4 Site Plan - Deed �k WARREN COUNTY - STATE OF NEW YORK s .t rALO A i vo0g.cot1NTY CLEAR lane tTATE ROUTE e Lary OMIOFIOa lyN room tSsaa ---- COUNTY C L WR S tlCORoom►AO/ •.MIilIs%!RAG{ it► aaffy Or Tly 00CLMxwMT DO NOT DETAC, � ;ro; �,a r ;::00 accords ma"oemocnt coon 1 .00 •«Ord% wruy..ent ♦tat 4. 7S Additional NasMs EUO S-00 A;rAG[ : SN y_00 { / 17e i►SN INSTEUBM NT a. 101{ lcµ 11PS11/ Resldenttal/AOrTrU I16.00 aaS117 County 9.00 aecnpb: tO1N{1161 Clark : LB Sup Total : 110.S0 act Data: 1111A/)01{ 01 : $1: 11 m Ooc Grp: or transfer ]as De►crlp: DEED Transfer Tam - State 2100.00 NUN ►qm e atc 'd Frig: LITTLE. O Co"now { Walt ►C Sup Total : )i00.00 Iartyl : YULE SVSAM EXT■ _ ►artyl : SAIp[RS aATNtMEa A Total . 7)90.SO TOan: QUStNSSUEY •••• NOTICE : THIS IS NOT A MILL •••• ••••• Transfer Tax • ••• l roaster Tam d: 9" Transfer Tax Consideration: SIS000.00 Transfer Tax State 1100,00 Total: 1100.00 UAM}MT••• I many am* did dN •moan mad ImmonA w men" a dr Mwy C'ma+ Cods Cora mf(Jrd M� meturn To Mlyd7iooyea T!• des � da rldo asa� momt M Samoan 1 to of or Ra.l Flamer, 1an, dfa sm d Nw Tmt iltTit . O COMM • 60411 PC 14 WEST NOTME DAME STot[T Feaarl Volpe QlAS FALLS MY U801 i" EXECUTRIX'S DEED tHlS 1.\Dt'V't('Rf, mrle the 17•der of WsanbaT tiro thhsusd and agMocn. becwem Susan N'ulc. reading aI I xe Ncscrly Drlse. Anata, ('A Sec I I as I tnutnt M the 1 •Ialc of(Milken I lkadlemon. WV at the first pan, and Kuhlvat A Sandm, rcadtng at nn_,I Pclhamt Trace, ('curet 111c. V uginu ;I 11211. pant of the n m wA pan N'T'V"ESt1L'1N. that the pint} of the first part, by stnuc of the p.wa ant auth,nts burn to ha in and by the fold IJiI N III A I eflarncol, and In vonswlermum of FI%c flurdrod I w att- Inc Ihrsfarad and ant Icatths dollrs ISS:S,IIIa)001, lawful murtcy of the I rated SW^. pud by the Prty 0 the vatsrtd pen. dsini hereby grant and release unto the party M the s o nd pan. ha han and asrgas n,tv+m. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situated. Istng and tiring In the T.,wn of ()twxsublry,('wtt) Of N Juan And Stale of Sew York hounded and deXnhed m folh,w s BEGINNING to an torn pope dnscn in the 1pf urf vicar the sheer of I ilrn I alc t,•mar► the frrthw" Duna of lank of Lew Is A Cooky, nnmmg thensx umth a: cf' cavt 1 a 1 u1 tM to an Innt pipe dmrn N the pound fir a O one. thmtce Dunk lS• 1' on 16 feet to an Inn pipe dns en ID the g "iiaQ tux a coma. ih[rior tanrh W 21* br 57 91 foe to am Inm pope dmm in the found to a soma. therwx wwth 47' 411' weat 106 Lae to an Inns pipe dn%m in the gnrad k,r a uxixs. thencx nxN a: c`• way ;Ikt text k,an mint pipe dnsrn m the grolmd 6tx a artier, thaw' In a sUmSM line Su text to the puuN or place of hcyrarng Tolpcdia with all the nght. bile ant IneTest of the ponies at the first pan t., the lash Hang bawexn the Ali,,c jcxmhed pared had % arty eyxd and (jkn lAke EXCEPTING AND Rt-SERA 1\G f HERIFRON a It, R.q nght ,.,t rat Icrflng tr,.m A to hrntaly conveyed to Robert k Dtr,wo,ncc and wife fey deed dated thiRba I'. 