1979-06-20 ~'f 0lf.i..ci.o.l mi..n.u.f:.e.4 ot the. QUi!.e.M.6lJA.!f Zo~ BCXl.Itr1 of. Appeaú heLd. June. 20, 1979 at 7:]0 7>. ftJ. -- , ftJem6eM 7> J/.JVJ.ent: K.uJWun C oJtflJJJf!.Ll, C htWrm:zn. matAvc. R e.ed J ed J UJU'I.(Ut C Itturl.ru S.i..cßAJ. S ¡,oeJlti.je. R~on. A b4eni:.: Ý e.oJt9.e. K wr.o4D..ha A l ] JW.n£.O S taf./: S te.ve. L!fNL On. a motion. bv. ftJJr.. 'Re.ed, the., m.i..n.uJ:.eA. of. the. {f¡av. 16, 1979 ~ WeJtL apPJWVed. (r¡otion. UXI4 4oet:.Onded bv. ~ J UJU'I.(Ut. C ruvri..ed. OLd. B~ VwW:J.nt:.e. #622 - Robe.Jd.. H. BeAJ'ID.JId C aJWl.i..n.e. S fAe.e:l R-4 Zone. ftJJr.. fJI me C rmale., II thtv.. pJ/.JVJ.en.f.. U4e. vwW:J.nt:.e. bJ OpeAß.Ú. a ~ f.OA. the. PUIt{J04e. of. Mpa.i..JI.. and wlrD9-e. of. A.uhbiA.A Jl..e.fTUJval ~ and dmnp ~ f-oA. a c.o~n. companv-. ftJJr.. C a.nt:l.Ú expl.a1.n.e.d the. rw:i..wr.e of. the. bUA.i..n.eA.4 coTlducf:ed on. the. pIWpeAJ:.v. .i..n. the. pad and .dr1ted thai:. the. ~ of. the. n.ei..r¡Jr.boA.hood wouLd. not be. c.kuu;ed bv. the. f..vpe. of. opeAD.f:1..on. pIWpo4ed bv. k BeAJ'ID.JId. He. added that the. ~ of. ClJl.!I veÁi..t:.le.4. Aa4 be.en. de.le.ted /.JWm the. appLi.co.:J:.ion.. J he. veÁi..t:.le.4. bJ be. wMJi. otdA.1.de wouLd. be. :t.IurLe. (J) dmnp ~ dwr.in.g.. the. wi..nt.e.Jr. mon.t.M; fwo (2) A.uhbiA.A JUYnOvaL ~ onJ.v. one. (I) of. wA1.c.A wouLd. be. ou:.tWLe, the. 01:ÁeA. wou1d be. i..n.4i..de; and po44.i..b4 a p.i..c.k-up f..vpe. iJtm:.A. ~ BeAJW.Jf£l aúo p.la.nA. bJ p1m:.e. bl..r.u:.kf.op on. a pOIl..ÜOn. of. th.e. pIWpeAh¡. ~ C aAOl.i..n.e. S w..ei. am.o~ bJ appIWx.üno.tel..v. 26 f.ed. J he. pIWpeAh¡. ~ ÝaJI..n.Vl S w..d w.i..ll be bl..r.u:.kf.opped at a l.a.t.vr. d.ate.. ~ BeAJ'ID.JId pl.a.rw. bJ p~ th.e. pIWpeAJ:.v. il the. V wW:J.nt:.e. iA.~. C 0/.011.. phobJ4 ot the. 4.i..te. weAe. pJ/.JVJ.e.n.f.ef1. bJ the. Bo<1.Nl.. '-- '-- '-- Lf .;¿ S- k C ONUJJe.ll 4tatetl tlw.t vi.A..ual and noiAe polLui..üJn 1IU.lA.i.. be coMldvc.ed. :fIte. k£ep~ of. A£g.u.la.A. woM MUM., I.r.u:.k of. ~ fo,d...l..i.i:Le.4 and the expander1 /Me of. the. pIWp~ the. g.a.Mag.e. tJr.udM. .i..n. pwr.:ticu.lmr., aJte..i..tJ!JM. of. rnaj..oA. CON:JVr.n. C on- IJ.ldta.t..i.on will the. Q LU!.eMÓUII.lJ Btmllti/.~·cnti on C onun.i..:f.h!..e. /.oA. 1.1C.IU?~ ag.a1.M.t. v.i..4.uD.L pol.i.J.dLon wou1d be JtLCO~er1. J he pJtL~ /Me. o¡' the pIWp~ lIKU ~ed. .i..n. Jt.ei.a.