1980-03-19 31 O//i..ci.aL mi..rw:l:.£A 01 :the (?~enA.bWtff Zo~ ßoaAJl. 01' I/ppealA me~ heLd !'kuu:.h 19, /980 at 7:}O p.m. (f¡embeM. rp /teAent: K uJJtam C OA.nJJJeLL, C h.aJJuran J ed J tUtne/l Sþvdje 'R~on C kuJ..u S i.crvul. trJathelt 'R eed lJ an Ý Ai.f /,i..n. 'R. r a4e 'P Ai.m£. '" Lew¡tæ. oflJ/ omen V 0:ée.M. Ob4e1tVe.tt: ßetA éd.wcuz.dA S :&/1: On a mown bV /lk. S i..crurtl, 5 ec.onded bV /lJ/lo ýAi.Iµ.n. S leve Ly.nn :the mi.n.ui:.eA 01 :the Jeb/l.lJ/'.Ul.ff 22, 1980 rn£.~ welte app/lOved. New BUA.i..n.MA: V Cl.II.i.am:.e #661 - Ý UJJ.ia1 If. (1~beJt9- 39 é Ve/lÚ 1/ Venlæ. 'R-I¡ Zone V wr.iA.nc..e to WJ.e an ex~ ~e 10/l wN19-e, 1lefa.Ur. and d..i.A.Wbui:.i..on. ceni.eIt fOil /lenh:t1 0/ mUJJ.i..c. fTaCÁln.e4. (fl.//.. C ollflJUeLL r¿.U£A:li.oned f1'vr.. m~b~ on h.i..4 1/ ppl..u:.ati..on. J he ex~ U/J.e 01 the p/lOpelli..v- and the p/lOp04ed U/J.e 0/ :the t)wra.g,e We/le d.i.Ac.UJJ.4u. (tJ/lo (f¡~tVl9 4iater1 :the/le wouLd be no ou:1M..de 4WlW.f)e and onLv one (I) veh.i..c1e. wouLd be U/J.er1. J he Cl/leQ. on the o:the/l 4.ù:Le of éveXf.A. Avenlæ. iA Joned i..n.dUA.i:Ai.aL. No non c.on/o~ ~ wi..LL be nec.e.IiM.UIJf. (f¡/lo (!]~tVl9 woulJ. be :the on'-!f empLovee will hi..4 fmni-'-!f ~. (f¡/lo Si..a.urJ. 4UtJ9-eAted that the horn£. oc£.u.pat1..on JtJ.Lle would app/.v.. íJi..4CJJA/J.i..on lollowed. No one apperlJtell ÜI. oppo4i.i:.i...on. /f¡/lo rp Ai.m£. 4iater1 that peMap4 a Lirn.iú.d peARLi.t be f)AOJ1i..- ed and the need ~er1 a{f..e/l tAiA pvU.od eLap4eA. 9\0111.11M..) J he J own¡\ßoaÑ1 /lec.otrllTl£J7fled d.i.ÆJpp/lOVaL 0/ the V wr.i..anc..e M no kurdMi.p IIXU 4h.own and i..t would diA.Jwpt a 1I.RAi.rLe.n:liaL ne.i..g.hboMood. (f¡/l. S i..a.urJ. made a mown /O/l app/lOVaL wi..th :the .ú.i..pul.ai:i..on :that anv- expan4i..on be /leYi..ewed bV- the Zo~ ßoaAJl. oll/ppeo.lA a/telt one (I) Vea/lo S~ to be Lirn.iú.d to the home oc.c.upati..on /lLde. S ec.onder1 bV- f1'vr.. rp Ai.m£.. C WUt.Led. I/U membeM. v i..4i..ted :the 4i..f..e. '-- ,)2 V G.lti.n..nc.e #662 - ff04eph C oc.o J Ja éMt Side 'Roui:.e 9 C -] Zone V ClA.i..anc.e to place a non c.onlolllTli..n{; 4i..g.n. at :the J otem (tJof..eL, ~ and éxxon - ÝM. Siati..on. J he exiAi:.1..ng. ~ We/le placer1 bV the i.enrLni:A. who leM.ed :the P/lOpvr.f.v. /JWm /!k. C oc.oJ~. f1'vr.. C oc.oJ$-a 4i:ated he wan.i:A. to /lemoVe :theAe 4i..f)M and ARp~ them will a 4Úl.ffle 4i..g.n.. J he name 0/ the motel wi..LL c.h.OJI{fe and the Cl/leD. will be c.leo.ner1 and /le4toÆed to Æe{.lec.t a mo/le et/i..c.i..eni opvwil.on. f1'vr.. C OAJl/l)ell 4to.ted :that poMi..b4 no VClA.i..anc.e woulrL be nec.eM.a/llj. ÛiAcuM.i..on lollowed. !Jt wcu :the deciA.i..on o/- the ßOG..IlIi that no ac:li..on 4h.oulrL be taken and f1'vr.. C oc.oJJa' 4 lee 4h.oul.d be /letunded. V ClA.i..anc.e i..4 not neceAAf1..lt!f. S ped..aL 'i' eJUni.t II 90 - 'JIi..l.Li.mn. 