1986-04-16 ¡J Meeting of the Queensbury Zoning Board of ~ppeals held Wednesday, April 16, 1986 7:30 P.M. '............ Present: Mr. Behr, Mrw Griffin, Mrs. Goetz, Mr. Turner, Mr. Sicard and Mr. Kelley. Absent: Mr. Muller 'B'irst i tern on the agenda was the approval 0 f the February and March, 1986 minutes. Motion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by Mr. Kelley, all voting affi rmat i vely , it was RESOLTED THM~ the minutes of the February meeting were approved as corrected. Motion by Mr; Sicard, seconded by iJIrs. Goetz, all vo t ing affirraatively, iti.rras RESOLV1~D THAT the minutes of the March, 1986 meeting ,,{ere approved as corrected. OTJD BUSINmSS '- V ARIA1'TC 0) i'fO. 1054 - i-Iarvey re. )\1aille, north side Rout e 1 49 east of Route 9L. This was a rehearing of Variance No. 1054. An amendment to be a 250 ft ~ setback [rOJ11 the southern boundary which is Route 149~ ~ttorney Nealon stated that he talked with his client and he was in agreement to this amendment. Motion by Mrs. Goetz, seconded by Mr. Turner, all voting affirmatively, it was RESOIJVBD THAT Variance No. 1054 be approved as amended. Commercial activity will be limited to those lands lying within 250 ft. from Route 149~ The balance of the property will remain residential~ Approved~ NEW BTJSIW1!JSS ~ VARIA~CE NO~ 1061~ Wayne A. Mechanick, 16 Columbia Avenue - to continue to operate an auto repair shop in Urban ~ú 2 'Residential 1 0 ~one: ~ qepresented by the owner, Wayne Mechanick and Attorney Garfield Raymond. ~ttorney Raymond stated this property has been used as an auto repair shop for many years. Property purchased l)y He. Mechanick in 1976. Trial was held recently because of a complaint by a neighbor. At the time of the trial, ,Jud ge Bacas told them they should apply for a Use Variance. <Judge Bacas also indicated he thought the Variance should be granted because of the length of time the shop has been there and the fact that there are many related businesses in the area~ Mr. Turner inquired who the previous owner was. 'Raymond stated Mr. Howard Ladd was the previous Attorney o'Ñner. Mr~ Behr stated the problem was not the shop itself but the junk in the yard surrounding the shop~ The day Mr~ Behr visited the site there were 20+ cars, a pile of wheel rims and even an old truck body and flat bed trailer, etc. Mr. Behr suggested that perhaps if this junk were cleaned up it might help~ 1'1r~Turner stated when he was there, the junlc had been cleaned up~ ........, Mr~ Turner asked if it was the owner's intent to fence in the area to which Attorney 'Raymond respon(led i twas. This subject will be addressed at a later date. Public Hearing Open. Mr. James Hermance stated in the 40 years he has lived at this location there has never been a junk yard or an auto repair shop; He also is concerned about the added traffic. Mrs~ Hermance stated she believes her property will depreciate in value. Mr. and Mrs; Hermance both believe the juak will return and the property will look as bad or worse than it did. Mr. 'Rick Moon purchased property in the area, at the corner of Feld and Nathan, about a year ago with the intention of fixing it up and reselling it~ Mr~ Moon stated had he known this was going to happen he would not have purchased this property: Mr~ Moon has cleaned up his property and he hopes the town will take measures to clean up the rest of the property in this area~ .,---, 3 81 ''"- 1\ïr ~ Kenneth Mosher, Hovvard Street, vlest Glens Falls stated there was in fact a Used Car Lot at this location and that Mr ~ Ladd did in fact repair some cars~ He has bOl.1.ght and sold many cars to lJIr~ JJadd when Mr. Ladd owned the business. Mr~ Mosher's comments were unsolicited. He was at the meeting for his own variance hearing. Public Hearing Closed. ~ttorney Raymond stated his client would accept any stipulations the board requests since this business is his livelihood~ Mr. Sicard suggested a one year trial for this Variance. Property must be kept clean and only 4 car s along 'Ñi th personal vehicles (3) be kept on property. Motion by Mr~ Kelley, seconded by Mr. Sicard, one negative vote (Mr. Behr), it was RBSOTJV8]n rrfiA.T Variancel'ifo. 1061 be approved because a specific hardship has been proven in that Mr. Mechanick makes his li ving in the garage ane} there has been Gestimony that the same kind of preexisting use existed when he "--- purchased the property. Thi s would not be detrimental to the ordinance ~ It is a preexi sti ng, no ncon forming use. There will be three stipulations: 1. That visible from the outside the customer cars will be limited to 4. 