.g.. þ..om tÁe. l.a.ke fTO.V- be. down. gAtUled. I1Vr.. S ÚJJXlAi:. aúo 4i:ß:teti M. hm:l a /;.ow.. of. 50 leHeM. /.JWm JUUide.n.l4 and rne.mheM 01 the. AMOCo ot wlù..cJ,. 46 Welte. oppo4ed, 3 weJte. .i..n. frwo~ and I lIKU n.eu.htJz.L. 0/ Me. J leHeM. .i..n. frwo~ I ~ /.JWm I1Vr.. H e.!JI'l' 4. i..MwtD.n.c.e.. ~ and 2 weAe. /.JWm people. who MAiJle. .i..n. A'l6an.v-. ",-. -~ 317 ç f1k. H evm 4ÚJ.ter1 tAe. A d..Uwntl.ac.k 'P rur.k A g.e.n.c.lJ hm:l a.Luw.dv. .i..n.ve/J.~ and 'ou.nd no adVVl4e. e.,te.c..iA to tAe../..ahe. He. adrkd bJ move. hiA. 4Aop Iwr.th.vc. bac.k woul.d. CALO.U an. u.nde.41.AabLe. tll.allü:. I-low 'nA. p~ boaú .i..n.bJ and JtLmt)V~ i:.h.em 'A.Om the. waleA. and aúo rrake cond~ AiA. blJ.A...i.n.eA.4 d..i..llic.u1t. He..4h1.f.ed. thai:. the. M.ßA.eA.t dwel.l..i.n.g. bJ the. Jr.e.aIt. pJWpvr:J:.v, l.i..n.e. iA. a 4JJ./Tfn/VI. home, whi.cA iA. apPJWx.i.m:de.'-!!- 75 - 100 It. IJWm the. pJWp040ed 4bJN1.9-e. bui..l.d.i.n.g. ~ and g.e.og.Mphv. pJWA.i..b.i..iA p~ the. b~ .i..n. an.!} othvc. pla.c.e.. Jlte Ad..UwnJ.a.c..k 'Prur.k Ag.e.ru=.v. fell he. hm:l 4hown. PJVJ.Ct.¡ cn L d.i..f I; cultv-. f1k. H e!l"'- I elt that the. pA.e.V.i..oU4 ~e.me.ni:A. lOA. boat prur.k- i.n.g. WeA.e. UM..ÙJhi.4 and the. pJWp04ed expa.JMi..on. would. alLow lOA. boaú bJ be. pLa.c.ed ba.c..k þwm the. Lake. 4AoJtL, :i:.IwA.~. the. ovvwll yak 01 the. land. f1k. ýoNlon. H~ Ati..oltlte.!f, MpJl..e/J.e.ni:1.nt¡ the Lake. ýeoJt9.e. A44oci.ation, 4f'.oke .i..n. Opp04.i..t.i..on. bJ th.e. appÜ~ti..on. 4ia:J:i.ng. .i..t UKU L.e.g.aL4 .i..rw41.i..c.i..e.n.t. He. wo 4œted he t.œ.4 .i..n. ~l ~e.men:.t.. wW ~ S ÚJ.uaJI:l ' 4 co~ Jwweyvc. p~ COn.c.tVtn. lIKU tOll.. the. 4& bac.k /.JWm the. L.a.ke 4hoJtL. He. pJ/.JVJ.e.n.ted a 4kudt 4Aowi.n.g. an. aLtvc.- nJJ.ii.JIe. locail.on. IDA. the. pJWp040ed Mpaùr. 4hop 40 cu bJ comp'-!!- OA. moJtL ~ comp'-!!