1979-04-18 if/2 0lþ'cird flÙJu.lÚA. ot Me. Que.e.M.bWU; Zo~ BoaJtJI. ot Appe4Ú. Ae1d ApA..i..l /8, /979 at 7: JO 7>. {f¡. trJembeM 7> A.e.4eni:.: K ~ C oJtflJJJf!.Ll, C Iv.tJ..mm.n. A l J JW.n£.O Ý eoJt9.e. K wr.o4D.ka C kut.i.eA. S ù:.aNL J eJÍ J UItJUUt. ~ Re.ed A b4eni.: Sj,oeNlje R~n. S mIl: S we. LfINL L~ ot VlomtUL Ob4eJUleMJ SUi!. ýod¡, ~ ~an.e.lJo~ AppJWVal ot the. flÙJu.lÚA. 01 the. /'IIaJrdt 2141 ~ lIXU deiß.v.eJÍ. OLd B~ >,- V~e. #611 - COflJle.n..i..e.n.t Jood ~ Q uakvt. Road P1A.. '/?obvc.t SÚJ/Ja.Itt, Af:.tnv,. M.pJ/.JVJ.~ I1Vr.. (Qail.eA lJombd, ~ the. VaJLianc.e. be. ta6Ld.. C -J Zone. Vcvrlanc.e. #605 - Hervu,¡. N. He.ym '-I Zone. CadaJuav. ~ 011 Rl. 9, f)/aA.1U!.JI.. Bav. Lake. Ýe.o1t9-e. 7> J/.JVJ.e.n:f; ffvc.. C a.ntJ.le, A f.f.n.v.. and k Ûe.n.n.iA. Û i.dww.on, é~ VaIÛ.I1.n/!.e. to c.oMhw.c.l:. a ~ 4Àop tUII1. 1J4leA. bui..1rl1ng.> JO Ii:.. x 45 µ.. x 22 µ.. will a 5 Ii:.. 4d 6a.c.k .i..n. l.i..e.u. of. the. ~ 4d 6aL:.k. fIht. ûi.dww.on. pJUU..e.nterL pJWte/J.4.i..onal dJrmui.n.g.4 a4 A.eflLuter1 bv. the. ßOOJU1. at the. lo.d ~. He. -WLteJ1 the. pJWp04eJÍ co~n. 4..i.te. l£a4 4.lLiinbLe. becßJ.lA.e. 0/ the. a.c.c.eM- .i..6ili.f.v, f-oA. 4bJ~ ot ~ boaú.. J 0 move. the. wo.ll.MAop 6a.c.k would ~ a .l.rut.g.e. amoun.i of. fiJ1. and the. balant:.e. ot the. 40U ovvc. the. bed.JWck wouLd. be. d.Wwpted. /f1¡". >,- C 01VfJJJe.i1 dated the. BoaJtJI. UJt1.1t:i.ed bJ 4U the. pJWp04eJÍ bui..l.J.in.g. pLa.c.ed 6ræ.h. /.JWm the. 4AoJtL l.i..n.e. bid. not ~ up the. AUl. A JO Ii:.. 4d lxu:A lIKU ~. 'i13 k Û ~n. 4Úl.ted tAiA. would CIrJ!.I'l.Ú. an. ~ foWl (4/)/1-. e.le.vatLon. at tÅe IleOA of. tAe. 6ullrlln.g, 6ecJ'L1.tA.e. of. the. 6eJ:lMc.k conrlit.i..oM and would aúo ~ upon {f¡;". H e.vm '4 abiLif.v. bJ 11WWJIvc. boai:A.. !fút. C oJU1lJJt!.ll expl.rLi..n.ed tlut; PUIt{J04e. ot the. ~ o~ and add.eJ. :that a p~e. f1IUA.i:.. not he. 4e.t. k û.i.c.luuw.on. 4Úl.ted tAat an. a~ loœllon. will .i.ru:A.et!JA.ed 4e.:l6ac.k wouLd. de4bwv. 40me of. the. pJte.lJ.Uli. 4CAe.e.n.i.n.g. on. the. PJWPeAJ:.v.. J he. Boa.Jrtl te.Lt, /.JWm Ob4eAYatLon, :that the. 4CJUJ.