2. There will be a one year limitation to this Variance. If Mr. Mechanlck can conform to the Variance for one year with no problems The Zoning Board will reconsider a Variance with no time limit at the end of that year. 3~ The fence that should remain is the TJ shaped fence behind the garage. Car parts should be stored within this L shaped fence. Approved~ VARIANCE NO. 1062 - David and Melanie Wrye, Lot 30, Fox Road off Upper Ridge Road - to construct a single family dwelling with less than the required 50 ft. setbacks required in Land Conservation 4~ ~cre Zone. Represented by the owner, Mr. David Wrye~ Similar Variances have been granted previously to others in this subdivision~ "-- 4 83 '- Mr ~ Sicard i n'1ui red whether thi s setback would comply with other setbacks in this subdivision: The answer from Mr. Wrye was affirffiative~ Public Heari ng Opened and Closed, wi th no comment from Public ~ Warren County Planning Board approved. Motion by Mr ~ 8 i(:a1'd, seeonded byr'[r 8. Goet'~, ;1.11 voting affirmatively, it was RESOLVED THAT Variance No ~ 1062 be approved. There is a practical diffieu.l by in that these 8.re pr~:Hlesignated lots made previous to the adoption of this ordinance. The proposed set;1)acks comply with others in the neighborhood. l{p.provecL VARIåNCE NO. 1063 - David ìVilliams, north side Dream Lake Road - to construct a two-car detached garage with 22 ft. front setbaek in lieu of the reQuired 30 ft. front setback. Represented by the owner, Mr~ Williams~ ',,--- Mr~ Behr asked if business will be conducted in this garage. Mr~ Williams said no business will be conducted on the property. The garage will be 28 x 40 ft~ Mr~ Sicard asked if present building will be removed~ Mr~ Wïlliams stated not now but possibly in the near future~ ~il('~ (}riffin asked well 8.8 vehicles. if garage would be used for storage as WIre il[illiarns replied yes. Public Hearing Opened~ Mr~ Richard Kilmartin stated that Mr. Williams is running a Used Car Lot and that he also repairs (':ars. He stA.ted. he is in the farming business and he can never get by this piece of property i,vi th his tractor because there are always sevel'al cars in the road. WIrs; Barbara Kilmartin is concerned about the cars from this property raeing up and down the road~ ."--"' ~{r; Kilmart in stated he wo rks with a gentleman that purchased a car from Mr~ Williams last fall. There was also 5 11 a sign on existi'1.g 1)llild.ing (garage) advertising business. '-' Mr: Williams responded to these statements by saying he di d have a used car lot which he lost~ He said there were cars there but that they are now gone. He also stated he never parks cars in road unless he is plowing (snow). Mr; Turner QuestLO'1.C3d\rrhether there had been a sign up stating used car business to which Mr: Williams stated the state reQuired si gn: T1:e also stated there has never been any ~repair ,¡york done there: Mrs. Goetz inquired whether Hr. 1,Hlliams was aware he could not run a business in a residential district. TJIr. ìVilliams stated he understood. Mr. Behr inquired if Mr. Williams had a State Inspection license. Mr~ Williams responded no he did not. Mr. Kilmartin stated he could give the Board the name of the mechanic who works for Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams responded that the ol'lly repairs done IJlJere to his son's car which was in a accident. Public Hearing Closed. ',---, Motion by Mr: Griffin, seconded by Mr~ Sicard, one negative vote (fJIrs :10etz), it\!yas RESOLVED THAT Variance No: 1063 be approved~ They have (leìnonstrate(l practical difficulty in that construction of this garage Or1 0 ther parts of the property would be in the wetland s~ Approved: VARIANCE NO ~ 1064 - Kenneth and Dora 1\[0 sher, H(Hmrd Str eet - to divide property into two (2) lots of 15,000 SQ. ft. each in lieu of the required 20 ~OOO sq: ft: per lot in Suburban Residentia120 Zone: Represented by Kenneth Mosher, the owner. Mr: Turner asked if Mr: Mosher was going to put a trailer on this property to which he resporuled yes: Mr~ Kelley asked if all other setbacks will be met. Mr. '---' Mosher stated that there is ample room for all other 6 70 setbacks to be met~ '-" Public T{earing Ope'1.ed.