1 uMt Arid raaxdat in the N'rren County ('kri's I?ITI.x Mat► :9, 145t, in Hoe[ 29 at 13mds at Page NO I to a mnP of land _' Rods wide as the ache if nVoiUmrtd and descrubd in a deed hem c Josephine Itrrdsall to Slating F Ifi&) and Michael Dolan, If dated My S, 1911 and noonlod in the N Sire,( ,ntnty Oak's Of{roe Mery 17, 1411 1 in PwA 121 of I>Imd1 at Page 153 AISO, owitu g and eorneftng it, the Pamir.of the tetrAd pro a ngM of teas Ise all ptupttm ota fasd 16 toot ngM of was and Ina said onp of land ; rod, wide leading I,- the main hlghwaN ALSO EXCEPTING AND RESERVING 6x Puuge on lorx Krifaa the prone, herclry oonseyed ova a urtp of Lard a led wide mpsunng tnrrl the slaxc of tile, t a►c for use Of the prtto of the firm part. that han or aaongrtf SUBJECT to an eiafattasf So Minoan a pole line granted u, Admw"k Powa and t ighi Caporato i by dad dated lume �7. 192S ad rmwded in the N rren(Aunt 17a►`s I tfTwr Daoaaba A 192S in Po* 167 of Dmfa at page 7: the pro hack conveyed are a p u m of premise,caxlseytd u, Akta den Hlrsth and wife by the folfowvtg daada \YsaA ram 11111 In im sat eons` I; e I kcal inrn 1 Ayr Mrtd.oll Oki .Ahm daod NW�P(WIVtlR :6. I v.I ad m.wded In the uelm( .tawsl1af . (1fTI.c (A1.k.ce 2'. IVA 1 n Fk" ,,.. is- of [*nl* J Pye %4 I kxd 1'nm F tedm i If Ptl.c and olhcn (Food Auyut 11. I v1v ad rn.rded In the N rtrn ( .wewt t kTIL . l ffke(k1.11ta N. I VAV In Kra iV I al iletd. as PAW 411 t I kN 1nm N.4wWra I no Hamm deed o ioha I I 1 V W std moctkxl In the 'A-start t „uril. (-ink ANTct(l.h.l.er IV" wt &KA IV_ nl lk d. at Payc l.n . SdW rymu.o 11my In Ito S` n[ Ili, l tta Stktd..ta.,r, ,d the (JueatahY. Patent ALSO un.eyvty to the ttury of the Iw0.tleld Pot ALL THAT r"(-T OR PAR( EL Oi LAND boutded and daea,bed r IdFwe Rd(:INNtN4 a at tnr,twpe dmrn In the tip,attl tot the Itardtaas morns tM the Foe tt6o.a davlhed. ihat.r ,wlh Au �I ra.! 4, feet. devise wrath 46' 47' Drat ISD 14 ka. 111 toroth 41 1— .r t 4! Iatl IhniNr moth 4' 4t1 ratl 11r, lea a,Ittc pmol t; Plat of begmaft Subtml to the cnrntent at,,.c delV;nbed ( .dkat 1 Beadieskm dud a ttc de o1 %%ae1'a1( .matt) .m APnI IN. N I IN A 1k yr"Ing Pnlbaae Md epipotet"Slant 1'Ide a F tm-ulnr wee I.s.wd M the %aetrn( .mow. lutrt.yatc'•C(aal m Ockiba 26. '01 h lit [%(I 6w +aroe tvteetan .urt.lYOd to deaf trim Ih.xrtu %Akita to (I1 r,Jd I lkadl",n ad ( .dlom 1 Ik AdIcaea dated Apnl ., 1 V't. ad mtrtkd In the A earn( .tomb t lrrl . (ttli.r (n April n. 14"I m I Vise Ant as Pailie 4:4 1()(J I lit R w,Ih Ibc aPp(etctuntn. OW Jo all tK estrr wtuttl the tr d Ihtrnt had AN the tlnu .,I h" Anew m mod tz ,n aM Ja, the no 1,tttaeln. wtw.h the Pats of thr fiN Pat tu. ,r M t,twa t1 .sotto'. 1r d,.t�+c,•I. uhAhn udl.tAuJl1. 1n h. .tmw„t .ad w111 or ,dhl'ew 1w TO HAS E AND TO HOLD the prannom, boron {pawed =I,, the pan. of the . ,,d P.n. rd ratsm k,tc+a 4 SD tho plem of the teat pw w.arMa thr the ha, tak don,,to wttaeF an.thmy wttaell. the MA praneas Me host(ta'UQ1lmsew u a!t way whrnp 1 S M 1TSFSS M NF REOf. the Pam .11 the first pot hm haanq, to ha haw{ and .eel the da. atti .Oar fine *N,%c wnt/rn Swea ,Vow �- M Raeear(a of the 1.arr•fret r, 1 a,,dww a ��t 1' 4t'1La STATE OF NEW PORK 1 1 d. CDUNTV OF WARRtN 1 On the 1)a da) of%MtMhet sn the .<ar kI i M hel.rs mr.the u kratpreJ- PMoMAll) app fed Swan Pule,penneallr hn.wn to nr.e paned t law .ro the haau of um.slacYae) ntdcnce to he the uuhsba" a hcrc lunar t) wtwr*vd to the•Man InatlYTtit MA acku ltdeed YI w thY a w ctecuud the rme In her capec.l).and the h) her s*nm c+"the Innsunwnt. The trAi%dual, of The prima upon hehalt of a hash the uuh+ldual A0,0kompow the +neieulWcnt N s/f _ rwM MCA S SORCOS Rare�d Now trill Rtcwd i Raere: Miclod J.OYemer afar O'Coeeer•aerie P.O. an sm to Wer Neat Dept Sam Gkm Fella.NY 17Mi IlrfelRe[IQIRYIebtl at sn'c e