- will the ~ o~. He. ci.tecl 4e.veNLl .4i...mi..La.Jt btVJi.n.eAAe/J. whi.cA AOYe. compl.i..ed will th.e. ~ 4d bac.k w.i..tAoui. ~~, among.. th.o4e. WeA.e !Irutd AJUn fI1a.Mna, JiA.AeM fI1a.Mna, trJooA.i.n.g. 7>041:., and 7>.i..lot Knob 80at Shop. He. aúo 4Ú1.ted thai:. the. new4papvc. ad rrcu1e. no me.n.t.i..on. ot an. aJI..ea v~ a.ru:l that the. A.7>.A. 4il.pul.a.ti..oM had be.e.n. at}JtLed upon, howe.vvc. Me. 4d bac.k uxu not. A di.A.c.uM..i..on. 01 the 4ludcAe/J. i.n1:.JWdtæ.ed bv. I1Vr.. H e.nvn&i. f-oLl...owed¡, /f1¡". H aJWl.d. K.i.Jtkpa.W.c.k 01 ý le.n.4 Ja.lJA, OWn.eA. 01 tAe f)/ oodLo.wn. fI1a.Mna, appetJ.JteJÍ and 4tated he. had pwu::.hoAed the. pJWpeAi:.f¡. n.e.i.gJtboAi..nt¡ on. the. eßAi:. and noill ot the. appl.i.cP.nJ:. bJ deJI e.Lop .i..n.bJ a Jf.eA1.rle.nJ:.,W.l ClJl4t(L. He. 4tD.ted t.ho.t on. the. edg.e. 01 AiA. pJWp~ the. W.M aJle. g.on.e. and J pcutlwi boaú can. be. ~ 4e.e.n.. He. cuked the Bo<1.Nl. .i../ a pe.Jr.mi.t. lIKU i.A.Mu!.r110A. the/J.e. c.han.g..u and .i..1 a buflvc. ¡one. llKL4 ~. He. 'e.lt th.at .i..1 a lrvtg..e. 4bJN1.9-e. b~ t.œ.4 eAected, AiA. deYe.lop~ poÚIr.Üß.l wou1d be. d.i.nú.n..iAh.ed. f1k. C 0JUUJJe.il 4I.t/}9e.4led thai:. the. appLi.ca.n.t JtL-app'-!!- pJWV.i.d.i.ng. e.xacl.. b~ d.i..me.M.LoM, the. pe.Jtt:.e.ni:. ot e.xpa.n.4.i..on. JtLLaüve. bJ ~ U4e, exad 4d 6aJ:Á4. and e.cuemen.t4. J he. 8()Q.Jt(/. tell theJtL lIKU not 4ufli..cle.n.t .i..n.foJfJ'1rlilon. to PJWc.e.ed. f1k. Kwr.o4D.ha rrcu1e. a mown. bJ trLbLe. the. applicQtion.. /f1¡". Si.cturtI. 4et:.Onded. C a.JVt.i.ed. Glens Falls Area - League 0/ Women Voters Glens Falls, New York 12801 AS YOU KNOW, THE GLENS FALLS AREA LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS IS INTERESTED IN ALL SIGN VARIANCE REQUESTS. WE RAVE BEEN UNABLE TO EVALUATE VARIANCE #598 BECAUSE OF AN INCOMPLEl'E APPLICATION. THEREFORE, WE HAVE NO POSITION ON THIS VARIANCE BEFORE YOU TONIGHT. JANUARY 17, 1979 '~ RE: EXXON STATION GARY BROWN, MAIN STREFf, QUEENSBURY ,L,J~ I )17. I L\~ ~ ~"\ 29 r " Va.W:1.nt:.e. #606 - HeJUt.V- Anable. Q tUJ.keA Roarl VaJti.an.c.e. bJ ~ pelU1Wl..eltf.. a one. v.eAII.. vtZ.lLimtc.e. loll.. iAD.Ll.e.A. 4D.leA and ~. R-I Zone. '~ Noone. appetJ.JteJÍ. V ~ #607 - C Ñut1eIJ. and( haÆlotJ:.e. BA1.den.6akvr. R -I Zone. OLd. A44em64; 7>0.i..n.t Roarl VaJLi.an.c.e. bJ p1m:.e. an. addition bJ a dwe.Ll..i.ng. wh1.dt will e.ncJrJX1.t:Á 6v. 6 .i.nduu on Me. mi..niAuun. ~ 4& 6ac.k ot 5 It.. Noone. appea.Jt.eJI. .i..n. opp04..i.:tion. /f1¡". BA1.den.6a.keA expl.ai.n.ed th.vc.e. iA. no 9JUtD-g.e. OA. 6cue.me.n.t f-oA. wlfI1.9.e. on the. pJWpeAJ:.v. f-oA. miA.c.e1l.an.e.lU MlUe.AoLd. i..i.em4 and I.mun and ~ toolA, ¿o th.e. wlfI1.9.e. o¿d..