~ A letter from Mr. David Eastwood was read. His only concern was whether there was town water on the property: There is, so he has no problem with the division~ Public Hearing Closed~ Motion by Mr ~ Sicard, seconded by I1r. Turner, all vat i ng affirmatively; it was -qHJ30TJìTED THA'r Variance No~ 1064 be approved~ There is a practical difficul ty in that the lots in this area are anticipated GO be set IIp by thf3 TOI,vrl Board for mobile homes. The other lots on this street are under 20,000 sq. ft~ This will not be detrimental to the nf3:Lghborhooc1. i\PlJi~oved. : ',--- V~~IÆNCE NO~ 1065 - Keith and Cherie Coe, on Glen Lake off Birdsall Road - to construct a one-family dwelling with less than the requiretl 30,000 sq. ft~ and on property that does not front on a public right-of-way in Single Family Residential 30 Zone~ Represented by Mr~ Keith Coe who will purchase property from Mr~ Cross if Variance passes~ Mr~ Behr stated that there was a feasible alternative because the piece of property next to this lot \rfas available~ Mr~ Coe stated that this piece of property was CO-o\,Vtl8(1 by i3(3verr1l p(30ple in the area to allow them access to the l~{e~ Mr~ Coe's attorney advised him against trying to purchase this property because of the way the deed was wri tljen: 1'tr~ COf3 stated. these people have access and he does not want to assume liability when so many people use this piece of property~ PU.blic Hearing Opened~ rlr: ~nthony Or iSini, Birdsall Road purchased his property in 1968 from ii1r. DuBois~ He is totally opposed, lot is too sm.all. Mr; Bil_l ~aJ_J.~on, "Birdsall ~Road also opposed because lot is too small~ '-- 7 1/ Mr; Tom Valenti, Birdsall Road stated he vloul(l li1ceto see __ proposed house plans first before Variance is granteí}. ~le purchased property from Mr; Coborn~ Concerned where house would be set on property~ :\~r. Sicard said if he has proper setbacks he could build~ Mr; Harley Dewey and 'wife Rita, Birdsall Road both object because lot is too small~ ~r. Don Bettelston stated that the Town of Queensbury told him no one could build on this lot because there is no road~ The lot is too small and he's afr;.::¡,id his property would depreciate if this house is built. A letter was read from Mr. Wïlliam Andrews~ He is also opposed to Variance; It v¡as stated atthi s t irllethat ;JIr; Coe does not actually own the property yet; It is presently owned by Robert and ~Jfary Cross~ The turnaround was brought up and TJIr. Cross stated that it was not a problem to which everyone objected. It was stated that part of this turnaround is ae tiu.ally Oil the lot in question; Long discussion followed on the easement for the turnaround problem; "--.....- Mr~ Kelley inquired; since l\ir~ Valenti owned the house next door to this lot, would he be interested in purchasing this piece of property; Mr; Valenti stated it was a possibility. William and Betty Merritt also oppose because lot is too small 2 They are also concerned about the crowding on the beach: 'Public Hearing Closed~ Warren County Planning Board disapproves which means the Board must have a majority plus one vote to approve. ]\1ot ion by ~'1r. Be hr to deny, seconded by 1VJ:r s ~ Goetz, all voting affirmatively to deny, it was RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1065 be denied on the basis the lot is considerably substandard in size: This iffOlllJ have a detrimental affect on the neighborhood and the setbacks \rrould be difëi.clllt I;o,naintain if a house '\",as (~onstructed on the lot~ '--- 8 92 Denied~ """- VARI~NCE NO. 1066 - Mobile Oil Corp., Route 9/Aviation Road - ~o construct a canopy with a 7 ft. front setback in lieu of required 50 ft~ and 1 2 ft~ side setback in lieu of