1980-01-16 clY 0lli..ci.al mi.n.ui:.eA 01 :the Qtæ.enA.bWtff Zo~ ßoaAJi. oll/ppeo.lA m£.~ held J~ 16, 1980 at 7:]0 'i'. ftI. K i..JJJwm. [oAJl/l)eL1, [ha.Uvran J ed J tUtnelt SjoeAJi.je 'R~on [Nur1eA. S icrutd ft1a:thelt 'Reed Ûan ýAi.lli.n. S taft: S f..eve L!fAR LefL9.tæ. 01 (//Om£.n VoteM. Ob4eJU1e.tt: Stæ. ýøet.J {r¡embeM. 'i' /teAeni:.: On a moüon bv- ftI/l. Sicrutd, the mi.n.ui:.eA 01 :the ûec.embelt 19, 1979 m£.~ welte app/lOver1. ftI/l. 'Reed 4ec.onded. [CUtlt.i..ed. IV ew ßUA1..n.eM: V wùanc.e #6 Sl¡ - J honrJ./J. ßu.Jr.ke - Wli:.hrlAmvn Special 'i'vunll:. #87 - lJu.nkun'4 ßaV- ßoaf. [0., !}nc.. 'Rf..e. 9L Lak.. ýeo1t9-e 'R-I¡ Zone Special 'i'vunll:. to c.onAhr.uc.J:.. an 1800~. 11:.. a.drLi.üon to an ex~ olti..ce and 4h.OW/lOom. Special 'i'vunll:. /lefjl.dfLÜOM Welte /leV i..ewed. (f¡/l. ý. J honrJ./J. mo~ J/lo 1/ :ti:JLV-. f.o/l the 1/ MOc.iAJ:.i..On, p/teAen.f.etl dMwi..ngA 4h.owÚl.ff the wri:JAi:A ve.lt4i..on 01 the p/lOp04ed aJdi..ti.on M well M a 4i..f..e pLan. and e1evat1..0M. If e expl.o.i..ned the coMhw.ci:i.on pl.a.n.4 and the .If.eMOM IO/l the needer1 expanUon. A l.e:il.e.Il þ'om the 1/ d.úwnr!.ac:.h. 'i' aJLk 1/ f)enc.v- ~ no ~on llKU~. f1'vr.. [ollflJUeLL ~ the I/ppLu:.a.:uon f1UJA1:. onLv c.omp'-!l will the SpeciaL 'i'vunll:.~. tach. li.em llKU cli.A.c.uM.er1. Pk. ftlo!f"1Jrn.n 4i.a1:.erl the bwr.fv.un' 4 ßaV- I/MOC. Cl/le wi..lli.,,!) to c.omp'-!l wi..tÁ anv. Qt.œeJIA.bWtff ßerw1:.i..fi..cai:.i.on C onuni.:l:J:.ee ~e4ÜOM. If e arlJer1 :t.ho..t :the p/lOp04er1 a.d.d..Uion ARp/teAeni.- ed a 15% expanUon of. the p/leex.i.A.f.i.n.f)4peciJtLl lIÍ4e. p/lOpw.V-. If OUM. of. opeJW.i:.1.on., W/ll..c. flow and p~ Welte d..U.cuM.erl. f1'vr.. C OAJl/l)eL1 4iater1 he woul.d I.i.k to 4ee :the l/,1.4oc. rrake an eff.o/li to aL1ev.ú:d.e the f:.M./I1..c. c.onje4:li.on and ~ 4h.o~e 4i..i- un.:tJ..on i..t poM.1.bLe. c:¿f 111A.. t a.1t.l. S ho/lÚb..eveA, an atljo~ p/lOpe/liV- owruvr., appe.ct.lt.eJi. If e pJteM.n.ted a p.id:.wte 4h.ow~ 1:k. p/lOpe.d.i; wh.i..c.h. wi..L1 have a pwri.1.JLl'-!f ob4hu.tcJ:.er1 vi..ew 01 the ßaV- 4h.ould the p/lOp04er1 add; lion /li..4e a d..i.A:f.n.nc.e ÜI. the ai.Jr.. f1'vr.. S i..cJvrd 4i:æterl the '- ZoTÚ.n.fJ. ON1i.rw..n.ce on4 peAJTÙ..iA an e1evat1..on 01 3S µ.. 40 :t.ho..t the p/leAeni /lOOI