1979-08-15 0/ 0/1..ü::.J..al mJ..rud..e/J. 0/ t.h.e qU/!.e.n.46Wl~ ZOn.i.n1;- Bowrd ot Appeal.4 he.Ld A£l9-UAi. /5, 1979 at 7: JO 7>. m. /lJem6eM 7> A..eA.eni:.: K ûtIJvun C OJU'UlJeli, C Ita.i.Nran C hcur.Le.4 S i.L:.aAJ J ed J l.I.ItJl.e/t trJai:.Avc. 7? e.ed Ab4en:/..: Ý eo/U}e K WWIlO.ka SjoeAd.je. 7?~n. S We. L vnn- Stall: Len.g..u.e. 01 Women. V otJvvJ. Ob4eJI..VeA: é l.i..$abe.tA H od.g..wn. On. a mown. bv. trJJr.. Si.cD.NL, the. rniJu.d.eA. 01 the. ~u1v- 18, 1979 ~ Welle. appIWved. trJJr.. 1 UItJI.eA. 4et:.Ontled. C a.AJt1..ed. OLd. BU4ÙteA4: V~e. #6JI - Bei.1:1f. ~ean. Baxi:.eA f!J.i.cAae.l S rnllA VI e.d S.ide. 'i? oui:.e 9 C-J Zone. VaIÙ.o.nt:.e bJ plD.c.e a þt.e.e. ~ ~ will one. (I) µ.. þwnt 4e:l6ac.k .i..n. .Lieu. of. the. ~ 15 µ.. f1Vr.4.. BaJÚ.eJt. ~ 4Ae. Aa4 moved the. ~ cu 4Ug-g..uted bv. t.h.e. Bowrd at the. l.aA.:t rræ.~. She. pJ/.JVJ.e.n:Wl a 4ke:h:A 4Aowi.n.g. Me. loco.t1.on. of. the. ~ pLa.c.ed at 4 Ii:.. M.i:..h.eA t1ran. I µ. þwm the. IWad. f1Vr.4.. Bax:l:£A 4Úl.teJ the. ~ of. th.e. ~e aJle. moJtL t1ran. 4D.i:1..4fm:i:..oJUj ami. :tlta.nke.d the. Bowu:L f.OA. tÁe.1.II.. COnL:.eAn. and ~ fJ1Jr.. Si..ct:wl. TTO.de. a mown. bJ apPIWVe. the VMi.tuu:.e.. k JWlfl.e.Il 4e.c.onded. Cwuri.ed NewßUA.i.n.eA.4: V~ # 635 - Li..nJ4 {f¡. Clrvth C e.ni:Jw1 & /J1~ Ave/J.. R-4 Zone. "'"' 5' U 4e. Va..IÙlJ.N:.e. bJ ope.JrJ:J.te. a 4JTnll11tlni 4Aop bJ 4e.ll mi.no.f:JJ.M. doll f.wuti.hur.e. and doll hoUA.u. AppIWvaL ot a Jft. x 4ft. ~ on. the. þ.c.e. ot the. bui ~ iA. a.Lw ~. ',-- J he. hofTll!. oCL:.I.I{JatLon. o~e. doM not 4ÚJ.te. thai:. ~ 1IU.lA.i.. be. .i..n. the. IJ.aRIJ!.. buJ..l.J..i.ng... PlM. CJ..aAA l.i..vu n.e.xt dooA. ~ a ~ 4Jtwrllon.. Jhe. pIWp04e.d wp lIKU OnL:.e. a dwe.Ll..i.ng. and me.a4U.Jte/J. appIWX. 16 µ. x 16 Ii:.. and iA. 0ee- ~ J he BorJ.Ad felt a peAJni.t. couLd. be. .i.44u.ed bJ expÚte when. 1trA.. C J..aAA c.ea4e/J. to do buM..n.eM OA. ~ the. b¡pe. of. blJAÚteAA.. ~ S i.L:.aJrrl coM1.deM tÅi.A. 'home. oCL:.I.I{Jat.Lon.' and te.e..ú .i..t c.ompl.i..eA. will the. o~ cu w~. J he. 4.i..Se. of. the. ~ ~ tIXlA. ~ed and 1trA.. C J..aAA Iel.i.. tha:t the. Bocur.dA.' ~n. 01 a MIhæf1.on. to 2 µ. x J µ. wou1d be. 4aliA.facJ..oA.tJo J Ae. J own. 7> ~ Bo<1.Nl. A.et:.OffrflR.J1fie.d appIWvaL 4i:.ai1..n.f;. :tIuvr.e wouLd. be. no ~e altecJ.. on. the. ne1..g.h.boA.hood; Ite~ ~ of. a bu.ild-i119- not .i..n. UA.e; and a de.fhú.:te hrvui- 4h1.p lIKU 4Aown.. A mown. UKU maJe. bv. k Reed loA. appA.OVaL cu cont:JJM. will the. J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Bo<1.Nl. and loA. the. peM.onal l.i..f.e.