required 20 ft; in Highway Commercial 15 Zone~ Represented by Attorney ,John Carusone and T10bile Oil representative, Arleny Burrios~ Attorney Carusone explained the existing station bulldlngÎ.s to be demolished and ì.rrill be replaced by a convenient stor'e wi th sale of gas. There will be no service station~ Planning Eo'.:¡,rrl prop003C,1(1 !1lOving one gas islancÌ off Route 9 be moved due north which has been accepted by Mobile: Attorney C!.:¡,rnsone pointed out that no matter where you place the hui lrÌ L ng on thi s PI' operty there will be setback pr oblems. f1r ~ Behr stated he was concerned about the traffic coming and going. ~ttorney Caruso ne stated there really was no way of situating the building to improve ingress or egress. Discussion followed on the placement of the buildi ng and canopy for gas pUJtlps. "-' Public Hearing Opened and Closed, with no comment from Public~ IN'arren County Planning BoaI'ci approved ~ Traffic patterns were agai n di sCl.li3sed: Motion by Mr. Sicard, seconded by Mrs. Goetz, all voting affirmatively; it was RB80TJVRD rraA!i~ Variance,\fo~ 1066 be approved. There is a hardship: There is no other location available to put building~ New York State took much of the property by eminent domain: The conditions of the Queensbury Planni'1.g Board will apply to this Variance relavent to Route 9 ~'I ." <:7r "" ,., S fA <:7r e SS 1 .. 1..1 0"-' oJ \ I -J (::>' J 1 . A.ppl'OVl'1rl ~ VA~IANC~ NO: 1067 - Mobile Oil Corp., Route 9 at Exit 20 - to construct a canopy at 17 ft~ front setback in lieu of the re~uired 50 ft~ setback. ~ Represented by Attorney John Carusone and 1'10bile Oil representative, Arleny Burrios~ ',-" Attorney Carusone stated the eanopy efficient than the umbrella canopy. better lighting and \YÌ 11 offer more for the eustomers~ proposed is much more New canopy will have protection from weather Long discussion on 14 ft~ canopy versus 17 ft~ canopy~ Public Hearing Opened~ Mr~ and Mrs~ Jones, owners of the motel tobhe ~orbh Or the station; represented by Attorney JVI ~ 0' Con!1o r; ~ttorney O'Connor stated they are not necessarily opposed but would like to see the s(~t1)ack ::;d ~O ft ~ instead of 17 ft~ Their main concern is having thert:' sign visible~ Public Hearing Closed~ 1.,yarren County Planning Board recoirlfl1en(led smaller canopy that will stay within approximate setback of existing umbrella along highw'ay andu.t il iZ8 :3111all eanopy. '",--, TJIotion by Mr. Behr, seconded by rJIr ~ Turner, all voting affirmatively, it was RESOLVED THAT Variance No. 1067 be approved, since it will not be detrimental to the neighborhood and recoífirllei1cl that the same stipulation as the Warren County Planning Board ,ue n1~ 1. 0 n8 d. () (-3LI1C or po r at eel . lI.pproverl ~ VARIANCE NO~ 1068 - Mobile Oil Corp~, south side Corinth Hoad U''[ain Street) - to construct a canopy at 4 ft ~ setback from front property line~ Represented by Attorney John Carusone and TJIobile Oil representative, Arleny Burrios~ Mr: Behr stated his from the curbline; sidewalks there anù the area. concer~s t,rL th canopy 1H~i>1g only if ft. Attorney Carusone stated there are no there are several o'cher gas stations in '........... Public Hearing Opened and Closed, with no comment from Public~ 9 73 10 9'1 Warren County Planning Board approved. ',-, Motion by Mr~ Sicard; seconderi by T1J:rs.8-oetz, one negative vote (Mr. Behr), it was RESOLVED THAT Variance No~ 1068 be approved~ There is a practical difficulty i nthat the i3tatLon anli the pl.lmpS have a close proximity to the road and this is a smaller canopy~ Approved~ VARIANCE NO~ 1069 - Marcel Demeri3 (Queensbury Automotive Center)~ Lafayette Street - to place a free-standing sign 3 ft: from property line in lieu of the required 15 ft. setback from property lines~ Represented by the owner, Marcel Demers~ '- Sign is to be approximately 9 :ft~ tall and to be placed 2 t't~ t'ro;n property line~ r<Tr~ Demers has also requested that Niagra Mohawk permit him to use their property for this sign: He shou..ll hear frOi!l thern i.n (jhe ned:; eel" \r'Teelcs. If the sign is placed further back on property it cannot be seen from Quaker Road~ Public Hearing Opened and Closed, v¡i.l::;h r10 l~(),l}.