Ó p.Ln.e. tA.UA in. ~n. weAe. .i..nde.ed d.i.Ape.n.4.i..6Le.. /fvr.. H e.vm 4iD.fed he. wou1d he. able. to p1m:.e. the. huJ Ld; 119- 15 µ... 6ack /.JWm the. WJtL l.i..n.e. bu:l moA.e. than. :that wou1d he. bnpo44.i..bLe.. /fvr.. C 01L1flJleij, 4Ú1.ted I:Áe. Bo<1.Nl. coulrL not po44.i..64; rJ.9AU. will ou:l f1IOA.e. of. a c.ompJWmiAe.. J he ~ woulrL 1wYe. bJ be. moved. and .i../ µll WeA.e. n.~ then..i..t wou1d 1wYe. to 6e. I:Áe. c.ollJt4.e. of. adLon.. J k 6~ d..i..me.Mi.oM weA.e. rl..i.Ac.uueJ. bJ expLoJtL the. po44.i..6iLif.v. ot ~ the. .wzpe. 01 the. WOM 4Aop. /fvr.. He.vm I-ell tAiA. UXM not a co~n.. /f1¡". S.i..cA.Jtf1 nmle. a motion. thai:. the. appåcßt.i..on. 6e. appJWVed. .w.hjA.d. bJ a JO Ii:.. 4d 6ru:.k and :that the. QU/!.e.M6WlV- B~n. Col1l11Ú..ii:AY!. 6e. C/Jnfn~fed lOA. ~ 6e:hue.e.n. & WOM 4Aop and the. La.Ju¿. I1Vr.. H e.vm woulrL wo 1wYe. the. pltiJl.wJ.g..e. of. v~ the. 4hDpe. ot I:Áe. b~ /æepJ.ru;. a nrvci.mwn h~ ot 22 Ii:.. {f¡¡"" J UJU'I.(Ut 4et:.Onder1. Vote.: /fvr.. K WW4D.ka - !leA.; k S.û:.tutd - !I e.4j k ] JW.n£.O - /Yo; /f1¡". R e.ed - !/ eA.¡ /fvr.. J UJU'I.(Ut - !I eA.; k C oJVUJJe.l1 - No. C a.JVt.i.ed. /fvr.. R06vc.t SÚJJJa.Jti:., Af:i.n./þ M.p~ the. KaiA.k1..ll Bav. A44oc.. vo.i.£..eJl 4Úon.g, opp04..i.t.Lon. bJ the V~. New BUA.i.n.eM.: Va.Jr..i..an.c.e #616 - ]. J. C 0ll..inA. C 01VJ.fAJJd.1..on, 9ru:.. fJJ eAi. S.u1e. Bav. 'Road m-2 Zone. VaJLi.anc.e bJ lHue. ~ 40 Ii:.. x 64 Ii:.. ofli.c.e. 6~ f-oA. ~llUe.. k C 01VfJJJe.i1 4iD:1:Jy}, thai. ~ in. the. Z on.i.n.g. map wÅi.dr. aJtL due. 4IwAZ4 will a#ed. fÅiA. appLicnwn.. ~. é.LLe.e.n. Coll.i..M, 4Úl.ú.d the. .le.rue. .i../ f-øA. a 4ÚJ.te. ag.eN:.V- and the. paAAin.g. 4pac.e. iA. moA.e. than. adeq UP te.. No IJ.J'I.tIAtIfJi ~ will 6e. ~ed. - ,iffY k J Jt/1N:.O 4.f1Jted & appLi..c.a.nt I'fIIUt pA.OVe. lUU'tec.&dAI1Jr.Jf~. Itt. C oJVUJJe.l1 4irLted tIte. 4nrLll ~ lotA. .i..n. tAiA. aM.ß. will MOn. 6e. JtLI0n.e.d bJ co~ 6eJ::O.UA.e. ot thw 4.i..1e. and the. n.e4A6oMood ~ will not 6e. alltt.ted. 11Vr..] Jt/1N:.O ',- 4i:o.:Úr1 fÅiA. lot .i..4 6 acJtM .i..n. 4.i..1e. and c.ould be. WJ.ed cu 10n.ed. He. lell eo..c.A CMe. 1IU.lA.i.. be. c.oM1.cleJWl .i.nJ1.yi.tluo...f.4. J he J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOflJfJi JtLCOnme.ntleJ. appJWVaL ~ the. 6~ lIKU WJ.ed cu an. olfi.c.e. 6~ even. when. .i..t lIKU an. /11-2 Zone. and fÅiA. V~ will not ~e. the. ~ of. fk. a.Jt.eQ.. J