üon to tAe ~ 01- ~ wai:.eA. and/OA. lJKJ.4h. wai:.vt.. fIut. Lv-nn. 4Ú1.i.f!d the.Jte. aJte. no 9IWlU'llÚ /.0/1. an.v- ~e. ac.i:i..on. f!vt.. Be.JtTlOAt1 4mted f.kd:. ~ ~ wouLd. not be. n~ cu AiA. emplov.e.eA. aJte. not at the 4..i.te. f-oA. a fuLL 8 MUll Jo.v.. k ffoAn. é.un.ontl, a n~oJt, 4.œ.ted th.vc.e. aJte. p~ dump ~ be1.nff MfaiAerL OA. ~ at the. 4..i.te. /fvr.. Be.ILflJ1N1 4Úl.ted i:Jw..t appIWxi.nr:d:.el.v- 75% 01- tAe. ~ WOM w.i..lL be done. .i..nJ.OOM.. He aJtl.ed t.ho.t .i..i:. iA not po44.i..bLe. bJ JtI1.iAe. tk. diunp :f.Itut:.k bod..i..eA. wllÁln the. b~ I-OA. lubAi.c.a.f.i.on PUAfJ04eA., th.vc.e.- tOile. tIt.i..4 f..vpe. ot ~ woM wouLd. be. done. ou:h100M.. Jhe. V/a.A.II.Vl Counf.v, 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Bo<LJUI. Jte.C.(}~er1 appIWval, howevvc. tIte. QUR.eI'l/J.bWl!f 7> I.o.nni.n.g,. Bo<1.Nl. paAA.er1 the. dedAi..on bJ the Z0TÙ.n.9- BtXUtJi w.i..tAouJ:. conmen.f.. ~ C oJl.nJlJe.i.1 4Úl.úd tlw.t ~ 1IU.lA.i.. be 4Aown I-OA. appIWVal 01- a U4e. Va.ILi.anc.e.. He. added thai:. it .i..t We.Jte. not tOA. the. A.uhbiA.A A.emoval Vu.ælu, no VaM.anc.e wiJuLd. be. ~. A fi:.vc. a BoaIIIi. coM..U1t.ai:1..on, PIA.. J wrn.vc. made. a mown thai:. tAe appÚ cnti...on be. ~ I-OA. a one. (I) ~ peA..i..cx:L and the. appLú::rud. 11U1A.f. app,* bJ the. Beau:ti t.u:.a.t1..on C ~ f.OA. adviAe. on~. P1JI... C 01tnJJ}e.ll 4e.c.onrled. /Iùr... S.ü:rurJ. ab~ pwm Me vote.. {f¡oüon CD.II.Iti..ed. New BlbÙ1teA.4 C -I Zone Vwri.ant:.e. #625 - ffoAn. {f¡. De.LiALe. 12 7> h1.11i.p4 A Ve.J1.Ue VaM.a.nc.e. bJ build an. arlr1i.i1..on bJ an. ~ A.eAi.d.en.c.e. wuA leA.4 than. Me ~ 4d bac.k. C oloA. pAoto4o 01- the 4..i.te. weAe. pA.e4e.n.ted bJ tAe. Boa.Jrtl. f!vt.. lJe.LiALe. 4tJ2ted tItat tAe. coniAJzc.f..oA. had aiAe.adv. I..a.ú1 the. I-oo~ and had beg.un. p~ the block I-OA. the. wal.lA. wh.en. the. ß~ 9rwpec.i:..oA. Jt.e{J.U$-ed an. eJUlØ/I. !tad bun. made. .i..n. .iA.w.1..nJ;. the b~ peAJ1lli.. 1fcJc, ,-. Û.i.4c.uM1..on. ot th.e. pIWpeJd.v- l.i..n.e.4 in. Ml.o.:i:1..0n. bJ the. JOWn. ~v. tolLowed. :v hen. ~ De.LiA.Le. pwrdtcu.ed the. MWie, the. ~e hm:l a.i..M.adv. bun. pLa.c.ed acJt044 tAe. J own. l.i..n.e.. f/I ho:i:. lIKU tAougJd. bJ be. /IVr.. De.LiA.le ~4. d./",u,eJJXlff iA. .i..n. /.ad the. dead end ~ be.long,i.ng. to th.e. J own.. /fur.. Dan. 0Lde.n, a n.e.1..gJthoJt, 4f.a.b?t1 he. Irorl no obj.e.ci:.i..on. to the. applicn.t.i..on. and lell that dLU!. bJ fk. ÆJJa./nfJv. rw.i:.wte. ot the. 4WtIlOunrl1.ng.. wr.e.a, th.vc.e. would be. no otluvt Wie. tOA. f.h.e l..and. trYr.. ~oe. R.Lve.M., a n.e.1..gJthoJt, 4f.a.b?t1 no obfed:i.on. al40 a4 he tell I:Áe. ad.d.iwn. wouLd. 