Staff Notes 9/22/2020
Town of Queensbury Planning Board
Community Development Department Staff Notes
September 22, 2020
Corner Corinth Rd. & Carey Rd. / CLI – Commercial Light Industrial / Ward 4
Material Review: application, site plan drawings, survey map, stormwater pollution prevention plan, water
and sewer report.
Parcel History:Northern Distributing SUB
Requested Action
Planning Board review and approval to construct an 18,200 sq. ft. medical office building including an imaging
center. The lot is located in the Carey Industrial Park and is a corner lot.
1. PB decision
Project Description
Applicant proposes to construct an 18,200 sq. ft. medical office building including an imaging center. The lot is
located in the Carey Industrial Park and is a corner lot. Access to the site will be from Carey Road but will have
frontage on Carey and Corinth Roads. The building has the imaging center of 15,000 sq. ft. and then 3,200 sq.
ft. area for a future tenant. Site work includes installation of parking area, landscaping, stormwater
management and lighting. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, new commercial
construction shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Staff Comments
Location-The project site is noted as Lot 20 of the Northern Distributing Subdivision and is bordered by
Carey Road to the West and Corinth Road to the North. The parcel is 2.87 acres.
Arrangement- The new building to be constructed will have access from Carey Road.
Site Design- The plans show the location of a18,200 sq medical building to be constructed with site work to
include stormwater management
Building – The building is to be 18,200 sq ft
Site conditions-The 2.0 ac site is to be disturbed for the site work.
Traffic- The plans indicate there is to be 95 parking spaces where 61 spaces are required. Staff would
encourage discussion in regards to bus service ie is there adequate area for pick up and drop off.
Grading and drainage plan, Sediment and erosion control-The plans show the grading for the entire site
including placement of silt fence. Stormwater on the site is also shown for the site with infiltration basins
and a portion of the parking area to be porous pavement.
Landscape plan-The landscaping plan shows several trees, shrubs grasses and perennials surrounding the
site. Confirmation they are native species to be installed. In addition there are areas of river stone to be
installed on the site.
Site lighting plan-The plans show there is mixture of pole lights, bollard, and wall lights. The average for
the site and parking area should be provided. Guidance from the code indicates this is a small office less
than 20,000 sq ft so the average footcandle should be about 1.0, building entrances at 5, building exteriors at
Utility details-The applicant has provided a sewer and water report. The plans is to connect to the municipal
water and sewer.
Signage-The signage information indicates the free standing sign location is to be 25 ft from Corinth Road
and is to be a monument sign. The plans do not indicate the setback to Carey Road and the content of the
sign or if internally illuminated. The wall sign is shown on the architectural rendition but no dimensions or
sign details have been provided.
Elevations-The elevations show the heights of the building components and the color scheme of the
building. The colors include a cream, bronze, tan, grey/blue, grey stone veneer.
Floor plans-The floor plans show the layout of the rooms in the building and includes the future lease space.
Waivers-No waivers has been requested.
Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the
written request of an applicant. The Board is to review the waivers and to determine if they are to be
The applicant has completed a site plan application for the construction of a new medical building of 18,200 sq
ft and associated site work for parking, stormwater, landscaping and lighting. The board may request additional
information on lighting and signage.
Meeting History: 1 Meeting
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