ek- vat1..on of. 30 /1... wi..LL not be app/leciab'-!l ~er1. PlM.. ftli..i.d.Jwi fJ/ ooJi.n., a ne1..gJr.bo/lÚl.ff p/lOpw.V owneJt, appe.ct.lt.eJi. She ~ M. to i:.Ae ~er1 ~ of. the p/lOp04ed. add1.:1:.1..on aiAo. !In a.d.d..Uion 4h.e cli.A.c.uM.er1 the p/le4eni i:.NLffi..c. ILow and leLt the a.d.d..Uion would fwdh.eIt c.on.jeAt iJr.e a.JU!.Q.. f1'vr.. /!10!f"1Jrn.n expl.o.i..nerl :t.ho..t the pwrp04e 01 the ad.di.:ti..on i..4 to 4~ iJr.e ßouf.1.r¡ue /JWm the boa:t .w..leA. a.JU!.Q. and 4h.ouLd not 4eJU1e to ~e c.Li.eniek. /1ùr.. SalYadoJU?, a ~0Jt, -!poke ÜI. f.aVO/l 01 the I/ppLu:.a.:uon. J he J own 'i' ~ ßO<J..Itd /leConvnentlrd.ion UAU MDd. J he C 0tU1i.J; 'i' ~ ßoaAJl. co~ will the J own'4 app/lOVaL no~ anv new ~ 4h.ouLd not exceed the l..i.m1.i:A. 01 the LaJæ. ýeo~ 'i'aJLk C olTlllÚ.AA1..On. (tJ/lo S icrutd rrade a mown 10/l app/lOVaL of. S pecia.L 'i'vunll:. #87 M. i..t c.onc.UM. will both 'i' ~ ßtXJ.IUÚ. /1ùr.. J WVLeIt 4ec.onded. C 0JULi..ed. II. il ßoaAJl. ftlembeM. v i.A1.1.ed the 4li:.e. v~ #6SS - II.~ 'Ri..c.h.f1-e1.d Colt{J. 52 II. v 1.P.ti..on 'Road C-] Zone ftVt. 'R obt. 'i' Ir.t.i.i. appeJ1./led Si..g.n. V~ to p~ 3 non.c.onf.o~ ~ toiali..n.r; 77 ~. /1... and /lemoVe the peJllTlli.ter1 ~ 4i..g.n. ( not to ext:.eR-d 100 ~. µ.J. /!k. 'i'lai.t MDd a ~ ~ the p/lOp04er1 4i..g.n.~. J he plot pLan and rLrmui..ngA We/le p/teAen.f.etl. lJi..4CJJA/J.i..on 01 the vCl/li..oU/J. 4et.back and exac..t ~ pl.ac.e- fTIIYli.. foLlowed. /!k. f))avne Jutlg,e., Afin.v.. f.o/l /!1eadow 'Run. /JeveLoprnvr:t Colt{J., 4iater1 :t.ho..t the I/ppLù:n.nt AM not met the ~ fO/l a p/levi..otUJ.'-!I ~ v~ M. p/teAent4 tAe.tte ex1AJ:A. on the b~ ~ wh.i..c.h. aA.e obvi..oUAJ.v. ÜI. vi..o/.ati..on o/- the ollliht- anc.e and cute not in. keepÚl.ff will the c.oLon.i..aL mof.i./.f. If e adder1 :t.ho..t he would ~ the ßoattrl i..nJI~e the achm.L d..i.A:f.n.nc.e bei:JJJeen. the new I/vWLon 'Road and the oLd 4ec.ti..on A.ei.a:l:.i..ve to p/lOpelt 4et.bac.k f.ool:.a.g,e. !J.Llwni..m:d.i..n of. iJr.e pAi.c.e ~ on the pole i..4 aiAo objedi..orw.hb.. and t.e.rrJA. to Ob4CWLe the ex~ ß~ Shop 1J.i..g.n.. c1S' (tJ/lo co~ ~ the I/ppl.1..ca:¿¿on be tabl.ed 10/l a month uni:.i..1 the App~ cr.uL b/lÚl.ff the p/lOpelti:¿¡. i.n.to c.omp.li.n.nc.e and 40 that the achuJ.L 4et.bac.k ~ cr.uL be deteJvnJ..n.ed. /!k. Bob 'Ri..cluvuJA., SupelUllAolt. 