1980-02-20 «7 011i.daL rni.rude4 0/ :the QueenA.bUJtff Zo~ BoaAd oll/ppeaú m£.e:t.i.n.J; h.eLd Je..Ivtuwr.V- 20, 1980 at 7:]0 'i'. f!1. (r¡embeM. 'P /leAeni:.: I( i..Jr.hh.am C oAJl/l)eLl, C h.a..ùvran J ed J tUtnelt r h.wr.leA S ir.wtd " !1aih.eIt 'R eed S joeAJi.je 'R ~on ,Dan ýAi.lliJI. 5ta//: Steve Lv-nn Leo.gJ.Le 0/ WOm£.n V 0teM. Ob-1.eltve.tt: V Uu¡i.JI.i..a J un.k Old ßUJJ.Ü1.eA4: V aAi.a.nc.e. #6~'i - 1/ tln.n:lic. 7? i..c.h.µe.Ld C OAp . S2 1/ v i..at1..on 'Rd. C-] Zone VcuU.anc.e to pln.c.e. ] non-conf-oJllTli..n.f) ~ totaLi..n.ff 77 ~. It. and /lemove the pe.Alfllitetl 4i.nt¡le. ~ not to exceed 100 Mf. It.. ftI/lo 'i'latt, IA.Om S 4-M 0/ 'P /109/leM, /teAiated the p/lOp04ed ~M iJI. h.i..4 leUe.tt and 4ubmi.i::J:.e¡} dMw.i.n.f)4 4h.ow~ placem£.nt and d.i..mvlA.i..oM. Û ~on followed /lelati..ve to exu~ 4.i.g.nA. wh.i..c.h. wi..lL be t.aken down and/O/l lte(JLn.c.ed. Jhe l/lee ~ ~ ww- out the p~ ftUIIleIIf1.lA lerJ.al. Jhe Jown 'i' ~ BoaAd'4 /leCO~OM We/le /lead. ftI/l. Sir.wtd md.e a mot1..on :that the VcuU.anc.e be app/lOved aLLow.i.n.f) tlur.ee (}) 4i.f;M on :t.h.e bui..Ld.i.n.f). f!1/lo Ý Ai.11 in. 4ec.ondeJ. C rvvti..eJ. New ßUA.i..rteAA: V cur1.a.nc.e #657 - John. K ubA.i..c.kv- & S OM, !J nc.. O//- ßÛ} Boom 'Rd. neJ1./l Hud4.on 'Rivelt (1-1 Zone V cur1.a.nc.e to JJhr1.p top40i..l 10/l /le.w.Le. 'i' ~ 0/ the /lemoval opeJU1.t1..on Welte f)i..ven bV- ftk. [ofl.f)don. /J 4e 0/ :the 40il uxu dJ.A.CU/J.4J.. He eAti..nnted. that :the ~V- iJl.volYer1 would be 2,000 ~. J he 1t£.9ul.at1..0M 01 a /J 4e V cur1.a.nc.e Welte expLr.u..ned to {r¡/lo C ofl.f)don. fk. C O~øl'1. 4iated. he uxu not plte(Jcur.ed nO/l' U he 9rUfLLi/i..ed to rl.ù.pui:£. :the V Cl.ILÙlnc.e 4i:i.pulat1..oM. If e di.rL leeL :that :the lanJ u not 4Ui..h:LbLe f.o/l JtRA.iJ1.enüal U/J.e beCP..UA.e 01 the wateÆ i..n :t.h.e Cl/lea, and :that /lemoval 0/ :the. 40i..l wi..LL not have an adveAA.e eff-ec.i on :the aIlea. .~;y ~8 Noone apperJ.JtRJi i..n oppo4i..t1..on to the V Cl/li..anc.e. 1/ ÛepClA.tm£.nt 01 1/~CJJ.i..i.wte /leConvnentlrd.ion ua4. MDd. 1/ leite.tt þ.om tn. Con llXU JI.eOfl ~ no objec.t1..oM. !fvt. Congdon 4frded peNni.MJ..on fJWm ne.4;hbolLi.n.9 p/lOpeA.i.J¡. owneM. hæl been 40Lic1.J..er1. J he J own and C 0unt.v- rp ~ BocurJ. /leCorrune.ndati..oM We/le Jt.eO.d. f {r¡/lo 5 i..t:.aIt1l nrule a mot1..on 10/l app/lovaL M. c.onc.l.Ul4 will the rp ~ ß~' ~g,eA- ti..oM 10/l l1eed.i.n.rJ pelt the Û ept. 011/ gAi.c.u.Liwr.e 11pec.i..I.Lcrd:.i..oM. ~ ý Ai.1/in. 4ec.onded. Vote: f1'vr.. 1?eed, No; ftI/lo [OAJl/l)eL1, No; rrvr.. Sicrutd, !leA; PIM.. 'R~on, !leA¡ !Ik. ý 4/i.n, !I e4; ftI/l. J tUtneJt, !I eA. C CUtlt.i..ed. 1/ LL ßoaAJl. f!1embeM. v i..4i..ted :the 4i..te. VfliI.ifLnc.e #658 - Ûen.nJ....1 CwJ.eV (WßZI/) é vvriA. II. Venlæ. (tJ-1 Zone U4e Vwr1..an.c.e to pÚt.c.e an a.drLi.t1..on to ol/l..c.e bui.