1979-11-21 ,-- ~ /9 O//i..l:.J.r.tL mi..rud.VJ. 01 the. Que.eJV16U1l!f Zoni.n.g. BowrJ. 0/ AppeaLA. me.ei:.1.n;} hel.tl Nove.mbvc. 21, 1979 at 7:]0 ~.m. - mem6e.NJ. 7> J/.JVJ.e.n.J:.: Ab4oe.n.J:.: K.i..JJWun C oJtflJJJf!.Ll, C ha.Uvnan. J ed J t.UU'1.vc. S¡,oeNl.je. 7?~on íJ an. Ý A..i..//.i..n. C kurle/J. S.i..cwul trJatAvc. 7? e.e.d Ý f!OlI9e. K ww.w.kn. ýeoJt9e. Lwpe.4 5 full: On a motion bv. mA.. S.ú:wrd, the. mi.nui:.eA. 0/ the. Oc:J:.obell.. 17, 1979 næ~ weJt.e app/WVed. mA.. ýA..i..ll.i..n. 4et:.Onded. C a.JUI.i.ed. o l.tl BuAi.n.eM: V cuù.a.nc.e. # 647 - S UNJ.ovaL, 9nL:.. bon Road C lev e.IIfkLiÆ. 7?-1 Zone Le.g.al op.i..n..i..OM. a4 4iated 6V- the. Jown At:toNtev. we.Jte.~. 9t UKL4 dehvtrni.Jted tAa:t no VaJLÚ1.n.c.e. would be. Jte9:uùr.ed lOA. the. pJWp04ed expan.4.i..on., h.owe.vvr., J own and C ounf.v. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. ßo<1.Nl. app/WVal WeA.e.n.et:..eM.aIUJ. J he. Bowul. rne..mÞe.NJ. would be. ~ to 4ÚJ.te. 4pe.ci.Ii.c. JtLa40M .Lt the app.!.i..c.a:ilon iA. bJ be de.n..i..ed. mll..o {f¡cuon 4~ the.Jte. WeA.e. no ck.ng..e/J. bJ the. pJWp04ed pl.o.nA.. ~. Re.ed ~ a c.lo..M./.i..crdi..on o/- the. pJWp04ed .i..nrl.ooA. 4bJNLg.e.. ft'ut. S.ú:wrd .w.g-g..eA1:.ed 1J.C1lee.n..i..n.g.. and /~ be. 4ot1.pu1.rded. ft'ut. 7?e.ed 4f.rd:R.d a fe.n.c.e. would not be. an. a.i:.J:.Jw..c.f:.i.ve. a44e.t. to the. PJWf'eJI..- tJ;. PIM. R~on 4Ug.g..Mi:.ed e.v~eJV1 be. pLa.c.ed back a fuf.an.c..e. þwm the. JUJad. trJII... fr1a.4.on 4ÚJ.ted the. pJWpeJttv. iA. pwr.:li.J:Lllv- lJ.C1leen.ed bv. the. ex~ bui...Ldi..nf; and. the. nJ:J.i.JwaL ~e.n1..n.g. t.ho.t pJ/.JVJ.e.n.tL¡ exiAtA wiLL be. uü.l.i..$-ed. mil... J t.UU'1.vc. rrade. a mown loA. appJWVaL 01 the. app l.i..calion. f!k. 7? eed 4e.c.onded. Jhe. vote.: mNJ.. R~on- No; f!lA.. S.ú:wrd- No; ~. JIJ.ItJI.eA.- !Ie/J.; t?1A.. ýA..i..//.i..n.- !1M.¡ mA.. R e.ed - !I eA.¡ !Ibt. C Ol/JU1Jell- !I e.4. molion cwvti..ed 4 - 2. ;?o N eJ/J B UA..i..n.e/J.4: Va.JÙ.fJ.N:.e. #652 - V.i..nJ:.enJ:.. frlwrph!f I 'P .i..n.eJJJood A ve.ruæ 7( -4 Zone. V ~ w place a ÆJJ~ pool 6 ft. IA.Om a Jl..e/J..i..de.n.c.e .i..n. lleJJ. of the. ll.e'fui..Jl..ed 10 µ. 4oe.thack. trvr.. frlwrphv. pA.e/J.en:l.ed d.Jww~ 4Aow~ the. p~ of the pool. He 4i:rd.ed the J own. 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Boa.Jrtl appJWVal WCUJ. ba4ed on. 4.Li..g..1d.4 d.i..ffeA.e.n.t ~M than. th04e /JÁown.. Jhe JtLviAed plan. lIKU ~ed. frlA.o {f¡wrphv. feLt the. pJWpo4ed plan. WCUJ. the on4 Lo~l pLa.c.e. to .i.rw:JxLLL tAe pooL, Aowe.veJr., he. hml. no objed:i..on. cu bJ whe.Jte the. Boa.Jrd. 1eL:t the. ~ 10 It. 4e.thack 4AouLd. be. en.loJr.t:.eJi, e.i..th.vc. the. d..iAf.an.c.e fA.Om the hOuA.e 011.. the. pJWp~ LLne.. Sate.i..ff AR-9uLat1..oM WeAR. diACJJM.ed and .i..t WCUJ. feLt t.hat .i..t wouLd. be. pARJ-eMLbLe. bJ Nwe the. pool 10 fL IADm tAe AOUA.e .i..n. c.cue of. 1i.N!... {r¡A.. Bakut, the pool ~ 4i:rd.ed the pool could be pl.r.u:..ed an.!fWhe.Jte w.i..tA.i..n. the. pJWp~ Li..n.e.4. C Ofl.C£.JU'/. OVell.. tAe pOWeA. LLne WCUJ. diACJJM.ed. J he.Jte 4h.ouLd. be no d.i..fl..Lcu.We/J.. PIA../f!'vt4. ýoJrJlon. ÝJl/1Y.i..lle of 191 Av.i.at.i..on. Road appeaJted bu1.. 4i:rd.ed no obje.cH...oM. J he J own. rp!.ann1.n.g. Boa.Jrd. A.et:.Omm.e.ntlati.oM tOA. appJWval weAe. JteD.Cl. k S.i..cwttl rro.de. a mown. lOA. appA.OVal 01 the appLi.cat1..on. ~ p~ of. the. pool wouLd. be. appJWx1nr:d:..e1v- I ~ ft. fADm the. hOuA.e and 5 µ. 6 .i..n.. þwm the pJWpeAJ:.v. Li..n.e.. t'IM. 'iUt:.lta.JtliA.on. 4e.c.onded. C a.JVÚ..ed. All memheM. exc.ept /I1A.. J UIW!JI.. and (lJA.. S.i..cwttl v iA..i..f..ed the. 4.i..te. frle.eJ:1.ru;;. adjolJJlJ'l.ed at 8: JO 7>. /11. C'{1 vA 1- ù\ \\,^''&~~ (V Y'J~ * .