01 the n.e1..gJr.bo/lÚl.ff (tJi..ni..-(hoppe;r., 4i:.rd.ed that he teLt i..1 iJr.i..4 Va.ILi.P.n.c.e Welte ~ he would aiAo app'-!!/.o/l addu:.i.onJLL 4i.gnA. to be c.ompeili1Jle. fie aiAo teLt :t.ho..t the ~ oN1i.rw..n.ce ~nA. We/le Ndhe/l 4ti..lt and he would .Li.k to 4ee mo/le A.el.axed Mpu1o.ÜOnA.. f1'vr.. 5 û:aIrJ. rrade a moüon to ÚLbb.. the AppLJ cpt) on 10/l one (I) month. 40 that the Appåc.ant nav- comp4 will the 01llÍin.a.nt:.e and to cl..wr1..tv the achu:L1. d..i.A:f.n.nc.e 01 the 4etha.c.hA.. f1'vr.. ý4f1.n. 4ec.ontled. C CUtlt.i..er1. 1/ il ßoaAJl. (tJembeM. v.w.i.ed the 4i..ie. VaJLi.an.ce. #656 - OaA.Ú. 'J'ehwleu.rn 'Rf..e. 9 (r¡.úLeA If i..L1 [-] Zone f1'vr.. J. If of/nwt appeJ:Uter1. Si..g.n. VaJLi.an.ce. to pLac.e a non-c.on.f.oltllÚ.n9- 4i..g.n. c.o~ mo/le than one (I) 4i..g.n. f.o/l a 4h.opp~ c.eni..e.Ito ~. II o/-fnrm. dated the ex.i.A.f.i.n.f) 4.Û}M. wi..L1 be /leTnOVer1 M ÆiA. [ompanv JJi:Al.ye/J. 10/l a c.Len.n, ~ Ú1.fJPui:.. 'J' 1..c::i:.wtJu 4h.ow~ oth.en. OaA.Ú. opeN:J.i:i.OnA. weA.e 4ftown to the ßoaAJl. M. ext1.mp.leA.. A d.trmu~ llKLd aiAo pJr.eA.e.nied 4Aow~ the p/lOp04er1 ~e4. J he Q ueenA.blLlUf ßemd.i..þ.t:aJ.1.on C onuni.:l:J:.ee huA. app/lOVed the 1mu1 4.CYlpi.n.g-. J he p/lOp04ed 4i..g.n. wi..L1 c.omp'-!! in. 1986 when the ON1i.rw..n.ce~. J he total a.It.ea 01 the p/lOpOlJ.ed 4i..g.n. iA 25~. /1... and adveJdiA.eA the f}aIJ- pAi.c.e. !Jt wi..L1 be J..nhvwLl'-!f ~ douhb.. /ac.ed, and behrapi..¡oiJlo.L in. 4ho.pe. ftVt. C OAJl/l)eL1 4iated the S i..g.n. ON1i.rw..n.ce p/lOh.i.b1.i:A. anv f}aIJ- p~ ~ othelt than the 1 /1... ~ 4.Û}M. to be p.lm:.£,d on the pwnp4 bV- State Law. Jhe ßoa.JrJl leLt the 41..gn. could be allowed wi..th.oui:. the pAi.c.e ~ and ~ app/lOVed or the p/lOp04ed. chanrfeA. Jhe Sec.ti..on 01- the Jwon Si..g.n. OIllÍin.a.nt:.e p~ to the I.i.mi..i:n.- wn ot pAi.c.e 4ÍfJ.nA. llKLd MDd. /!k. ýeo~ ýodJ of. 7?a.v- Supp'-!! 4poke in. favO/l 01 hav.i.nt¡ OaMA. [oAf. in. OWl. J own, ftowevelt he teLt he would .I..i..k to 4ee the ex.i.A.f.i.n.f) ZaVA.e 4i.g.n. ARpa..i.ltefl and the p/lOp04er1 4i.p.n co~ M an. ~ 4i..g,n in. vi..ew 01 the OVeM.ll p~ app~ 01 an. a.JU!.Q. wh.i..c.h. .iA. now mod'-!! b.lndd:.op. Ife aM.O 4i:æterl he wouLd .I..i..k d.