~, 1,600 Mf. µ. Pk. Lee K auþran c.i..ier1 ItwuJA.hi.p 4trLti..n.g.. :that the ] .C. C. ~ a4 well M. noJUTt1.L f)/lOWth necR.M.lia.ted :the need 10/l a.dd.1..ti.oN1.L peM.onneL and fi..Le l1pace. 1/ t :t.AiA poi..n.i:., f1'vr.. C oJUW.JeLL iwtn.er1 :the C ho..ùvno.M.hi.p OVelt to ~ Si..c1vtd bec/l.U/J.e 01 a c.onlli..c.t 0/ ~. JIte 1/JU:Ái..tec:t 4iated p/leex.i.A.f.i.n.f) U/J.e a4 a ItwuJA.hi.p aw. Jhe 4iati..on'4 prvtk- ~ and p/lOp04ed 4et bac.M. Welle explai..n.er1. I/illet.i..c. valtæ. wiLL c.on/OIVTl. and Lo.nJ- 4Ci2pÙlff will be o.d.der1. lJ ~on 01 the d.Ju:w.i.n.f)4 and photof)Nl{JM 10llower1. !Jt ua4. /-eLt tAat the Jr.eW:ientiAL ~ 0/ :the Cl/lea wiLL be nni..nfoi..ner1. J he J own rp ~ BoaAJi. /leCOmrnenrLati..oM We/le MDd. J he lad :that i..t i..4 /leMON1.ble /Me o/- the Lo.nJ and ÜI. keep~ will the Look 01 the p/leAeni. buil..d.i..n.rJ llXU menii..oned. A lAo that the rp ~ Lot i..4 to be moved to :the A.ea/l and ~ will Mflac.e :the bl.£u:.hi.op 110 :that :the bui.~ will act M. a bu/teA. Jone to lteAi..dent:.eA Q.C/lOM the IJi:A.ed. J he C ouni.v- rp ~ ßocurrI. c.o~ will the J own. 1/ Leiielt {JWm 'R.~. No.&.n ÜI. fo-VO/l o/- the Vwri..ant:.e ua4. /lead. No one appervæd i..n oppo4i..t1..on. ~ ýAi.llin. nrule a mot1..on that :the VCl/li..anc.e be app/lOVed M appli..ed. f1'vr.. JtUtne/l 4ec.onded. CCl/lIÙ.ed. 1/ LL ßoaAJl. (tJembeM. vi..4i..ted the 4i..te. ~, (tJ/lo C oAJl/l)eil ~ C ~ o/- the meeti.n.g,. VaAi.anc.e #659 - /Jav.üi l3wtn.u - ~. /.JL>/ BÒ !) nr1.l..ana Ave. / L uJlVI.Æ.'R d. 'R-I¡ Zone Vwùanc.e Î-O/l a 1¡70 Stt. Jt. a.drLi.ti..on to an lIužo ßodV- 'Repaút Shop and JterTWdel.i..n.g 0/ pCl/ll o/- p/leAeni. bui.l.r1i.n.g,. J he a.drLi.ti..on to be cofl.C.ltlde block c.onA.i:.A.J.æi:i.on and pai.ni..ed, 65 /-t. 4etbach þ.om !Jnr1.l..ana llve~, and 105 It. þ.om Lupvme 'Rd. wi..tÁ a 5 µ. 4iJLe liet.bac.k. f1'vr.. f3rvvteA ~ t.kd h.i.A .i.M.wto.n.c.e AaA. been C£Ln.C.elied becaU/J.e o/- the p/lOxi..m.i.4 01 the /WU1/1.ce to :the JJpNLv-Úl.ff aA.ea~ J he a.drLi.ti..on wi..L1 4epa¡w.te :the ¥NL~ pCl/ll 0/ h.i.A opeA.CJ1:.i..on. rp hoto4 welte p/leAen.f.etl 4h.owÚl.ff the 4i..te. (f¡/l. S.Lcrutd dP.tetL t.kd to the bed o/- h.i.A luwwLedg,e i:.Ae p/lOp~ i..4 a,úoa.V4 neat and kept c.Leo.n. Noone appeaA.ed in. opp04i..t1..on. J he J own 'P ~ ßoa.;ul /leConune.nda.tLon llKU A.eCLCl. o .iA.c.t.tAA.i..on o/- the p/lOp04er1 d.i.menA.i..oM an.d bui.~ U/J.e /-ollowed. f1'vr.. S i..cJ:urJ nade a molion /-O/l app/lOVaL a4 i..t c.onc.UM. will the rp ~ Boa.JrJ:l and 4fo.i.