Debriefing Notes for 9/15/2020 PLANNING BOARD DEBRIEFING NOTES September 15, 2020 Members Present- Traver, Hunsinger, Magowan, Shafer, White,Deeb, Valentine Alternate Members Present: Alternate Members Absent- Dixon,Jackoski, Administrative Item: Recommendation to the Queensbury Town Board for adoption of Local Law 7:02-7:03 to amend Queensbury Town Code to Establish Renewable nd Energy Systems and Facilities Regulations.- Moved to September 22meeting. SP 54-2019GREAT ESCAPE PROPERTIES, 1172 STATE 97:04 Ward 2. Applicant proposes stream bank stabilization for the Swan Boat Ride on Glen Lake Brook. The project is to occur in three phases over 1,100 ft. of the brook. Phase I is to include about 80 ft. of the brook with new plantings, grading stabilization methods for the bank. Phase II will be similar to Phase I and will complete the remaining portion of the brook on both the north and south sides. Phase III includes the dredging of the brook for the Swan Boat ride. Only Phase I to be completed for this site plan. . Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-050 of the Zoning Ordinance, shoreline work shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. [[2202,1185,2449,1242][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]Applicant [[150,1243,804,1300][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]requests a one year extension o [[770,1243,1036,1300][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]f approval. Status: Applicant was granted a one year extension. Extension granted 7-0. SP 59-2019MARK POSNIEWSKI, 93 MAIN STREET7:05 Ward 4. Applicant proposes to maintain cleared trees and to bring in fill, level land, seed and plant trees. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-020 of the Zoning Ordinancesite preparation shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Application approved with condition for six foot high stockade fence be installed from the being of Mansour’s home for a length of the Pizza Hut Fence estimated 160 ft. [[1946,1645,2213,1702][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]Applicant r [[2183,1645,2450,1702][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]equests an [[150,1703,659,1760][12][,I,][Times New Roman]]extension to June 2021. Status: Applicant was granted an extension to June of 2021. Extension granted 7-0. Planning Board Recommendations: SP 41-2020WILLIAM & KATHLEEN BOSY, 53 Assembly Pt. Rd.7:06-7:28 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to demo existing home of 2,537.3 sq. ft. FAR and to construct a new home of 3,065.3 sq. ft. FAR. The project includes construction of a 384 sq. ft. detached garage, installation of new lawn area, patio areas and driveway. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040, 179-6-065, 179-6-050 & 179-8-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, new floor area in a CEA, hard surfacing within 50 ft. of shoreline and shoreline buffers shall Variance: be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Relief is sought for FAR, setbacks and permeability. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Status: Planning Board recommended to the ZBA with concerns of the Floor area request and understood it was for accessibility. Recommended5-2. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the board on September 22,2020 pending ZBA decision of September 16,2020 SPDES: N Unapproved Development: SP (M) 35-2020SHERWOOD ACRES CONSTRUCTION, 3 Glen Hall Rd.7:29-7:41 Ward 1. Applicant requests to maintain 617 sp. Ft. of hard surface in the driveway area. In addition, there is 107 sq. ft. of new concrete sidewalk with retaining wall for the parking area of the home. The parcel was part of previous approvals for a new home construction and associated site work for area variance and site plan (1,019 sq. ft. footprint and 2,035 sq. ft. floor area). Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 and 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance Site Plan Modification to an approved site plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and Variance: approval. Relief is sought for permeability. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Status: Planning Board recommended to the ZBA no significant adverse impacts with the current project proposal. Recommended 7-0. Applicant to appear before the board on September 22,2020 pending ZBA decision of September 16,2020 SPDES: N Old Business: SP 30-2020GARY HIGLEY, 23 Jay Road7:42-7:47 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to construct a 590 sq. ft. garage addition to an existing home with 3,026 sq. ft. with a floor area of 4,189 sq. ft. –proposed floor area 4,306 sq. ft. Project includes removal of a 473 sq. ft. metal building. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & 179-6-065 of the Zoning Ordinance, New floor area in a CEA shall be subject to PlanningBoard review and approval. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up:. Applicant to submit final plans for the Zoning Administratorto sign SPDES:N SUB (F) 12-2020CLEAR BROOK, LLC, Big Boom Road7:48-7:54 Ward 4. Applicant proposes to complete the Clear Brook 12 lot subdivision with a two lot subdivision of 83.62 acre lot into Lot 13 to be 5.02 acre for residential home and Lot 14 to be 78.6 acres to remain undeveloped at this time. Site work to include connection to Town water for Lot 13. Associated site work includes clearing for driveway, home and septic. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up:. Applicant to submit final plans for signature SPDES: Y SP 37-2020CKT ENTERPRISES, LLC, 11 Lafayette Street7:55-8:25 Ward 2. Applicant proposes to enclose the existing 2,627 sq. ft. pole barn building with a 436 sq. ft. addition for overhead doors for a storage building. The project also requests to maintain a buffer of an open fence and lawn area between the commercial use and residential use where a 50 ft. buffer is required. Pursuant toChapter 179-3-040 & 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance new commercial construction and modifications to an approved site plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved with condition to install an additional split rail fence along the adjoining neighbors propertyif agreed upon by the neighbor final plans will reflect the fence if it is agreed.Approved 7-0. Follow Up:. Applicant to submit final plans for the Zoning Administratorto sign SPDES:N Renewable Energy Regulations8:26-8:34 nd Further discussion on September 22. Adjourn:8:35