(, to kwe 40m£. ~e that tAMe i..mp/lOVem£.nÚ wi..L1 ~ be. no.de, and. that the. wpp~ c.e.núA of/eIt a c.on./.oJtJTt1i:1.on of. c.omp.Lû:mc.e will the Si.g.n. ON1i.rw..n.ce in. /986. fruz.. /I of/nan 4iater1 he h.M 4p0ken. wi..tÁ Z~ abouJ:. th.ei.A. ~ M. he ~ the 4i..g.n. .iA. .in ~ 01- ~ and. tlvq¡, ctAe. now f1JJX/JrJ!. thw A.1..p.n. i..4 objeci.i..ono.bLe and. pl.o.n. to do 40~ abouJ:. li.. ftIM.. 5tæ. ýoelJ 4tated the Leag.u.e. 01 Women Vote.M. ~ will the 'i' ~ ßoaAJl. on. tAi..4 LMue.. 1/ .l.ei::J:.en. /ADm Ô. Ôav i..4 ~ oppo41.:ll..on u.aA. MDd. J he J own. 'i' ~ ßoaAJl. /leCO~on. u.aA. MDd. J he C oun.iV 'i' ~ ßO<J..Itd c.o~ wi..tÁ th.ei.A. app/lOVQ.L, will the notrdi..on that the p/lOpO/J.er1 Al.g.n. be pliu:.eJ. behoeen. the polM. 01- the ex.i.A.f.i.n.f) Z~ 4i..g.n.. A mot1.on u.aA. rrade bV ftVt. J tUtne/l f.o/l app/lOVaL 01- the II.pplh:P.ti..on. will the dJpul.t:.t.tLon :t.ho..t the 4i..g.n. be mounted be:l:ween c.oi.J.unM. 01- the. ex.i.A.ün.g. ZaVA£- 4i..g,n and. the LoCJ:d:1..on. to be M 4h.own. on Ô/rI1.Wl.n.g, da1:.ed Jeb~ 2/, /978 will pAi.c1..n.g. n.u.m.6eM. /leTnOVed. and. pAi.c1..n.g. p~ on pump4 ÜI. c.ompLio.n.c.e wUh. the 4i..g.n. o~ S i.rJM. wi..L1 c.omp'-!! in. /986. /1ùr.. S.ú:ruul 4.ec.onderL. C CUtlt.i..er1. Ail ßOfJ..Itfi. membeM. V ~ the 4li:.e.. J he Mopt1..0n. 01- a 4.et. 01 Z on1..n.g. ßoaAJl. 7?ul..tu u.aA. c.oM.1.tle.tterl b!f the. (tJembeM. at t.h.e. c.Lo4e 01- bWJ.i.n.eM. 1 ~ cute taken pwm ''J otrLL (tJodeL 'Rul.eA. Z on1..n.g. J ec.Itn.li:o.L 5 VLi.RA fl. Jhe en:ilAe Apend1.x 11., Sec.ti..on /.01 o/- the Zo~ Jec.Itn.li:o.L SeAi.eA, ÚlA.eAi:i..n.rf 'Qu.e.eM..bWtff anti (l/flA./tJm Coun1.f;" whe/le app/lOplÚD.te. I/KL4 p/lOp04er1. JIte addlt1..on 01 S ed:1..on 2. 08 ~ t.ho.:t a.n.v- membelt ~ i:.lvtu. (]) COM.ec.uil..ve m£.~ wi..th.oui. an excuA.e ~tD.bb.. cu 4O.iiA.þ.c1:.o/lff b!f iJr.e Cha.Uvran, 4h.ail be ARpo/lied to the J own ßO<J..Itd. J he S ~ 4h.ail p1.ve. ~ noti..œ to t.h.e. J own C l..eA.k f.o/l the Jown B~ u.aA. aiA.o p/lOp04ed. Secl1..on. ].0/ 4h.ail MDd "the tÅiJrJ r¡¡~ 01- eac.A /!1onth". P1M. Ri..c.ho.tuúon tirJ.de a mown. the p/lOp04er11UÚ..M. be adopter1 bV the ßfXJJIJi. ftI/lo S.iß:utJl 4ec.onded. C GJVÚ.ed. (tJ~ adjoUltJl.ell at /0:00 f> .(tJ. .2/J-A> ~ D