Narative and Planning Standards1533 Crescent Road Clifton Park, NY 12065 Phone: 518.371.0799 mjelspc@mjels.com mjels.com New York, NY • Long Island, NY • Sewell, NJ • Melbourne, FL August 17, 2020 Project Narrative and Town of Queensbury Planning Standards Re: Hudson Headwaters Health Network – Columbia Street, South Western Ave, and Holden Avenue PROJECT NARRATIVE INTRODUCTION The proposed project, consisting of tax parcels 309.7-1-54,3 09.7-1-55, 309.7-1-58, 309.7-1-59, 309.7-1-60, and 309.7-1-61 sized at 2.38± ac, is located at 26, 28, 32 South Western Avenue, & 25, 27 Holden Avenue in the Town of Queensbury. The properties are all in ownership of Hudson Headwaters and will be combined into one parcel. Two existing residential buildings and associated driveways and structures at 35 & 37 Holden Avenue will be demolished and removed from site. The residential building at 26 South Western Avenue has already been removed prior. The medical office building will receive a parking expansion including 20 additional stalls and associated stormwater management. In addition, the lots surrounding the two remaining buildings are to be cleared and seeded. Zoning The parcels are zoned O (Office). Usage 28 South Western Avenue will continue to be used as medical office. Building & Operations The existing buildings are to remain undisturbed. The existing building to receive a parking lot extension is currently medical use of 5,620± sf. Water The existing building at 28 South Western has water service. Sewer The existing building at 28 South Western has sewer service. Stormwater The runoff from the expanded parking area at 28 South Western Ave will be directed to catch basin#1 which will connect to an existing infiltration basin that will then store runoff until it infiltrates. Variance/Setbacks No variance required. Parking Town code requires 1 space per 500 sf of medical facility (5,620 sf/ 500 = 11.24 spaces). 28 South Western Ave currently has 30 spaces, 20 spaces are proposed with parking lot extension. Hudson Headwaters Health Network August 17, 2020 Page 2 of 4 Planning Standards Standard A: The project is consistent with the policies of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. Standard B: The project is on a pre-existing conforming parcel and complies with all requirements of the site plan review standards. Standard C: The site plan encourages safe pedestrian activity internally but does not encourage pedestrian access to and from the site as it is not practicable based upon the location of the site and the surrounding uses. Standard D: The site plan does conform to Chapter 136 and Chapter 14 of the Town Code as well as other applicable local laws. Standard E: The intended use is in harmony with the general intent of this Chapter. The use or intensity is not changing in that general area. Standard F: The building is existing, and the use has not changed. The project will not create hazards of any kind to the public, or residents of the existing neighborhood. Traffic access and circulation, road intersections, road and driveway widths and traffic controls will be adequate as additional parking will ease traffic congestion. Standard G: Off-street parking will be adequate for the intended use with the proposed expansion of 20 spaces. The adjacent properties are to be undeveloped and are owned by the project applicant. Standard H: The use has no adverse impact upon any Town resources. Standard I: The site plan encourages safe pedestrian activity internally but does not encourage pedestrian access to and from the site as it is not practicable based upon the location of the site and the surrounding uses. Standard J: The design intent of the Stormwater Design Manual was used. The stormwater runoff from the additional pavement will be directed to an existing infiltration basin, which has been sized for up to a 100 year storm event. The proposed design will not affect drainage on adjacent properties or public roads. Standard K: The water supply and sewage disposal will remain untouched and in conformance. Standard L: Existing vegetation is to be removed in the area and will be properly seeded. Proposed landscaping includes providing shade at the proposed parking lot extension. Standard M: There are no fire lanes, emergency zone or fire hydrants required for this project. Standard N: The design of the existing structure and roadways do conform to the requirement of Chapter 147 of the Town Code. Standard O: The existing site as designed and constructed complies with all design standards and requirements of this Chapter. Hudson Headwaters Health Network August 17, 2020 Page 3 of 4 Photo Log Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Hudson Headwaters Health Network August 17, 2020 Page 4 of 4 Picture 5 Picture 7 Picture 6 Picture 8 THE ALTERATION OF THIS MATERIAL INANY WAY, UNLESS DONE UNDER THEDIRECTION OF A COMPARABLEPROFESSIONAL, (I.E.) ARCHITECT FORAN ARCHITECT, ENGINEER FOR ANENGINEER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTFOR A LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, IS AVIOLATION OF THE NEW YORK STATEEDUCATION LAW AND/OR REGULATIONSAND IS A CLASS "A" MISDEMEANOR.SEALDATENo.DESCRIPTIONSUBMITTAL / REVISIONSPROJ. MANAGER:REVIEWED BY:CHIEF DESIGNER:BYDATEDESIGNED BY:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:DATE:MJ PROJ. No.:CONTRACT No.:SCALE:1533 Crescent Road - Clifton Park, NY 12065Engineering andLand Surveying, P.C.-972.48AUGUST 2020JWEJWEJWEJWE-28 SOUTH WESTERN AVENEW YORKTOWN OF QUEENSBURYHUDSON HEADWATERSFIG. 1PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPICTURE LOG1" = 20'SHEET 1 OF 1010'20'20'