(lent t'rOr!l Public~ Warren County Planning Board approved. 11J:otion by Mr~ Griffin, seconded by ]\lr~ Behr, all voting affirmatively, it '4as i'1.fTI30TJlmD TFlt\.T Variance No. 1069 be approved~ The practical difficulty is there is no other position on the property thaÎj \<Toul<l keep it fror!l l.)eing blocked by the Niagra Mohawk poles~ The applicant has contacted Niagra Mohawk to put it on their right-of-'.vay. åpprovec1~ VA.RI~l'ifCF, TW2 1070 - David ROlleston/Julie Harrington, Lot 17 Lady Slipper Drive - to place a one-family dwelling with attached two car garage - found.ation is 2 ft 2 short of required total of 30 ft: side setback: "'-" Represented by the builder, Mr~ Pliney Tucker~ 95' 1 1 '-.-- ~lr' mll~lr::>r c.'- ,,- 1 t" J" , 6,,'" f [' .L J",e ·.c>lJalJ(3(¡. '-Q¡·tG crus i1011Se \rras U70' inished when the surveying error was found by Leon Steves~ Many other lots in this Subdivision have same problern: Public Hearing Opened and Closed, \4'ith !10 GOilliletlG êrO(ll Public; Motion by Mr. Kelley, seconded by Mr~ Sicard, all voting affirrnati vely, it Irras RESOTJVED trriAtr Variance N'o~ 1070 be approved~ The practical difficulty seems to be a series of errors between the contractor and the Building Inspector's Office; The error was discovered when the house was 60% completed: Approved: VARI~NQ]:!1 NO. 1071 - Clifford i:fewell,F'rench:'"lountain Drive - to have a duplex dwelling in Rural Residential 3 Acre Zone: Represented by the owner, Clifford Nffwell: \........... Mr.' Turner asked if anyone was living in thi s apartrnent. TJIr. Newell stated his daughter 1 i ves there now but that she is considering moving to Wlorida: This house has been there since 1968. Both units are 2 bedrooms; The owner lives upstairs; He would like to rent the downstairs apartment~ 2 units a,re completely aeparate: Neighbors are not opposed. HOQse is painted every spring and is in excellent condition. Plibl:Lc j:learing Opened and Closed, with no comment from Public~ Motion by Mr~ Sicard, seconded by Mr: Behr, all voting ~ffirmatively, it was 1iESOTi\Ti~D r~:iA(i~ Variance !'Jo.' 1071 be approved ~ There seems to be a hardship~ no reasonable return. The house is existing as a duplex already. Stipulation will be that the Variance will be valid only as long as this applicant oÍ'ms the house ~ Neighborhood character not changed; A.pproved: '-..-' V A.B.I A.l'Wli1i'W ~ 1072 - ~Uchael A: Kaidas, 100 Quaker Road - to construct a warehouse for kitchen and bath firm in Highway Commercial/Single Fa:11ily Residential 10 Zones \rrith 50 ft; 12 ~¡, setback from rear property line~ ',-- Represented by the O1rrner, Michael Kaidas. Mr~ Kaidas stabed ~hqt to meet 50 ft: setback it (new building) would run into other building (existing)~ Mr: Behr stated that property is large enoilgh to aecolllrrloda be building without any boundary problems. Mrs~ Goetz as~ed if building could be rotated: Mr~ Kaidas stated that if he pushes the building 50 ft: to his westerly line he would create a spot that would eventually turn into a storage ;'3..1'e8.: Tlong discussion ensued on placement of building. Building to be wood pole barn with metal siding: Mr~ Kaidas stated if the building is si'tuated the way he proposes, it \rrould almost be hidc1an frorll site on quaker Road~ Public Hearing Opened and Closed, with no comment from Public: Warren County Planning Board approved: Queensbury Beautification Committee approved: Applicant h8.s agreed to plant shrubs or trees in the 50 ft~ buffer ,~one toward the residential Zone to the south of the propo~3e(1 ~ warehouse: This will screen out the building adequately ¡rrith varyi'1.g vTLl<l sehrllbs 8.ncl trees: fJIr: Kaidas agreed to ¡,his proposal: Motion by Mr~ Sicard; seconded by Mr: Turner, one negative vote (Mrs: Goetz); it was RESOLV1TID THN~ Variance :ifo. 1072 be approved: The hardship is that the single family residential zone property couldn't be use(l for anything else (lue to the configuration and the size of the property~ No negative neighborhood impaet. Approved: \,,~<þ }.