4eJUIe bJ .i.mpJWVe. th.e n.e.1..gJthOMocx:L. I1Vr.. LQJJ)ARJII:.e. 7>0UJeJr.e, Jt.e4i.J.en.t 01 90 LOUJeA Dix Averw.e., ob:fecl.ed. bJ th.e. app.lLc.a.t1..on.. He /.J.œ.ted pe.op/¿ 0WTÚ.n.ff lo14 .i..n. the. aMD.. be.lr1.nt1 /'fur.. ûe.L.i..4Le. wouLd. th.en. be. able. bJ bu1.ld. w.i..th.ouJ:. ~ bJ th.e. Jown. l.i..n.e.. Se.veNLl Lo14 aJI..e. l..and-lockr1 a.ru:l the. con.t.i..n.- uai:J..on. 01 the. dead end JWaLlwaff iA. WieJ tOA. ac.c.eM. ~ Lv-n. 4i:t.z.WL t.ho.t .i..n. oA.ti.vt tOA. aru¡,on.e. to bu1.ld. on. a Lot w.i..tA.i..n. the. J own., the. pIWpeJd.v- ffIJ.IA:i:. þwnt on. a Lf!!JJ2l J own. Roarlwav. .40 that pIWpeAJ:.v. would have. bJ be. deeded bJ the. J own. .i..n. OMe.JI.. tOA. the. Lo14 .i..n. ~n. bJ be. ui:..i..l.i..¡.ed. At 4Udt f1Jne, th.e. pIWPvti:.v l.i..n.eA. c.ouLd. be. a.œwr.u.i:.e.- 4- 4od. At pJ/.JVJ.en:4 th.e pIWp04ed 4.d back v.i..o.la.i1..on. doe/J. not ~ 4e.v~ upon. the ex~ J own. JUJad. fflM.. Nata/¿ 7> 0weAe. al40 4f.a.b?t1 obfed:i.on.. J he Bo<1.Nl. JW:Ul a le.ttvc. Jte.C.e1yed þwm 7> at ~a.mi.A.on. ~ obje.c:f.i..on. bJ the. appl.J cnt/...on.. J Ae. C ou.n:f.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Bowrr1 JteC.Orrmeruied appIWvaL. J he. J own 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Bo<1.Nl. JtLCOmrnentleJ d..W1ppIWval ~ .i..t doe/J. not ~ 4oe.Me. bJ ~ a peJUnU to bu1.ld. 6 .i..nL:.h.e.4 þwm the. Jt.O<U!., howe.vvc..i..t appeaNJ. .i..t iA. the J own. ' 4 eJUlOA.. f!Vr.. S.û:.tutd rrruLe. a mown. tOA. appIWvaL ot fk. appl.Jcntion. ci.:f.i.n.g. UI'li.rfu.e. and ~~. fflM.. R~on. 4e.c.onded. C a.ltiti..ed. All Bowrd m.em.6e.M. exc.ept trYr.. Reed vw.1:.ed the. 4.i..te.. Vwr1.anJ:.e. #626 - #627 WeA.e. moved bJ the. end 01 fk. Agænrla. Vwr1.anJ:.e. #628 - Robvr.t. and LoiA. LeombJUUlO A44em6'-!J, 7> o.i..n.t R-I Zone. v wr1.anJ:.e. bJ bu1.ld. a 16 Ii:.. x. 20 Ii:.. a.d.cl.i..:U.on. on. bJ an. ~ dwe.lli.n.g.. '- f!Vr.. . LeombJUUlO 4irLted the. aJdl t.i..on. iA. p,A. AiA. fmn.iLv.' 4. Wie onJ.v. and no ndd i t/...onal /.J.~e. f-a.c.Ll1.:I:.ú will be n.e.œM.OAfI-. BuJ..1.r1.in.g.. d.i.nændi.oM WeJtL ~ed. J Ae. pJ/.JVJ.en.t ~ lIKU bui.l:t. pA..i..oA. bJ ¡'o~. fl1A.. LeombJUUlO 4Úl.~ed Ae. Acu JteL:.ei.JleJ Ad.Uwntkz.c.k 7> aM. A 9-en.c..v. appIWval and a Údi:.eIt. þwm :th.e. A ~v. lIKU JW:Ul. if;). 