he. C ou.n:f.v. 1> Ú1.nni.n.g. BoaN1 ~ will the. lown.. Itt. K wr.o4D.ka ffl1f1.e. a mown. bJ appJWVe. the appD~ti on. a4 mi.n1Jnum. f-oA. lWJÂono..6Le. WJ.e. ot the. pNJpeAJ:..v. cu COnfoJUM will 60th l' Ú1.nni.n.g. BOQ..ItIÚ. I%. J UAI1.e.JI.. 4.e.COnded. ~ J NJ.N:.O ab4i:o.i..n.etl. /.JWm the. voú. C a.JVri..eJ.. All BOflJfJi membeM v iA..i..ted tAe. 41h.. VaM.P.nc.e. #617 - &vvudi:. Aui:.o SaleA. 108 LtIIINt i)¡x Ave.. R-4 Zone. AJZ.elL VaJti.an.c.e. to p1m:.e. a ],850 4tf. µ. nJJ.1ÜOn. bJ an. au:I:.o 4JLleA. and JUUt:åJl 6uLlJ.- i.n.g. .i..n. an. R-4 Zone. w.Lth. a 45'7" 4e.tbacA iA Li..e.u ot the. ~ 50 /L 4d6ac.k. /J1;r.. &vvudi:. 4f.aW tIte. pJWp04ed (lJdit.Lon. will 6e. UA..et1 to 4oeJU1ú:L lerued ~. k C 0/U'UJJe.ll aA.Iwl L/- the. 6~ could be. A.ed~ cu th.e. 4' 5" iA a 4IW:ll.l amouni:. bJ be. c.oflA1J1.eAed. Itt. BaJVUd:i:.. dtlted t.ho.t tIte. pl.a.n.4 Awe. a~ 6een. dMuon. and .i..t wou1d CAR..a.Ú a ~ to Awe. them MJ:l.nœon.. iJ.uc(/Mion. 10Ll..owed cu to Me. 4..i.1e. of. the. WOM 6a~ and doOM. ~. K a:tIte.M. fJ/a.i..eM., a n.e.i.gJtboA., 4:Ú1.i.ed o6jJ!C.i:i..on. to th.e. appD CJXÜ.on. ci.:f.i.n.g. ex.i:.Iwne dW. and dWJ.i:. poLl..u:ü.on. cu well a4 noiAe. and v iA.utz1 poll.u:J:lon.. /J1;r.. BaJVUd:i:.. 4:J:æted that iJO/U'IA. J~ Co. iA n.e.xt dooA. and peAltap4 401Tl1? of. the. objec:ll..ono...6Le. pol.1.uJ:.J..on. 4.Ú1M /.JWm ~ opvud:1.0n.. ~ (//iLLi.mn. H. iJue.L, a n.ei..gÁ60A., o.ú.o oh¡..ed.eJ. to Me. appliœ.üon. ~ the. bUAi.n.eAA. f.aku 0JJKJ.ff þwm the. 6eJLU:h¡. of. tIte. a.Jt.eQ.. k ~04eph iJ~ a n.e4A60A., 4Úl.ted :t.Nd:.·even. tAou.g.A the. 4pedJic. rt.UI1l.Óvc. of. ~ and c.aM. pelfl1ti.i::l:.H on. tIte. pNJpeAi:.f¡.~N!Yvc. ~ on. the.oJti..gi.no.l. v~ he. 1-eLi:. tho.:.t the. blJ.4in.eM. U(U ~ e.n.ouglt at pJ/.JVJ.enJ:.. ~ BOAJUd:f.. 4Úl.terl the. 6~ .i..4 well kept and the. lot iA ~1l(Jte.. in. 4.i..1e. to expand. /J1;r.. C oJVUJJe.li N!JfÚ..nJied eYelUfon.e. fkd:.. th.e. on.i.J¡.·.iM.ue. to 6e. coflA1J1.eAed iA tIte. 4' 5" 4~ 'tlj . J he. J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Bo<1.Nl. JtLCO~ed appJWVal onJ.v. .i../ th.e. So Ii:.. 4d bru:.k .i..4 rraW.D.i.rr.ed. J Ae. C ounJ:.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOfJJrIl ac.c.epted the. 46 tt. 4e.that:k and JtLCO~ed that t.It.e.M. eøuLd. 