-i:i.næ UA.e. ot the. App.l.i.can:l:.. (f¡otion. 4et:.Onded bv. /fut. J UIf.flJVto C a..ItItLed. All Bo<1.Nl. fT1J!JTI.Óe/IA. vi.Ali:.tYÍ the. 4.i..te.. v ~ # 6J6 - H 0UA.e. ot H.i. ]1.., 9n.c.. 50 /f¡.i..llvc. Hill - R oui:.e. 9 C -J Zone. Noone. appewr.ed loA. the. AppLi.aud. V ~ bJ plD.c.e. t.Iut.e.e. (J) IlX.Ú.l ~ on. a JtLÚJ.i L 4bJ/le. ~ f:km the. one. (I) allowable. ~ A /f-eA. a ~n. ot the. appLication, k S i.L:.aJrrl maJe. a motion. bJ dùtlpPMVe. Me. V ~ .i..n. Cl.flALeme.n.l will tÁe. J own. and C ouni:.J¡. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BtXJ.Jrt14 and 4i:.ai1..n.f;. no ~ hml. been. 4Aown.. !fIJr.. Reed 4et:.Onde.d. Jhe. vote tIXlA. unanhnouA.. App/icaüon. de.n..i..ed. All Bowul. mem6eM V i.Ali:.tYÍ the. 4..i.te.. (; V ~e. #637 - H (LJU)ld H oi:.mAvt ( ý Jt.eJli. Bat¡., 9 ne. ) 19 !ftai.n. S tA.e.e:J:. R -4 Zone. '- VCULian.c.e. bJ pLa.c.e. a /AU. ~ ~ will an. 8 µ.. þ,ont 4e:.t.6at:.k .i..n. lieu. ot the 15 Ii:.. ~ 4ei:.hac.k. ~ C oAJ'lJlJeiL noted tho.:J:. the. wte/1. iA. und.e.Jr. JtLCOrrrnenrl.a.i:.Ln b V. the. J own Z on.i.n.g. BOOJU1. bJ be ¡on.ed ~ .i..n. the. n.eaJI..~. 7> JtLv.i..oUA.. ~ p~ ai.. the bui..l.d.- 1.ng. weAe. ~ed. ~ H oi:.mAvt 4œ.ted Ae. tell the. ~ lIKl4 JtLa4Onahle. due bJ the. amouni. ot 4pa.c.e. aJ/aLlable.. 7> A.e.v.i..oUA.. blJAi.n.eAA.e/J. UA..ed a ~ 4.i..g.n wh1.dr. iA. not cu tÚA.iJro.6le.. J he 4.L¡e. ot the. pJUJp04ed ~ lIKU ~ed. /IVr.. H oi:.mAvt pJt.l!.M..J1i:.e a 4ke.idt 0/ the. pJUJp04ed ~ I1Vr.. C OJtfUJJe.ll ~ t.ho.t the. ~ lIKl4 4D.f.iA.fac.tollff bu:l.. mi.{;1tf. be. plD.c.ed 10 fl.. bac.k þwm the. pJUJpeAJ:.v. l.i..n.e. 1!D.iltvc. thrur. 8 Ii:.. ~ H oi:.mAvt tolJJ7fl. fÅiA. bJ be IJrl.i1A.fac.tollffo J he w.i..nJ..ow ~ p~ be.i.n.g. UA..ed lIKl4 ~ed A.ei.rdi.ve. bJ wAe.tAvc. OA. not .i..t UKU . ne.c.eA4O.A1J. k H oi:.mAvt I-ell the. ~ lIKU leJ;u..l and n.e.c.eMD.IUJo J he. J own. and C oUJ'l:f.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BOQ../fIÍ4 ~ed appJWVaL 0/ the. VaM.anc.e.. k Si.cwrd rrmle. a mown bJ appA.OVe. the. VaJti.an.c.e. f-oA. a 24 4tf. Ii:.. /AU. ~ ~ bJ be pLa.c.ed will a 10 Ii:.. 4e:f.6ac.k antl the. ~ g.old w.i..nJ..ow 4ig.n. be. pellJTli.f.t~, ci.:f.i.n.g. ~ pA.e.-~ ~. /IVr.. JUJU'I.