Staff Notes.07.17.2001 Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes Project Applicant: HELEN MITCHELL Application No.: Subdivision 1-2001 -Final Stage Project Location: Lockhart Mountain Road Zone: RR-5A,LC-10A SEQR Status: Unlisted Meeting Date: July 17, 2001 Project Description The applicant proposes a 1 lot subdivision for Final Stage review. The Board requested the five following items: 1. At submission of Final, delineate the cut zone, so forth, marked very clearly on the map, and 2. Submit a written cutting plan, and 3. Combine Lots 10 and 11,and 4. Plat S-1 will show that Lot 3 will not be further subdivided, and 5. It should be in the written plan, in words,that there will be no timber harvesting. The revised submission addresses the no-cut zone, a written clearing plan, combination of lots 10 and 11, no further subdivision of lot T3, and no timber harvesting. Plat Review • Lot arrangement: The number of lots has been reduced from 13 to 12. • Topography The plan indicates that 1.25 acres may be cleared per each lot. • Drainage: The Code Compliance Officer, according to Chapter 147 Stormwater Management of the Town Code, will review the applicant's stormwater management plan. • Future development: The plan indicates that lot 43 is not to be further subdivided. The lots are proposed for single family dwelling use. Suggestions The plat should include a revision date for the final stage_