[:1:J on iA.~. J heAL aJI..e. no ph!JAi.co.L ~OM woLve.d and the. aJI..e.a iA. 4Ui.:Jß.bLe.. J he. J own and C ou.n:f.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. B~ JtLCOffII1fe.Ni.ed appJWVaL ~ AJULd.ona6Le. lUe. 01 the. lmtd. /f1¡". K wr.o4D.ka mde. a mown f-oA. appJWVaL ftL1r.. S .i.t:JvrJ:lA.et:.Onde.d. C a.JVt.i.ed /f1¡". C OJIJIJIJe.ll v i.Ali:.tYi the. 4.i..te.. Va.Jr..i..an.c.e #608 - 8.i.n.le.v. J Lo~ 9n.c.. COA.n.Vl Q~ Road and Û.i..x Ave.n.U/!. R-4//fI-1 Zone. VaJti.an.c.e. bJ Ope.AP.Ú a cofTllTlJ!.Acial 91tLe.n.AolUe, IUIM.~ and ~en. CJ!.JÚ:.JUt will g.JWWi.n.g. 01 4luut64, pLan.fA., Vu?.eA, 1..l.oweM., ek. , and rliAp/..av. a.ru:l /JD.Le. the.JtLOl- will A.elatetl p~ and 4eJU1i..c.e.4. ~ 7>a.u17>0n.t.i..11 expl.o.i.n.ed t.ho.t the. ~ 9JU .i...WJ.ntú will 6e. JW1IOVed and all ~ will confoJUn to pJtL4e.n.l o~. He. aw aßJ.ed fkt the. Que.e.MbWtff BefUl.ti/.i.t:.- ali.on C orrmi.i:f.ee. g.ave. tAw appJWVaL He. dJzW thai:. additional pJWpeAJ:.v. on the. erut w.i..ll be. ~ f-oA. ~ bJ g.JWW ou:/:dOOA. pÚJ.niA. and 4luut64. A ~ i..ru::.lo4.U.JU!. w.i..ll be aßJ.ed to the. ~ buJ ~ bJ þtc] Li..i:nte 9JI..OW~ .i..ndoOA. pÚJ.niA.. J he. 'J own 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOflJfJi and th.e. C ou.n:f.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOflJfJi JtLCOnme.nded appJWVal 4f4t- .i..ruJ. (I) Jt.e.DM)na6Le. lUe. ot the. pJWpeA.f.v; (2) A.e~!I~L~ 0/ 6ui../rlJ 119- bJ a lUe. .i..n. keep- .i..ruJ. will OWl new nrM.ÚA plan; and (J) pJtL4e.n.l {f¡-! ¡one. Me. doe/J. not 4um p/fP..Ct]~al /-oA. :tJti.A. 6~ ftL1r.. S.ú:wrd rmJ.e. a mown lOA. appJWVal a4 .i..t COnt:.l.lJt4 will 60th 1> Ú1.nni.n.g. 8oa.N:l.4. "~. /f1¡". K wr.o4D.ka 4et:.Onded. C OJVli..ed. All membeM. V i.Ali:.tYi the. 4..i.te.. trJe.di.n.g. UKU adj,owcn.ed at 10: JO 7>. /fl.