Staff Notes 9/15/2020
Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Community Development Department Staff Notes
September 15, 2020
3 Glen Hall Road / WR – Waterfront Residential / Ward 1
Material Review: application, site drawing
Parcel History:SP 14-2018, AV 8-2018 sf home
Requested Action
Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals to maintain 617 sq ft. of hard surface in the driveway area. In
addition, there is 107 sq. ft. of new concrete sidewalk with retaining wall for the parking area of the home.
1. Recommendation
Project Description
Applicant requests to maintain 617 sp. Ft. of hard surface in the driveway area. In addition, there is 107 sq. ft.
of new concrete sidewalk with retaining wall for the parking area of the home. The parcel was part of previous
approvals for a new home construction and associated site work for area variance and site plan (1,494 sq. ft.
footprint and 2,035 sq. ft. floor area). Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 and 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance
Site Plan Modification to an approved site plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Relief is sought for permeability. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning
Board of Appeals.
Staff Comments
Location-The project site is located at 3 Glen Hall Drive that is a 0.21 ac parcel.
Arrangement- The project site has a recently completed home construction and associated site work.
Building – The existing home with a footprint of 1,494 sq ft (34X30 main home, 8x3 front porch, 15x30
deck) and a floor area of 2064
Site conditions-The applicant has explained additional hard surfacing was installed on the site and has
reduced the site permeability. The new hard surfacing includes 226 sq ft of permeable pavers at the front of
the home (roadside), and 391 sq ft of asphalt. Approved on the site was 650 sq ft of permeable pavers in
the driveway area and 1220 sq ft of asphalt. The approved plan had an original a 3 tier retaining wall and
lawn areas that has been replaced with concrete walkways of 107 sq ft and landscaping rock with some
terraced lawn area.
Grading and drainage plan, Sediment and erosion control-The applicant has indicated the new landscape
rock, additional permeable patio area will assist the existing parcel and neighboring parcels with stormwater
runoff. In addition, the applicant has installed the drywell in the road area.
Landscape plan-The plans indicated an area of ground cover plantings have been installed the length of the
shoreline other than the dock access. Below are the guidelines from the shoreline buffer code section
Shoreline Buffer - Section 179-8-040
-Minimum width 20 ft (Glen Lake)
-For every 700 sqft of shoreline buffer area –one large tree minimum 3 inches in diameter
-For every 350 sq ft of ground cover -7 – 24 in native shrubs; 14 herbaceous plants
Project site
-63 ft of shoreline per survey
-Shoreline buffer 63 ft X 20 ft width is 1260 sq ft
-Shoreline buffer area -1260 /700 = 1.8 round up to 2 –two large trees at 3inch diameter
-Ground cover -1260/350 =3.6 round up to 4 (X7) =28 native shrubs and 4 (X14) herbaceous plants=56
Utility details-There are no changes to the well or septic system.
Elevations-There are no changes to the home elevations.
Floor plans-There are no changes to the floor plans of the home.
Waivers-Planning staff has reviewed the applicants request for waivers that include items g. site lighting, h.
signage, j. stormwater, k. topography, l. landscaping, n traffic, o. commercial alterations/ construction
details, p floor plans, q. soil logs, r. construction/demolition disposal s. snow removal.
The waivers requested–Staff finds it reasonable to request a waiver for these items as they have been
addressed in the Site plan approval of SP 14-2018 and AV 8-2018 and the project is being reviewed for
hard-surfacing in the driveway area.
Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the
written request of an applicant. The Board is to review the waivers and to determine if they are to be
Nature of Variance
The applicant requests to maintain the new hard surfacing on the site where 63.1% permeable is proposed and
previously approved was 69.5% required is 75%.
The Planning Board is to provide a recommendation to the ZBA in regards to the relief requested for
Meeting History: 1 Meeting
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