(Ut 4e.c.onded. f!ur.. Re.ed abd.D1..n.ed pwm the. vote. cu he OWM ~01LÛl.ff PJUJPeJtf.v.. mown CD.JVLl.ed. All BfXJ.JId ffIf!.fIIheM v iA..i..t~ the. 4.i..te.. Va.lÛD.nL:.e. # 6J8 - A Lan. K oe.ch1e...in. 32 C.la.M S fAed R-4 Zone. VCULian.c.e. to add an. enc.lo4ed poAdt to an. ~ ~ will a 25 ft. M.lUt 4d- bad. .i..n. li..e.u. 0/ the. JO f.t. ~ 4e:f.6ack. /IVr.. K oec.h.le..i..n. 4Ú1.ted the. exteAJ..oA. ot th.e. rlJdl tion will bl..end. will the. ~ 4bw.c.I:wr.e. He. added tho.:J:. AiA. will not be. the. onJ.v. enc.lo4ed poAdt .i..n. tÁe. ~oMocx:L. He. 4D.i.tl the. Lot iA. bJo 4haLl.ow bJ a1L.ow tÁe. ú.g.a.l 4e:f.6ac..k. Û.i.me.M..i..oM weA.e ~. J he. J own 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Bo<1.Nl. JtLCOnme.ntleJ. appA.OVal. 7 t1k. S i.I:.a.N:l rmde. a motion. tOA. appJWVaL a4 .i..t COnt:.UM. will the. J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BoaJrLI. a.11fl 4f.rdi.n.rf Jt.R.t:lAOnJ:L6Le. lb.1e. ot the. ~ lot. fk. Re.ea. 4et:.Onded. C a./VLi.ed. All1T1JYTlheM exc.e.pt trIA.. Reed vi.Ali:.tYÍ the. 4.i..te.. S pedß1 7> eIIJ1Ii.t #83 - S i:t1.n.Le.v- 5 td:hJn. - á' ·,S· 1'1 C -3 Zone. R ouJ:.e. 9 5 pedß1 7> eIIJ1Ii.t bJ e.nlmt.g.e. a non. -confolt.ffli.ng.. Me. buildJ n.g... Noone. appef.lJt£ll f-oA. the. App.Lû:tzn:t. ~ C oJtJUJJe.ll 4fß.:út1 th.iA. App.l.i.cat.i..on. iA. b~ µi.R.J. be.cJ'lJ.lA.e. the. cutea hrvJ. been. ¡.on.ed c..ofTll1lelld.o.L and. ~ S uJ:.ton. wan:1:A. bJ p.!.a.ce a dwe.Ll..i.ng. addLtion. .i..n. a cofTll1lelld.o.L ¡.one.. J he. dJrmni.n.g. ot the. addilion. ll,{U ~ed. J he. J own. and. C owr:J:.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BoaJffiA JtLCOnme.ntleJ. applWVaL 4f.ai:i.ru;: no ~e. .i..n. the. G./W1.j no 4pa.c.e. pIWb-Ú!.m; will impJWVe. the. appeaNlJ'lr..e. ot the. cuteaj OWn.ell.. iA. a1L.owed up bJ sO% expan.4.i..on. ot a non.-conf-olt.ffli.ng.. lb.1e. b~ bv. Specia17>eAJnl.L J he. S pecid 'P eJUni..t ~ WeA.e. JrRfJfl and .w.f.iA.f1.ed. /f¡JI..o S i.I:.a.N:l rmde. a mo:t.i..on. bJ appJWVe. the. S pecia1 7> eJtJ'I&i.f. cu appl.i..ed f-oJl..o k JUJU'I.(Ut 4e.c.onde1l. Spec1..a.L 7>e.IUTÚ..f. #8J ~. All Bo<1.Nl. 1T1JYTlheNi viA..i..tèr1..tAe 4.i..te.. v ~ #6]9 - Be:J:h¡, ~ean. Boxf..eA (jJ e.d S.ide. R ouJ:.e. 9 C -J ZOflJ!. VaIÛf.1.N:.e. bJ place two{ 2) 4i.gM. on. a b~ .i..n. l.i..eu ot one. (I) peAlTli.:fh.d 4ig.n.. ~. Boxf..eA p~ a ~ 4lww.i..n.g- th.e. plD.c.efTII!.n.i 01 th.e. pIWp04ed ~. D~n. fnl.Lowed ARl.a.:tiYe. bJ .üi~n.~. ~. Baxhvr.1ii:rJ.úd that due bJ the fn.Li.a.gæ and -.úwu and. the. /.ad that tAe. b~ QJU!. cl.o4e. bJ the. Jt.JXlJi, Avc. pJLi.nd.paL ~ iA. on/.;¡, viA..i..6le. bJ i:.1w.fti.c. fApy~ 'Noill'. She. þ..e.ú. I:Áe. a.ckli.:l:.i..onal ~ iA. ~ f.OA. 40ui:.A bound tJw.fti.c.. /fúw.. Boxf..eA o..úo /.dated 4Ae. wWe/J. bJ c.ha.n.g..e. tIte. wo~ of. the. 4i.g.n. bJ ''ý.i..þ:4, Ac.c.eMOlLi.eA., and lamp4haJt!A ". ~ C oJtJUJJe.ll ~ abouJ:. p~ and arhIiA.ed that 4fm1l ~rw1 ~ QJU!. peAlTli.:fh.d. f J Ae. J own. and C ou.n:f.