6e. no ~ OA. wAfl9L ot v~ .i..n. the. bu.f/.eA ¡one.. /f1Jr.. 8a.JwdJ.. 4:f.aW1 thai. the. ~ will 6e. moved ~ a ~1tff 6u.f.þvr. ¡one.. He. aúo 4Úl.tetl tkd. .i../ Me VaJÚAn.C.e iA de.n1..erl., the. pl.a.M. will pJW6a6f.v, be. a1.hvuul cu the. expaM..i..on. iA. ~ ~ K WW4D.ka nruLe. a mown. tOA. d.iA.apPJWVal 4h:1.ti.1u¡ no pAPcl.i.~.a l d,¡ll.icuUv- Iu:u 6een. 4Aown.. ~ JUNUUL 4et:.Onrled. k Siauul. ab4i.a.l..n.ed þ,om the. vote.. Applicn.ti on. de.ni.ed. All BOOJrti. mem6eM v iA.1..f.ø1 the. 4..i.te.. Vtut.iance #6/8 - Ag.n.M Ro¡e.lLe. 64 /fJaJ..n. S iIœ.ei. R-4 Zone. J 0 ma~ a i:.ænp01tJ2lt.V- U4e. vaJti.an.c.e. pelf/1Cl.fl.eJ'l loA. ope.JtD.i:.i..on. ot a ßU4 J e.JUni.rv:d w.i..tA JtLlded MLleA.. Jwo (2) lef.:.t.eM. /.JWm the. BeJ:LUii..p~n.t.i..on. C onmi.i:i:..ee. 4f.a:ti.n{;. c.ompLimu:.e. w.i..tlt the. dipuLatJ .oM 4d toA.iA .i..n. the. Ú"'fÞt!JNJ.JtV. vOAJ..an.c.e. weAe. Jt.etLCI.. I1Vr.. S.û:.tutd 4faW the. __ pJWpeAJ:.v. L1 a..úuavA n.etLi. a.ru:l well rraW.D.i.rr.ed. k L.l.Llv., ~ at 68 /fJaJ..n. St., 4trJ.ted Ae. f.e.Lt. ~ the. 4tUTIIIt!A mon.th4 that a dUAi:.. pJWbLe.m e.xi..A:iA.. He. aúo me.nLi.orwl. /oWl> (4) demI. t.It.e.eA. wÆi.c.h. CIt.eßi:.e. a ~ cu well a4 a poú.nJ:i..a1 ha.¡¡wrd. Au. R O¡e.lk. U:iJ.ted 4Ae. Iu:u 4p0ken. to th.e. 7> owvc. Co. abouJ:. th.e. tAu.A. and. lAev- kwe. ~ to JUY1WVe. one. ot th.e. f.It.e.M.. J he. othvc. t.lwu. (J) w.i..ll 6e. JUY1WVed 6v. PlM.. Ro¡e.lk.. A úo the. adJäi.Dn. ot bLo.c.k top 4Aou1d ~ CDJr.e. ot the. 4UIT¥1IeA.. rl.uAi.. f1IM.. NeJUt.on, ~ 59 /fJa1.n. Sl., 4e.n.l a Ld.hut to the. BOOJrti. .i..n. fovoA. ot the. app1...1' cn.üon.. J Ae. J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOfJJrIl ~erL appJWVal and th.e. C ou.n:f.v. f> Ú1.nni.n.g. Boa.AJ1. ~ w.i..tlt the. J own.. k K ~ nruLe. a mown. tJw.f. th.e. tempoltJ2lt.V- v~ be. rm4e. pelf/1Cl.fl.eJ'l. /f1¡". S i£.a.IuJ. 4et:.OnJ.er1. C aJUt1..er.l. All Boa.AJ1. ~em6eM v iA1.i:.AY1 the. 4.i..te.. V~ #619 - AniltoTl.!f Je.IUUdil. écut Side. Bav. Roarl Rl. 14 R-J ZOnL _/ AJtelL VaM.ant:.e. to 6uLld a 4f1r'11L 6a.n.n. to ~ f¡1.Nn an.i..ma.ú. on. a 7/ Q.CJt.Il. Lot .i..n. I.ûw. ot th.e. ~ 10 acAe4. 'f/~ Û iA.c.uM1...on. f-oLlower1 cu to the.· amouni:. ot 01'I.h1t1.