Water & Sewer Engineering Report
Engineering Report
Water and Sanitary Sewer
Queensbury Imaging
Prepared For
GIWILU Properties, LLC
18 Division Street, Suite 401
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Prepared By
The LA Group, P.C.
40 Long Alley
Saratoga Springs, New York 12866
August 14, 2020
Engineering Report Queensbury Imaging
Carey Road, Queensbury, NY
The proposed Project is located at the intersection of Carey Road and Corinth Road in the Town
of Queensbury, NY.
The Project involves the construction of a +/-18,200 square foot medical office building and
associated parking area. It is assumed the medical office will have up to (10) employees and (1)
doctor. In addition, there will be up to 8,000 s.f. of leasable space.
The water service for domestic and fire protection will be provided by the Town of Queensbury
municipal water main in Carey Road. Sanitary sewer collection will be accepted by the Town of
Queensbury municipal sewer system in Corinth Road.
II. Existing Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities
Municipal water service along Carey and Corinth Road is provided by the Town of Queensbury.
An 8-inch ductile iron pipe water main is located along the west side of Carey Road. An existing
8-inch tee to the site is located approximately 100-feet south of the intersection with Corinth
Street. Per discussions with Town staff water pressure in this area is around 120 psi.
A municipal sanitary forcemain, owned and operated by the Town of Queensbury, is located
-11 sanitary forcemain is located on the south
side -feet east of the
intersection with Carey Road. Per discussions with Town staff there are no sewer capacity issues
within this area.
III. Projected Water and Wastewater Flows
Table 1 below provides information on the anticipated average potable water use and wastewater
flow rates for the Project in gallons per day (gpd). Water use and wastewater flow are estimated
to be equal for this study.
Table 1: Estimated Water and Wastewater Flows
Description Use Rate Total Use
(1) Doctor 250 gpd/doctor 250 gpd
(10) Employees 15 gpd/seat 150 gpd
(8,000 s.f.) Commercial 0.1 gpd/s.f.
800 gpd
Total1,200 gpd
Engineering Report Queensbury Imaging
Carey Road, Queensbury, NY
IV. Proposed Water and Wastewater Utilities
Proposed Potable Water Utilities
The existing
service will provide domestic and fire protection to the building. The building will be
sprinklered which based on ISO Guide for Determination of Needed Fire Flow a building
protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system shall have an NFF of 1,000 gpm at 20 psi for a
duration of 2 hours. A backflow preventor will be provided inside the building.
Proposed Wastewater Utilities
The building sanitary wastewater will gravity flow to a new on-site E-One grinder pump. The
pump station discharge will be by sanitary forcemain to the existing 1-
along Corinth Road.
[[300,1506,371,1554][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]1. [[331,1506,381,1554][10][,I,][Arial]] [[393,1506,652,1554][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]From Table B [[628,1506,678,1554][10][,I,][Times
New Roman]]- [[642,1506,982,1554][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]3, NYSDEC 2014 [[942,1506,1855,1554][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]Design Standards for Wastewater Treatment Works. [[1815,1506,1865,1554][10
][,I,][Times New Roman]]
[[300,1561,371,1609][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]2. [[331,1561,381,1609][10][,I,][Arial]] [[393,1561,1732,1609][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]From Figure 1, GLUMRB Recommended Standards for
Wastewater Facilities [[1698,1561,1748,1609][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]
[[427,1616,1533,1664][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]Q = (18 + P ½) ÷ (4 + P ½) where P = population in thousands [[1500,1616,1550,1664][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]
[[300,1671,371,1719][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]3. [[331,1671,381,1719][10][,I,][Arial]] [[393,1671,1496,1719][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]From Table XV Community Water Systems Source
Book, Ameen [[1467,1671,1517,1719][10][,I,][Times New Roman]] [[1477,1671,2102,1719][10][,I,][Times New Roman]](40,000 sf x 0.2 gpm/100 sf floor ar [[2069,1671,2119,1719][10][,I,][Times
New Roman]]e [[2087,1671,2137,1719][10][,I,][Times New Roman]]a