£.J. i..t iA an i.mp/lOVemeni 01 ex.i.A.f.i.n.f) U/J.e. 111A.. J tUtnelt 4ec.onder1. C CUtlt.i..er1. All ßoam:l m£.mbeM. vi..4i..ted the 4i..f..e. 5 pec.i..aL rp vuni.J:. #88 - lIa.Jr.IÚA. ßaV- DeveLopm£.n.t C 0lt{J. !/~ ff1aM.na 'R tee 9 L II aII.ItiA. ßaV Lak.. ç eO/l9e, N.!/. 'R-J Zone rp vunll:. to MfLac.e :the C Lu.bhoU/J.e and Deck wi..tÁ new ~. Jhe b~un.d 01 t.h.e 4i..f..e llKU expl.ai..ner1 bV t1k. 'Robed Sf:.ewa.1tJ:.. Jhe new bui.Ld- Ùlf}. wi..ll be 0/ Lot) c.onA.i:.A.J.æi:i.on (Ji..mbeAJlJood). Jhe U/J.e will be 4ea40nt:LL wW an apa.Jthn.ent. 10/l 4unurte/l 0c.c.upWtC.!f o/- a .LiYe i..n ~e/lo J he ei.eYat1..oM and d.i.menA.i..oM We/le r:liA.CU/J.4ed. 5 i..f)n. ~e llKU expLai..n.ed. J he pl.r.tnA. Ül.c.Lude 4i..gM. wh.i..c.h. c.on.f.OMl to oNl.i..n.a.n.c.e. J he Q tæ.enA.bUltff ßea.uii..fh:,a.ti..on C ommi.Hee app/lOval h.a4 been applied to/lo 30 J he J own and Countv- 'i' ~ ßoaAJl. /lec.O~t1..oM Welte MDd. (f¡/lo IICl.IUlff 'i'ulvelt appeD./led to i.nApec.t :the cLwwi..ngA. and pl.a.nA.. (tJ/l. Dan ýAi./li.n. rrade a mown thn.t the Sped.PL 'i'vunll:. be app/lOVed M. ~. (f¡/lo S.i.cfuId 4ec.onder1. C G.ItIti..er1. 1/ il ßCXJ.JU1 (tJembeM. vi.Ai..te.tL the 4i..f..e. SpeciaL 'i'vunll:. #89 - S OfT¥1.lt 1/ ut.o !Jntl.uA.We4, !Jnc.. Jutl K ole lJi.n.oL II. v.úz.ti..on 7? d. C -2, ] Zone 'i'vunll:. to paM velú..c1eA. /-O/l /leA11.b... Sale 01 the velú..c1eA. wi..ll be bV- Ife/liJ on Di.x I/ventæ.. Jhe pIWp04ed p~ Ilpac.e wi..LL be /lenied out.. "Jhe/le cute no c.h.o.nrfe4 ani:.icipater1 in. the ex.i.A.f.i.n.f) btlA.Ûl.eM nO/l wi..LL :the/le be anv 4i..g.n. va.M.u..f.J..OM. JJrfLIfl..c. waA. ri1A.c.uM.eA. 1~1V1. 'R~on 4i:æterl thn.t in. a c.of1V1l.e./lCi.aL pln.Ja Jone., U/J.ed CD./l lolA wr.e. not peAlfli.:l:J:.ed. J he ßoaAJl. tell i..t would not be állowabLe to 4.ilpulai:.£.. the ruunbelt 01 c.a.M. to be. 4toA.erl on :the p/lOpeAi:.v. J heV aiAo leU tkzt a one (I) VeJ1./l tJ.m.e Lùn1.J:. 4h.ouLd be put. on the 5 pec.i..aL 'i' eJtJni.t. Jhe appLi..cmtt 4iated :that i..t iA h.iA wu:l~ that at aLL tJ.m.e4 :the c.a.M. wi..L1 be able to be moved wu:lelt thei../l own pOWelt and If w.J wiLL be 0M.W11l.nfJ f.u11- 1LeAp0Ml..bi..LuV- /-O/l 4h.owÚl.ff anti 4eili..n.fJ- the c.a.M.. J he J own anti Countv- 'P~. ß~' /leCOrrme.nrkdi.oM We/le Jr.eD.d, a4 well a4 a .le:f.i:.eA. Pwm the Q tæ.eMbWtff ßeaui:.1.lLcP-ti..on C onrni..tiee. ftI/lo S 1.t:.aÆl rro.d.e a mot1..on that SpeciaL 'i'vunll:. #89 be app/lOVer1 10/l a peJti..od 01 one (I) !feD.It M. appli..ed. f1'vr.. Jwr.n.eIt 4ec.onder1. fl1IV1. 'R~on voted No. (tJolion cruuri..ed. 1/ LL ßtXJ.Itd (f¡embeM. vi..4i..ted the 4i..te. (f¡eetl.ntJ ad.¡,oWtfl.eti at 9: I¡S 'i' .m. .~J pre I ... A,V. ,",,, b.·" ~.... ""(/"'-", ~/t ~r 31,t¡ ,...., . ~,..<# r~ - ''''. ·ø· . )..;::-;',... ',. « I , ~\~ .~¥'~ ~." ,..",~,"