'RU/J.M Wed S i..d.e 'R oui:.e 9 c-] Zone SfJ£c.i..aL 'i'vunll:. to c.onAhr.uc.J:.. and opeMi:.e a ýo-(ad conc.eA4i..on. f1'vr.. 'RUM.O did not appeßA.o J he ßoaAJl. c.ondu.ct.ed the puhLic hefLll.i.nrf po/lii..on 01 :the I/ppLico.ti..on. J he 10ilowÚl.ff pe.lt40M apperut.R1l. i..n oppo4i..ti..on: f1'vr.. ÝU/J. ßech.uA. ownelt 01 the ftlon!h:D.!.m. 'ReJ.a.ww.nt f1'vr.. 9.ùn fthhali..c. ownelt 01 the (J) ~ Well (tJoteL /Ik. lJavi.d K en.n.v ownelt 0/ the. S i:JlA. and If i..gJuuaV If 04t (tJof..elA frvt. J04eph C oc.oJJa ownelt 0/ the Joi:.um ftloteL (tJ/lo 'Rutlv- JN1Rlpo4c.h. ne1..gJr.bolli.n.g, home ownelt l1Vt.. lJ on fJ/ h.i..te ownelt 0/ S rraLL fJI oA.i.d S hOp4 Pk. ýe0ll9-e S f:J:ur.h ownelt 01 the (tJ0Aú::an. (tJoteL /Ik. J om f)/ Cl/lne.It ownelt o/- the K i..nf) Ýeo~ C abi..M frvt.. (tJike S m1..i:lt ne1..ffh.bo~ home OWne/l (f¡od 01 the Objec.ti..oM Welte .1.if1.ted M a I.n.c.k 01 pl.a.n.4 and dAmu~ noiAe and v iAuo.1 pol1..uii..on, not ke.ep~ wi..tÁ the ne4hboMood ckuraci.vr., and c.o~ an Cl/leD. haJJaAJi.. J he J own BOG.Itfi /leCOrrvræ..ndat1..oM We/le MDd. J he C ou.ni.!J 'i' ~ ßOG.Itfi con.c.JJ..lUt.e£i will the J own. f!1.tt.. J tUtne.It rrade a molion 10/l d.i.Ao.pp/lOVaL. fl1M.. 'R1..c.hwrt:IA.on 4ec.onded. C CUtlt.i..ed S pec.i..aL 'i'vunli:. denJ...ed. 33 VaJLi.an.c.e # 663 - S c.oil (!Jc.LaugALi..n. 'RotdR.. 9L 'R-] Zone Va..IÚ.allt:.e to ~e b!f S{fIo, an ex..i.AJ:1.ru;, non-c.onlo~ b~. ftk. (!Jc.l~Li.n. expl.ai..n.ed :t.ho..t the p/lOpe.d.i; haA been UA.ed a4 a bUAi.neM. /-O/l ~ !feD.I'A and f:.kd tAi..4 i..4 the 1i.Mi:.. f:J.me i..t will be expander1. II e added f:.kd the bui,Ldi..n.[} wiLL be U/J.er1 mo4l4 l.o/l do~e. S ani..ia/lV 1ac.i..l1.i.i..eA We/le rl.i..A.c.uAA.eA. J he Q/l.££.M.bUlllJ ßerw1:.i..fl.ca.ti..on C ommi.:l:1:.e.e AM been c.onA.U.iJ:.er1 and I-e.nd.n.rf hrM. been pl.r.u:.e.d to 4C.Ile.en the p/lOpvri.y. þwm the JtOCUl. /Ji.A.CUJJ.4i..on o/- dúne.nA.i..onA. and p/lOp04er1 4eibac.ÞA. followed. Jhe omli.nan.c.e aL1ow4 expan4i..on 01 not mo/le than Sd%. J he J own and C ouni:J¡. rp ~ ßoaAJl.' 4 /leCOrrtTæ.Nlati..oM We/le /lead. Noone appe£Llt.J!Jl ÜI. oppo4i..ti..on. (f¡/l. ý4ti..n rrade a moUon /.o/l app/lOVaL M appli..er1, and the Q/l.££.M.bWtff ßeatdi../-1.adi..on C omm1.Jd:.ee be c.onA.U.iJ:.er1 and theút. /leCOrrtTæ.Nlati..OnA. be c.oM.i.tl.vr.ed bV the I/ppl.i..cø..n.t. frvr.. Si.cr1.lu1 4ec.ondeJ. CCUtlt.i..ed. I/LL ßowrd membeM. wi..tÁ the exc.ept1..on o/- /!k. rp Ai.m£. vi..4i..ted the 4Ue. (!Je~ ad¡otUtned at 9: II rp .m. ~r~, \~g1) - -.