ÚJ. to 6e. ~t. /fur.. K WWMLka cuktul it the. a.nJ.ma.ÚJ. weAe. loA. AiA. peMorw.L UAe. Iffli..Iuvt I:.han. loA. 44l..e.. 1fvr..]f!AAJdil.. 4h1teti th.e. ruun/,vc. of a.nJ.ma.ÚJ. will 6e. mi.nhntLl and aM.. a.n.I.v- loA. AiA. own. U4.e.. He. aiAo nw.n:il..on.ed otAvc. pJUJpvrJ:.v. OWIWtA. .i..n. the. aIWL own. a.nJ.ma.ÚJ. on. 4f1t1..LI..eJr. tAo:t /0 a.eJI..e. LoiA.. I1Vr.. Ja.úuc.o, a n.e.i.gJt601L 4pokt.i..n. /rA'0A. ot the., appli (YIt.Lon. J lie. J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOQ.JU:/. ~ appA.OVaL cu the pJUJpeAi:.f¡. iA. .i..n. an. 0JtJ!Q. w.i..tlt AJJAD.l ~ and no cl..o.u. ~bOM. J lie. C ounf.v, 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOQ.JU:/. ~ w.i..tA the. J own. ~ CoMJJJe.ll do.teJ. thai. PlM.. R~on. CJ1..t1eJ. to ~ a ''No'' vote.. Pk. S.û:.tutd rrw1e. a mown. to appJWlle. ik. appl1caüon. cu JW1A.0na.6Le. U4.e. ot th.e. ./.and; cu .i..t c.onJ:.U.JI..M. mill 60th 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. B~ a.ru:l onJ.v. loA. th.e. dwrrd.i.on. of PIA.. ]e.M.ei::li..' 4 occ.upa.nt:.tj ot th.e. pJUJpe.Jd:.v.. /IJ;r.. K ~ 4e.c.onded. C a.JVt.i.ed. Va.JLÚln.cL #620 - BOAlxuro. f'c1!J.U9Áli.n. CiAY~ Road R -4 Zone. v~ to JtLn.oVaU an. ~ 18 µ.. JC. /8 µ.. ~ a4 a ~ co~. '- AppÜcoüon ta6&1 at the. app!..i..t:nni:A ~ V rur1.tz.nt:.e. #62/ - ~eM.iJ:ß. and Ben.v- K i.n.g.. A 4A D.lÚ.Jle. R -4 Zone. v~ to conveAi. an. ~ dwe.Ll..i.ng. to a J /mni4 dwe.~ I1Vr.. R06eAi. S~ f1fi:.ru;.AJqJ~ th.e. Ki.ngA., 4h1.ted thai. a 2 fmn.iLv. ~ iA. pe.JVni.ll.e.d und.e.JI.. th.e. pJr.eA.e.n.t ¡oni..ng. lmu4. J lie. aJJ1.ti..orw.L ~ wouU 4eJU1e. cu Li.vi.n.g.. aœorn.odLLti..oM f-oA. a Uve. .i..n. ai:i:.e.nt:I.e. who wJ.l1 œJtL loA. the. app!..i..t:nni:A ~ ~ who aM.. unø..6Le to 4frLv. .i..n. th.e..i.A own. MmJU,~. He. adrled tAo:t th.e. ~ would 6e. e.l..e.go.ni. and expe..nAi.Ye. UJÚ.J:A. and wøu1.d not e.ve.JI.. 6e.Lerueti to ~ w.i..tlt cÁi.1.dJr.en. OA. 4ttu:leniA.. J Ae. ~ ot th.e. rud.gJt6OA.1r.ood wouLd. no/.. 6e. a4.veM.4 a~. J IuvrL p~ ex1Aú boo (2) 0tAvc. tIvr.u. (J) -apa¡rJ:me.nJ:. homJU in. th.e. QJUfß.. J he. pMp04ed a./J:.tuu:d..LoM weAe. expl.n1..rw1 to the. BOfJ.Itrl n.o~ VeJl!f I..J..:fil.e. oveADll. ~ wóuLd 6e. nof.i.cJ:L6Le.. '-- 'f17 frIan.v. JUMJ.J.eniA and me.m.6eJtA. ot th.e. çú.n Lok. A44OC.. appeD.ltlY1. .i..n. oppo4.i..Uon. to the. app/i ca:tion.. A Ú!:1:.i:.e.1t. þwm Û A.. LaP oW ~ opp04..i.t.Lon. UKU A.I!.t1.d. k C aJtJJA.0ne. 4ÚJ.ted thai. ~ i:.JwJ:J:mvd. and ovvc. populn.