1979-12-19 c;>7/ 0tf1-ci..o.·L mi..ru.d:.tu of- the QUi!.e.nA.bwr..v- Zo~ ßowrd of- AppeaiA. me.e:I:1.n.g.. heLd. iJer..em6vc. 19, 1979 at 7: JO 7> .m. membeM. 7' J/.JVJ.eni.: K Wltam C 01VWJe.LL, C hrLuuran. flIa.:t.Avr. 7? eed J er1 J UJt.flvc. S ¡,oenlje. 7?i..chtuu1.4on Ûan. ý4/i-n C kuJ..eA. S.i..cr.urd A b4eni:.: ÝeoN}e. K wwMka ÝeoN}e. LiDfe/J. S :f.atl-: Le.t1f}Ui!. ot fl/OfMJl Vo:teM. Ob4e.JtVeA.: Sue. ýodJ. On a mown b!f ~. 5.i..cr.urd the. m.i..n.uJ:.eA. of f:Áe. Novembvc. 21, 1979 me~ wvc.e apPJWVed. fJ1A.. J UJt.flvc. -1.ec.onded. C aNÚ..ed. N eJj) BUAi..n.eA.4: V~e #653 - LLovd He.l.nwt 19 Blvd. C -I Zone Itht.. 7? 7> i.:hran appeJ:Ur£tl 1I£fA.e4~ !fur.. H el.nnn. V~e bJ opeÆLte. a mobJ~ and IJJl.OWmOb.i..le. 4Cl.leA. and JIJ!!.(XLiir. 4Aop. f!ur.. L.i..ape/J. ~ the. V~ ~~ tOA. cl.wti..:4. fnJt. S.i..cr.urd i.nr¿.uùr.ed abouJ:. the. a.m.ounl:. ot bUAi..n.eM bJ be. conrlm::ted ou:l:Ai.rle ot i:.k pJV!.lTli..4e/J. bui..1.rl1.n.rJ... fJ1A.. 'P i..:f.nan 4f1:Lf.£r1 i:lmt theJI..e. would be. an. ouhloolt d.U.pLa.fþ wetLf:Ávc. p~ Aowevvc. the opvw:J:i..on would be. p~ WOOM.. He added that he ku. a ~ V~ appLi.crd:i..on pe.nJi..n.g.. !fur.. S.i..L:rurd ~ abouJ:. the. ouhloOA. d.U.pJ..av. JtL.!.a:f.h,e bJ the d.W.an.ce. pwm the.~. fJ1Jr.. 7' i..i.rrwt 4iated a 4ai:1Afn.c.loJLV- ~ would be lTa.i.n:.I:.aJ.ed. He added that the 4eAJ1.i..c.e a.Jt.eß. will be. LoCß.w .i..n. the 6M.eme.n.t and an. acc.e.44 eni:.Jw.n.ce will be bui..li.. /fur.. JN1.fI.h iJib6Le. appef.Uled .i..n. fn.VOA. ot f:Áe. AppLi.cß:t.i..on and a .Le.i.f.eA. U(td A.l!..CLd pwm Klteb4 9mpeJÙ.O.l Jwr.nll.wr.e. StON!.. aÚ10 in. {avoA.. A.Le.i.f.eA. dated iJet::£Jn.Óvc. 18, 1979 !AJJm f:Áe. Q ue.e.nA.bUA.lf ßeau:f1..µCP.ilon C of1llTli.fb.e. 4i:tLW:1 th.e. pJWTIi.A.e/J. WeJI..e. 4af.i.Afn.c.toJLV- at pJ/.JVJ.en:f:.. c2~ J he J own 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Boa.Itli. JI..eC.O~on tOil appA.OVaL wa.1. JteJ:tL1. J he C oun:J:.v. rp Ú1.nni.n.g. Boa.JUi c.o~ will the J own. PUt.. S 1...cwul rrnde. a mollon lOA. appJWval of the. AppLi..callon will the. .d1.pul.o.llon tAat tlÅ“. AppLi..cant c.on.A.u1t will the. Qu.ee.n.4bllA!f Be.aui...i../i.£DJ:i..on C ornmil::l:.u.. on tui:.wt.e. .i..mpJWVe.- meniA. to the. PJWPvrJ.v.. ~ R e£.d. 4ec.onded.. C aJtIIi..ed.. All ßoa.IIIi. ff/£l'n6eM v.i..Ai..t2.t1 the. 4.i..te. S pec1.D.l 7> eIIJ1ti;J:. #86 - S ambo ' 4 R ~ !)ru:.. C -3 Zone. A v i.J:d:)..on 'i? oad PI. II J Ij). . _ , . ., !/l. wm. ne.uro.nn appe.cur.£.JJ-. Sped.P..l 'PeIIJ1ti;J:. to have ~teJn #12 of Sped.P..l 'PeIIJ1ti;J:. #61 ~ Jeb~ 16, 1977, d~ to enable. the II.M.i:.a.wrP.n bJ LUe ill c.olt{JoNd:.e f/l1J1II!. ''Sambo'4 ReAh:Lww.ni.". fl1J1..o C ol/JlJ/Je.ll expl.a.i..n.ed :tkd. S e.c:/...i.on #/2 deP.Lt will the. name. of the. J/.JVJ.it:J..t.uw.n.;t on'-1f. J he J own 7> l.a.nrri.nt; Boa.Itli. JI..eC.O~on lIKU A.eP..d.. J he C ou.n.tv- 7> Ú1.nni.n.g. Boa.Jrd ~ will the J t)fIJn. Pk. 7?ei.no.nn. g.ave the. AiAbJIUJ of. the. II.M.i:.a.wrP.n c.Ita1.n. anti. the. JW1.4on fOA. the nmne. He dP.te.d the name. "Sambo '4" htu not ~ otheJt. ~ .i..n. othvc. Locrd:1..oM anti. the. u.n.Lf.i.adi-on of name. will ~e blJAi...n.eM due to ad.v~ ~ anti. frunLUwl.li:.!f. He. adrled t.Aat tlr.e.Jr.e. aJI..e. on.4- 2 ~ ~ undvc. the. name. ''Jo./.1v- J.i..g.vc.'~ one ot uIt..i..c.A iA. the one. .i..n. Q Ui!.e.n.46llA!f. mA.. JoA.e/J.t Rob1.M.on appeP..ltl!1l .i..n. opp04U.i..on ~ he. tel:l the. name. "Sambo '4" .i..n.te.JVr£tl an eiJmi..c. iÚwr.. Û ~on tollowed.. (l A.. Le.e 8aJd.on 4pokR.. .i..n. favOA. of the. AppLi.c.al:i..on cu di.d I1Vr.. 7l.....7>i..tnnn.. ftk. C OI'tJl}J)e.ll -Wlter! the. Bo<1.Nl. cannot di.c:fn:J:.£. molllLÚf:.1¡. and the. iM.u..e iA. not 01 c.oMhleNd.i..on at t.Åi.4 ~. ftk. S.i..co.Itd rrm1e a mof1.on t.Aat S edi..on #12 be. de.Le.ted fAOm S pe.ci.fl.l 7> e.JUni.:l #61 . (l A.. J tutn.e.IL 4et:.Onded. C aJVLi.ed. (I ~ aJ.¡oWV/.ed. 8: 45 'P .m. V ¿?>' J""" \ 1 I ,'-) JV