\.. Variance No: 1073 - Hannaford Bros~ Co., south side QuaJcsr Road - to construct a 60,000 sq~ ft: retail grocery store wi th attendant parking and amenities in Highway Connnercial 15 /Li ght Industriall 1 A/Single Family Residential 10 ZOI18S. .~ Represented by Attorney Robert Stewart; Larry Platkin, Steve Culver an<i Freel Calo'1.e fc'olrl TIarli:1afot'<l -8t'os~; Bob TJever and Jeff Anthony from L: A~ Associates; Tom Perry from Cleveland Petersson (traffic experts): 13 77 Mr~ Platkin; Vice President, Corporate Development gave a ~ short background of Hannaford Bros~ Attorney Stewart gave a short overview of the proposal and 1.vhy the Variance was needed~ Attorney ste\!vart also tloted that the proposal concerning the tra:ffic\rras reviewed by '\It'. Fred Austin of the County High1fray Depar tlnent atld he eonCllrs with plans. Ingress and egress will be off Quaker Road. Quaker Roadvvill be vvidened and a traffic light 1,nlill be added approximately 400 ft~ west of the existing light at Quaker Road and Bay Street~ There will also be a smaller 'neans of ingress an<l egress on Bay Road~ Mrs; Goetz asked ~)out the length of the light at Quaker and Hay and how that would be affected by the ne\'" light. Attorney Stewart explained that the phasing of that light would be coordinated with the new light; Long discussion rollo\verl on fjhe ijraffic sitt1.ation~ A representative of Hannaford explained how the drainage vrotÙ (1 be handlel'J. ~ The main drainage 1rrill be handled by a 24 ë--t; ~ C Ill.. vert ~ ',--, Mr~ ~elley asked how many people would be employed by Hannaford ~ ìVJ:r: Platkin stated the number would be somewher e between 200 and 300. :,/[r: Turrrer asked if the store would be a 24 hour operation. Mr2 Platkin stated that since most stores in the area are Hannat'orrl also \ATOIJ.ld hebu.t that could change depending on circumstances~ Mr; Sicard asked what they propose to do with sewage. Mr; Bob Lever from L: A. Associates explained the entire sewage pl an ~ Public Hearing Opened~ Mr: Fred Pliafco, representative from USCI Div~ of Bard, ad j acent property O',vner to the southvTest 0 f proposed stor e stated they were in favor of the project but wanted to go on recor,l \"ith GvvO 'aajor cOY1cerns~ One concer ní!vas the drainage problem but after talking wi th the Hannaford ]~ngi neers they ar.e cornfortable with the proposal~ They ar e s ij ill V(~r~Y ;l1IJ.e h G,) nee[~ned í",i th the traffic pr oblem. Traffic was again discussed at length~ '",--, 14 12 Public Hearing Closed: '-' The Queensbury Planning Board c'eeol\1¡ae'1.ds approval of this Variance as it is a good use of land: Engineering input from our TOIrm Consul ting Engineer, Dic1{ 1\10rse, the dl>d,:la8.ge is being properly handled~ Traffic study seems adequate to control flow on Quaker and Bay as planned. Reeor11Hlen(i Die k Morse continue to be involved ';¡vith <lrainage plans unt-Ll final plans are produced to his satisfaction. '¡{arran County Plarming Board approved: Applieant l'epresented a com.mittrnent to be tota11y responsible to all neeeGsaryi..raprovements to highway as recommended by traffic j. rrlpae t ;3 t LvI] ~ Qileen<3bury Beautification Commi ttee approves~ Mr: Behr asked when the road would be widened and traffic light installec1= ~tr: Platldn stated I:; he storeÿvould not open until these projects are completed. Motion by Mr: Kelley, seconded by Mr: Griffini all voting a:: n (> 1118.1; i ve ly, it \Vas """- q8]S')TJV!~D T!IA.T Variance No ~ 1073 be approved . Criteria for Use Variance has òeen met~ Hardship is split zoning~ ReasoaaJÜe retur n 110t pO;3sible in si ngle family residential. This use fits ì..vhat Town\yas looking for when the Ordinance I,vas drafted: Not detrimental to the Ordinance. The approval of the Variance is based on the agreement that all highway Iyork' traffic light work, se\rrage treatrûc.mt and drainage, as outlined~ be completed before the store 02el1s: Sec 7:072-1 indicates 5~5 parking spaces for each 1,000 sq. ft~ of floor space or 330 par1dng spaeGs: rrhe a,greements made with the Queensbury Committee for Beautification will be follo1rred ~ Approved: T'10tion by itr-: Sie,tr{l~ sé.woncled ~oy 1\Ir~ Kelley, all voting affirmatively; it was RESOI,v:~D THAT the meeting ad journ; 12: 20 a~;n: "'- ~p~ ~