7 Noone. appen.JtR.tl .i..n. 0pp04.i..t.i..on.. r( "'-" J he. J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. ßoa.Jtfl and the. C ou.n:f.v. 7> ~ Boa.Jrtl JtLCOrrmended appJWVaL ~ the. Land iA. J66 Ii:.. d.üp and WpM ~ Pwm the. Lok. CA.efl.i:i.ng. no i.mpaJ:.i:. on. the. La..ke. k J UJU'I.(Ut made. a mown. loll.. appJWVaL ~ /WlA.OM.6le Me. of. the. LanJ. and cu C.Onc.uM. will both 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BtX1.IIIÚ.. f!Vt. S.i..cD.IuL 4eL:.Onded. ~ ,Reed. abdai.n.etl þwm the. vou. CaA.Iti.e.d. All Boa.Ml rne.mbeM vw.i.ed :tk 4..i.te.. 5pet:..i..al 7>t!.III1I1:I:. #82 - ÝeAO.Ld and Rog.eA- HewLe.tt íJ up lex C oMhuu:.i:.1...on. íJ.Lx A venue trI-1 Zone. 7> vunll:. f.oA. c.o~on. 01 an. 01lJ..c.e. and tpnd lOA. Ûuplex C oMhuu:.i:.1...on. Co. 7> IWpo4ed bui..~ w.i..ll be. the. 4e.c.ond pJÚ.nL:.ipaL buJ.1.¿l..n.g.. on. a ~ ~ deJIel.op- men:I:.. (10 acJr.eA. OA. mo¡uJ J h.e. bui..l.d..in.g.. w.i..ll be. a. wocx:L þwne 4i:.Jwd.wr.e.. J Ae. ßoa.Jtfl Jttæ.orrt1flJ?J?l1.ed pIWte/J.4.i..onol pÚ1.nni.n.g. f-oA. the. (u.i.u.Jt.L Me. ot the. lJ.fIJJAerl poJdi.on. 01 :tk Land. b~on. ot the. bui..l.d..in.g.. 4d ba.c.M. and ~M f.ollowed. J he J own. and C ou.n:f.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOfLJfJÚ. JtLCOnme.ntleJ. appJWVaL ~ A£.a4Ona6le Me ot the. Land. trIA.. 5.i..cnN1. fTK1f1e. a mown. f-oA. appJWVal ~ compL..i.mw..e. will all Me. ~ ~OA. a S pet:..i..al 7> eJtJTti.i:. and JtRAA.0na6Le. Me. ot the. Land. PlM. R~on. 4e.c.onded. C a.Mi.ed. All Boa.Jtfl rne.mbe.M. v iA..i..ted the. 4l:U. v~ #629 - ýl.e.M. Jall.A. é~ Supp4; Q~ and C ou.n1:.luJ Club RoarlA. I1Vr.. ~aJfII!A RoheJr.fA.on. IIXU pJ/.JVJ.e.n.t C -J Zone. v wti..a.nJ::.e. bJ expand an. ~ Cß~ Me.. J he. exp~n. w.i..ll pJWV Ue ~ed tJ.It1.IfJlÁoMe. and 4f.ml1.o CLJte(J. cu well cu 4Aow Mom and coUJ?i:Jut 4pac.e.. ßui..l.d..in.g.. ~M and p~ tJJeA.e. d..i..4c.uM.ed. J h.eJI..e. w.i..ll be no oJJäl.oM.l ~ MJ:~ /.oA. th.e. (lJJlti.on.. No one. appe.rJ.Jt.ed .i..n. opp04.i..t.i..on.. l J he. J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Boa.Jtfl and the. C ou.n:f.v. 7> ~ Boa.Jtfl JtLCOrrrnended appJWVal. 1j-:J..J> k S.il::r1.lu1 rrwLe a moüon. loA. appJWVaL 01 the. appLi~ü.on. M. .i..t C.01lCU.ltA. will both 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOCI.ItIÚ. and cu mi.n1.nu..un. Va.JÙ.fl.nJ:'..e loA. A£O./J.Ono..bLe. U4e. of. the. 1.a.Ni.. (tJA.o (-\ J wtfteA.. 