üon. Me. of- g.AJWi. c.ont:.eJUt f-OA. th.e. lol19-e.v äg. "-.,' ot ýLe.n. LaJæ and a p~ rnuA:f. not be. 4d. /4¡,¿. Cai:.Atvtn. ÛougÄW:.t¡. 4:I.a.W1. tkd ~nA. have. al.uruLv. b~ on. th.e. ~ ~ and ~ hook up f-oA. th.e. th1.N1 ~ tue.Jte .i..n. p1D.cø... Sú.ve. L!fM1 BuI l.d.in.g. 9Mpec:J:.oA. exp.!.a..uwJ. tkd. a 4..i.te. bwped.i..on. lIKU nr:zåe. and a pe.JUni.;t f-oA. cofllJ1:.Jwd1.on. ot the. two allowable. apa.dmen:J:A. UKU i.M..J.u!J.. A "1f ndd 1 t.i..onrd cofllJ1:.Jwd1.on. iA. not 4a.nd1.on.ed w.i..tA a pelU1Ù.i.. Pùt. ~oe. M ÅiLll.p4 ~ towr.ed th.e. Lake. w.i..th. k N~ an. é~ will RW-]JWú A4.4OC.. and /fvt.. Nac.e. co~.luJecI. tha:l ovvc. popu1at.i..on. lIKU a AeaL pJWbLem. '~, Pùt. RobeAi Swan. 4.t.ated tha:l .ù.L4ueA. be.v.ond th.e. c.tl.JI..e. ot ~ people. tue.Jte at ~ ~ th.e. deo:lh. of- a ~ and a p~ 4Aould not be. 4d. Phr.. Bob N w.~ þ1t the. appl1.o.an:J:. ht:u1 not pA.OVe.n. a tJw.e. ~ ex.i.A:fA.. ReA.1.t:leniA on. th.e Lak. kwe. Apeni:. fk.1.¡" own. mon.e.v. to c.tl.JI..e. f.oA. the. Lake. and J.i: lIKU me.nJ:J..on.ed tkd th.e appl..i.c.an.t iA. not a me.m.6vc. ot tIte. §,len. Lake. AMoc.. J Ae. J own. f> Ú1.nni.n.g. B<XI.IIf1 JtLCOImtI!JIlÚ.d. appltOVal ~ t.Ivuut Me. p~ two J~ Aomtu 1.n. th.e. a.Jtea and th.e. b~ w.i..il not c.ha.ng.e. th.e. ouiA1de. app~ OA. 4.i..¡e. exc.e.pt f.oJr. th.e. poAdt. J Ae. C owrJ:.v- 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BtXl.IUÍ ~ will the. J own.. J Ae. BfXlAf1 þl:f. a ~ had not bun. 4Aown. and I1Vr.. C oMJDe.il a4ÁIYI. .i../ a /ULlLð.e. c.ouLd not l.i.ve. wli:.Å th.e. paUe.ni:A.. k S ú.waJtJ:. llIl{JLi.ed tkd ~ Ae.Lp could be. Aút.eJ. moA.e. /t.l!.nd i.f.v. if. ~ Li.v~ ~ couLrl. be. 01/-e.M.d. I1Vr.. J UM.e.It nr:zåe. a mown. to deJ'l.ff th.e. applLœ:J:1..on. ~ no UTUJA.JJD.l ~ UKU 4Itøun.. k Reed 4A!.C..orv1ed. C aJVt1..ed. Spe.c1.al7>eMi.U.. #81 - 7>~ Co. of- çÚtM. ]ai.1A Avl.a:fi..on. maLL It vl.a:fi..on. Road C -J/ R-S Zone. Spe.c..i..aL 7>e.ItI1I.U to p/.a.c¡¿ an. 84,000 4tf. µ. aJ.d.i..tion. to th.e ~ fthl.l. Pùt. BIU.l.C.e Kee.nan. AMlt.!pOJd.. and I1Vr.. RobeJl..t S~ Athz.v., weAe. pJ/.JVJ.e.nJ:.. \-.. 