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BCX1Atl.4 JtLCOrmænr1.ed apPJWVaL. /fvr.. Reed nrule. a mown. f-oA. appJWVaL ~ the. ''4e.c.ond 4i.de." ot the. plf1.n.ci.paL ',--- ~ be. pLa.c.ed on. tlæ. 4hle. ot tlæ. b~ due. bJ ~ ~ - plf1.n.ci.pal ~ bJo c104e. to the. ItfXJ.d., and cu co~ will both 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. BCX1Atl.4. Itr.. J UJU'I.(Ut 4et:.Onded. C 0JVfi.e.tl. All B()(JJff/. lOOfftÓe.M. v iA..i..ted the. 4..i.te.. v Wti..a.n.c.e # 640 - S UM.OVal., 9N:.. Rl. 9L - Lake ShoM. ÛJÚJle. R-J Zone. VaIIi..ant:..e. bJ plac.e an. ofþ..c.e. and 4bJ~ a.Ile/1. f-oA. g-e.n.eAJ:Ll co~ f,úvn.. Ûue bJ the. ab4~ ot 40me. ot the. Boa.JfL1 fftI!.1Ilb~ no d.eciA1..on. in. þwOA. 01 th.e. Appl..i.aud. couLd. be. A.e.Nl.e.JU!.{/.. JAe. public. hea.lli.n.g, polfÆon. UKU heLd. and the. Boa.JfL1 fftI!.1IlbeM. p/tJ!Â.en.t ~n.ed the. Appl..ican.t. Itr.. f!JaA.on. 4it:ltetl th.e. 4bJ~ 4pw::.e. IIKM ~ bJ 4bJA.e.Lumhvc. and no tJte.e.4 wou1d be. CJJi:. ext:£{Jt loA. acceM.. He. added tkd. M.i.g.M0Ai...n.g.. pJUJpeJd.i..e/J. cute. aLw u.t.ed f-oA. co~ pwrp04eA. and the. MJ2Jf.A?A.t A./!M.d~ iA 200 OJt moA.e. µ. þwm the. 4..i.te. ot th.e. pJUJp04ed bui...LdJ 119-. Itr.. f!JaA.on. ~ he. .i..4 PJt£{Ja.JWl. bJ fTII!.d an.v- and ail g.uhle. l.i..n.eA. and. ~M c.ov~ the. VaJÙ.rJ.N:.e.. J heM. will be. no I.Û.g.M ÚÐloLve.d. ftk. f!JaA.on. aiAo 4Úl.ted the. pJUJp04ed b~ couLd. be. pLac.er1 fwdAvc. back .i/- the. Bocw1. 40 adviA.ed. /f1¡". Ûon. 7> endJ., k ftkuon.' 4 M.i.g.MOA. ac.IWM th.e. JUJaCI. .4ff1tefi co~ þwm noiAe. and v.i.A.urLL poll.ui:i..on. (L4. well cu an. atWe.JVJ.e. afted. on. the. M.i.g.MoA.Aocx:L. He. 4Úl.ted he. ~ ~ Opp04oed. ~ iYIruon. pJ/.JVJ.enhY1 a 4kd.cÁ 4Aow~ the. pJUJp04e.d b~ and 4..i.te. loco.f1..on.. Jhe. Jawn. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Boa.JfL1 rlLwpPJWVed tk AppLic17t1..on. ~ the. ~ p1..arw. loA. fÅiA. a.Ile/1. cute. ~ A./!M.dent.iaL and tAiA. Va.Jri.mu:.e. wouLd. 4d the. bJne. f-oA. the. a.Ile/1. loA. y.eaM. bJ COfTl/!.. J he. C oun:J:.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Bo<1.Nl. co~ will th.e. J own.. J Ae. BoaAJi atW iAed /lVt. trkuon. bJ a.i::J.J!..nt1 a ~ of. the. Q ue.eNJ.bUIUJ Beo.u.il /1 <Y;tti on. e onmi.:J:i:.e.e. and. to 4e.e.k ih.el.A. wAi..:J:.i:R.Jt appA.OVal and bJ bAi...n.g.. .i..t be.f.oJtL th.e. next Bowrd fTl/!.e.i.i..ng.. J he App~n. iA mhLed will the. Appl..i.aud.' 4 con4eJd. u.nil.L th.e. next mon:f.M. ~ me.~ ad.þ1UU'lJ!Jl at 9: 45 7> . m. ~~w "--