4et:.Onded. C~. fill Bo<1.Nl. (tJem6eM. v.i.Ali..eJ. the. 1J1..te. ~ Va.JÛA.nI:.e #626 - {f¡eadow 'Run Ôeve.lopfTll!.n.t C oltp. . (S toA1,ji.own. USA) R ou:f.e 9 C-J Zone. trvr.. R obeAi.. S ~ A f.f.nv.. . pJ/.JVJ.e.n.t. S~ V~ bJ 1UYfWVe. the. ~ StoA1,ji.own. ~ pwm a ~e b.i..Ll..hoa.Jrtl appJW~ 20 µ.. x. 125 µ.., demoliA.A IJ.l.Idt b.i..Ll..h~, and ptli.nf. iJr.e. S toA1,ji.own. ~ at a 4..i.¡e. 01 appJW~ 20 X. 76 µ.. on. iJr.e. .wle. of. the. ''JLume'' bui..LdÙlfþ /fUr.. S i:.ewa.Jt:l 4f.a.tt!.d tAvc.e. iA. no ~ .i..flJIoLved a4 th.e. bill6oa.Jrtl couLd. be. puJ:. ba.c.k up and th.e. bui..l.rli..ng.. ~ pa.i..n.ted ovvc. a4 the. t.Jr.o.M..f.oJUTDil.on. ku not been. c.om- pLeted, Aowevvc. the. pJ/.JVJ.e.n.t ~eme.n.t iA moJtL pMlCti œL cu the. J own. iA. ~ to do awav. wäh. bUl6oa.Jrd tvPe. ~. $. {j ruWr. th.e. pJ/.JVJ.e.n.t ~ o~ ~0nA., tlte. p.lU!.11lÙ.e/J. iA e.n:f.L:tJ.¡yl bJ the. ~ ~ S 19.n. law4 UJeIte. ~ed. trvr.. C oJVUJJe..il f.el.t. thai:. a 4i.g.n. 4Aould be. aLlowed ~e. e.n.ou#- to i.tle.n.tiJ.v- the. plU!Jni.A.e/J. and all otltvc. ~ bet:.Ome. adv~ and 06.je.ci:i..on0.6Le.. A /i.eA. d...i.A.c.uM.1.n, th.e. BowrJ. lell .i..t would be. moJtL advard.ag..eoU4 loA. the. J own. it the. bU16oa.Jrd ~0M. UJeIte. p~ demol...iA.fwl and a illpul.ati on. loA. a ~ ~ to COnfoMl will the. 1986 ~ e.n.f.oJtL:.ed. A .l.ei:i:.eA. l.lWm the. Le.a.g.u.e. ot !JI omen. V oWvJ. UA2ð. A.I!.t1.d whidt ~ tlw1:. the. pJ/.JVJ.e.n.l bU16o<1.Nl. be. de.moliA.Aed and the. ~ on. iJr.e. ] Lume uxzJl con/.oMl .i..n. 1986. J he J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BowrJ. and th.e. C oun:b; 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Boa.Jrtl JtLCOrmtR.TII1.ed appJWVal. flIM.. R~n. rrwLe. a motion. f-oA. appJUNal of. the. appú'œti..on. will the. 4i:1pul- a:t.i..OM that the. bU16oa.JCJl ~0M. be. comp.!.e.tt4 JWTUJVed and U4e. of. a bill6owu:l.- t!IPe. ~ be. /:.e.Jtmi.nrd.e; tlw1:. the. new 4ign. con/.oMl fuLl.v- to iJr.e ~ o~ .i..n. 1986, and cu COncuM. wäh. both 'P.!.rmn1.ng. BOCI.ItIÚ.. ~ Re.e.d M..C.Onded. /fUr.. C olfJ'lJOe.ll voW ''NO ". {f¡oWn. CJJ.JVri..ed. II II Bo<1.Nl. mMlÓe.M. V i.A1.ú.d the. 1J1..te. L··· ~j,9 Va.Jti.a.n£.e. #627 - ýL.en. JoNl, 9nc... NoA.th S.ul.e Q~ 7?oad C -J Zone. C-''- ", ,., /fvr.. RobeJl..t S:t.R.Jocud., AtJ:.n.v.. pJ/.JVJ.e.n.t S'-9n vcuri.J:Ln.c.e. bJ ui:..i..l.i..