'f18 J he. ~ wai:.eA. 4i-iuntion. UKU expLa.i.neJ. a.ru:l ouJ:..L.in.ed on. a d.Nw-ing. 4Åow-ing. the. e.ni:.1.AL ~ fiLL phtueA. ot th.e. aJdi.J:..ion. have. been. appA.OVed. bv. éN[ON. JIte. ~ and ca:i:.dt lxui.À ~. ØJIA.e. tAoJUJ~ exp~ to th.e. Boa.Jrd' 4. 4t1i:.l.Afadion.. 7>a.AAi.n.g.. u.a.4 rllA('ß.,A4.eJ!.. DJtfJJU.i.ngA ot th.e. ~ D.JtLa weA.e. 4Iwtun. anJ a I J 4.p4CI!- 4IJ.A{J!.JJJJ. ovvc. th.e. ~ 4If.J!P. wUL be. M.J:LLiled. Ha.nrLi.coped. peM..oM ~ will al.40 be. .l.nc.oApoJrDJ:.tul. LarttÛ.cap-ing. cu plU2.V.i..oUAl.v- ~ to w.i..LL be. c.ompW:.tYl and exi.end.e.d to IIII!Id pJrJ!.Aß.Jd. n.e.e.dA. AlUJ ~ tJruA wUL be. Mpbu:.ed. A~l..n9- rLrawi.n.g. u.a.4 p~ 4Aow~ p.&c.eme.ni. anJ vaJti.e:J:.v. ot p.!.a.n:1:i.npA f-oil the. ex.i:.J!.Jti.oA. and .i..ni.tuú.oA. ot th.e. qJ,Jilion.. /lùr.. RobeJri:. érú1i.e. ot tIte. QUJ!£M.bWl!f B~on. Conmitf..e.e. 4tated all ~l..n9- pl.aM. weJtL ~ 4t1i:.l.Afp.d:.olUJ. SNJW N!.INNal and docApUi.n.g. weAe. exp.ú:U.rw:l.. J.úte. ex.i.A:tA. weA.e. ~ on. the dJrtouingA. S i.g.n. ~ weA.e. ~ a.nd f-ounJ. to be. a4e( I«Jte... f1út. A be. Rutl.n.i.d, 'P ~ ot QUJ!£M. ýaA.ti.e.nA., 9nc.. JWJLI. a .l.e.1::teA. ot oppo4.i..t.i..on. ci.:f.i.n.g. ~ cu th.e. nø.foA. c.on.œJVLo He. 4laieå th.e. wai:.eA. table. Ivu 1Ù.A.en. 4.ÚI.CJ!. the. c.onA..i.Jr.ud:..ion. of. th.e. /1Ia.ll Ctl.UA.i.ng,. ~ to i:.!te. apa¡time.n:l:A. .i..n. AiA. c.ompiRx. Di.A.c.uM..ion. ot p/tJ!..vioUA. ~ c.onJ.J..i:.hJM a.rtil nai:.wrD.llJKl.:bvt. flow to.LløueJ.. 9t!'XU mentl..on.ed - tkd. otk.1t. c.onA:hu..æ.ti..on. 1..n. th.e. aJU!.fL c.oniAL6uJ:.ed to tIte. ~ amowd. 01 no:h.utD.l ~. J Ite.. Boa.Jrd þd:J:. tIte. pJUJpo.ud mall 4.~ lIKU moJtL than. aJe9un.te. J Ite. J own 'P Ú1.nni.n.g. /J'oa.Nl JteC.Onrnvu:I.ed appJU7Val and tIte. C 0tìJrly. ~ w.i..tlt the. J own. f!ut. Reed wul.e. a. mown. tlw:t Spe.c1.o.L 7>e.N1Ú.i:. #81 be. ~ a4 .u. me.eiA. all ~- muriA. and compl.ieA. w.i:JÁ th.e. ¡0ni..n9- o~ f1út. S l.L:J:uu1 4eJ:.Onr1ed. C rJMi.ed 1JJIßJ11JTi.oUA.i.i;. If1A.. ] JfPJ1C(} rœJ.e. a mJJWn. tlw:t th.e. mi..nuJ:.eA. ot th.e. trwrdt 214t ~ be. apPJWVed. k C oMJJJel1. 4et:.Onr1ed. C~. ,~ IldJoUltJ'lßJ1 ~~~ " L