~e ~ 4.i..g.M. pwm the. oLd. Locrd1..on. .i..n. a.ddu.i..on. bJ new ~ tOA. the. new A td.o and J JUJ.d¿ de.ale.MJù.p u.nde..JI.. co~n.. A plot plmt dt.ow.in.9- ~ pLa.c.emeni. and a booÁlld.. will phobJ4 of. the new and ~ ~ weAe. p~ bJ the. B()(lAJ/.. Û l.nre.M.l...oM and .d1.pu1a:il..oM c.ov~ I:Áe. all..owa6Le. l-ooW¡e. loA. ~ UJe./f£. di.JJ.- ClJAAe.d. k 5 ÚJUaIti. ~ the 4.i..g.M. will be. pl..aced tl.uA.A will th.e. bui..l.d.i.rvµ. wh.evœ. poM.i.6Le and will be. co~ B.úæ and f//h..i.:te. S ~ and b~ i!..Lwn.úrafl.on. We.AJ!.. cli.M::.uAA.ed. {lJA.. S i:..ePxvt:t daJ:.e.d i:kd. frvt. C.I..a.A.k 01- C.I..a.A.k 7> on:J:i.ac. h.ar1 no ob:fet::.i:-.i..on. bJ the. app.!.h:.a.i:.1..on.. /fvr.. C 01VfJJJe.i1 f-e.Li- i:kd. 2 ot fk. þœ.e ~ ~ .i..n. þwRi. weAe. exce44.i..ve. and ~. /f1¡". Rome.o 4f.ated Jv¿ ~ the. 4i.gM. and coflAi.J1e.M. them CJt1;ticrd bJ be. c.om- pditive. and added k wouLd. be. w~ to JtIY1lOVe. the/J.e. 2 ~ .i..n. a tew v.eaM. afi.Vl AiA. bLlA.iJteM. be.c.ome/J. fhun..l.v- eA.io.6l.i..4Aed. A Le.ti:..vc. /;tom fk. Le.a.g,.tæ ot Women. Vote.M. tJKl4 A£flti. and alAo a .l.ei::i:.vt þwm fk. Q Iæ£.M.bWtff B~fi.c-a:tLon. C onrni.i:i:.ee. S e.veAD.l c.ompA.Om1A.e/J. weAe. pJUJp04ed and cli.M::.uAA.ed. k C 01tl'lJUei.1 pJUJp04ed that tk. tl.uA.A moun:terl ~ be. appJWVed cu appl.i..ed loA. buJ:. the. 2 þr£.e. ~ ~ be. e.Li..rn.i.rw:le. !tur.. Romeo 4Wed i:kd. tAiA. pJUJpo4al wouLd. be. a 4eve.AJ!.. fi.rw.nci.aL ~. () Û iA.c.uA.41..on. cord1..1ut.eJ. on. the. he.1..f¡M:. and nec.eA.4Î..:I:.!f 01 4.i..g.M. I, 6, and 7. J1JM.. R~on pJUJp04.ed that the. ] 0ee ~ 4.i.g.M be. al.loued loA. a peA1.od 01- 2 v.eaM. and th.e.n. 2 01- them rliAt:.ord1..1ut.eJ. and th.e. ~ ot ~ #7 be. CJd. bJ 25 µ.. J Ae. J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. 8()(lAJ/. ~M WeAe A£flti.. J he. C ou.n:f.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Bo<1.Nl. o¡'þvteá no dec1A1..on.. {/JJI..o JUJU'I.(Ut made. a mown. loA. appJWVaL ot the. ~ ad f-ollow-i: S4nA], 4, and 5 be. con.f.olt.ffli.ng.. and fJ.uA.A moun:terl; S 4nA 9, 10, II and 12 whi.c.h. aJte. non. -c.on.f.o~ u:t.i..Li..P-n9- ~ ~ be. fJ.uA.A moun:terl and c.oMW.ani.; 5 i.g.M. 2 and ~ ~ted a4 pA.OpOlied; Si.g.M. I and 6 be. all.owed lOA. a peA1.od to expÚt.e ~un.e 20, I~ and S.f.9.n. 1r.R,c 7 be. CJd. to 25 µ.. .i..n. ~ and aœepted ad p~ PUr.. S.i.cP.NL 4e.c.onded. fl1A.o C oJtJ'lJlJe.il voted "NO ". C wvr1.ed. All Bowrß. ff¡embe.M. V i.Ali:.tYi the. 4..i.te.. ~\ _ j ~~